Custom time format excel: don't display zeros if hours or minutes are zeroes - excel

There was an question placed before and it got the answer:
Thanks for that.
"Right now I have formatted my cell with:
h "hours" m "minutes"
So if my cell has 7:00, it displays as 7 hours 0 minutes. Is there a way to remove the hours or the minutes if these are zero? Something like 7 hours, or 0:30 as 30 minutes"
The answer was:
If you have Excel 2007 or later versions (but apparently not Excel for Mac 2011) you can achieve this with a combination of regular formatting and conditional formatting.
Assuming data in A1 down use a regular custom format like this
[<0.0415][m]" minutes";h "hours" m "minutes"
That will give you the same as your previous formatting except that any value < 01:00 will display like
30 minutes
Now you can add a conditional formatting condition. With column A selected do this
Conditional Formatting > New Rule > Use a formula to determine which cells to format > type this formula in the box
Click the "format" button and set the following number format
h" hours"
Now if you have 16:00 in A1 that will display as just 16 hours
[conditional formatting rules will always supersede regular formatting]
But I wonder if it is possible in addition to this add time format in a way like if I have 1 hour it shows "1 hour" (in singular) instead of "1 hours"?

This should do this trick
Add this to Custom type box
[<0.0415][m] "minutes";[<0.083][h] "hour" m "minutes";[h] "hours" m "minutes"
inputs -
outputs -
5 minutes
30 minutes
1 hour 5 minutes
1 hour 30 minutes
2 hours 30 minutes
By putting the square bracket around [h] it will allow for more than 24 hours to be added e.g. 31 hours 30 minutes.
In Excel 1 minute is equal to 0.00069444 (1/1440 of a day). Knowing this helps to calculate the two less-then numbers.
Alternative option
If you just want h rather than hour and m rather than minutes try this
[<0.0415][mm] "m";[h] "h" mm "m"

=IF(HOUR(B9)<>0,HOUR(B9)&" hour"&IF(HOUR(B9)<>1,"s "," "),"")&IF(MINUTE(B9)<>0,MINUTE(B9)&" minute"&IF(MINUTE(B9)<>1,"s",""),"")
TLDR : extract every values manually > then put if conditions for 0,1 and other > print value..
Hope it helps.


How to convert UTC to PST in Excel for day and time formats?

In excel, I have a cell which is
13 05:58:57
which represents day 13, 5 am, 58 minutes, 57 seconds in UTC time.
I would like to convert to PST, which should be
12 10:58:57
which is day 12, 10 pm, 58 minutes, 57 seconds.
The day is just a day of the month. Is there a way to do this quickly in excel?
Excel stores date_times as numbers, where each day is 1, and the decimal part of the number is the time (so 0.25 is 6 hours, and 0.7 is 16 hours + 48 minutes)
Time 0 is the beginning of 1899/12/31, so =today() formatted as a decimal currently shows me as 44730.4556, being 44730 days since 1899 and almost eleven a.m.
Once you have your data in that format it is trivial to E.g.:
subtract 7 hours = A2 - 7/24
add 2 days 6 hours and 15 minutes = A2 + 2 + 6/24 + 15/24/60
find the difference between two date_times
So you want to get the input data into that form, from which point you just use formatting.
To see where you are going, enter in A1 = now(), in B1 =A1, in C1 = B1.
Change the format on B1 - Right Click | Format Cells | Custom | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.
Then in C1 try changing to a format you want: dd hh:mm:ss AM/PM.
For a full list of options see
I will assume that your data starts at A4, but I can't tell what is actually stored in the cell, as opposed to what it displays.
If your input data is actually already a date_time (what does it look like if you format is as a decimal?) all you need to do is =A4-7/24.
If your input data is actually a string, then separate it into day, hour, minute, second in C, D, E, F.
If single-digit days have leading zeros then just =left(A4,2) then =mid(A4,4,2) etc.
If there are no leading zeros put in column B =find(" ",A4) and point the lefts and mids to that intermediate result.
Then in G put = C4 + D4/24 + E4/24/60 + F4/24/60/60 so you have the input data as an Excel-formatted time.
And subtract the 7 hours difference with =G4-7/24
P.S. If you need to cope with month-ends and DST then you need to add year and month to the data in G - currently it has date_times in January 1899.

SUBSTITUTE formula to separate hours and minute by comma

I have formula to separate hours and minutes by comma.
=CEILING(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(P96;"s";"");" min";"");" hour ";",");0,1)
This works for 4 hours 40 mins and 1 hour 10 mins. However there might case like 20 mins. Then my formula is displaying 20 that is not correct and should be 0,2. Any suggestions how to fix this issue?
Note! Values like 4 hours 40 mins are in one cell, in this case in cell P96. Information comes straight from Google Maps xml.
=CEILING(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("hour";P96));SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(P96;"s";"");" min";"");" hour ";",");"0,"&SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(P96;"s";"");" min";""));0,1)
Conditionally add a dummy prefix that satisfies the hours substitution.
=CEILING(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(IF(ISERROR(SEARCH("hour"; P96)); "0 hours "; "")&P96;"s";"");" min";"");" hour ";",");0,1)
Type your time in cell A1. As an example, you could type "2:30", "14:30" or "2:30 PM".
Type "=HOUR(A1)" in cell A2 to produce only the hour. As an example, extracting the hour "2:30 PM" would give you "14," because 2 PM is the fourteenth hour in the day.
Type "=MINUTE(A1)" in cell A3 to extract the minutes.
Type "=SECOND(A1)" in cell A4 to extract the seconds.

