Python split string every n character - python-3.x

I need help finding a way to split a string every nth character, but I need it to overlap so as to get all the
An example should be clearer:
I would like to go from "BANANA" to "BA", "AN", "NA", "AN", "NA", "
Here's my code so far
import string
import re
def player1(s):
pos1 = []
inP1 = "AN"
p = str(len(inP1))
n = re.findall()
for n in range(len(s)):
if s[n] == inP1:
points1 = len(pos1)
return points1
if __name__ == '__main__':

You can do this pretty simply with list comprehension;
input_string = "BANANA"
[input_string[i]+input_string[i+1] for i in range(0,len(input_string)-1)]
or for every nth character:
index_range = 3
[''.join([input_string[j] for j in range(i, i+index_range)]) for i in range(0,len(input_string)-index_range+1)]

This will iterate over each letter in the word banana, 0 through 6.
Then print each letter plus the next letter. Else statement for when the word reaches the last letter.
def splitFunc(word):
for i in range(0, len(word)-1):
if i < len(word):
print(word[i] + word[i+1])
Hope this helps

Those are called n-grams.
This should work :)
text = "BANANA"
n = 2
chars = [c for c in text]
ngrams = []
for i in range(len(chars)-n + 1):
ngram = "".join(chars[i:i+n])
output: ['BA', 'AN', 'NA, 'AN', 'NA']


Capitalize a character Before and After Nth character in a string in a Python list

Here is my code I am trying uppercase letters before and after a specific letter in a list. Uppercase any letter before and after
uppercase the previous and next letters that come before and after each "z" in a capital city. All other letters are lowercase. All cities that contain that letter will be stored in a list and returned. If I could get some input that would be great. Also if I need to change the code completely please let me know of other ways. I am new to this any input would be appreciated. Thanks
lst = ['brazzaville', 'zagreb', 'vaduz']
lst2 = []
for wrd in lst:
newwrd = ''
for ltr in wrd:
if ltr in 'ua':
newwrd += ltr.capitalize()
newwrd += ltr
I keep getting this:
['brAzzAville', 'zAgreb', 'vAdUz']
But I need this:
['brAzzAville', 'zAgreb', 'vadUz']
The following strategy consists of iterating through the word and replacing the letters at index-1 and index+1 of z (if they exist) with upper case letters:
lst2 = []
for wrd in lst:
wrd = wrd.lower()
for idx, letter in enumerate(wrd):
if letter == 'z':
if idx-1 > 0 and wrd[idx - 1] != 'z':
wrd = wrd.replace(wrd[idx - 1], wrd[idx - 1].upper())
if idx+1 < len(wrd) and wrd[idx + 1] != 'z':
wrd = wrd.replace(wrd[idx + 1], wrd[idx + 1].upper())
if "z" in wrd:
#['brAzzAville', 'zAgreb', 'vadUz']
I think this code gives correct answer , verify once
def findOccurrences(s, ch):
return [i for i, letter in enumerate(s) if letter == ch]
lst = ['brazzaville', 'zagreb', 'vaduz']
lst2 = []
result = []
for wrd in lst:
newwrd = ''
result = findOccurrences(wrd, 'z')
for i in range(len(wrd)):
if (i + 1 in result or i - 1 in result) and wrd[i] != 'z':
newwrd += wrd[i].capitalize()
newwrd += wrd[i]
Capitalize Nth character in a string
res = lambda test_str,N: test_str[:N] + test_str[N].upper() + test_str[N + 1:] if test_str else ''
Loop through the list and filter the list for strings that contain 'z'.
[check(i) for i in lst if 'z' in i]
For each item in the list:
find the index and capitalize the preceding character to the first occurence of 'z' without rotation.
preind = list(i).index('z')-1 if list(i).index('z')-1>0 else None
k = res(stri,preind) if(preind) else i
find the index and capitalize the succeeding character to the last occurence of 'z' without rotation.
postind = i.rfind('z')+1 if i.rfind('z')+1<len(i) else None
stri = res(i,preind) if(preind) else stri
lst = ['brazzaville', 'zagreb', 'vaduz']
def check(i):
stri = ""
k = ""
i = i.lower()
# lambda expression to capitalise Nth character in a string
res = lambda test_str,N: test_str[:N] + test_str[N].upper() + test_str[N + 1:] if test_str else ''
# find index of the preceeding character to 'z'
preind = list(i).index('z')-1 if list(i).index('z')-1>0 else None
# find index of the succeeding character to 'z'
postind = i.rfind('z')+1 if i.rfind('z')+1<len(i) else None
# capitalise preceeding character to 'z'
stri = res(i,preind) if(preind) else i
# capitalise succeeding character to 'z'
k = res(stri,postind) if(postind) else stri
# return the processed string
return k
print([check(i) for i in lst if 'z' in i ])
['brAzzAville', 'zAgreb', 'vadUz']

