Is there a way to pass the phone number used for ID Verification through the API? - docusignapi

When using Docusign's identityVerification option in the api and sending a user to docusign to first verify their identity with a license / passport and then sign a document...
Is there a way to pass the users phone number through to the above page to pre fill the mobile number so that they don't have to enter it in? This is the page where docusign sends and SMS with a link to the mobile number for the user to photograph their license.
Docusign Mobile Number Screen

Thanks Jahax, it's just so happens that I published a blog post on this topic today, you can find it here -
However, I'm afraid when it comes to IDV, all the personal information (including phone number) has to be provided directly by the recipient after they click the link sent to them from DocuSign.
If you were using SMS verification (or phone call verification) you could specify the phone number to use yourself, but IDV works differently and at present time - this is not possible.


How to link firebase phone and email authentication for web? [duplicate]

I am developing an app wherein the users use either email and phone to perform registration.
Users can enter their email or phone for log in, I want the same OTP to be sent to mobile and email simultaneously. Please Help!
If you want to work only with Firebase Authentication, then there is not any suitable solution that meets your requirement.
Some limitations you can find with Firebase are Firebase Authentication Limits and Phone number sign-in limits.
However the alternative solution is using third-party SMS gateway. through with you can send OTP to phone number as well as to email also simultaneously.
Lets assume you already have mechanism to generate OTP and verify OTP from android app.
Now the problem is how to send OTP to the user's email.
One of solution is using MailGun service to send email from your backend.
Also, if you want to templating your email, you can use library called handlebar

Sign document from own site using docusign

I am developing one application and successfully integrated it with DocuSign.
I am sending an envelope to the user using docusign API, the email sent from docusign host, when the user clicks the email it navigates to DocuSign website. Is it possible to edit the email sent link and sign from my own website?
Note: Still ok, if this functionality available any other third party instead of DocuSign.
Yes, please have a look at our embedded signing page:
More specifically, review createRecipient API:
Let us know if you still run into issues implementing this.

docusign access code authentication mail

If I set the recipients to get Access Code through email, then do I need to program separately to send the email with access code or Docusign API will automatically send the access code email to all recipients?
Also do I need to enable any setting from my DocuSign account to turn on this feature? I have a developer Docusign Account.
When using the Access Code authentication feature, it's up to the sender how to actually get the code over to the signer. For example, if you have their phone number you can call them and give it to them. Or you can instant message them or send an SMS, or some other means. In general though I would shy away from sending them the code through email as that pretty much defeats the purpose of multi-factor authentication (i.e. if someone has compromised their email they will get both the signature request email AND the access code email).
Similarly, the SMS Authentication feature is used the same way but in this case the code is explicitly sent to their mobile phone number. With Access Code it's up to you how to provide to the recipient.

Using SMS Authentication

I'm trying to test sending a SMS to the user when they need to sign the document. When do a GET of all envelope recipients i can see the SMS number there but the user never receives the SMS when it's time to sign. I'm using the dev sandbox to test this. Is this only available in production as a paid feature?
I've used Phone and KBA in DEMO, it doesn't charge. You may have to check with DocuSign to enable it. You should be able to check by going into the Console --> Send tab --> add a recipient. Pull down the identity tab and see if you have it listed.
You have requireIdLookup=false in your example. That should be true, and you also need to set IDCheckConfigurationName to the right value.
recipient.RequireIDLookup = true;
recipient.IDCheckConfigurationName = "SMS Auth $";

DocuSign REST API, change account's email address? (ie, the users login name)

At my company, we are implementing some parts of DocuSign, and have run across a scenario we believe the REST API does not support.
There are times where user's in our system change email addresses. We want to push this change to DocuSign for the user, without the user ever requiring to log in to DocuSign and manually change their email address via the console. This, of course, changes the username the user authenticates with on the login page of DocuSign.
Is it possible, using the DocuSign REST API, to change a user's email address (which in effect changes their login name do DocuSign)?
The DocuSign system does not support changing the email address through the API (REST or SOAP). This is mainly due to security restrictions - unfortunately your users will need to manually go into the DocuSign Console and go to Preferences to change their email address.
One thing that might make this process a little smoother is to automatically open the Console for your users when they request to change their email address. You can open the Console in an embedded iFrame in your site or app and from there they can change their account info. You would just need the user's credentials (along with the integrator key of the integration) and you can open the console for them.
The third API Walkthrough - Embedded DocuSign Console - illustrates exactly how to do this in 6 different languages (PHP, Java, Javascript, Python, C#, and Objective-C). You just need to make the following call from your environment, with just your accountId in the body of the POST request:
"accountId": "XXXXXX"
