React native cannot start js server properly - node.js

I have trying to run a newly created react-native project with react-native init command
when using react-native run-android, it has the issue of starting the js server as the path to user profile "C:\User\Dan" is not recognized.
I'm guessing this issue is due to the fact that my profile folder has a spacing of "Dan Tan".
But I have no idea how to work around this.
It has no issue starting the android emulator right after.
Operating System: Windows 10
npm : 6.9.0
node :10.16.3


NodeJS not recognized under Windows 10

I am using the LTS version of NodeJS. The problem started with version node-v16.18.0-x64 and did continue with node-v18.12.0-x64.
What I am doing:
Developing Playwright test. I ran the test and NodeJS was working. After one minute, I rerun the test and NodeJS is no longer recognized in my OS.
The issue appears when I am using Cypress, so I think the issue is not related to the technology that I am using.
I checked the environment variable: It is there.
The workaround I am doing is to uninstall the NodeJS from the control panel and install it again. There is an option to repair the NodeJS installation. But when I try to use it, I receive an error message that the NodeJS is not installed on this OS.

What is the difference when spawning a process through node (child_process.spawn) from running it through terminal?

I have an electron app running with Node 16.x and Electron v18. On Linux distributions (Ubuntu/CentOS), I noticed that if I run the app through npm start, it's working fine. However, if I run the app directly through electron by running node_modules/electron/dist/electron ., my app is frozen randomly. It's completely frozen. I have to close the app and restart it.
So, my question is, what is the difference? Is it running the app through npm having a different memory management? How can I fix it? I tried to search around but to no avail.

How to change terminal to node in VS Code?(LInux mint)

I'm trying to use Vue in Linux, I installed NODEJS via a guide and when i check which version i have using node -v i get the current version which is 15.11.0
I can't change the terminal in VSCode from sh 5.1 to node to be able to run node commands and commands related to Vue,React native and etc...
I tried almost everything i found in the web including here
What can i do? attaching a image of the terminal:

Problem using Xcode with expo, issue reading the current version?

I was trying to run Expo simulation on Xcode and I kept getting an error message saying
The experience you requested uses Expo SDK 33.0.0, but this copy of Expo Client requires at least v24.0.0
I have updated my expo, expo-cli and node then rebooted my macbook, however I am still getting the same error message.
in my package.json, it says
"expo": "^34.0.4",
"jest-expo": "^34.0.4",
I have tried the solution suggested here, however it did not fix my problem. Any idea what's the problem and how to fix it?
Inside of your project directory run expo client:install:ios or expo client:install:android. This will show you a prompt like this:
╰─$ expo client:install:ios
? You are currently using SDK 33.0.0. Would you like to install client version
unknown released for this SDK? (Y/n)
Go ahead and press y and a version of the Expo client compatible with SDK 33 will be installed in your simulator.

NodeJS does not work after uprading from version 8.11.1

I decided to upgrade my version of nodejs from 8.11.1 to 10.15.3. I am running on Windows 10 so I downloaded v10.15.3-x64.msi file. I created a brand new Angular application from "ng new" command and I got the "HTTP ERROR 400" page with no error in the console.
I have cleared the cache, reboot the system and nothing helps. When I will go back to node JS version 8.11.1 everything starts to work again. The newest version of nodejs v11.11.0-x86.msi also doesn't work for me.
How this can happen and how can I get any information what is going on?
EDIT: this is not a duplication of any existing topics about upgrading NodeJS, because the new version is seen by the system and all components - see the console result in the screenshot I provided. After upgrading the NodeJs all my solutions based on that technology stoped working showing HTTP Error 400 page. After degrading to v8 everything starts working again.
The problem came back when I had to install newer version of node (12.14.1), so this time it worked. Additionally I deleted folders that prompted from runnig where npm command after deleting an old version.
