DocuSign: How to verify Webhoook requests? - docusignapi

On this page:, the last section is called: There’s more. And there you can read that there are 3 ways to check that DocuSign is making the web hook request:
you can check the SSL/TSL certificate of the webhook caller (DocuSign).
set DocuSign to digitally sign the data
DocuSign publishes the IP address ranges
If we examine all these options we have:
This is false, you can't check the SSL certificate of who is making the request to you. SSL certs are designed to be used by clients connecting to servers to check that there is no man in the middle attack. And only the client can verify the cert of a server, not the other way around.
I can't find on the page any mention how to set the signature, and most importantly, how to check it.
The link provided to the Public IPs:, does not work.
My questions are:
Where can I find some documentation about the signature process?
Where is the page with the public IPs?

The best way to do that is to create an HMAC key and use that to confirm that the calls are authentic.
Here is a full article on how to do that -

Thank you for reporting the out of date documentation. I've filed an internal bug report, DEVDOCS-1565, to have it updated.
As Inbar says in his answer, these days, the best solution is HMAC. You can also combine it with Basic Authentication if you're using DocuSign webhooks at the account level.
HMAC gives you the guarantees that the message did originate from DocuSign and that the message was not altered in transmission.
Don't set up a server on the Internet
The old way of receiving webhook messages was to set up a server that is accessible on the public internet. Due to the costs and Information Security issues creating and maintaining a service on the Internet, these days I suggest that you skip it.
Instead, use a cloud PAAS (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, etc etc) to receive and queue the messages. Then, from behind your firewall, you can dequeue and process them. (With no changes to your firewall.)
See the Connect- series of code examples.
Mutual TLS for checking the client's certificate
Note that you can check the certificate of a client. This feature of the TLS (ne SSL) protocol is called Mutual TLS and is supported by DocuSign webhooks.
But HMAC is better since it also guarantees message integrity.


Docusign Connect mTLS client certificates

I'm using mTLS to secure Docusign Webhooks (Docusign Connect Service). I'm able to make a successful mTLS connection to get certificate fingerprint, according to the documentation.
The next suggested step is to do access control by validating the certificate fingerprint and possibly the Distinguished Name (DN) but I'm confused what should the correct way to do so.
How do we know which client certificate is going to be sent by DocuSign to our listener in live environment (theoretically can be one of these and which logic is used to determine which one is sent? Should we validate which certification is sent by the DN (e.g.
What information should we validate from the certificate message? The fingerprint, DN, both or more?
With the above, how can we know all possible fingerprints to validate from server side, assuming different webhooks messages can send different client certificates? Should we compute the fingerprint of all public connect certificates to get a full list?
What is the best way to handle expirations of client certificates?
Q. How do we know which client certificate is going to be sent by DocuSign to our listener in live environment (theoretically can be one of these and which logic is used to determine which one is sent? Should we validate which certification is sent by the DN (e.g.
A. Best is to validate based on the certificate's fingerprint matching a fingerprint of one of the expected certificates. DocuSign uses different certificates depending on the platform. But there's a limited set of certs used, so it should not be a big deal to check to see if the offered cert matches one of the expected certs.
Q. What information should we validate from the certificate message? The fingerprint, DN, both or more?
A. I'd recommend the fingerprint since it is more specific than the DN. With the DN, you're trusting the CAs to not issue a cert with a DocuSign DN to a bad guy. It should never happen but it has in the past (not to DocuSign though). See Rogue certificates
Q. With the above, how can we know all possible fingerprints to validate from server side, assuming different webhooks messages can send different client certificates? Should we compute the fingerprint of all public connect certificates to get a full list?
A. DocuSign uses a limited set of five certificates for webhook notifications, see the list on the trust center in the Connect Certificates section. Checking the incoming certificate against five or ten (see below) fingerprints is not a big deal.
Q. What is the best way to handle expirations of client certificates?
A. When the new certificates are announced, compute their fingerprints and add them to your system.
Then test by switching your DocuSign account to use the new certificates. Once the test succeeds, you can delete the fingerprints of the old certs.

