func :: Maybe(Int) -> Maybe(Int) - haskell

I've done some research but couldn't find anything. I don't understand how a function like this works:
func :: Maybe (Int) -> Maybe (Int)
How am I supposed to do the pattern matching? I've tried this but it didn't work:
func Just a = Just a | otherwise = Nothing
func Nothing = Just Nothing | otherwise = Nothing
How can I make this work?
Error message:
exercises6.hs:83:22: error: parse error on input ‘|’
83 | func Just a = Just a | otherwise = Nothing
| ^

You pattern match on the two possible cases. A Maybe a has two data constructors: a Nothing, and a Just … with … the value it wraps. There is no | otherwise part when you do pattern matching. The pipe character (|) is used for guards [lyah].
So you can for example increment the value in a Just with:
func :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
func (Just x) = Just (x+1)
func Nothing = Nothing
The brackets around Just x are required here, as #chepner says. Otherwise it will be parsed as if Just is the first parameter, and x is a second parameter.
Since Maybe is an instance of the Functor typeclass, you can make use of fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b here:
func :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
func = fmap (1+)


Simulating non-deterministic choice through the List Monad

I'm trying to write an evaluation function for a language that I am working on in which non-determinism can be permitted within an if-block, called a selection block. What I'm trying to achieve is the ability to pick an if/selection statement from the block whose guard is true and evaluate it but it doesn't matter which one I pick.
From searching, I found an example that performs in a similar way to what I would like to achieve through modelling coinflips. Below is my adapation of it but I'm having issue in applying this logic to my problem.
import Control.Monad
data BranchType = Valid | Invalid deriving (Show)
data Branch = If (Bool, Integer) deriving (Show, Eq)
f Valid = [If (True, 1)]
f Invalid = [If (False, 0)]
pick = [Invalid, Invalid, Valid, Invalid, Valid]
experiment = do
b <- pick
r <- f b
guard $ fstB r
return r
s = take 1 experiment
fstB :: Branch -> Bool
fstB (If (cond, int)) = cond
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ show $ s -- shows first branch which could be taken.
Below is my ADT and what I have been trying to make work:
data HStatement
= Eval HVal
| Print HVal
| Skip String
| Do HVal [HStatement]
| If (HVal, [HStatement])
| IfBlock [HStatement] -- made up of many If
| Select [HStatement] -- made up of many If
deriving (Eq, Read)
fstIf :: HStatement -> Bool
fstIf (If (cond, body)) = if hval2bool cond == True
then True
else False
h :: Env -> HStatement -> IOThrowsError ()
h env sb = do
x <- g env sb
guard $ fstIf x -- Couldn't match expected type ‘HStatement’ with actual type ‘[HStatement]’
-- after guard, take 1 x then evaluate
g :: Env -> HStatement -> IOThrowsError [HStatement]
g env (Select sb) = mapM (\x -> f env x) sb
f :: Env -> HStatement -> IOThrowsError HStatement
f env (If (cond, body)) = evalHVal env cond >>= \x -> case x of
Bool True -> return $ If (Bool True, body)
Bool False -> return $ If (Bool False, body)
The error I receive is the following : Couldn't match expected type ‘HStatement’ with actual type ‘[HStatement]’ at the guard line. I believe the reason as to why the first section of code was successful was because the values were being drawn from List but in the second case although they're being drawn from a list, they're being drawn from a [HStatement], not something that just represents a list...if that makes any sort of sense, I feel like I'm missing the vocabulary.
In essence then what should occur is given a selection block of n statement, a subset of these are produced whose guards are true and only one statement is taken from it.
The error message is pretty clear now that you have some types written down. g returns IOThrowsError [HStatement], so when you bind its result to x in h, you have an [HStatement]. You then call fstIf, which expects a single HStatement, not a list. You need to decide how to handle the multiple results from g.

Writing an assembler in Haskell - mapM with state?

