Couldn't match expected type `Int' with actual type `a' - haskell

import Data.List
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a) deriving Show
toTree :: Ord a => [a] -> Tree a
toTree xs = Node (balancedTree (take n xs')) (xs'!!n) (balancedTree (drop n xs'))
xs' = sort xs
n = middle xs
middle :: Num a => [a] -> a
middle xs = fromIntegral ((length xs `div` 2) + 1)
balancedTree :: Ord a => [a] -> Tree a
balancedTree (x:[]) = Leaf x
balancedTree xs = Node (balancedTree (take n xs')) (xs'!!n) (balancedTree (drop n xs'))
xs' = sort xs
n = middle xs
This is my code for converting from a list to a binary tree. I know there are many mistakes but I just want to get the types errors sorted before I start debugging. I get the following errors in both the "toTree" method and the "balancedTree" method as they are both really the same and will be condensed into one when the errors are sorted out.
ex7.hs:6:38: error:
* Couldn't match expected type `Int' with actual type `a'
`a' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
toTree :: forall a. Ord a => [a] -> Tree a
at ex7.hs:5:1-32
* In the first argument of `take', namely `n'
In the first argument of `balancedTree', namely `(take n xs')'
In the first argument of `Node', namely
`(balancedTree (take n xs'))'
* Relevant bindings include
xs' :: [a] (bound at ex7.hs:8:9)
n :: a (bound at ex7.hs:9:9)
xs :: [a] (bound at ex7.hs:6:8)
toTree :: [a] -> Tree a (bound at ex7.hs:6:1)
6 | toTree xs = Node (balancedTree (take n xs')) (xs'!!n) (balancedTree (drop n xs'))
| ^
I have tried for hours to fix it by searching stackOverflow but I can't figure it out. The type declaration of "toTree" must stay the same. Also the definition of Tree should stay the same.
My understanding is that "take" required an "Int" and I am giving it an "a". I do not know how I can fix this.

The problem is that middle returns an a, not an Int. Indeed:
middle :: Num a => [a] -> a
middle xs = fromIntegral ((length xs `div` 2) + 1)
But in your balancedTree, you use it as if it is an index, and take n, drop n, and !! n require n to be an Int, indeed:
balancedTree :: Ord a => [a] -> Tree a
balancedTree (x:[]) = Leaf x
balancedTree xs = Node (balancedTree (take n xs')) (xs'!!n) (balancedTree (drop n xs'))
xs' = sort xs
n = middle xs
The type signature does not make much sense either. You can calculate the length over any list, not only from lists that consist out of numbers. You thus should construct a function that returns the index in the middle of the list and use that. For example:
middle :: [a] -> Int
middle = (length xs `div` 2) + 1
That being said, using length, etc. is usually not a good idea in Haskell. length requires O(n) time, and furthermore for infinite lists, it will get stuck in an infinite loop. Often if you use functions like length, there is a more elegant solution.
Instead of using a "top-down" approach, it might be better to look at a "bottom-up" approach, where you iterate over the items, and on the fly construct Leafs, and group these together in Nodes until you reach the top.


Remove first element that fulfills predicate (Haskell)

