django-viewflow, multiple flows within the same app causes url not unique via #rest.register - django-viewflow

Say I have an app called 'MRT`, inside the app I have 2 flow definitions.
Flow_A and Flow_B
both registered via #rest.register as below:
class Flow_A(Flow):
class Flow_B(Flow):
When I runserver, it raises warning: ?: (urls.W005) URL namespace 'viewflow_rest:mrt' isn't unique. You may not be able to reverse all URLs in this namespace
The consequences of this is that causing tasks of one of the flow(depends on which one registered last) cannot be url reversed. eg. Reverse for 'check_size__detail' not found. 'check_size__detail' is not a valid view function or pattern name.

Issue has been rectified in v1.5.11
see github ticket


Issue with validating Arm template using DeploymentsOperations.StartValidate

I am currently working on a project where i deploy multiple arm templates each deploying a VM and doing few operations on them. I wanted handle quota issues by calling template validation before triggerring the first deployment. So, i created a template which has logic to create required VMs and i am using this template only for validation (to check if quota will not be exceeded).
Since our code already has the ResourceManagementClient, i tried the following code:
Deployment parameters = new Deployment(
new DeploymentProperties(DeploymentMode.Incremental)
Template = templateFile,
Parameters = parameterFile,
DeploymentsValidateOperation dp = deployments.StartValidate(groupName, "validation", parameters);
But when i try to access the Value from the variable dp, i keep getting the following exception:
Generic Exception System.InvalidOperationException: The operation has
not completed yet. at Azure.Core.ArmOperationHelpers`1.get_Value()
at DeployTemplate.Program.d__3.MoveNext() in
\Program.cs:line 88
I even added a loop after the "StartValidate" to wait till the dp.HasCompleted is set to true. But this seems to run indefinetly. I also tried the "StartValidateAsync" method, which seems to have the same issue.
I wanted to understand if i am using this method correctly? if there is a better way to do the template validations? I could not find any examples on this method`s usage. if possible please share any code snippet where this method is used for my reference.
Note: Currently, Since this is not working, i am testing with Fluent Api way. That seems to be working. But, it requires lot of changes in our code as it creates ambiguity with many classes in "Azure.ResourceManager.Resources" which are already used for other operations.
I found that even though the deployment operations HasCompleted field is not set, when I call dp.GetRawResponse(), it returns the exact errors expected.
I now use this to validate my templates.

django-viewflow - getting task URL without request

Knowing task instance is there a way to get the url of it? For example in the cookbook: - how do I get the url of assign task of approve flow_task?
I know there is flow_task.get_task_url(task, url_type='guess', namespace='', **kwargs), but the point is that from what I can see the namespace is usually fetched from self.request.resolver_match.namespace. That's not ideal - what if we are in other part of the app and we simply want to provide links to the tasks directly?
Same as with django reverse you need to pass a namespace to get an URL. In case of build-in viewflow frontend the namespace is viewflow:[app_label]:[flow_label] ex: "viewflow:helloworld:helloworld"
If you have the task object in a template, you can extract the url as follows:
Task Link
This could be added as a template filter if used often.
This is a dirty hack untill I understand how the namespaces work.
To get the url of a task all you need is the app_name(app_namespace), flow_namespace and flow_label.
The most challenging item here is the flow_namespace (if you have not used the frontend urls).
To resolve this, you could use a map borrowing from FlowListMixin's ns_map. Defining the flow_namespace for every flow in your project.
You then determine the flows namespace and url_name from the above.
ns_map = {'MyFlow':'flow_namespace', 'AnotherFlow':'flow_namespace2'}
# flow_namespace as defined in the
# e.g if you defined your flow urls as
# flow_urls = FlowViewSet(MyFlow).urls
# flow_urls2 = FLowViewSet(MyFlow2).urls
# urlpatterns = [url(r'flow_path/', include(flow_urls, name=flow_namespace)),
# url(r'flow_path2/', include(flow_urls2, name=flow_namespace2)),
# ]
# With this is included in the root_url as
# urlpatterns = [
# url(r'app/' include(app_urls, namespace='app_namespace')
What you need is to reverse the flow like this
reverse('app_name:flow_namespace:flow_label', kwargs={'process_pk':ppk, 'task_pk':tpk})
flow_class_name = task.process.flow_class.__name__
flow_namespace = ns_map.get(flow_class_name)
app_name = task.process.flow_class.__module__.split('.')[0]
flow_label =
url_name = "{}:{}:{}".format(app_name, flow_label, url_name)
Then you can reverse your task url
url = reverse(url_name, kwargs={"task_pk",, "process_pk"}
# If you know where you are you could use resolver match to determine
# the app namespace. Be Sure of this, see more of that [here][1]
NOTE: I am assuming that you namespaced your apps as app_name
If it is different you have to find alternatives to finding the app_names namespace but that should not be too difficult.