I'm writing a very simple two-pass assembler in Haskell and I've come across a scenario that I don't yet have the experience to solve. I think the solution is likely to involve monad transformers, which I don't really understand.
The assembler parses the assembly code into a list of Statements, which are either instructions or labels. Some Statements may refer to labels. The assembler needs to convert the Statements into Instructions, which involves eliminating the labels and substituting the label references with an appropriate value.
I have written the first pass of the assembler, which produces a [(String, Int)] representing a map from labels to addresses. I have also written the following function for translating a Statement into an Instruction:
stmtToInstruction :: Int -> [(String, Int)] -> Statement -> Either String [I.Instruction]
stmtToInstruction addr labels stmt = case stmt of
ADD d s1 s2 -> Right [I.ADD d s1 s2]
BEQL s1 s2 l -> case do label <- find (\e -> fst e == l) labels
let labelAddr = snd label
let relativeAddr = I.ImmS $ fromIntegral (labelAddr - addr)
return (I.BEQ s1 s2 relativeAddr) of
Just i -> Right [i]
Nothing -> Left $ "Label " ++ l ++ " not defined"
LABEL _ -> Right []
I've omitted several cases for brevity, but you can see all the possible results here:
ADD always succeeds and produces an instruction
BEQL can either succeed or fail, depending on whether a label is found
LABEL always succeeds, even though it produces no actual instructions
This works as expected. The problem I now have is writing this function:
replaceLabels :: [Statement] -> Either String [I.Instruction]
replaceLabels takes a list of statements, and runs stmtToInstruction on each one. The addr argument to stmtToInstruction must be the length of the [Instruction] accumulated so far. The output may either be a Left String, if one of the label references was invalid, or a Right [I.Instruction], if there were no errors.
mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b] gets us some of the way there, but provides no way to inject the current address into the (a -> m b) function. How do I make this work?
You're right: the StateT monad transformer will do the trick:
imapM :: (Traversable t, Monad m)
=> (Int -> a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
imapM f = flip runStateT 0 .
mapM (\a ->
count <- get
put $! count + 1
f count a)
But writing the specialized version for lists might be better:
itraverse :: Applicative f
=> (Int -> a -> f b) -> [a] -> f [b]
itraverse f = go 0 where
go !_ [] = pure []
go !count (x:xs) = (:) <$> f count x <*> go (count + 1) xs
I've implemented a recursive solution that I'm sure is very inefficient. I'd still be interested to see the 'proper' way of doing this.
replaceLabels :: [Statement] -> Either String [I.Instruction]
replaceLabels [] = Right []
replaceLabels stmts#(s:ss) = replaceLabels' labels stmts 0
where labels = process stmts
replaceLabels' :: [(String, Int)] -> [Statement] -> Int -> Either String [I.Instruction]
replaceLabels' _ [] _ = Right []
replaceLabels' labels (s:ss) addr = do
instructions <- stmtToInstruction addr labels s
restInstructions <- replaceLabels' labels ss (addr + length instructions)
return (instructions ++ restInstructions)
I would start by changing
stmtToInstruction :: Int -> [(String, Int)] -> Statement -> Either String [I.Instruction]
stmtToInstruction :: [(String, Int)] -> Statement -> Either String (Int -> [I.Instruction])
That is, moving the function that takes the address into the Right branch of the Either. The reason is that label reference errors seem to be independent of addresses, so it's better to handle reference errors first and then worry about the address stuff in isolation.
This function resolves the references:
resolveRefs :: [(String,Int)] -> [Statement] -> Either String [Int -> [Instruction]]
resolveRefs environment = traverse (stmtToInstruction environment)
(traverse is equivalent to mapM but it only requires an Applicative constraint. They are different functions merely for historical reasons.)
Ok, after having handled the errors, lets now focus on the [Int -> [Instruction]] list. It seems that we have to map over it from the left while carrying an accumulated address that we must supply to each function. The mapAccumL function is perfect for this:
resolveAddrs :: [Int -> [Instruction]] -> [Instruction]
resolveAddrs funcs = mconcat . snd $ accumulate funcs
accumulate :: [Int -> [Instruction]] -> (Int,[[Instruction]])
accumulate = mapAccumL step 0
step address func = let is = func address in (address + length is,is)