I want to make a function that removes the first element that fulfills the predicate given in the second argument. Something like this:
removeFirst "abab" (< 'b') = "bab"
removeFirst "abab" (== 'b') = "aab"
removeFirst "abab" (> 'b') = "abab"
removeFirst [1,2,3,4] even = [1,3,4]
I wanted to do it by recursively, and came up with this:
removeFirst :: [a] -> (a -> Bool) -> [a]
removeFirst [] _ = []
rremoveFirst (x:xs) p = if p x then x : removeFirst xs p else removeFirst xs p
(Inspired by this question)
But I get a type-error, like this:
Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘Bool’
Expected: [Bool]
Actual: [a]
‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
removeFirst :: forall a. [a] -> (a -> Bool) -> [a]
or this:
ghci> removeFirst [1,2,3,4] even
<interactive>:25:1: error:
* Variable not in scope: removeFirst :: [a0] -> (a1 -> Bool) -> t
* Perhaps you meant `rem' (imported from Prelude)
I know this is a relatively simple thing to program, I am just not familiar enough with Haskell yet. How can I do this "Haskell-style" (in one line)?
Before doing it "in style", why not first simply do it, so it works. This is how we learn.
"Variable not in scope: removeFirst ..." simply means you haven't defined the function named removeFirst.
So it seems you first tried to define it (and the error you show does not go with the code you show), then you got errors so it didn't get defined, and then you tried calling it and got the error saying it's not defined yet, naturally.
So, save your program in a source file, then load that file in GHCi. Then if you get any errors please copy-paste the full code from your file into your question (do not re-type it by hand). Also please specify what is it you do when you get the error messages, precisely. And be sure to include the error messages in full by copy-pasting them as well.
Then the logic of your code can be addressed.
Since others have posted working code, here's how I'd code this as a one-liner of sorts:
remFirst :: [a] -> (a -> Bool) -> [a]
remFirst xs p = foldr g z xs xs
g x r ~(_:tl) -- "r" for recursive result
| p x -- we've found it, then
= tl -- just return the tail
| otherwise
= x : r tl -- keep x and continue
z _ = [] -- none were found
Shortened, it becomes
remFirst xs p =
foldr (\x r ~(_:tl) -> if p x then tl else x : r tl)
(const []) xs xs
Not one line, but it works.
removeFirst :: [a] -> (a -> Bool) -> [a]
removeFirst (x:xs) pred
| pred x = xs
| otherwise = x : removeFirst xs pred
For a one-liner, I imagine you'd want to use foldl to walk across the list from the left.
This solution uses guards, it first checks to see if the first element of the list passed in satisfies the predicate, and if not, it prepends it to the list and recursively checks the tail of the passed in list.
Using manual recursion does not lead to a one-liner solution, so let's try using some pre-built recursion scheme from the library.
Function scanl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b] looks handy. It produces a succession of states, one state per input item.
Testing under the ghci interpreter:
$ ghci
λ> p = (=='b')
λ> xs = "ababcdab"
λ> ss = tail $ scanl (\(s,n) x -> if (p x) then (x,n+1) else (x,n)) (undefined,0) xs
λ> ss
At that point, it is easy to spot and get rid of the one unwanted element, thru some simple data massaging:
λ> filter (\(x,n) -> (n /= 1) || (not $ p x)) ss
λ> map fst $ filter (\(x,n) -> (n /= 1) || (not $ p x)) ss
Let's now write our removeFirst function. I take the liberty to have the predicate as leftmost argument; this is what all library functions do.
removeFirst :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
removeFirst p =
stepFn = \(s,n) x -> if (p x) then (x,n+1) else (x,n)
p2 = \(x,n) -> (n /= 1) || (not $ p x)
map fst . filter p2 . tail . scanl stepFn (undefined,0)
If required, this version can be changed into a one-liner solution, just by expanding the values of stepFn and p2 into the last line. Left as an exercise for the reader. It makes for a long line, so it is debatable whether that improves readability.
Another approach consists in trying to find a library function, similar to splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) but taking a predicate instead of the list position.
So we submit the (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) type signature into the Hoogle specialized search engine.
This readily finds the break library function. It is exactly what we require.
λ> break (=='b') "zqababcdefab"
So we can write our removeFirst function like this:
removeFirst :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
removeFirst p xs = let (ys,zs) = break p xs in ys ++ (tail zs)
The source code for break simply uses manual recursion.

