tabulator link that has a value of false - tabulator

In tabulator 3.x I had a column of links where the display value was either true / false. Url was different (hidden) value in the table. I updated to 4.x and the true links show up, the false ones do not.
I'd like to restore the original behaviour if possible since the link makes it clear that there is somewhere to go.
Otherwise I could change it to a tickCross, but I'd still want it to be a link.
Anyone have any examples of how to get this to work?
Thanks for your time.

In this case i would consider it surprising that the values show up at all considering neither is a valid string, which is what a label should be and they are both Boolean's.
In this case i would suggest that you use a Mutator to map your Boolean into a string which would be a valid label.


Update XPages text value from within a repeat?

I feel like I'm just not understanding something about the XPages lifecycle here. I have an xp:text control, with a value of viewScope.count. Initially, that's null. After the xp:text, I have a repeat that's performing a calculation and returning an array of objects for its value. At the end of the repeat's value section, I'm trying to update the xp:text with a count of the things in the array:
viewScope.count = myArray.length;
The xp:text isn't being updated with that value, though. Should this work? Do I need to do a manual refresh of the xp:text when I modify viewScope.count? TIA!
You should be able to use the index of the repeat to give you a count.
Take a step back and rethink the approach. Inside the code you use for your repeat you update something outside.
Not looking at 'does it work' I would claim 'bad idea'. Such side effects make maintenance a nightmare (and are not very MVC).
The better approach (IMHO):
Create an object data source. AFAIK that can be a JSON object if you are not comfortable with Java. That object would have all the needed properties for your repeat and your counter display. It serves as your model.
Then bind the repeat and the text field to the model and you are good.
Makes sense?

Storing index values in FAST-ESP without modifications

first of all I'm totally new to FAST but I already have a couple of issues I need to solve, so I'm sorry if my questions are very basic =)
Well, the problem is that I have a field in the FAST index which in the source document is something like "ABC 12345" (please note the intentional whitespaces) but when stored in the index is in the form "ABC 123456" (please note that now there is a single space).
If I retrieve all the document values then this specific value is OK (with all the whitespaces), my only problem is with the way the value is stored in the index since I need to retrieve and display it to my user just like it appears in the original document, and I don't want to go to the full document just for this value, I want the value that I already have in the index. I think I need to update one of the FAST XML configuration files but I don't have enough documentation at hand in order to decide where to perform the change, index_profile.xml? in the XMLMapper file?
I've found the answer by myself. I'm using a XMLMapper for my collection, all I had to do was to add the ignore-whitespace attribute to the Mapping element and then set this attribute value to "false". This solved the problem and the raw data now when retrieved from the index contains the expected inner whitespaces.

Why the OnWorkflowItemChanged is different between List and document library?

I am doing a workflow for a document library. I put a OnWorkflowItemChanged, and I want to get the value of the column which is changed. I use the workflowProperties.Item["name"] and use the afterProperties. But when I use the workflowProperties.Item["column name"], I still got the original value. When I use the afterProperties, it's NULL.
Then I make another workflow that is the same as above for a list. I can use the workflowProperties.Item["column name"] to get the new value in OnWorkflowItemChanged.
Has anyone come across this problem before? Can you give me some help?
The question seems to mix up Item with ExtendedProperties. As to why a difference is seen on a List/Document Lib, it might have something to do with versionining or perhaps the internal serialization is different. Anyway, some of my experience is outline below. I hope it may be of use:
Use the GUID (as a Guid object, not a string) to access the Before / After ExtendedProperties field. Using the Display Name in the ExtendedProperties will not work. The documentation on it is wrong. You can use SPList.Fields to go from Display Name to Column ID (Guid).
I bind all "Before" to MyWhatever_PreviousProperties and all "After" to MyWhatever_Properties, only accessing MyWhatever_[Previous]Properties after the appropriate event(s)).

