How can I match a string with optional characters in bash? - string

I have a small little script that deals with pipelines on Jenkins. It needs to be able to grab a file from a folder named after the pipeline name.
Most pipeline names follow this pattern: {Name}Pipeline/{Name}
However, a few pipelines have a three-digit version number appended, like so: {Name}Pipeline122/{Name}
In my script, I have a line that stores the path to this properties file in a variable: APP_PROPERTY_FILE=/path/to/file/${NAME}Pipeline/${NAME}
Herein lies the problem! How can I allow bash to match pipeline names without the version number AND pipeline names with the version number?

I believe that the user want to select a file that has optional element (3 digit number), and store the file name into shell variable.
Two challenges: (1) regular assignment var=/path/to/something* do not perform pathname expansion and (2) regular pattern matching do not support optional elements.
Possible solutions are 'if-then-else' or using extended globs. Both solutions assumed that one of the files exists.
if [ ! -f "$APP_PROPERY_FILE" ] ; then
APP_PROPERTY_FILE=$(echo /path/to/file/${NAME}Pipeline/${NAME}Pipeline[0-9][-0-9][0-9].properties)
Using extglob can also work.
APP_PROPERTY_FILE=$(shopt -s extglob ; echo /path/to/file/${NAME}Pipeline/${NAME}Pipeline?([0-9][-0-9][0-9]).properties ; echo $1)


how to extract the first parameter from a line containing a particular string pattern

I have a file named mail_status.txt The content of the file is as follows.
I want to perform some operation on this file so that at the end I should be getting three variables and their respective values should be as follows:
I am quite new to this language. Please let me know if some more details are required on this.
If you want to generate bash variables based on the file content,
please try the following:
# read the file and extract information line by line
declare -A hash # delcare hash as an associative array
while IFS= read -r line; do
key="${line#*~}" # convert "1~auth_flag~" to "auth_flag~"
key="${key%~*}_ids" # convert "auth_flag~" to "auth_flag_ids"
hash[$key]+="${line%%~*}," # append the value to the hash
done < "mail_status.txt"
# iterate over the hash to create variables
for r in "${!hash[#]}"; do # r is assigned to "auth_flag_ids", "download_flag_ids" and "copy_flag_ids" in tern
printf -v "$r" "%s" "${hash[$r]%,}" # create a variable named "$r" and assign it to the hash value by trimming the trailing comma off
# check the result
printf "%s=\"%s\"\n" "auth_flag_ids" "$auth_flag_ids"
printf "%s=\"%s\"\n" "download_flag_ids" "$download_flag_ids"
printf "%s=\"%s\"\n" "copy_flag_ids" "$copy_flag_ids"
First it reads the lines of the file and extracts the variable name
and the value line by line. They are stored in an associative array hash.
Next it iterates over the keys of hash to create variables whose names are
"auth_flag_ids", "download_flag_ids" and "copy_flag_ids".
printf -v var creates a variable var. This mechanism is useful to cause an
indirect reference to a variable.
I'm not going to explain in detail about the bash specific notations
such as ${parameter#word}, ${parameter%%word} or ${!name[#]}.
You can easily find the references and well-explained documents including
the bash man page.
Hope this helps.

Unix & Linux ksh shell: How to use eval in CASE expression when variable is derived from a string plus another variable? [duplicate]