Beginner Type Errors using Filter

I'm just starting to use Haskell, and I'm having what most of you reading would probably consider a beginner blunder.
Consider a list of tuples myTupleList = [(3,6),(4,8),(1,3)]
Nice. I wrote this function to return the list of tuples in which the second element in the first tuple, is double the first element:
(Ex using myTupleList: double myTupleList , which returns [(3,6),(4,8)] )
double [] = []
double (x:xs)
|(snd x) == 2 * (fst x) = x: double xs
|otherwise = double xs
Now I'm sure this isn't the prettiest function in the world, but it works. The problem now is adapting it to use filter. This is my current attempt:
double [] = []
double xs = filter ((2 * (fst(head xs))) == (snd(head xs))) xs
To my undestanding, filter recieves two arguments: a boolean expression and a list. However, I'm getting the following error:
Couldn't match expected type ‘(a, a) -> Bool’
with actual type ‘Bool’
• Possible cause: ‘(==)’ is applied to too many arguments
In the first argument of ‘filter’, namely
‘((2 * (fst (head xs))) == (snd (head xs)))’
In the expression:
filter ((2 * (fst (head xs))) == (snd (head xs))) xs
In an equation for ‘double’:
double xs = filter ((2 * (fst (head xs))) == (snd (head xs))) xs
• Relevant bindings include
xs :: [(a, a)] (bound at Line 9, Column 8)
double :: [(a, a)] -> [(a, a)] (bound at Line 8, Column 1)
I'm sure this is just some silly error or limitation of Haskell as a functional language that I'm not accustomed to or understanding properly, but it would be great to get some help with this.
filter expects a function a -> Bool, but (2 * (fst(head xs))) == (snd(head xs)) is not a function that maps an element to a Bool, but simply a Bool. It does not make much sense here to use head x, you use the parameter to get "access" to the element:
double :: (Eq a, Num a) => [(a, a)] -> [(a, a)]
double xs = filter (\x -> 2 * fst x == snd x) xs
You can use pattern matching to unpack the 2-tuple and thus no longer need fst and snd. Furthermore you can perform an η-reduction, and thus remove xs both in the head and the body of double in this case:
double :: (Eq a, Num a) => [(a, a)] -> [(a, a)]
double = filter (\(a, b) -> 2 * a == b)
This gives us:
Prelude> double [(3,6),(4,8),(1,3)]
We can even make the predicate point-free:
double :: (Eq a, Num a) => [(a, a)] -> [(a, a)]
double = filter (uncurry ((==) . (2 *)))

Postorder traversal of binary tree with recursive data type

I'm trying to create a function for a post-order traversal of a recursive data type that creates an binary tree where the examples could create as many child leafs as possible. I've tried to set the nodes to left:root:right but the error doesn't recognize them - however, it would recognize (y:ys). It also recognizes root as an Int no matter if I use () or [] or nothing around it. What am I missing?
This is the data type and some easy examples to test it with:
data BiTree a = L a
| N [BiTree a]
ex1 :: BiTree Int
ex1 = N [(L 1),(L 1),(L 3)]
ex2 :: BiTree Int
ex2 = N [(L 1),(N[(L 2),(L 3)]),(L 4)]
Here's the code I wrote:
postord :: BiTree a -> [Int]
postord (L x) = [x]
postord (N (left:root:right)) = postord (N right) ++ postord (N left) ++ [root]
Here's the error:
* Couldn't match expected type `Int' with actual type `BiTree a'
* In the expression: root
In the second argument of `(++)', namely `[root]'
In the second argument of `(++)', namely
`postord (N left) ++ [root]'
* Relevant bindings include
right :: [BiTree a] (bound at try.hs:21:23)
root :: BiTree a (bound at try.hs:21:18)
left :: BiTree a (bound at try.hs:21:13)
postord :: BiTree a -> [Int] (bound at try.hs:20:1)
21 | postord (N (left:root:right)) = postord (N right) ++ postord (N left) ++ [root]
| ^^^^
I don't understand why left:right:root won't bind, and why recalling postord in the list with appends won't compile a list of every node within the right node, left node, and root as it is.
N doesn't have specific left and right children, and it certainly doesn't have any distinguished root value; it just has an arbitrary list of children.
You BiTree only stores values in the leaves. The only thing to do with an N value is map postord on to each child, and concatenate the results into a single list. (As such, there's no real difference between the pre-, in-, and post-order traversals.)
postord :: BiTree a -> [a]
postord (L x) = [x]
postord (N children) = concatMap postord children
Now, if you had a type that did store values in the internal nodes, your type might look like
data BiTree a = L a | N a [BiTree a]
Then your post-order traversal would have to account for the value stored in an internal node, similar to your previous attempt.
postord :: BiTree a -> [a]
postord (L x) = [x]
postord (N v children) = concatMap postord children ++ [v]
Appending a single value to a longer list isn't ideal, but that's a problem for another question.
Don't know if I understood your question, but what about this:
postord :: BiTree a -> [a]
postord (L x) = [x]
postord (N cs) = concatMap postord cs