SPGridView, data and correct method of ensuring data is safe

I am using an SPGridView to present some data, and have enabled the filtering ability which works very well. Until you choose a particular item in the data to filter on...
The data item in question has an apostrophe in the string( e.g. "this is richards' string"), which causes the post-filter-application page load to die with the error:
Syntax error: Missing operand after 's' operator.
Obviously the data is not automatically made safe...
The data is in a datatable, and the SPGridView is fed using an objectdatasource using the datatable.
Whats the best, or correct, method to ensure the data is safe to use?
After much gnashing, I have found a partial answer but the question still remains.
The partial answer is - you can make the data safe for the filter code, but you then cannot make it look correct in the filter dropdown gui.
Adding BoundField.HtmlEncode = true; to the SPGridView definition does nothing.
Using HttpUtility.HtmlEncode on the string does nothing.
Manually replacing all apostrophes in the data with ampersand #39; on insertion into the DataTable allows the filter to work fine, and the data displays fine in the SPGridView, but it displays with the html replacement string in the filter dropdown, and not the apostrophe character. This is the partial solution, and isn't really usable as it creates a horrible filter string which is visible to the end user.
I am still to find a complete solution to this problem, save for removing offending characters from the data altogether, which isn't really a solution.
The apostrophe is a special character in the filters. Try replacing all instances of the "'" (one apostrophe) with "''" (double apostrophe).
Edit 09/01/2009
Ok, so it took me a lot longer than I thought to actually get this working. You should just need to add this to your web part code:
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gridDS.FilterExpression))
_gridDS.FilterExpression = string.Format(
_grid.FilterFieldValue.Replace("'", "''"),
Above, grid is your SPGridView and gridDS is of type ObjectDataSource which I believe is the only type that you will be able to get filtering to work with an SPGridView. Basically, I think what happens is that there is a bug in the Microsoft code and it doesn't really give you a chance to validate the filter value before it gets stuck in the FilterExpression. Using Reflector, I was able to figure out that the SPGridView really just sets the FilterExpression of your datasource. It does this using reflection and the value that you entered for your grid.FilteredDataSourcePropertyName property (I always see it being set to "FilterExpression" in all the examples).

How can I automatically enable content approval on a SharePoint list?

I'm trying to create a feature that both creates a list template and an instance of that list (using the <ListTemplate> and <ListInstance> elements. I would like for content approval to be turned on by default. According to the docs on ListTemplate, setting the EnableModeration attribute to TRUE should do it. However, when I try to install the solution, I get the following error:
The 'EnableModeration' attribute is
invalid - The value 'TRUE' is invalid
according to its datatype
- The Enumeration constraint failed.
A bit more searching reveals that the value accepted is actually "True", not "TRUE". That installs fine, but it seems to have no effect when the list is created - it still doesn't require content approval. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Edit: If anyone could even confirm for me if they've seen "True" or "TRUE" work before, that would at least narrow down my search.
Update: I've found that I can enable content approval using code in a feature receiver:
list.EnableModeration = true;
That's a bit of a hack, so it'd still be nice to be able to do this through the XML instead.
I ended up just using the feature receiver approach, since I just needed to move on. However, I later found that the List element used for defining your list schema also has ModeratedList and ModerationType properties that look like they probably have something to do with this. So if anyone else is having the same problem, I would recommend giving those a shot.
Does your custom list have a field of type 'ModStat' on it?
ModStat Specifies Content Approval
status. Corresponds to the
SPFieldModStat class and to the
ModStat field type that is specified
on the Field element. Value = 23.
from the SPFieldType Enumeration docs
I set ModeratedList="TRUE" ModerationType="TRUE" for List element and EnableModerate="True" for ListTemplate element . It works for me. Well it does not matter to use TRUE or True both are same.
You only have to set ModeratedList="TRUE" for List element and EnableModerate="True" for ListTemplate element. I just checked that and work fine for me. But this only will be affected for new list instances.
I had similar question - where to enable versioning and moderation from code.
In ListInstance, go to <ListTemplate> and set following attributes:
VersioningEnabled="TRUE" for versioning and EnableModeration="True" for automatic moderation.
