Error "Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x00 0x00" - jpeg

I am trying to open the photos of my trip made with the camera eken 4k and half of the photos give the error:
Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x00 0x00
The other half if they look. I have tried to change to extension png and similar and to open it with another program. Any suggestions?


Data structure of 24 bit raw rgb-file

In order to convert the current date from text to rgb, I'd need to know the exact structure of a file.rgb.
I know that every Pixel is coded with 3 bytes
Black would be
and white
In all the internet I couldn't get one image.rgb. They all were png, bmp, jpg or jpeg files.
I'd need a file.rgb in order to understand its structure. Where can I get it? Does it have a header and how are the values of the pixels seperated? (e.g. space, comma…). And is there a special sign/value for new line ?
I'd like to know how many Pixels are used for an A4 page.

Error interpreting JPEG image file (Not a JPEG file: starts with 0xdb 0xbb)

Im working with images from a C-astral dron.
It has a Sony 24 megapixel camera and the memory card is an Kingston 64Gb Class 10.
When I copy the Images to my computer I cant open and show me this error.
Can I edit the format of the file to recover the photos?
A JPEG stream ALWAYS starts with FF D8. If you have DB BB then it is not JPEG. You may be looking at the raw camera's raw format. I would look in a different place in the storage to find the JPEG files.

Raspberry Pi: Does the framebuffer image viewer (FBI) display gifs?

I have a TFT Screen hooked up to a Raspberry Pi. When I tried to display a gif using fbi, it just showed a static image. Does it only work for images?
If so, what can I use instead to display gifs?
Only Images. It will sometimes show a gif but not animate it.
from fbi's man page
fbi displays the specified file(s) on the linux console using the
framebuffer device. PhotoCD, jpeg, ppm, gif, tiff, xwd, bmp and png
are supported directly. For other formats fbi tries to use ImageMag‐
ick’s convert.
You can use mplayer for playing gifs

Using fbi as slideshow causes portrait images to autorotate

Im using a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian Wheezy as a digital photo frame. The Pi is configured to autologin on boot and execute a bash script that starts fbi as a slideshow, like so:
fbi -noverbose -a -t 10 /home/pi/Pictures/*.jpg /home/pi/Pictures/*.png
Ive noticed that any portrait photos (ie photos that are taller than they are wide) are automatically rotated 90 degrees so that appear as landscape.
If I remove the -nonverbose switch, the dimensions are displayed underneath each image and what was once a 480x640 pixel image is displayed as 640x480. Removing the -a autozoom switch doesnt help either.
Can anyone help get my photos displaying in their original orientation regardless of aspect ratio?
I know this issue is a little old, but I've been running into this issue as well and think I found the solution this morning. I think it has to do with the EXIF data rotate flag. From what I understand, all programs can handle this flag differently, or not even acknowledge it. So I believe the solution is to rotate the images and save them that way ignoring the EXIF data.
I plan on doing it using a windows program I found located here:

Run Portrait Video Output Pre-X Server

I know it's possible to rotate video output in X server to display in portrait mode as well as landscape.
I'm curious if it's possible to rotate the video output that occurs pre-X server. The white text on black background output as the machine boots (rc.sysinit, bringing up eth connections, etc.).
if you use the framebuffer-console you can use the fbcon=rotate:n command at boot time to rotate the console output.
(n = 0: no rotation, n=1 90deg clockwise, n=2 upside down, n=3: 90deg counterclockwise)
The framebuffer options are documented in the kernel source in the file