Compiler cannot decide the type of the return value of `take` function

I'm trying to solve the 99 problems in Haskell, and for the 4th question, I have first tried such a solution
myLength :: [a] -> Int
myLength [] = 0
myLength ys = go 1 ys
go :: Int -> [a] -> Int
go n xs
| ( (take n xs) == (take (n+1) xs) ) = n
| otherwise = go (n+1) xs
However, the compiler gives the error:
Problem4.hs:10:8: error:
• No instance for (Eq a1) arising from a use of ‘==’
Possible fix:
add (Eq a1) to the context of
the type signature for:
go :: forall a1. Int -> [a1] -> Int
• In the expression: ((take n xs) == (take (n + 1) xs))
In a stmt of a pattern guard for
an equation for ‘go’:
((take n xs) == (take (n + 1) xs))
In an equation for ‘go’:
go n xs
| ((take n xs) == (take (n + 1) xs)) = n
| otherwise = go (n + 1) xs
10 | | ( (take n xs) == (take (n+1) xs) ) = n
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
As far as I understood, the reason for the error it that when we try to compare the lists returned from (take n xs) and (take (n+1) xs), the compiler does not know the types of lists in advance, so it cannot compare them, and this is why it complains, so before this line, I need to tell the compiler that both return values are the same type, and the type is [a], but how can we do that ?
A confusion: when we specify the type signature of go, we are explicitly fixing the what is the type of xs, i.e so shouldn't the list that is return by the function take have the same type, namely [a], hence shouldn't the compiler be able to compare them ?
Note that, I have another function in the definition of a function, and there are lots of things that are different from the question that is marked as duplicate, and as you can observe, the given answer to that question does not fully solves this question.
What you need is instance contexts (here Eq a), which is indicated by =>:
myLength :: Eq a => [a] -> Int
myLength [] = 0
myLength ys = go 1 ys
go :: Eq a => Int -> [a] -> Int
go n xs
| ( (take n xs) == (take (n+1) xs) ) = n
| otherwise = go (n+1) xs
But this is not a proper answer to the question #4, because it adds an additional constraint to the function.
EDIT: For the question "Shouldn't every list be equality comparable?":
Lists are comparable iff their elements are comparable. For example, functions, Kleisli arrows, WrappedArrows are not equality comparable, so aren't lists of them.
{-# Language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
myLength :: forall a. Eq a => [a] -> Int
myLength [] = 0
myLength ys = go 1 ys
go :: Int -> [a] -> Int
go n xs
| take n xs == take (n+1) xs = n
| otherwise = go (n+1) xs

How can I use generic type annotations to describe a recursive data type?