Haskell - guard inside case statement

I am going through Learn you a haskell book, and in Chapter 8 there is a snippet of code which looks like this
data LockerState = Taken | Free deriving (Eq, Show)
type Code = String
type LockerMap = Map.Map Int (LockerState, Code)
lookup' :: Int -> LockerMap -> Either String Code
lookup' num_ map_ =
case (Map.lookup num_ map_) of
Nothing -> Left $ "LockerNumber doesn't exist!"
Just (state, code) -> if state == Taken
then Left $ "LockerNumber already taken!"
else Right $ code
This works. However, I wanted to convert if/else block to guard statements like this:
lookup' :: Int -> LockerMap -> Either String Code
lookup' num_ map_ =
case (Map.lookup num_ map_) of
Nothing -> Left $ "LockerNumber doesn't exist!"
Just (state, code) ->
| state == Taken = Left $ "LockerNumber already taken!"
| otherwise = Right $ Code
This doesn't compile. It seems that usage of guards in Haskell is very restrictive/non intuitive. SO Ex1 SO Ex2. Is there a definite source which I can read which tells at which places I can use guards?
There are two places guards are allowed: function definitions and case expressions. In both contexts, guards appear after a pattern and before the body, so you use = in functions and -> in case branches, as usual:
divide x y
| y == 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (x / y)
positively mx = case mx of
Just x | x > 0 -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
Guards are simply constraints for patterns, so Just x matches any non-Nothing value, but Just x | x > 0 only matches a Just whose wrapped value is also positive.
I suppose the definitive reference is the Haskell Report, specifically §3.13 Case Expressions and §4.4.3 Function and Pattern Bindings, which describe the syntax of guards and specify where they’re allowed.
In your code, you want:
Just (state, code)
| state == Taken -> Left "LockerNumber already taken!"
| otherwise -> Right code
This is also expressible with patterns alone:
Just (Taken, _) -> Left "LockerNumber already taken!"
Just (_, code) -> Right code

