Get the latest version of a node package in Nexus - node.js

We are working on a Node and Angular 5 project in which we are using Nexus as a repository of our application. This application is transpiled, packaged and uploaded to the Nexus repository. Then we have created a pipe in Jenkins that downloads the latest version of the application from Nexus and executes it. But now we are having a problem. There is no call to the Nexus API to return the path to the latest version of a node package (generated by npm publish).
The call we are making is the following:
But it has a problem: this call only returns the first 50 versions. If you already have more than 50 versions of the application in the repository, it does not return the last ones.
So I was wondering would you know any way to extend this limit of 50 versions? Or better yet, do you know how to get the latest version directly? Something like this (this example doesn't work in Node, but it does work in Maven):
Thanks and best regards.

Support for "latest" download via REST was added to NXRM3 in version 3.16.0. See the JIRA ticket for more information.
An example of provided on the release blog but probably will depend on your repository, format and what you're trying to fetch. There is also a Swagger UI provided for REST in NXRM3 that can be used to form your own statements. It can be accessed in the administration section under System -> API. Sonatype's REST documentation may also help.

Api document: {nexus_url}/service/rest/swagger.json
GET {nexus_url}/service/rest/v1/search?name=project-name&sort=version


Could i use differents node versions between my project and specific library?

i will try to give you a little of context.
With my team we are trying to migrate MUI v3 to v4 in a reactJs project. We did it with the project itself and it works! but, some kind of problems came up when we navigated to certain windows that use a certain library to work.
This library was developed by other guy that is not in the company anymore and we are not in touch neither, but, we have access to the library GitHub repository, them are two actually.
i've never had to do this so, i decided to clone the project then install the dependencies and run it.
I'm using nvm so in that moment i was working with node v12 and i got some errors when i executed the npm start ("start": "webpack --watch").
If i use node 10 the scrips runs perfectly but in the entire project we are using node 12 so i'm not sure what is the problem here.
i'm wonder if it could be a problem when i'll try to migrate from MUI v1 to v4 and use the modified library into my project again, or in first place, why its working rigth now?
Anyway i just wanted to know, just if i need it, Could i use different versions of node in a library and then use other newer version into the entire project?
Could this make some negatives effect into my entire project?
Which is the best way to migrate MUI into this library and put it in my project again?
Each nodejs process (including all the modules/libraries it loads) has exactly one version of nodejs running. It isn't possible to have two separate versions of nodejs in the same process each running different parts of the code.
You could make two separate nodejs apps that each run under a different version of nodejs that communicate with each other via some interprocess communication, but they have to be two separate applications/processes.
If you want to run everything in one process (on one version of nodejs), then you will need to test and fix all your libraries to run on that one version of nodejs.

Frontend users with Bolt 4

I moved to Bolt 4 (from Bolt 3.7) and would like to implement front-end user to give them access to private contents of the website. Previously, I used the extension BoltAuth/Auth, which worked like a charm.
Now in Bolt 4, there is no easy way like in Bolt 3.x to install an extension from the back-end page. I found out I could use composer to do so, but I run in the following problem:
> composer require "boltauth/auth:3.0.1"
Could not find a matching version of package boltauth/auth. Check the package
spelling, your version constraint and that the package is available in a stability
which matches your minimum-stability (stable).
Either I do something wrong, or the extension is not compatible with Bolt 4.1.
Could someone tell me if there is a way to make this extension work? Or alternatives for front-end user management?
EDIT: I'm now using the bolt/users extension as it can be used to add a ROLE_MEMBERS and let users login for the frontend.
Yes, unfortunately the architecture for plugins (mainly driven by the move from Silex to Symfony) changed completely between 3.x and 4.x and it's not really feasible to release new 4.x compatible versions.
So for now there won't likely be updates to BoltAuth. It may be worth joining the Slack community and seeing if any other developers are working on 4.x compatible solutions to the client login scenarios.

Version error trying to use custom scenario from GitHub

I am taking this one straight from the repo.
I am using this scenario Azure Samples and when I try to upload the base I get the following error (cut for brevity):
The specified page contract 'urn:com:microsoft:aad:b2c:elements:contract:unifiedssp' has invalid version '2.0.0'. The available versions are: '["1.0.0","1.1.0","1.2.0"]'.
Any thoughts on this?
The current available versions for page layout are ["1.0.0","1.1.0","1.2.0"]. You can find the version change log here.
Try to change the version from 2.0.0 to the available version in PasswordlessEmailAndPhoneBase.xml file.

