How to make Named work at boot to resolve DNS queries (possible crontab entry) - dns

Hi I'm a student at Seneca in the OPS335 right now and I'm new here, so basically I setup a new DNS server on my Centos7 machine and got it working perfectly, all the zones in named.conf are setup right, all the records and files are in place, the ifcfg-ens33 and resolv.conf files are all set with the right 'IPs', 'DNS1' and 'namserver', 'search' parameters. The service is enabled to start at boot, but when i get to my terminal and try pinging or a host command it will not resolve until i manually restart the services even though they are active. Iptables are set to allow it in and out via its port (53). If anyone knows how to fix this please help me out, otherwise i had another idea with crontab.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
So in order for me to make what i have work is to manually restart the iptables libvirtd and named services in that order, so i made a small script to do this and then tried adding it to crontab after testing it in terminal. I made it to restart the service at reboot and it works in the terminal, but when i try adding it to crontab with a new line at the end as :
#reboot /namedrestart2.bash
it does not work, named boots and is active and enabled, but it still will not resolve DNS queries.
I am not sure if i have the right PATH and SHELL set for crontab mine is :
The main result that i want is for named to boot properly so i dont have to go through this restart service hassle.
Again any help would be greatly appreciated.


Nodejs/Gcloud/kubectl any command we run from WSL2 is deadly slow

I referred many solutions yet no luck. I have a linux automation which runs few gcloud commands with some conditions. I made this script with node js, but it is incredibly slow that I even finish it manually before the scrips completes the run.
Same with the gcloud commands when I connect to a cluster and kubectl commands when i query something.
Please help!!
It could be a DNS config error on WSL side. I hadthe same issue today, here's how I fixed it !
1. Checking the (deadly slow) response time
[tbg#~] time kubectl get deployments
No resources found in default namespace.
real 0m1.212s
user 0m0.151s
sys 0m0.050s
2. Checking the WSL/DNS configuration
[tbg#~] cat /etc/wsl.conf
[tbg#~] cat /etc/resolv.conf
nameserver XX.XXX.XXX.X
nameserver YYY.YY.YY.YY
If you see that, remove these lines to get back to automatic resolv.conf generation and restart WSL (wsl --shutdown)
3. Checking the (fixed !) response time
[tbg#~] time kubectl get deployments
No resources found in default namespace.
real 0m10.530s
user 0m0.087s
sys 0m0.043s
I found out my resolv.conf configuration was causing that latency, by trying to reinstall kubectl with apt, and finding apt really slow too
Right now access to /mnt folders in WSL2 is too slow and by default at launch the entire Windows PATH is added to the Linux $PATH so any Linux binary that scans $PATH will make things unbearably slow.
To disable this feature, edit the /etc/wsl.conf to add the following section:
appendWindowsPath = false
Avoid adding Windows Path to Linux $PATH and best for now is adding folders to the $PATH manually.
Terminate the WSL distro (wsl.exe --terminate <distro_name>) to make it immediately effective or wsl.exe --shutdown and start the terminal again.
Refer to the stack link for more information.

PsExec - The file cannot be accessed by the system

I'm trying to execute a .bat File on a Server in a local network with psexec
I'm currently trying with this command:
.\PsExec.exe -i -u Administrator \\ -s -d cmd.exe -c "Z:\NX_SystemSetup\test.bat"
The server has no password (it has no internet connection and is running a clean install of Windows Server 2016), so I'm currently not entering one, and when a password is asked I simply press enter, which seems to work. Also, the .bat File currently only opens notepad on execution.
When I enter this command, I get the message "The file cannot be acessed by the system"
I've tried executing it with powershell with administrator privileges (and also without, since I saw another user on Stackoverflow mention that it only worked for them that way) but to no success.
I'm guessing this is a privilege problem, since it "can't be accessed", which would indicate to me that the file was indeed found.
I used net share in a cmd and it says that C:\ on my server is shared.
The file I'm trying to copy is also not in any kind of restricted folder.
Any ideas what else I could try?
I have done a lot more troubleshooting.
On the Server, I went into the firewall settings and opened TCP Port 135 and 445 explicitly, since according to google, PsExec uses these.
Also on the Server, I opened Properties of the "windows" Folder in C: and added an admin$ share, where I gave everyone all rights to the folder (stupid ik but I'm desperate for this to work)
Also played around a bunch more with different commands. Not even .\PsExec.exe \\ ipconfig seems to work. I still get the same error. "The file cannot be accessed by the system"
This is honestly maddening. There is no known documentation of this error on the internet. Searching explicitly for "File cannot be accessed" still only brings up results for "File cannot be found" and similar.
I'm surely just missing something obvious. Right?
I also tried adding the domain name in front of the username. I checked the domain by using set user in cmd on the server.
.\PsExec.exe \\ -u DomainName\Administrator -p ~ -c "C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Mellanox Update.bat"
-p ~
seems to work for the password, so I added that.
I also tried creating a shortcut of the .bat File, and executing it as Administrator, using it instead of the original .bat File. The error stays the same "The File cannot be accessed by the system"
As additional info, the PC I'm trying to send the command from has Windows 10, the Server is running Windows Server 2016
So, the reason for this specific error is as simple and as stupid as it gets.
Turns out I was using the wrong IP. The IP I was using is an IPMI Address, which does not allow for any traffic (other than IPMI related stuff)
I have not yet gotten it to work yet, since I've run into some different errors, but the original question/problem has been resolved.