Longest word in a string using python programming

Hello guys I am still an armature in python was hoping if anyone could help with this solution.
Write a function called longest which will take a string of space separated words and will return the longest one.
For example:
longest("This is Fabulous") => "Fabulous"
longest("F") => "F"
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def test_longest_word(self):
sentence = "This is Fabulous"
self.assertEqual('Fabulous', longest(sentence))
def test_one_word(self):
sentence = "This"
self.assertEqual("This", longest(sentence))
This is my solution so far;
def find_longest_word(word_list):
longest_word = ''
longest_size = 0
for word in word_list:
if (len(word) > longest_size)
longest_word = word
longest_size = len(word)
return longest_word
words = input('Please enter a few words')
word_list = words.split()
Unfortunately am getting this error when I try to test the code
"File "", line 6
if (len(word) > longest_size)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Any help please I will highly appreciate?
def find_longest_word(myText):
a = myText.split(' ')
return max(a, key=len)
text = "This is Fabulous"
print (find_longest_word(text)) #Fabulous
EDIT: The solution above works if you want one of the longest words and not all of them. For example if my text is "Hey ! How are you ?" It will return just "Hey". If you want it to return ["Hey", "How", "are", "you"]
Better use this.
def find_longest_word(myText):
a = myText.split(' ')
m = max(map(len,a))
return [x for x in a if len(x) == m]
print (find_longest_word("Hey ! How are you ?")) #['Hey', 'How', 'are', 'you']
See also, this question
You are missing the : at the end of the if statement
Use the updated code below, I fixed your indentation issues too.
def find_longest_word(word_list):
longest_word = ''
longest_size = 0
for word in word_list:
if (len(word) > longest_size):
longest_word = word
longest_size = len(word)
return longest_word
words = input('Please enter a few words')
word_list = words.split()
Code sample is incorrect. I get the following message if I try to output:
Error on line 15: print(longest_word("chair", "couch", "table"))
TypeError: longest_word() takes 1 positional argument but 3 were given
So the code looks like this:
def longest_word(word_list):
longest_word = ''
longest_size = 0
for word in word_list:
if (len(word) > longest_size):
longest_word = word
longest_size = len(word)
return longest_word
words = input("chair", "couch", "table")
word_list = words.split()
# longest word in a text
text = input("Enter your text")
#Create a list of strings by splitting the original string
split_txt = text.split(" ")
# create a dictionary as word:len(word)
text_dic = {i:len(i)for i in split_txt}
long_word = max([v for v in text_dic.values()])
for k,v in text_dic.items():
if long_word == v:

Pattern matching in Python?

I have a list of string representations of binary numbers. X characters are wildcards that can be 0 or 1.
I have a string '10101011' to search for in the below list.
line = '10101011'
my_list = ['1000101X','1000101X','11XXXXXX','111010XX','101XXXXX','100100XX','1000001X','1010110X']
The search string line has to match with '101XXXXX', which is in the list.
I tried:
if any(line in s for s in my_list)
But figured out it is not possible to use this.
Is there any way? How can I do it?
Find the index of the X character and compare the strings up until that point.
def match(line, s):
i = s.index('X')
if s == line or (i and s[:i] == line[:i] and len(s) == len(line)) :
return True
return False
line = '10101011'
my_list = ['1000101X','1000101X','11XXXXXX','111010XX','101XXXXX','100100XX','1000001X','1010110X']
if any(match(line,s) for s in my_list):
do something
If the X's are not all at the end of the string, find all the permutations, then filter them by non-wildcard digits:
import itertools
def expand_list(l):
new_list = []
for s in l:
perms = ["".join(seq) for seq in itertools.product("01", repeat=len(s))]
for i in range(len(s)):
if s[i] != 'X':
perms = [p for p in perms if p[i] == s[i]]
return new_list
line = '10101011'
my_list = ['1000101X','1000101X','11XXXXXX','111010XX','101XXXXX','100100XX','1000001X','1010110X']
if line in expand_list(my_list):
do something

Python string slicing unexpected output

I am currently facing a weird issue with string slicing. I cannot understand a part of the code below.
s = 'azcbobobegghakl'
curString = s[0]
longest = s[0]
for i in range(1, len(s)):
if s[i] >= curString[-1]:
curString += s[i]
if len(curString) > len(longest):
longest = curString
curString = s[i]
print 'Longest substring in alphabetical order is:', longest
In particular, the part where curString[-1] is. I was trying to determine what is the point of curString[-1] in that code.
I made this test:
>>> s = 'azcbobobegghakl'
>>> curString = s[0]
>>> curString
>>> curString[-1]
When defining a new variable with the same string and trying the same [-1] slicing , it returns the first letter of the string, whereas I expected it to return the last (due to the [-1] but it does not. Why is that ?
This statment:
>>> s = 'azcbobobegghakl'
>>> curString = s[0]
will assign the value of "a" to curString. s[0] is just the first element of the string s, it is not a range or a slice of the string s.
The problem is(I think) you are slicing the wrong list
>>> s = 'azcbobobegghakl'
>>> curString = s[0]
>>> print(curString)
Here curString is equal to "a"
So curString[-1] = "a" since the last character of curString is "a"
If you want the last character of 'azcbobobegghakl' do:
>>> curString = s[-1] # This is "l"
>>> print(curString)

Duplicate word in hangman game Python

I have a problem, when in Hangman game there is a word like happy, it only append 1 'p' in the my code and please tell me what to do?
check my loops.
import random
import time
Data =
Word = Data.split("\n")
A = random.randint(0,len(Word)-1)
Dict = Word[A]
Dash = []
print("\n\n\t\t\t","_ "*len(Dict),"\n\n")
i = 0
while i < len(Dict):
letter = str(input("\n\nEnter an alphabet: "))
if letter == "" or letter not in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' or len(letter) != 1:
print("\n\n\t\tPlease Enter Some valid thing\n\n")
i = i - 1
if letter in Dict:
print("This is not in the word")
i = i - 1
for item in Dict:
if item in Dash:
print(item, end = " ")
print("_", end = " ")
i = i + 1
The error is with the "break" on Line 25: once you have filled in one space with the letter "p", the loop breaks and will not fill in the second space with "p".
You need to have a flag variable to remember whether any space has been successfully filled in, like this:
success = False
for c in range(len(Dict)):
if x == Dict[c]:
Dash[c] = x
success = True
if not success:
Lives -= 1
P.S. There's something wrong with the indentation of the code you have posted.
