Updating firestore document nested data overwrites it - python-3.x

I'm trying to set some new fields in a nested dict within a Firestore document, which results in the data being overwritten.
Here's where I write the first part of the info I need:
upd = {
"idOffer": {
<offerId> : {
"ref" : <ref>,
"value" : <value>
So output here is something like:
<documentid>:{idOffer:{<offerId>:{ref:<ref>, value:<value>}}}
Then I use this code to add some fields to the current <offerId> nested data:
approval = {
"isApproved" : <bool>,
"dateApproved" : <date>,
"fullApproval" : <bool>
"idOffer.<offerId>" : approval
From which I expect to get:
<documentid>:{idOffer:{<offerId>:{ref:<ref>, value:<value>, isApproved:<bool>,dateApproved:<date>,fullApproval:<bool>}}}
But I end up with:
Note: I use <> to refer to dynamic data, like document Ids or References.

When you call update with a dictionary (or map, or object, or whatever key/value pair structure used in other languages), the entire set of data behind the given top-level keys are going to be replaced. So, if you call update with a key of idOffer.<offerId>, then everything under that key is going to be replaced, while every other child key of the idOffer level will remain unchanged.
If you don't want to replace the entire object behind the key, then be more specific about which children you'd like to update. In your example, instead of updating a single idOffer.<offerId> key, specify three keys for the nested children:
That is to say, the dictionary you pass should have three keyed entries like this at the top level, rather than a single key of idOffer.<offerId>.


Update specific field in an array of object in a MongoDb Document

I have a document with that format :
"subField2": object,
// other fields after
"subField2": object,
// other fields after
// other fields after
// other fields after
I want to update at once the field3.$.subField2 field only, with a different value in each of the elements of the array composing field3.
Does anyone knows how to properly do it ?
One reason I want to do this is I have several asynchronous operations that are meant to update differents fields of the array field, and I have concurrency issues...
I tried with findOneAndUpdate(query, $set{"field3.$.subField2": arrayOfValues}) but it does not works, it seems I can only pass one single value that would be set to each element of the array (all the same).
arrayOfValues would be of course an array with only the values I want with the matching indexes and same size of the document's array.

ADF/Synapse all Objects iterate and remove the Underscore

Wanted to iterate the list of objects/Tables and exclusively for one object which is not getting picked up as there is Underscore between the words "Admin_process" Expectation is to get as "Adminprocess" in the adf/synapse by removing the underscore,such that all objects will be passed to the copy operation.
Objects/Tables list
Currently it is above, However is not reading the object "Admin_Process" as there is underscore.
Could you someone please tell me how to handle this case.
Thank you,
You can use replace function in ADF dynamic content.
please follow the demonstration below.
Here I am using an array parameter with keys and the above list of tables as values.
"Objectname": "AdminUser"
"Objectname": "Admin_process"
"Objectname": "TempUser"
Parameter array to ForEach activity:
To use replace function, create a set variable activity and give the below expression.
#replace(item().Objectname, '_','' )
Output with required result(Underscore removed):
Now you can pass this value to a copy activity inside the same ForEach activity.

Firestore delete ALL fields but ONE

Is it possible to delete All fields in a Firestore document apart from ONE field in a SINGLE database write (Without pior reading it)
I know I have a document with some proprieties but I don't know all of them. I want to delete all of these properties except one that I know.
The one that I know is keep .
keep: 'keep',
remove1: 'remove',
remove2: 'remove',
remove3: 'remove',
The doc after the transaction should be:
keep: 'keep',
I could have used firebase.firestore.FieldValue.delete() on each of the keys t
If you know the name and the value of the field you want to keep, you can just overwrite the document with an object that only contains the property you know:
const keepValue = ...;
{ keep: keepValue }
Since we use the set() method without the merge option, all the fields in the document will be overwritten with the object passed to the set() method.
If you don't know the value (or the name) of the field you want to keep, you will need to read the document, in order to find this value or name.

How to avoid to add duplicate string in append string connector logic app

I have following json array input -
"results": [
{ "tableName" : "ABC","id":"11"},
{ "tableName" : "ZX","id":"11"},
{ "tableName" : "ABC","id":"11"}
In logic app i have used `` in For_each I'm able to append string successfuly but how to avoid adding already present string ? like above example my current output is -
i want - ABC,ZX
You could use the Array to implement, there is a union function to return a collection that has all the items from the specified collections. It will return a collection without duplicate string. Then use join action to return the string.
Cause the union function must contain two collection at least, so I used two same collections. The expression is like this: union(variables('tablename'),variables('tablename'))
The below is the result.
Hope this could help you.

How do you query a CouchDB view that emits complex keys?

Given a CouchDB view that emits keys of the following format:
[ "part1", { "property": "part2" } ]
How can you find all documents with a given value for part1?
If part2 was a simple string rather than an object startkey=["part1"]&endkey=["part1",{}] would work. The CouchDB docs state the following:
The query startkey=["foo"]&endkey=["foo",{}] will match most array keys with "foo" in the first element, such as ["foo","bar"] and ["foo",["bar","baz"]]. However it will not match ["foo",{"an":"object"}]
Unfortunately, the documentation doesn't offer any suggestion on how to deal with such keys.
The second element of your endkey value needs to be an object that collates after any possible value of the second element of your key. Objects are compared by property-by-property (for example, {"a":1} < {"a":2} < {"b":1}) so the best way to do this is to set the first property name in your endkey to a very large value:
startkey=["part1"]&endkey=["part1", { "\uFFF0": false }]
The property name of \uFFF0 should collate after any other property names in the second key element, and even works when the second element is an empty object or has more than one property.