Node global npm package, keeping up to date

I have published a global node package via npm to generate boilerplate templates for projects at my company.
I would like to compare the current version with the latest published in order to exit the process if it’s not the latest.
What node libraries would you recommend to check for the latest version.
Is there a way to auto update the global package if a new version is detected.
Remember this is an internal tool for my company so It’s critical they are creating projects with the latest templates and I’d like them to be able to update as automatically or easily as possible
Personal Suggestion
Instead of forcing the user to upgrade, another option is to publish your templates (as zip) on remote static server (e.g. S3). In such case, you can often update the zip to the latest template without upgrading the template generator.
generate-template angularjs-template:latest
generate-template angularjs-template:4.3
Answering Your Questions
What node libraries would you recommend to check for the latest version.
I am not sure if there is a library for this. However, you can build one very easily.
Create a JSON file which contains the package information (e.g. latest stable version, deprecation message, etc.).
Upload the JSON file to a remote static server.
Whenever the user runs your program, download the JSON file and check against the current package.json.
Show a deprecation warning if the user should upgrade.
process.exit() the application if the user must upgrade.
Is there a way to auto update the global package if a new version is detected.
I think it is better to leave the control to the user, because there could be some reasons why he doesn't prefer upgrade. For example, if the user has a bunch of projects started 10 months ago, he might want to use the same template for newer projects.
But if you really want to automate it, you might use the following code (not tested).
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
const pkg = require('./package.json')
execSync(`npm update -g ${}`)

How do I edit a Meteor package from Atmosphere that's not on GitHub?

I have some Twitter functionality I'm working on and I want to use "Application-Only Authentication" which only needs my Twitter application credentials to just perform GETS in my app (e.g. random tweet searches based on user inputted tags, etc. - no actual user posting.)
Twitter supports this but most of the Twitter packages on Atmosphere and NPM do not. They force you to pass both application credentials and OAuth tokens, if you don't, your requests come back invalid. The most popular Meteor Twitter API package called mrt:twit actually wraps the NPM package ttezel/twit which actually implements Application-Only Authentication correctly, however the wrapper package for Meteor mrt:twit forces you to use Full Authentication requiring the user's OAuth tokens which I don't want or need to use. So I'd like to edit mrt:twit to properly follow ttezel/twit's interface.
However, the mrt:twit package is not on GitHub. How do I figure out where this lives and/or if I can access it locally and modify it and/or find some repository online for where it lives? Atmosphere doesn't offer much help providing no links from where this package is actually downloading?
Link for mrt:twit:
Link for ttezel/twit:
EDIT: I'm using Meteor I was able to find where mrt:twit is locally. It's at:
After investigating, it's not that mrt:twit doesn't "implement" ttezel/twit's interface correctly, it's that mrt:twit is using/requiring an old version of ttezel/twit, version 1.1.9 instead of the current 2.1.0. That old version of ttezel/twit doesn't support the "application-only" authorization - I can see it in the code. Hence my above original issue. ttezel/twit downloads to the following folder:
Inside the above folder I see the full .git package for ttezel/twit but it's version 1.1.9. So I assume I could just replace this folder with the latest 2.1.0 version of ttezel/twit but I don't think you're supposed to have to mess with anything inside of an node_modules folder right? Shouldn't there be a config file somewhere to edit?
For the life of me I can't find where mrt:twit is declaring to use version 1.1.9. In all the code it just calls Npm.require('twit'). There's no config file I can find that sets the version to 1.1.9. The only thing I found is a file at the second path above sitting next to the twit folder called .node_version and all it has in it is v0.10.20 which is a version of Node to use I assume. That wouldn't "force" whatever package versions were out at that time would it? If so, then that's probably what is setting ttezel/twit to use 1.1.9.
My original post question still exists though, where can I find mrt:twit on a server so I can fork it/edit it and not have to edit the code locally?
I emailed the creators of Atmosphere ( and Tom was really helpful and pointed me to where mrt:twit lives on GitHub. It's on the old 1.0 atmosphere:
And that page points to the actual GitHub location which is:
So the above link is from where the current mrt:twit package downloads into your Meteor app if you add it to your app (as of this writing). Once I found that I could easily see in the package.js file it declares Npm.depends({twit: "1.1.9"}). On a side note: It would be nice if the current version of Atmosphere pointed you to the GitHub location of older/legacy packages how it does the new packages.
So I was able to fork this and update the package to use version 2.1.0 of ttezel/twit. I made a pull request for mrt:twit so hopefully the author updates it - as this is the number one Twitter API package for Meteor with 1,200 downloads. Seemed better to update it than to publish my own version.
Until then, I made a local package following the below link and everything is working great - including application-only authentication. Thanks for the comments - they were helpful. I'm still pretty new at Meteor and how the packaging system works.
If you want to access the updated package I made it's at the below link but it's not a published meteor package - so you'll have to download it and use it locally:
You should check .meteor/local/* folders.
I have a lot of packages files in .meteor/local/build/programs/server/packages
I'm afraid it's all compiled but you can grab some code you need and make your own package.
