How to list last 10 files in all the subdirectories in Linux - linux

I have a directory and there a multiple sub directories under that, i want to display the last 10 files recursively from all the subdirectories or if i can mention some date parameters to list also will be helpful

Save the name of all directories.
ls -R $PWD/* | grep ./ > allDirectories
The next line show 10 files of each directory (only if the directory don't have spaces in their name). You can add more options to the ls command (i.e sort by time using -c)
for directory in $(cat allDirectories); do echo '\n\n\n'$directory; ls $directory[1,-2] | head -n 10; done 2>> /dev/null


How to iterate through folders and subfolders to delete n number of files randomly?

I have 4 folders (named W1, W3, W5, W7) and each one of those folders has approximately 30 subfolders (named M1 - M30). Each subfolder contains 24 .tif files (named Image_XX.tif).
I need to randomly "sample" each subfolder, more specifically, I need to get rid of 14 .tif files while keeping 10 .tif files in each subfolder.
I figure that deleting 14 files at random is easier than choosing 10 files at random and copying them to new subfolders within folders.
I thought that writing a bash script to do so would be the way, but I'm fairly new to programming and I'm stuck.
Below is one of the several scripts I've tried:
for dir in /Users/Fer/Subsets/W1/; do
if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
cd "$dir"
gshuf -zn14 -e *.tif | xargs -0 rm
cd ..
It runs for a second, but nothing seems to happen. Any help is appreciated.
For every subdirectory.
Find all files.
Choose a random number of files from the list.
I think something along:
for dir in /Users/Fer/Subsets/W*/M*/; do
printf "%s\n" "$dir"/*.tif |
shuf -z -n 14 |
xargs -0 -t echo rm -v
Used some of the suggestions above and the code below worked:
for dir in /Users/Fer/Subsets/W*/M*; do
gshuf -zn14 -e "$dir"/*.tif | xargs -0 rm

Renaming folders and files in subdirectories using text file linux

I am trying to rename the files and directories using a text file separated by space.
The text file looks like this:
dir1-1 dir1_1
dir2-1 dir223_1
My command is as follows:
xargs -r -a files.txt -L1 mv
This command can rename only folders from dir1-1 to dir1_1 and dir2-1to dir223_1so on but it doesn't rename the files in the subdirectories. The files in the corresponding directories also have these prefix of these directories.
Looking forward for the assistance.
Assuming you don't have special characters(space of tab...) in your file/dir names,
echo 'chop($_); $orig=$_;'
while read -r src tgt; do
echo 'if (s{(.*)/'"$src"'([^/]*)}{$1/'"$tgt"'\2}) { print "$orig $_\n";next;}'
done < files.txt)
find . -depth | perl -ne "$perl_script" | xargs -r -L1 echo mv
Remove echo once you see it does what you wanted.

How to list files on directory shell script

I need to list the files on Directory. But only true files, not the folders.
Just couldn't find a way to test if the file is a folder or a directory....
Could some one provide a pice o script for that?
How about using find?
To find regular files in the current directory and output a sorted list:
$ find -maxdepth 1 -type f | sort
To find anything that is not a directory (Note: there are more things than just regular files and directories in Unix-like systems):
$ find -maxdepth 1 ! -type d | sort
In bash shell test -f $file will tell you if $file is a file:
if test -f $file; then echo "File"; fi
You can use ls -l | grep ^d -v to realize what you want. I tested it in Redhat 9.0, it lists only the true files, including the Hidden Files.
If u want to get a list the folders on Directory. But only folders, not the true files. You can use ls -l | grep ^d

Sorting files based on content using command line

I have a database of files in a folder. I wish to sort the files containing *C: into one folder and the files containing *c: into another folder. How can this by achieved?**
I can use *.krn to access every file.
$ grep --help | grep with-matches
-l, --files-with-matches print only names of FILEs containing matches
What now depends on how many files there are and how paranoid you must be about their names. From the simplest
mv $(grep -l pattern files) target
to the most robust
grep -l -Z pattern files | xargs -0 mv -t target-directory --

How can I generate a folder with the last X files added?

So I have a huge folder full subfolders with tons of files, and I add files to it all the time.
I need a subfolder in the root of that folder with a symlink of the last 10-20 files added so that I can quickly find the things I recently added. This is located on a NAS, but I have a linux box running Arch connected through NFS, so I assume the best way is to run a bash script with a find command followed by a loop of ln -sf, but I can't do it safely without help.
Something like this is required:
mkdir -p subfolder
find /dir/ -type f -printf '%T# %p\n' | sort -n | tail -n 10 | cut -d' ' -f2- | while IFS= read -r file ; do ln -s "$file" subfolder ; done
Which will create symlinks in subfolder pointing to the 10 most recently modified files in the directory tree rooted at /dir/
You could just create a shell function like:
recent() { ls -lt ${1+"$#"} | head -n 20; }
which will give you a listing of the 20 most recent items in the specified directories, or the current directory if no arguments are given.