ScriptError using Google Apps Script Execution API

Following these guides and, I am trying to use the Execution API in node to return some data that are in a Google Spreadsheet.
I have set the script ID to be the Project Key of the Apps Script file. I have also verified that running the function in the Script Editor works successfully.
However, when running the script locally with node, I get this error:
The API returned an error: Error: ScriptError
I have also made sure the script is associated with the project that I use to auth with Google APIs as well.
Does anyone have any suggestion on what I can do to debug/ fix this issue? The error is so generic that I am not sure where to look.
UPDATE: I've included a copy of the code in this JSBin (the year function is the entry point)
UPDATE 2: The error seems to be caused by the inclusion of this line
var spreadsheet =;
It seems that I didn't request the right scopes. The nodejs example include '', but I also needed to include '' in the SCOPES array. It seems like the error message ScriptError is not very informative here.
In order to find what scopes you'd need, to go the Script Editor > File > Project Properties > Scopes. Remember to delete the old credentials ~/.credentials/old-credential.json so that the script will request a new one.
EDIT: With the update in information I took a closer look and saw you are returning a non-basic type. Specifically you are returning a Sheet Object.
The basic types in Apps Script are similar to the basic types in
JavaScript: strings, arrays, objects, numbers and booleans. The
Execution API can only take and return values corresponding to these
basic types -- more complex Apps Script objects (like a Document or
Sheet) cannot be passed by the API.
In your Account "Class" = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(data.reportSheet);
old answer:
'data.business_exp' will be null in this context. You need to load the data from somewhere. Every time a script is called a new instance of the script is created. At the end of execution chain it will be destroyed. Any data stored as global objects will be lost. You need to save that data to a permanent location such as the script/user properties, and reloaded on each script execution.

Incremental loading in Azure Mobile Services

Given the following code:
listView.ItemsSource =
We get incremental loading without further changes.
But what if we modify the read.js server side script to e.g. use mssql to query another table instead. What happens to the incremental loading? I'm assuming it breaks; if so, what's needed to support it again?
And what if the query used the untyped version instead, e.g.
Could incremental loading be somehow supported in this case, or must it be done "by hand" somehow?
Bonus points for insights on how Azure Mobile Services implements incremental loading between the server and the client.
The incremental loading collection works by sending the $top and $skip query parameters (those are also sent when you do a query by using the .Take and .Skip methods in the table). So if you want to modify the read script to do something other than the default behavior, while still maintaining the ability to use that table with an incremental loading collection, you need to take those values into account.
To do that, you can ask for the query components, which will contain the values, as shown below:
function read(query, user, request) {
var queryComponents = query.getComponents();
console.log('query components: ', queryComponents); // useful to see all information
var top = queryComponents.take;
var skip = queryComponents.skip;
// do whatever you want with those values, then call request.respond(...)
The way it's implemented at the client is by using a class which implements the ISupportIncrementalLoading interface. You can see it (and the full source code for the client SDKs) in the GitHub repository, or more specifically the MobileServiceIncrementalLoadingCollection class (the method is added as an extension in the MobileServiceIncrementalLoadingCollectionExtensions class).
And the untyped table does not have that method - as you can see in the extension class, it's only added to the typed version of the table.

ASP.NET Identity transactions and errors

I've created a custom UserStore class in an ASP.NET MVC 5 web site to allow custom reading/writing to SQL Server, and I have a couple of questions...
When 'var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password);' is called from the controller 'public Task FindByNameAsync(string userName)' in UserStore is called first and then 'public Task CreateAsync(TUser user)' is called. What stops a second account of the same username from being created at the same time?
How can I raise errors in 'public Task CreateAsync(TUser user)' that results in 'result.Succeeded == false' and 'result errors' in the controller.
For #1, we use ValidateEntity on IdentityDbContext to ensure that user names are unique. And in the 2.0 release we are adding a unique index on user names as well which should guarantee they are unique.
For #2, Stores are expected to throw exceptions when operations fail, the basic CRUD operations are not expected to really fail normally. If you have special behavior that your store wants to expose, you either override or implement your own variant of CreateAsync that returns the appropriate IdentityResult with the error string you desire.