Haskell Continuation passing style index of element in list

There's a series of examples I'm trying to do to practice Haskell. I'm currently learning about continuation passing, but I'm a bit confused as to how to implement a function like find index of element in list that works like this:
index 3 [1,2,3] id = 2
Examples like factorial made sense since there wasn't really any processing of the data other than multiplication, but in the case of the index function, I need to compare the element I'm looking at with the element I'm looking for, and I just can't seem to figure out how to do that with the function parameter.
Any help would be great.
first let me show you a possible implementation:
index :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> (Int -> Int) -> Int
index _ [] _ = error "not found"
index x (x':xs) cont
| x == x' = cont 0
| otherwise = index x xs (\ind -> cont $ ind + 1)
if you prefer point-free style:
index :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> (Int -> Int) -> Int
index _ [] _ = error "not found"
index x (x':xs) cont
| x == x' = cont 0
| otherwise = index x xs (cont . (+1))
how it works
The trick is to use the continuations to count up the indices - those continuations will get the index to the right and just increment it.
As you see this will cause an error if it cannot find the element.
λ> index 1 [1,2,3] id
λ> index 2 [1,2,3] id
λ> index 3 [1,2,3] id
λ> index 4 [1,2,3] id
*** Exception: not found
how I figured it out
A good way to figure out stuff like this is by first writing down the recursive call with the continuation:
useCont a (x:xs) cont = useCont a xs (\valFromXs -> cont $ ??)
And now you have to think about what you want valFromXs to be (as a type and as a value) - but remember your typical start (as here) will be to make the first continuation id, so the type can only be Int -> Int. So it should be clear that we are talking about of index-transformation here. As useCont will only know about the tail xs in the next call it seems natural to see this index as relative to xs and from here the rest should follow rather quickly.
IMO this is just another instance of
Let the types guide you Luke
I don't think that this is a typical use of continuations in Haskell.
For once you can use an accumulator argument for this as well (which is conceptional simpler):
index :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int -> Int
index _ [] _ = error "not found"
index x (x':xs) ind
| x == x' = ind
| otherwise = index x xs (ind+1)
or (see List.elemIndex) you can use Haskells laziness/list-comprehensions to make it look even nicer:
index :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int
index x xs = head [ i | (x',i) <- zip xs [0..], x'== x ]
If you have a value a then to convert it to CPS style you replace it with something like (a -> r) -> r for some unspecified r. In your case, the base function is index :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe Int and so the CPS form is
index :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> (Maybe Int -> r) -> r
or even
index :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> (Int -> r) -> r -> r
Let's implement the latter.
index x as success failure =
Notably, there are two continuations, one for the successful result and one for a failing one. We'll apply them as necessary and induct on the structure of the list just like usual. First, clearly, if the as list is empty then this is a failure
case as of
[] -> failure
(a:as') -> ...
In the success case, we're, as normal, interested in whether x == a. When it is true we pass the success continuation the index 0, since, after all, we found a match at the 0th index of our input list.
case as of
(a:as') | x == a -> success 0
| otherwise -> ...
So what happens when we don't yet have a match? If we were to pass the success continuation in unchanged then it would, assuming a match is found, eventually be called with 0 as an argument. This loses information about the fact that we've attempted to call it once already, though. We can rectify that by modifying the continuation
case as of
(a:as') ...
| otherwise -> index x as' (fun idx -> success (idx + 1)) failure
Another way to think about it is that we have the collect "post" actions in the continuation since ultimately the result of the computation will pass through that code
-- looking for the value 5, we begin by recursing
1 :
2 :
3 :
4 :
5 : _ -- match at index 0; push it through the continuation
0 -- lines from here down live in the continuation
This might be even more clear if we write the recursive branch in pointfree style
| otherwise -> index x as' (success . (+1)) failure
which shows how we're modifying the continuation to include one more increment for each recursive call. All together the code is
index :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> (Int -> r) -> r -> r
index x as success failure
case as of
[] -> failure
(a:as') | x == a -> success 0
| otherwise -> index x as' (success . (+1)) failure

Pattern-matching in case, Haskell

I'm fairly new to Haskell and have a question about pattern-matching.
Here is a heavily simplified version of the code:
data Value = MyBool Bool | MyInt Integer
codeDuplicate1 :: Value -> Value -> IO Value
codeDuplicate1 = generalFunction True
codeDuplicate2 :: Value -> Value -> IO Value
codeDuplicate2 = generalFunction False
generalFunction :: Bool -> Value -> Value -> IO Value
generalFunction b x1 x2 = do result <- eval x1
case result of
MyBool b -> do putStrLn $ show b
return (MyBool b)
_ -> eval x2
eval :: Value -> IO Value
eval (MyInt x) | x > 10 = return (MyInt 10)
| x > 5 = return (MyBool True)
| otherwise = return (MyBool False)
Now, I realize that the argument b in generalFunction is not the same as the b in the case part, and therefore, this code will print b regardless of the input. I used the same name just to show my intentions. So my question is:
Is there a way to match the first b with the second, so that if the bs are the same it will print, otherwise it will evaluate x2? And, if there isn't, is there another good way to get the intended result?
I almost found the answer in this question, but I think this situation is slightly different.
You can use a guarded pattern. The first alternative will be executed if MyBool is matched and b == b2; otherwise the second alternative will be executed.
case result of
MyBool b2 | b == b2 -> do {print b; return $ MyBool b}
_ -> eval x2