Here's the function:
comboGraph :: [a] -> Int -> [b]
comboGraph _ 0 = []
comboGraph [] _ = []
comboGraph (x:xs) n =
(buildEdges x xs) : comboGraph xs n
where buildEdges h t = (h, comboGraph t (n-1))
Ths function takes in a list of type a, a number, and returns a list of type b. As you can see, though, type b is actually a recursive type -- it will be something along the lines of [(a, [(a, b1)])]. When I try to compile, I get this error:
• Couldn't match type ‘b’ with ‘(a, [b0])’
‘b’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
comboGraph :: forall a b. [a] -> Int -> [(a, [b])]
at xxx.hs:15:15
Expected type: [(a, [b])]
Actual type: [(a, [(a, [b0])])]
• In the expression: (buildEdges x xs) : comboGraph xs n
In an equation for ‘comboGraph’:
comboGraph (x : xs) n
= (buildEdges x xs) : comboGraph xs n
buildEdges h t = (h, comboGraph t (n - 1))
How do I properly annotate this function?
To make the issue a bit more evident, let's substitute the definition of buildEdges in the final case of your definition:
comboGraph (x:xs) n =
(x, comboGraph xs (n-1)) : comboGraph xs n
The result of comboGraph is supposed to be a list, but one whose elements are pairs that also have a comboGraph result (i.e. a list of the same type) within. As the type error you got says, that doesn't work -- it's as if you wanted a list with two tails. The fix is switching to a different data structure that reflects what you are trying to do:
-- Feel free to substitute better names.
data Combo a = Empty | Node a (Combo a) (Combo a)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
Empty covers the base cases which used to result in an empty list, while Node has one appropriately-typed field for each of the things you want to combine in the recursive case. comboGraph then becomes:
comboGraph :: [a] -> Int -> Combo a
comboGraph _ 0 = Empty
comboGraph [] _ = Empty
comboGraph (x:xs) n = Node x (comboGraph xs (n-1)) (comboGraph xs n)
(Note that Combo is actually a binary tree with values on the nodes.)
I like the other answer, and I think you should use it. But it makes some reasoning leaps that require some intuition, and it can be hard to get this intuition without doing things the mechanical way a few times. So in this answer, I will show how to start with a failing definition like the one you have, "turn a crank", and mechanically get a solution that does work. The technique below can be applied to any infinite type error.
You have the following clause (paraphrased slightly):
comboGraph (x:xs) n =
(x, comboGraph xs (n-1)) : {- ... -}
Just doing some straightforward type inference reasoning, we can see that comboGraph takes a list of some type (from the fact that it pattern matches on x:xs) and a number (from the fact that it subtracts one). Let's pick a concrete (monomorphic! but not yet known) type a for the list elements and see what we can infer about what it returns.
Well, it clearly returns a list with tuples inside. And the first part of the tuple is just an a. What about the second part? The second part of the tuple is... whatever type comboGraph returns. So comboGraph returns a type t satisfying the equation:
t = [(a, t)]
The only solution to this equation is [(a, [(a, [(a, [(a, ...)])])])]. Such infinite types don't exist raw in Haskell. But there is a standard trick to get quite close: use (type-level) recursion by introducing a newtype. We're solving for t, but Haskell types have to start with an upper-case letter, so we'll name our solution to this equation T.
newtype T a = T [(a, T a)] deriving Show
Now we don't quite have T a ~ [(a, T a)], but we do have an isomorphism: namely, \(T xs) -> xs :: T a -> [(a, T a)] and T :: [(a, T a)] -> T a are inverses. So now we can write your comboGraph definition by exploiting this isomorphism. Let's name the other half of the isomorphism:
unT :: T a -> [(a, T a)]
unT (T xs) = xs
comboGraph (x:xs) n =
T ((x, comboGraph xs (n-1)) : unT (comboGraph xs n))
The base cases have to get wrapped in T, as well, of course:
comboGraph _ 0 = T []
comboGraph [] _ = T []
Try it in ghci:
> comboGraph "abc" 3
T [('a',T [('b',T [('c',T [])]),('c',T [])]),('b',T [('c',T [])]),('c',T [])]