How can I retrieve a bash variable value if I have the variable name as string? var1="this is the real value"
Do something to get value of var1 just using variable a.
I have some AMI's (Amazon Machine Image) and I want to fire up a few instances of each AMI. As soon as they finish booting, I want to setup each instance according to its AMI type. I don't want to bake lots of scripts or secret keys inside any AMI so I prepared a generalized startup script and I put it on S3 with a publicly accessible link. In rc.local I put small piece of code which fetches the startup script and executes it. This is all I have in the AMIs. Then each AMI accesses a common configuration script which is applicable to all AMIs and special setup scripts for each. These scripts are private and require a signed URL to access them.
So now, when I fire an instance of an AMI (my_private_ami_1), I pass a signed URL for one more file presented on S3 which contains signed URL for all private scripts in terms of key/value pair.config_url="http://s3.amazo.../config?signature"
When the startup script runs, it downloads the above file and source's it. Then it checks for its AMI type and picks the correct setup script for itself.
ami\_type=GET AMI TYPE #ex: sets ami\_type to my\_private\_ami\_1
setup\_url=GET THE SETUP FILE URL BASED ON AMI\_TYPE # this is where this problem arises
So now I can have a generic code which can fire instances irrespective of their AMI types and instances can take care of themselves.
You can use ${!a}:
var1="this is the real value"
echo "${!a}" # outputs 'this is the real value'
This is an example of indirect parameter expansion:
The basic form of parameter expansion is ${parameter}. The value of
parameter is substituted.
If the first character of parameter is an exclamation point (!), it
introduces a level of variable indirection. Bash uses the value of the
variable formed from the rest of parameter as the name of the
variable; this variable is then expanded and that value is used in the
rest of the substitution, rather than the value of parameter itself.
eval "Z=\$$Y"
sets Z to foo.
For my fellow zsh users, the way to accomplish the same thing as the accepted answer is to use:
echo ${(P)a} # outputs 'this is the real value'
It is appropriately called Parameter name replacement
This forces the value of the parameter name to be interpreted as a
further parameter name, whose value will be used where appropriate.
Note that flags set with one of the typeset family of commands (in
particular case transformations) are not applied to the value of name
used in this fashion.
If used with a nested parameter or command substitution, the result of
that will be taken as a parameter name in the same way. For example,
if you have ‘foo=bar’ and ‘bar=baz’, the strings ${(P)foo},
${(P)${foo}}, and ${(P)$(echo bar)} will be expanded to ‘baz’.
Likewise, if the reference is itself nested, the expression with the
flag is treated as if it were directly replaced by the parameter name.
It is an error if this nested substitution produces an array with more
than one word. For example, if ‘name=assoc’ where the parameter assoc
is an associative array, then ‘${${(P)name}[elt]}’ refers to the
element of the associative subscripted ‘elt’.
Modified my search keywords and Got it :). eval a=\$$a Thanks for your time.
In bash 4.3+, you can use declare -n:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
var="this is the real value"
declare -n var_ref=$var_name
echo "${var_ref}"
Had the same issue with arrays, here is how to do it if you're manipulating arrays too :
ARRAY_NAME=("Val0" "Val1" "Val2")
echo "ARRAY=${ARRAY}"
echo "ARRAY=${ARRAY[#]}"
echo "ARRAY[0]=${ARRAY[0]}"
echo "ARRAY[1]=${ARRAY[1]}"
echo "ARRAY[2]=${ARRAY[2]}"
This will output :
ARRAY=Val0 Val1 Val2
In bash 4.3, the '-v' test for set variables was introduced. At the same time, 'nameref' declaration was added. These two features together with the indirection operator (!) enable a simplified version of the previous example:
declare -n var_name=$1
if [[ -v var_name ]]
echo "${var_name}"
echo "variable with name <${!var_name}> is not set"
get_value test
test="\$(echo \"something nasty\")"
get_value test
$(echo "something nasty")
unset test
get_value test
variable with name <test> is not set
As this approach eliminates the need for 'eval', it is safer.
This code checked under bash 5.0.3(1).
modern shells already support arrays( and even associative arrays). So please do use them, and use less of eval.
var1="this is the real value"
# or array[0]="$var1"
then when you want to call it , echo ${array[0]}
Based on the answer:
# Summary: Returns the value of a variable given it's name as a string.
# Required Positional Argument:
# variable_name - The name of the variable to return the value of
# Returns: The value if variable exists; otherwise, empty string ("").
if set | grep -q "^$variable_name="; then
eval variable_value="\$$variable_name"
echo "$variable_value"
get_value_of test
# 123
test="\$(echo \"something nasty\")"
get_value_of test
# $(echo "something nasty")
VALUE=$(eval "echo \$$SOME_VAR_NAME")

