Version error trying to use custom scenario from GitHub - azure-ad-b2c

I am taking this one straight from the repo.
I am using this scenario Azure Samples and when I try to upload the base I get the following error (cut for brevity):
The specified page contract 'urn:com:microsoft:aad:b2c:elements:contract:unifiedssp' has invalid version '2.0.0'. The available versions are: '["1.0.0","1.1.0","1.2.0"]'.
Any thoughts on this?

The current available versions for page layout are ["1.0.0","1.1.0","1.2.0"]. You can find the version change log here.
Try to change the version from 2.0.0 to the available version in PasswordlessEmailAndPhoneBase.xml file.


Unable to initialize Hybris 2205

I'm trying to initialize local Hybris 2205.3 version and getting following error -
ERROR [hybrisHTTP27] [HacInitUpdateFacade] Failed to initialize
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Property 'http://javax.xml.XMLConstants/property/accessExternalSchema' is not recognized.
Using Oracle JDK Initialization triggered from HAC.
I've tried adding following property to tomcat.generaloptions also which didn't help -
Any pointers to fix this? Or need more information?
It could be that one of the custom jar is older version and conflicting with oob. In one of our project we faced a similar issue and found that xerces.jar version in custom code was of lower version.
Both the jars I.e in oob and custom there was xmlconstant class but lower version jar used in custom code didn't have accessExternalSchema as class variable and was being picked up by system on startup because of conflict.
Oracle JDK not supported anymore, you need to try with SapMachine 17.0.
Whole system requirements by version is here.
We resolved the issue with Oracle JDK 17 only. We faced the same issue while upgrade from 2105 to 2211. This is due to jar dependency. We tried with the above given solution but it didn't work for us. We researched more and found the issue with dependency with xerces which caused conflict. We also found there is "xerces-2.12-orbeon' xerces-2.12-orbeon in OOTB. We did two things to resolve the issue
we updated classpath with xerces-2.12-orbeon( OOTB jar) in out custom code
We need to modify few code base as we were using xerces for Base64 encrytion and decryption for SSO
Please let me know if you have any questions, I will try my best to respond in time.
Abhijit Das
Please find the link here:

Get the latest version of a node package in Nexus

We are working on a Node and Angular 5 project in which we are using Nexus as a repository of our application. This application is transpiled, packaged and uploaded to the Nexus repository. Then we have created a pipe in Jenkins that downloads the latest version of the application from Nexus and executes it. But now we are having a problem. There is no call to the Nexus API to return the path to the latest version of a node package (generated by npm publish).
The call we are making is the following:
But it has a problem: this call only returns the first 50 versions. If you already have more than 50 versions of the application in the repository, it does not return the last ones.
So I was wondering would you know any way to extend this limit of 50 versions? Or better yet, do you know how to get the latest version directly? Something like this (this example doesn't work in Node, but it does work in Maven):
Thanks and best regards.
Support for "latest" download via REST was added to NXRM3 in version 3.16.0. See the JIRA ticket for more information.
An example of provided on the release blog but probably will depend on your repository, format and what you're trying to fetch. There is also a Swagger UI provided for REST in NXRM3 that can be used to form your own statements. It can be accessed in the administration section under System -> API. Sonatype's REST documentation may also help.
Api document: {nexus_url}/service/rest/swagger.json
GET {nexus_url}/service/rest/v1/search?name=project-name&sort=version

Java API for KML / gx:Track

I've been trying to figure out how to create a gx:Track with the current version of the Java API for KML. Even though JAK claims to support the latest 2.2 extensions, the kml22gx.xsd that is packaged with the source code does not match the actual latest.
Can someone detail the build process for taking new XSD's and generating a new jak?
I got the jar from someone on Google Groups, here it is:
(PS I may have made some little changes)

Unable to load requested field type file: ft.relationship.php. after updating

I upgraded my Expression Engine installation to 2.7.3 (from 2.3.1). But after upgrading I get an error when trying to view the site.
Unable to load requested field type file: ft.relationship.php.
Confirm the fieldtype file is located in the expressionengine/third_party/ directory
I can see that there is a expressionengine/fieldtypes/relationship/ft.relationship.php and if I go to the admin page I see a field type as being installed there (As “Relationships Version 1.0”).
Why is EE giving me an error at that point?
Per the EE 2.7.3 docs found here:
Changed in version 2.6: Relationships was completely rewritten for this version, adding the ability to create multiple relationships for each entry and introducing a friendly new tag syntax. The template tags described here are not compatible with previous versions.
The foundation of Relationships is very different in the new version, so I would guess that you need an update to which ever third party add-on you're using.

Where is the Azure Storage library changelog?

I'm using the official nuget package of Windows Azure Storage Client Library to retrieve items of my Azure tables.
Recently I updated the package from version to and my app stopped working because the results returned by my storage query are different with the new version.
I'm looking for the library changelog in order to understand how to fix the issue.
Do you know where can I find it ?
The link provided on the nuget page seems to be outdated (it's a changelog between 1.x and 2.x, not between 2.0.2 and 2.0.5 !). Also, the Windows Azure Storage team's blog is not updated.
Please refer to the changelog.txt that is always updated with the respective source code changes.
The changelog is always up to date at
