RabbitMQ User Authentication with dynamic users - security

I am using RabbitMQ with SSL/TLS in order to allow confidentiality, integrity and authentication. The message sent is encrypted using sender and broker certificates between sender and broker and then encrypted using broker and receiver certificates between broker and receiver.
My configuration file looks like this:
{ssl, [{versions, ['tlsv1.2']}]},
{rabbit, [
{ssl_listeners, [5671]},
{ssl_options, [{cacertfile, "...ca_certificate.pem"},
{certfile, "...certificate_signed.pem"},
{keyfile, "...private_key.pem"},
{password, "pass"},
{verify, verify_peer},
{fail_if_no_peer_cert, true},
{versions, ['tlsv1.2']}]}
However this is not enough because I need that a receiver/consumer to be able to assure the sender/publisher identification, like described in here. At the receiver I only can access certificate information from the broker certificate.
A solution to that would be to use user-id message property, like i found in the documentation.
This property, sent in every message, will make sure that a message will only be published successfully if the user-id property is equal to the username used for that user to login in the RabbitMQ broker. Since I am already using certificates for SSL I will probably use them also to serve as user authentication with the broker as described here
My problem:
I am using RabbitMQ for communication between agents in a simulation platform and agents are created dynamically, so I would need for dynamic user creation at RabbitMQ which seems not to be possible.
Does someone know if I can do dynamic user creation somehow? Or suggest another approach to my authentication problem?

The user-id property is not a security feature. It just sets information in the message header so that you can know who produced the message.
If you want authentication and autorization using certificates, you can follow the directives in the article you linked (https://weblogs.asp.net/jeffreyabecker/Using-SSL-client-certificates-for-authentication-with-RabbitMQ), especially in the section "Configuring Client authentication via certificates".
In short, you need to install the rabbitmq-auth-mecanism-ssl plugin (see here https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-auth-mechanism-ssl/blob/master/README.md) and configure it following the documentation. You also need to create a passwordless internal user in RabbitMQ that has the same CN (common name) as your certificate to be able to give it authorizations.
If you want everything to be automated (as it should be), each time you want to create a new agent, you have to :
Generate a client key/certificate pair using openssl (see : https://superuser.com/questions/226192/avoid-password-prompt-for-keys-and-prompts-for-dn-information). Your key needs to be trusted by the same certificate authority that RabbitMQ trusts (in your SSL setup).
Create a user in RabbitMQ using rabbitmqctl (https://www.rabbitmq.com/management.html)
In my view, this is a very secure setup if you protect the generated keys so that only the agents have access to them.


Docusign Connect mTLS client certificates

I'm using mTLS to secure Docusign Webhooks (Docusign Connect Service). I'm able to make a successful mTLS connection to get certificate fingerprint, according to the documentation.
The next suggested step is to do access control by validating the certificate fingerprint and possibly the Distinguished Name (DN) but I'm confused what should the correct way to do so.
How do we know which client certificate is going to be sent by DocuSign to our listener in live environment (theoretically can be one of these and which logic is used to determine which one is sent? Should we validate which certification is sent by the DN (e.g. connect.docusign.net)?
What information should we validate from the certificate message? The fingerprint, DN, both or more?
With the above, how can we know all possible fingerprints to validate from server side, assuming different webhooks messages can send different client certificates? Should we compute the fingerprint of all public connect certificates to get a full list?
What is the best way to handle expirations of client certificates?
Q. How do we know which client certificate is going to be sent by DocuSign to our listener in live environment (theoretically can be one of these and which logic is used to determine which one is sent? Should we validate which certification is sent by the DN (e.g. connect.docusign.net)?
A. Best is to validate based on the certificate's fingerprint matching a fingerprint of one of the expected certificates. DocuSign uses different certificates depending on the platform. But there's a limited set of certs used, so it should not be a big deal to check to see if the offered cert matches one of the expected certs.
Q. What information should we validate from the certificate message? The fingerprint, DN, both or more?
A. I'd recommend the fingerprint since it is more specific than the DN. With the DN, you're trusting the CAs to not issue a cert with a DocuSign DN to a bad guy. It should never happen but it has in the past (not to DocuSign though). See Rogue certificates
Q. With the above, how can we know all possible fingerprints to validate from server side, assuming different webhooks messages can send different client certificates? Should we compute the fingerprint of all public connect certificates to get a full list?
A. DocuSign uses a limited set of five certificates for webhook notifications, see the list on the trust center in the Connect Certificates section. Checking the incoming certificate against five or ten (see below) fingerprints is not a big deal.
Q. What is the best way to handle expirations of client certificates?
A. When the new certificates are announced, compute their fingerprints and add them to your system.
Then test by switching your DocuSign account to use the new certificates. Once the test succeeds, you can delete the fingerprints of the old certs.