Check if same file exists in another directory using Bash

I'm new to bash and would like your help; couldn't find an answer for this case.
I'm trying to check if the files in one directory exist in another directory
Let's say I have the path /home/public/folder/ (here I have several files)
and I want to check if the files exist in /home/private/folder2
I tried that
for file in $firstPath/*
if [ -f $file ]; then
(ask if to over write etc.. rest of the code)
And also
for file in $firstPath/*
if [ -f $file/$secondPath ]; then
(ask if to over write etc.. rest of the code)
Both don't work; it seems that in the first case, it compares the files in the first path (so it always ask me if I want to overwrite although it doesn't exist in the second path)
And in the second case, it doesn't go inside the if statement.
How could I fix that?
When you have a construct like for file in $firstPath/*, the value of $file is going to include the value of $firstPath, which does not exist within $secondPath. You need to strip the path in order to get the bare filename.
In traditional POSIX shell, the canonical way to do this was with an external tool called basename. You can, however, achieve what is generally thought to be equivalent functionality using Parameter Expansion, thus:
for file in "$firstPath"/*; do
if [[ -f "$secondPath/${file##*/}" ]]; then
# file exists, do something
The ${file##*/} bit is the important part here. Per the documentation linked above, this means "the $file variable, with everything up to the last / stripped out." The result should be the same as what basename produces.
As a general rule, you should quote your variables in bash. In addition, consider using [[ instead of [ unless you're actually writing POSIX shell scripts which need to be portable. You'll have a more extensive set of tests available to you, and more predictable handling of variables. There are other differences too.

Bash script key/value pair regardless of bash version

I am writing a curl bash script to test webservices. I will have file_1 which would contain the URL paths
Since the values in between {} is dynamic, I am creating a separate file, which will have values for these params. the input would be in key-value pair i.e.,
By combining two files, the input should become
This is the background of my problem. Now my questions
I am doing it in bash script, and the approach I am using is first reading the file with parameters and parse it based on '=' and store it in key/value pair. so it will be easy to replace i.e., for each url I will find the substring between {} and whatever the text it comes with, I will use it as the key to fetch the value from the array
My approach sounds okay (at least to me) BUT, I just realized that
declare -A input_map is only supported in bashscript higher than 4.0. Now, I am not 100% sure what would be the target environment for my script, since it could run in multiple department.
Is there anything better you could suggest ? Any other approach ? Any other design ?
This is the first time i am working on bash script.
Here's a risky way to do it: Assuming the values are in a file named "values"
. values
eval "$( sed 's/^/echo "/; s/{/${/; s/$/"/' file_1 )"
Basically, stick a dollar sign in front of the braces and transform each line into an echo statement.
More effort, with awk:
awk '
NR==FNR {split($0, a, /=/); v[a[1]]=a[2]; next}
(i=index($0, "{")) && (j=index($0,"}")) {
key=substr($0,i+1, j-i-1)
print substr($0, 1, i-1) v[key] substr($0, j+1)
' values file_1
There are many ways to do this. You seem to think of putting all inputs in a hashmap, and then iterate over that hashmap. In shell scripting it's more common and practical to process things as a stream using pipelines.
For example, your inputs could be in a csv file:
Then you could process this file like this:
while IFS=, read path param; do
sed -e "s/{dynamic_path}/$path/" -e "s/{query_param}/$param/" file_1
done < input.csv
The output will be:
But this is just an example, there can be so many other ways.
You should definitely start by writing a proof of concept and test it on your deployment server. This example should work in old versions of bash too.

How to get a variable value if variable name is stored as string?