RabbitMQ User Authentication with dynamic users

I am using RabbitMQ with SSL/TLS in order to allow confidentiality, integrity and authentication. The message sent is encrypted using sender and broker certificates between sender and broker and then encrypted using broker and receiver certificates between broker and receiver.
My configuration file looks like this:
{ssl, [{versions, ['tlsv1.2']}]},
{rabbit, [
{ssl_listeners, [5671]},
{ssl_options, [{cacertfile, "...ca_certificate.pem"},
{certfile, "...certificate_signed.pem"},
{keyfile, "...private_key.pem"},
{password, "pass"},
{verify, verify_peer},
{fail_if_no_peer_cert, true},
{versions, ['tlsv1.2']}]}
However this is not enough because I need that a receiver/consumer to be able to assure the sender/publisher identification, like described in here. At the receiver I only can access certificate information from the broker certificate.
A solution to that would be to use user-id message property, like i found in the documentation.
This property, sent in every message, will make sure that a message will only be published successfully if the user-id property is equal to the username used for that user to login in the RabbitMQ broker. Since I am already using certificates for SSL I will probably use them also to serve as user authentication with the broker as described here
My problem:
I am using RabbitMQ for communication between agents in a simulation platform and agents are created dynamically, so I would need for dynamic user creation at RabbitMQ which seems not to be possible.
Does someone know if I can do dynamic user creation somehow? Or suggest another approach to my authentication problem?
The user-id property is not a security feature. It just sets information in the message header so that you can know who produced the message.
If you want authentication and autorization using certificates, you can follow the directives in the article you linked (, especially in the section "Configuring Client authentication via certificates".
In short, you need to install the rabbitmq-auth-mecanism-ssl plugin (see here and configure it following the documentation. You also need to create a passwordless internal user in RabbitMQ that has the same CN (common name) as your certificate to be able to give it authorizations.
If you want everything to be automated (as it should be), each time you want to create a new agent, you have to :
Generate a client key/certificate pair using openssl (see : Your key needs to be trusted by the same certificate authority that RabbitMQ trusts (in your SSL setup).
Create a user in RabbitMQ using rabbitmqctl (
In my view, this is a very secure setup if you protect the generated keys so that only the agents have access to them.

Difference between client certificates and certificate pinning, Do I need both?

I have a .net WEB API publicly exposed and also a Xamarin Forms App which uses the API, the app needs to be extremely secure due to the data it manages.
I will create an HTTP Certificate for the WEB API.
The Xamarin Forms app will have a login/password to validate against a local Active Directory. via a /token endpoint, and using an Authorize attribute on all endpoints to assure that every HTTP call has the bearer token in it, I implemented that using this:
I based my implementation on this one:
Additionally the customer has asked us for Client Certificate Authentication, I dont understand how this totally works.
1. I need to add a certificate to the Xamarin Project, right? How do I Add it? How do I generate it?
2. In the Web API I need to validate each http call has the certificate attached.
I found this but not sure if it will work:
However when investigating this, I also found something about certificate pinning, which is basically security but the other way around, it means the Xamarin APP will validate if the server certificate is associated with the right server (or something like that), so there is no way of a MAN IN THE MIDDLE Attack.
I found how to implement it here:
Question is:
1. Do I need both ?
Something else that I should research for on this journey?
Certificate pinning and Client Certificate Authentication are 2 very different things. Certificate pinning makes sure your app is talking to the server it expects to talk to. It also prevents eavesdropping, which is known as a 'Man in the middle' attack. I just recently wrote an article about this on my blog.
Client Certificate Authentication works the other way around. It adds an extra layer of security so your server can be sure only clients that have the certificate can communicate successfully with it. However, since apps can be decompiled without a lot of effort, this client certificate can 'easily' be obtained by a malicious user. So this isn't a silver bullet.
From my experience, Client Certificate Authentication is often used in enterprise apps, when there is an Enterprise Mobility Management solution in place (eg. Mobile Iron or Microsoft Intune or others), where the EMM solution can push the certificates to the users device out of band.
Should you use both? That really depends on the requirements of your customer, since they mitigate 2 very different problems.
The Web API link you included looks like it should do the server job properly at first sight. This article also includes how to generate a client certificate with a Powershell command.
Generating a client side certificate:
Use the Powershell command in the article that you referenced in your question.
Otherwise, this gist might help you on your way.
Add the certificate file to each platform specific project as a resource. This is usually done in the form of a .p12 file.
That all depends on which HttpClient you are using.
If you use the provided Web API solution, you should add the certificate contents as a X-ARR-ClientCert header with each request.