How to solve apt-get command not found

Hi i am a new with ubuntu and linux,I'm working on baxter robot i have couple problems ..
As i follow the guide steps i have a command that i need to edit a gedit file and write my pc's hostname & ip_address :
i did it couple times and when i make the ssh connection when i write :
i get a not :
EXITING - Please edit this file, modifying the 'baxter_hostname' variable to reflect Baxter's current hostname.
after that i get error on rosrun,apt-get,rosnode commands
sudo: apt-get command not found
it worked ones when i changed ip address and hostname for first time and that time i didnt get that note, i dont know if that relevant just for more information .
thnx for help
To fix
EXITING - Please edit this file, modifying the 'baxter_hostname' variable to reflect Baxter's current hostname.
The first step is to make sure you set the baxter hostname. Per the baxter sdk guide:
Baxter's hostname is defaulted as the robot's serial number. The serial number can be located on the back of the robot, next to the power button.
Alternatively, you can find your robot's hostname by plugging a USB keyboard into the back of Baxter and pressing Ctrl+Alt+F3.
You can edit this by opening the file in your terminal (via gedit) or you can navigate to the file using your file browser and change it in a text editor.
To fix
sudo: apt-get command not found
Checkout some of the documentation on the script.

How do I restore CronTab to my WebMin system

I don't know if this was an effect of the shellshock attack which my server was victim to (or another attack that worked) but it basically enabled the hacker to overwrite my SSH config file when the server rebooted.
This new file used wget to load in a file from a website, then another library of hack functions which I guessed he then used to run hacks/DOS from my server. I caught it pretty fast and ideally want to upgrade but because I have cancer and just had a big operation it is too much effort at the moment.
Therefore I did a lot of house keeping, changing passwords, removing shell access, reverting back to DASH, replacing the default shell for root and any other users to another folder with symbolic links, restoring the config file for SSH, removing CGI functionality from config files e.g
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/searchmysite/cgi-bin/
allow from all
Removed AW stats and Webalizer for all virtual min sites.
I already had DenyHosts and Fail2Ban installed.
I also blocked in/outbound traffic to the IPs of the sites he was getting the files from.
However it seems since this change I have lost the visual cron manager from webmin.
When I go to the menu item "Scheduled Cron Jobs", it says, "The command crontab for managing user Cron configurations was not found. Maybe Cron is not installed on this system?"
However I can see in the file system it exists.
When I run crontab -l or crontab -e I get "Permission Denied"
whoami shows "root"
I did think at the time of the hack this was all related and he had used SSH and a Cron job to get his hack running.
What I want to know is how I can get the CronTab manager back.
All the cron jobs are still running such as importing feeds into my websites, running scheduled emails and so on, what I don't know is how to resolve this without a full rebuild.
If I had the time and energy I would do that but I am totally drained and before this hack everything was just running smoothly and my websites which bring me in money were working fine.
They currently are still working fine and I regularly check my logs for IPs that look odd, have strong htacess rules for xss/sql/path travesal/file hacks and ban whole countries from Cloudflare which the site sits behind. So I don't "think" the machine is compromised at the moment even if it is old - could be wrong though!
details of box
Operating system Debian Linux 5.0 Virtualmin version 3.98.gpl GPL WebMin Version: 1.610 Kernel and CPU Linux on x86_64
So if anyone can help me get my crontab manager back that would be great.
1) check if chattr exists, if not, download a new one.
2) type whereis crontab, then chattr -isa /path/to/crontab.(usually /usr/bin/cron) then chmod crontab back to it original settings.
3) navigate to /var/spool/ and
chattr -isa cron
cd cron
chattr -isa crontabs
4) remove cron entry in /etc/cron.weekly
Look in /etc/cron.weekly for any new

Jenkins ignores proxy settings while building a job

I set a proxy under Plugins in Jenkins like suggested online.
I also edited the /etc/environment
bash-3.2$ cat /etc/environment
I verfied the variables and they are available on logon.
When I start ant manualy as root via ssh, my "composer.phar" script is able to connect and download files. As soon as Jenkins starts the job (I think its the "jenkins" linux user), he waits until timeout and aborts the build. I used "su jenkins -s /bin/bash" to get a shell as "jenkins" and the env-vars are set correctly...
What can I do? Why does Jenkins ignore these ENV-Vars?
The http_proxy variables (as seen e.g. on the wget man page) require a "http://" prefix to work properly for many programs.
Jenkins on the other hand has a proxy configuration at Manage Jenkins > Plugin Manager > Advanced. This configuration overrides the environment variables.
Check Alex' answer to another question for getting around this behavior for individual nodes/builds.
I did not get it solved. After a restart the server fails all Jenkins Jobs for some minutes... suddenly the connection to the proxy succeeds and everything works well.