How can I retrieve a bash variable value if I have the variable name as string? var1="this is the real value"
Do something to get value of var1 just using variable a.
I have some AMI's (Amazon Machine Image) and I want to fire up a few instances of each AMI. As soon as they finish booting, I want to setup each instance according to its AMI type. I don't want to bake lots of scripts or secret keys inside any AMI so I prepared a generalized startup script and I put it on S3 with a publicly accessible link. In rc.local I put small piece of code which fetches the startup script and executes it. This is all I have in the AMIs. Then each AMI accesses a common configuration script which is applicable to all AMIs and special setup scripts for each. These scripts are private and require a signed URL to access them.
So now, when I fire an instance of an AMI (my_private_ami_1), I pass a signed URL for one more file presented on S3 which contains signed URL for all private scripts in terms of key/value pair.config_url="http://s3.amazo.../config?signature"
When the startup script runs, it downloads the above file and source's it. Then it checks for its AMI type and picks the correct setup script for itself.
ami\_type=GET AMI TYPE #ex: sets ami\_type to my\_private\_ami\_1
setup\_url=GET THE SETUP FILE URL BASED ON AMI\_TYPE # this is where this problem arises
So now I can have a generic code which can fire instances irrespective of their AMI types and instances can take care of themselves.
You can use ${!a}:
var1="this is the real value"
echo "${!a}" # outputs 'this is the real value'
This is an example of indirect parameter expansion:
The basic form of parameter expansion is ${parameter}. The value of
parameter is substituted.
If the first character of parameter is an exclamation point (!), it
introduces a level of variable indirection. Bash uses the value of the
variable formed from the rest of parameter as the name of the
variable; this variable is then expanded and that value is used in the
rest of the substitution, rather than the value of parameter itself.
eval "Z=\$$Y"
sets Z to foo.
For my fellow zsh users, the way to accomplish the same thing as the accepted answer is to use:
echo ${(P)a} # outputs 'this is the real value'
It is appropriately called Parameter name replacement
This forces the value of the parameter name to be interpreted as a
further parameter name, whose value will be used where appropriate.
Note that flags set with one of the typeset family of commands (in
particular case transformations) are not applied to the value of name
used in this fashion.
If used with a nested parameter or command substitution, the result of
that will be taken as a parameter name in the same way. For example,
if you have ‘foo=bar’ and ‘bar=baz’, the strings ${(P)foo},
${(P)${foo}}, and ${(P)$(echo bar)} will be expanded to ‘baz’.
Likewise, if the reference is itself nested, the expression with the
flag is treated as if it were directly replaced by the parameter name.
It is an error if this nested substitution produces an array with more
than one word. For example, if ‘name=assoc’ where the parameter assoc
is an associative array, then ‘${${(P)name}[elt]}’ refers to the
element of the associative subscripted ‘elt’.
Modified my search keywords and Got it :). eval a=\$$a Thanks for your time.
In bash 4.3+, you can use declare -n:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
var="this is the real value"
declare -n var_ref=$var_name
echo "${var_ref}"
Had the same issue with arrays, here is how to do it if you're manipulating arrays too :
ARRAY_NAME=("Val0" "Val1" "Val2")
echo "ARRAY=${ARRAY}"
echo "ARRAY=${ARRAY[#]}"
echo "ARRAY[0]=${ARRAY[0]}"
echo "ARRAY[1]=${ARRAY[1]}"
echo "ARRAY[2]=${ARRAY[2]}"
This will output :
ARRAY=Val0 Val1 Val2
In bash 4.3, the '-v' test for set variables was introduced. At the same time, 'nameref' declaration was added. These two features together with the indirection operator (!) enable a simplified version of the previous example:
declare -n var_name=$1
if [[ -v var_name ]]
echo "${var_name}"
echo "variable with name <${!var_name}> is not set"
get_value test
test="\$(echo \"something nasty\")"
get_value test
$(echo "something nasty")
unset test
get_value test
variable with name <test> is not set
As this approach eliminates the need for 'eval', it is safer.
This code checked under bash 5.0.3(1).
modern shells already support arrays( and even associative arrays). So please do use them, and use less of eval.
var1="this is the real value"
# or array[0]="$var1"
then when you want to call it , echo ${array[0]}
Based on the answer:
# Summary: Returns the value of a variable given it's name as a string.
# Required Positional Argument:
# variable_name - The name of the variable to return the value of
# Returns: The value if variable exists; otherwise, empty string ("").
if set | grep -q "^$variable_name="; then
eval variable_value="\$$variable_name"
echo "$variable_value"
get_value_of test
# 123
test="\$(echo \"something nasty\")"
get_value_of test
# $(echo "something nasty")
VALUE=$(eval "echo \$$SOME_VAR_NAME")
