Where is the data related to "Pin to Start" stored? - windows-10-desktop

I am trying to find out where the data is stored that indicates tile grouping, position, size, etc, when a user pins a tile to the Start Menu.
Looking to make adds/changes/deletions without user intervention, or right clicking the app tiles.


Win 10: Any way to determine which monitor's taskbar the user clicked to launch an application?

I have a multi-monitor config that duplicates the task bar on each monitor. I also have an application with an icon in the taskbar (thus it shows on all monitors), and I'd like this application to behave differently depending on which monitor the click came from.
Is it possible to determine which monitor's taskbar was used to launch that app? I would just need the API function names (rather than actual code).
Whether or not what I asked in my OP is possible, I found a way to do what I want: Immediately upon launch, I obtain the current mouse position in absolute coordinates. This allows me to determine which monitor the mouse is on, which is almost certainly the monitor holding the taskbar icon used to launch the application.

Is vuforia's virtual button disable while the imageTarget is lose tracking?

I use “extended tracking” mode for my Vuforia, unity project. And I find a problem that when my ARcamera is losing track of the imageTarget(the objects will still display) but the virtual button will not work any more? So my question do these virtual buttons only work while the ARCamera can recognize the imageTarget?
The virtual buttons are not supposed to work when the target is lost, even when using Extended Tracking feature. This is because virtual buttons work by covering specific features of the target, so if there is no target, it cannot work. Extended Tracking feature allows Vuforia to guess and keep telling you what was the position of the target, based on other means, and it does not recognize the existence of virtual buttons by definition.
You can find article about Virtual Buttons on Vuforia Library site here.
There is a paragraph saying:
The rectangle that you define for the area of a Virtual button should be equal to, or greater than, 10% of the overall target area. Button events are triggered when a significant proportion of the features underlying the area of the button are concealed from the camera. This can occur when the user covers the button or otherwise blocks it in the camera view. For this reason, the button should be sized appropriately for the source of the action it is intended to respond to. For example, a button that should be triggered by a user's finger needs to be smaller than one that will be triggered by their entire hand.
The image target is lose tracking
=> Assets => Editor =>Vuforia => Image Target ='your License Manager' => ' your photo' => change texture type into sprite
enter image description here

Scout Eclipse Outline tree width

When I start my application the online tree take all the space available.
I know I can resize manual, but it is annoying and bad user experience.
it looks like this :
I can't find where width of outline is set.
I think it is feature:
If you change the window size of your Swing client or change the width of the outline tree view and then close my client, these values are retained: When I next start the Swing client, the window and the views have the same size as when the client was last closed.
I have explained where the preference file is located here:
Re: Table columns order hidden cache??
I think you should confirm that the size you see is due to this pref file.
In my opinion this feature is good for the user experience. If the user changes the dimensions of the parts in the application, next time he opens the application, its settings will be restored.

Android Menu coming from bottom like Google Drive

I have a floating action button and when the users taps on it I want a layout to be shown, animating from the bottom exactly like the Google Drive app (so not covering the whole screen).
I read someone suggest the open source Umano's AndroidSlidingUpPanel but that is more similar to the Google Play Music app and I don't want that as I don't need the panel to be draggable/slidable.
What component should I use?
This is the Bottom sheet component. Check out its specs:
There are third libraries for the bottom sheet if you don't want to make it your self.

Magnifier like feature inside popup window....how to?

I need to create a magnifier like feature in my app. Like the "loupe" effect on the iphone !
The problem is that I need to do that inside a popup window and I don't get how to make it work !
The popup window display a grid of colors that I generate and draw one by one using shapeDrawables. What I want is to display that color bigger, zoom on it when the user touch and move his finger around the popup window (color grid). The idea is to create a tracking-zooming effect on the colors so the user can see more clearly under wich color his finger is currently located.
Problems are :
I can't seem to create another popup window on top of this one, Android limitation I think ?
If I modify the current shapeDrawable, resize it, change the boundaries, It needs to re-display the popup window before it takes effect (which is not acceptable of course)
So, anyone knows of a way I could draw over that popup window ?
I've tried solving this issue using a Custom Toast object...But it doesn't quite do the trick. It works, but toast object appears slowly and so the touch motion is not in sync at all with the user movement over the color grid.
I'm not sure if this will help you or not, but you might be able to accomplish this by using a second Activity... this second Activity would use Android's translucent theme if you include the following attribute in your manifest:
<activity android:theme="#android:style/Theme.Translucent">
This second activity will now only contain what you place in your layout. That is... the "real" activity you're running will still be visible behind it (anywhere you don't cover it up with views in the new layout).
You also might prefer Theme.Dialog if you really want to resemble a popup.
Something to keep in mind if you take this approach is you will probably want to override onWindowFocusChanged() in the new activity, and finish() in the event of you losing focus. Additionally, you'll need to figure out how to share your data between the two activities.