Secure HTTPS connection to Node.js server from client

I am developing a backend for a mobile application using Node.js to handle HTTPS requests. I have set up an SSL to connect from the client to the server and was wondering if this was secure enough.
I don't have experience with intercepting endpoints from the mobile devices, but I have seen that it is possible for people to monitor internet traffic out of their cellphones and pick up endpoints to server requests. I have seen hacks on tinder where people can see response JSON and even automate swipes by sending http requests to tinder's endpoints.
My real concern is that people will be able to update/read/modify data on my backend. I can implement OAuth2 into my schema as well but I still see cases in which people could abuse the system.
My main question is whether or not using HTTPS is secure enough to protect my data, or if a session authentication system is needed like OAuth2.
HTTPS, providing it is properly configured, will ensure the message was not read or changed en route and that the client can know the server it is talking to is not a fake.
It will secure the transport. It will not secure the application.
For example supposing you have an app that allows you to send a message saying and the server does just that based on those parameters. Then I could send that message myself - I've no need to intercept any app messages.
Normally the server needs authentication as well as HTTPS to, for example, verify only Kyle user can send above message and not anyone else. HTTPS normally only gives server authentication not client authentication (unless using two way certificate HTTPS).
So the question is, even if an attacker cannot read or alter any messages between app and server can they still cause harm? That is the measure of whether it is secure enough.
A SSL connection is only secure with the content you are sending.
SSL encrypts and ensures the authenticity of the whole connection, including the requested method and URL
So i would say just using the SSL encryption is save to transfer data between - i might consider OAuth2 for password etc.
But i would recommend to use GET for retrieval data and post for authorized data
You're building an armored tunnel between two open fields.
Assuming that you use current SSL protocols and settings, and valid certificates from trusted issuers, you can pretty much assume the network is OK.
However it's still entirely possible to compromise any or all of your transaction from the client. Security really depends on the device and how well it's configured and patched.

How to design API with no SSL support?

I am developing Restful API layer my app. The app would be used in premises where HTTPS support is not available. We need to support both web apps and mobile apps. We are using Node/Expressjs at the server side. My two concerns are:
Is there a way we could setup secure authentication without HTTPS?
Is there a way we could reuse the same authentication layer on both web app (backbonejs) and native mobile app (iOS)?
I think you are confusing authenticity and confidentiality. It's totally possible to create an API that securely validates the caller is who they say they are using a MAC; most often an HMAC. The assumption, though, is that you've securely established a shared secret—which you could do in person, but that's pretty inconvenient.
Amazon S3 is an example of an API that authenticates its requests without SSL/TLS. It does so by dictating a specific way in which the caller creates an HMAC based on the parts of the HTTP request. It then verifies that the requester is actually a person allowed to ask for that object. Amazon relies on SSL to initially establish your shared secret at registration time, but SSL is not needed to correctly perform an API call that can be securely authenticated as originating from an authorized individual—that can be plain old HTTP.
Now the downside to that approach is that all data passing in both directions is visible to anyone. While the authorization data sent will not allow an attacker to impersonate a valid user, the attacker can see anything that you transmit—thus the need for confidentiality in many cases.
One use case for publicly transmitted API responses with S3 includes websites whose code is hosted on one server, while its images and such are hosted in S3. Websites often use S3's Query String Authentication to allow browsers to request the images directly from S3 for a small window of time, while also ensuring that the website code is the only one that can authorize a browser to retrieve that image (and thus charge the owner for bandwidth).
Another example of an API authentication mechanism that allows the use of non-SSL requests is OAuth. It's obsolete 1.0 family used it exclusively (even if you used SSL), and OAuth 2.0 specification defines several access token types, including the OAuth2 HTTP MAC type whose main purpose is to simplify and improve HTTP authentication for services that are unwilling or unable to employ TLS for every request (though it does require SSL for initially establishing the secret). While the OAuth2 Bearer type requires SSL, and keeps things simpler (no normalization; the bane of all developers using all request signing APIs without well established & tested libraries).
To sum it up, if all you care about is securely establishing the authenticity of a request, that's possible. If you care about confidentiality during the transport of the response, you'll need some kind of transport security, and TLS is easier to get right in your app code (though other options may be feasible).
Is there a way we could setup secure authentication without HTTPS?
If you mean SSL, No. Whatever you send through your browser to the web server will be unencrypted, so third parties can listen. HTTPS is not authentication, its encyrption of the traffic between the client and server.
Is there a way we could reuse the same authentication layer on both web app (backbonejs) and native mobile app (iOS)?
Yes, as you say, it is layer, so it's interface will be independent from client, it will be HTTP and if the web-app is on same-origin with that layer, there will be no problem. (e.g. accessed from Your native mobile can make HTTP requests, too.
In either case of SSL or not SSL, you can be secure if you use a private/public key scenario where you require the user to sign each request prior to sending. Once you receive the request, you then decrypt it with their private key (not sent over the wire) and match what was signed and what operation the user was requesting and make sure those two match. You base this on a timestamp of UTC and this also requires that all servers using this model be very accurate in their clock settings.
Amazon Web Services in particular uses this security method and it is secure enough to use without SSL although they do not recommend it.
I would seriously invest some small change to support SSL as it gives you more credibility in doing so. I personally would not think you to be a credible organization without one.
