How to Dynamically assemble SQL queries with haskell based on route parameters - haskell

I've got a scotty web app that I am trying to implement a dynamic search interface over and keep hitting a wall on how I should implement it. The Basic premise is the following:
Given a list of URL parameters: let params = [Param]
where param: type Param = (Text, Text)
I would like to be able to
Lets say I have a table in my database where:
| user_id | username | email | first_name | last_name | created_at |
| Int | Text | Text | Text | Text | timestamp |
My base SQL query might look like this:
baseQuery :: Query
baseQuery :: [sql| SELECT user_id, username, email, first_name, last_name, created_at FROM users |]
In the case of receiving url parameters I would want to be able to apply them to the WHERE clause, ORDER BY clause, etc.
What would be the best strategy to transform the following url:
which would result in the following parameters list:
let params = [("order_by_max","user_id"), ("first_name","emg184"), ("last_name","stackoverflow"), ("limit", "20")]
How would i generate the follwing query:
"SELECT user_id, username, email, first_name, last_name, created_at
FROM users
WHERE first_name = ? AND last_name = ?
ORDER BY user_id
("emg184", "stackoverflow", 20)
(I really like the way that the query builder knexjs works which allows for ad hoc fragments of queries to be generated and applied as a higher order function to some base query
Im wondering what a strategy or implementation of this might be as I have not been successful in building anything that I find to be very fitting for this.


Fetch Last Login Details using Summarize by Time Stamp in KQL

I am trying to get last login details of user in Kusto database using KQL query language. However I am not getting exact result with below query.
GlobalID - Unique GUID Value which will be created every time user logged in
UserId - Logged in UserId value
LastSuccessFullLoginTimeStamp - Max Timestamp value
//Fetch Last Logged in userID details
let window = 2h;
| where Timestamp >= ago(window)
| extend UserId = tostring(Properties.UserId)
| where UserId in ('12345','56789','24680')
//| summarize LastSuccessFullLoginTimeStamp = max(Timestamp), count() by
|project GlobalID,UserId,TimeStamp
But I am failed to get output as like below from above sample data. Fetch latest GlobalID based on userId and last logged in time. Where I am doing wrong? I tried with summarize, make_set but in vain.
You should use the arg_max() function:
let window = 2h;
| where Timestamp >= ago(window)
| extend UserId = tostring(Properties.UserId)
| where UserId in ('12345','56789','24680')
| summarize arg_max(Timestamp, *) by UserId

How to run CQL in Zeppelin by taking input in user input format?

I was trying to run CQL query by taking in user input format in Zeppelin tool:-
SELECT ${Select Fields Type=uuid ,uuid | created_by | email_verify| username} FROM
${Select Table=keyspace.table_name}
${WHERE email_verify="true" } ${ORDER BY='updated_date' }LIMIT ${limit = 10};
while running this query I was getting this error:
line 4:0 mismatched input 'true' expecting EOF
(SELECT uuid FROM keyspace.table_name ["true"]...)
You need to move WHERE and ORDER BY out of the dynamic form declaration.
The input field declaration is looks as following: ${field_name=default_value}. In your case, instead of WHERE ..., you've got the field name of WHERE email_verify.
It should be as following (didn't tested):
SELECT ${Select Fields Type=uuid ,uuid | created_by | email_verify| username} FROM
${Select Table=keyspace.table_name}
WHERE ${where_cond=email_verify='true'} ORDER BY ${order_by='updated_date'} LIMIT ${limit = 10};
here is the working example for table with following structure:
CREATE TABLE test.scala_test2 (
id int,
c int,
t text,
tm timestamp,

Invalid type error when using Datastax Cassandra Driver

I have a case class which represents partition key values.
case class UserKeys (bucket:Int,
email: String)
I create query Clauses as follows:
def conditions(id: UserKeys):List[Clauses] = List(
QueryBuilder.eq("bucket", id.bucket), //TODOM - pick table description from config/env file.
And use the query as follows
val selectStmt =
.where(QueryBuilder.eq(partitionKeyColumns(0), whereClauseList(0))).and(QueryBuilder.eq(partitionKeyColumns(1), whereClauseList(1)))
I am getting following error.
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidTypeException: Value 0 of type class com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.Clause$SimpleClause does not correspond to any CQL3 type
Question 1 - What am I doing wrong?
The query works on cqlsh
The table I am querying is
bucket int,
email text,
firstname text,
lastname text,
authprovider text,
password text,
PRIMARY KEY ((bucket, email), firstname, lastname)
Question 2 - Is there a way to print the List which contains the query clauses? I tried it but I get this incomprehensible text.
List(com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.Clause$SimpleClause#2389b3ee, com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.Clause$SimpleClause#927f81)
My bad, I was using the query clauses incorrectly. Rather than
.where(QueryBuilder.eq(partitionKeyColumns(0), whereClauseList(0))).and(QueryBuilder.eq(partitionKeyColumns(1), whereClauseList(1)))
I needed to do
because the List already has QueryBuilder.eq("bucket", id.bucket) part

Creating new model with association but without parent instance

I have these model.
var User = this.sequelize.define('user', {name: String})
var Account = this.sequelize.define('account', {account: String})
Now, assume that in TABLE User, i already have:
| id | name |
| 1 | Maat |
| 2 | MatieL |
Now, i want to create an account but i only want to use User ID not user instance.
Account.create({name: 'MyAccount', userid: 1});
But after that, the row show in TABLE Account is:
| id | account |userId|
| 1 | MyAccount | NULL |
I don't know why it doesn't work. Please suggest me if you know the answer.
Thank you.
I know that i can create account instance by another way by firstly finding userinstance by userid then after create account then call userinstance.addAccount(account), but i don't want to use that way because it cost more queries.
PS2: The solution is userId with i capital, not userid
Hi The default foregin key is user_id and not userid

Cassandra + Fetch the last records using in query

I am new in this cassandra database using with nodejs.
I have user_activity table. In this table data will insert based on user activity.
Also I have some user list. I need to fetch the data in that particular users and last record.
I don't interest to put the query in for loop. Have any other idea to achieve this?
Example Code:
var userlist = ["12", "34", "56"];
var query = 'SELECT * FROM user_activity WHERE userid IN ?';
server.user.execute(query, [userlist], {
prepare : true
}, function(err, result) {
How to get the user lists for last one ?
user id = 12 - need to get last record;
user id = 34 - need to get last record;
user id = 56 - need to get last record;
I need to get these 3 records.
Table Schema:
CREATE TABLE test.user_activity (
userid text,
ts timestamp,
clientid text,
clientip text,
status text,
PRIMARY KEY (userid, ts)
It is not possible if you use the IN filter.
If it is a single user_id filter you can apply order by. Of course you need a column for inserted/updated time. So query will be like this:
SELECT * FROM user_activity WHERE user_id = 12 ORDER BY updated_at LIMIT 1;
You can put N value to get number of records
SELECT * FROM user_activity WHERE userid IN ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT N