Excel Time Comparison and Subtraction

I am trying to do a time subtraction in excel of 30 minutes and I am running into a speed bump. So the table I have are as follows.
Table "Schedule"
Column 1 is day of the week (Mon-Sun) (formated as general, as this is plain text)
Column 2 is start time of the shift (formated as h:mm AM/PM)
Column 3 is end time of the shift (formated as h:mm AM/PM)
Column 4 is duration of the shift (start to end) (formated by formula (TEXT(col3-col2,"h:mm")) )
Column 5 is paid hours (if the total hours is over 6.5 then subtract 0.5 hours for an unpaid lunch) (formula IF(col5>"6:30",col5-"0:30",D5) )
The issue is any time allotment over 10 hours start to end (where column 4, the duration hits 10 hours) no lunch is subtracted at all.
Start 9:00 AM, End 6:59 PM, Hours Total 9:59, Hours Paid 9:29
Start 9:00 AM, End 7:00 PM, Hours Total 10:00, Hours Paid 10:00
and that should obviously not happen. I can't find anything on google so I figured the excel gurus here may have some advice.
If your time columns are stores using excel's dedicated time format, this should be straightforward. Mixed data types are likely your problem.
First, be sure your time columns (columns 2 and 3) are set using the time function, i.e.,
Then, you should be able to add and subtract easily.
Column 4: = column 3 - column 2
... then subtract 30 minutes also using the time() function:
Column 5: = if(column 4 > time(6,30,0),column 4 -time(0,30,0),column 4)
Excel stores time values from 0 to 1. So 24 hours=1, 12 hours=.5 etc. That means 6.5 hours=0.270833333 and .5 hours=0.020833333. As a result you can just do a simple if statement.
To turn it into a time format, is to just use excel's time formating options.

How do I calculate this time? Across midnight

I have a sheet with start and end dates and values.
In C I have start date.
In E I have end date.
In I I have start time. (06:05:00)
In J I have end time. (08:33:00)
If C <>E I need to add 24 hours to the time elapsed.
How can I do that?
I tried if(C2<>E2;1+J2-I2;"omitted")
But I get the result 21:32:00.
It should be about 26 hours
(24+8-6 = 26 if we only look at the hours).
What have I done wrong?
Back at work and can now upload some images.
Method 1
Method 2
Both return the wrong time.
Method 3
I remember how I always have to format the dates from "our" format to Excels format for it to be recognized as a date.
In column P I use RIGHT(), MID(), and LEFT() to make a correct formatted date.
In R and S I use the same as P&Q column.
Still not correct.
EDIT again:
Use formula: =(E1+J1)-(C1+I1) we just add the date and time together and subtract the end from start and then format the cell having the formula to show days, hours, minutes.
This way, if you have more than 1 day difference, you're not just adding 24 hours.
Change the format of the target cell contianing the above formula to
d "days" hh "hours" mm "minutes"
or use the format tigerAvatar suggested of [hh]:mm if you want the hours to be cumulative across days.
Then you get a nice output of: 2 days 02 hours 28 minutes or 50:28
Feel free to drop the 1 h or 1 m if you don't want the leading zeros.
A picture is worth a 1000 words so:
Version 2 after your screenshots: I don't think C, E are in date format based on your updates so...
I used formula=(DATE(LEFT(E2,4),MID(E2,5,2),RIGHT(E2,2))+J2)-(DATE(LEFT(C2,4),MID(C2,5,2),RIGHT(C2,2))+I2) in K and custom format mask: [h]:mm
If this doesn't work it may be a regional setting and the interpretation of [h]:mm I am assuming I/J are time formats.

Adding/Subtracting Whole numbers from Time

I have tried every which way to format cells to subtract the result from time for instance the formula in the cell = 11(this is 11 minutes) I want to take that result minus 8:00:00 to give me 7:49:00 but it doesn't work the result is ####### no matter how big I make the cell. And if I format the cells with the formula to custom [m]:ss then the value changes.
Sample of the Worksheet:
I want Y2 = X3-W3 in a time format.
So, if A1=11
Then in some other cell, (B1 in this example): =TIME(,A1,)
Then subtract from the cell with 8:00:00. (If it's C1...:)
That will give you the time you want.
Info: The main thing is that you have to tell Excel that your cell with the "11" in it, is minutes. By using the =TIME(,A1,) you will get the value of: 12:11 am. (If you keep it in Date format.) 12:11 am could also be viewed as: 0 Hours, 11 minutes, 0 seconds. And now that it knows, you should be able to subtract.
Try this:
The ######### is because you have a negative time. Becuase Excel reads time as decimals of 24 hours, 8:00:00 is .3333 and if you subtract 11 from that you get -10.6666 and date/time can not be negative.