DocuSign: How to verify Webhoook requests?

On this page: https://developers.docusign.com/esign-rest-api/code-examples/webhook-status, the last section is called: There’s more. And there you can read that there are 3 ways to check that DocuSign is making the web hook request:
you can check the SSL/TSL certificate of the webhook caller (DocuSign).
set DocuSign to digitally sign the data
DocuSign publishes the IP address ranges
If we examine all these options we have:
This is false, you can't check the SSL certificate of who is making the request to you. SSL certs are designed to be used by clients connecting to servers to check that there is no man in the middle attack. And only the client can verify the cert of a server, not the other way around.
I can't find on the page any mention how to set the signature, and most importantly, how to check it.
The link provided to the Public IPs: https://trust.docusign.com/en-us/trust-certifications/ip-ranges/, does not work.
My questions are:
Where can I find some documentation about the signature process?
Where is the page with the public IPs?
The best way to do that is to create an HMAC key and use that to confirm that the calls are authentic.
Here is a full article on how to do that - https://developers.docusign.com/esign-rest-api/guides/connect-hmac
Thank you for reporting the out of date documentation. I've filed an internal bug report, DEVDOCS-1565, to have it updated.
As Inbar says in his answer, these days, the best solution is HMAC. You can also combine it with Basic Authentication if you're using DocuSign webhooks at the account level.
HMAC gives you the guarantees that the message did originate from DocuSign and that the message was not altered in transmission.
Don't set up a server on the Internet
The old way of receiving webhook messages was to set up a server that is accessible on the public internet. Due to the costs and Information Security issues creating and maintaining a service on the Internet, these days I suggest that you skip it.
Instead, use a cloud PAAS (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, etc etc) to receive and queue the messages. Then, from behind your firewall, you can dequeue and process them. (With no changes to your firewall.)
See the Connect- series of code examples.
Mutual TLS for checking the client's certificate
Note that you can check the certificate of a client. This feature of the TLS (ne SSL) protocol is called Mutual TLS and is supported by DocuSign webhooks.
But HMAC is better since it also guarantees message integrity.

What are some approaches to exchange data without using SSL/TLS

When creating any kind of application web,api etc; This days the best practices recommend to secure endpoints by using TLS, but what we can learn from the cloudbleed issue, is that it may not be enough.
Therefore I would like to know what could be done to keep a certain level of security even when TLS is compromised.
For web applications what I currently use is jsencrypt, basically encrypts all data on client browser side before it is sent, but in order to to this I need first to exchange a shared secret (token/cookie) between the server and client, but when dealing with API's that don't support javascript what could be used?
Regarding the exchange of tokens, by instinct it may be obvious to say use OAUTH, OpenID Connect, json tokens , but all of them require or delegate trust to TLS, and again when this is compromised it became useless.
If I am right OpenID could be used without SSL to share a "common secret" by doing Diffie–Hellman key exchange, is there something similar that could be implemented keeping in mind that if TLS gets compromised, easy measure could be taking like revoking tokens or changing "salts" ?
For now I think by following the gpg or rsa (private/public) keys is the way to go, in a way that probably everyone could have access to the public keys but will not be available to see the content of some data signed to a specific user.
But question remains in how to exchange that very first "known secret" between client and server avoiding a possible man in the middle attack considering TLS can't be trusted.
The problem of exchanging the first "known secret" is the same for all protocols, SSL or not. SSL is a public key infrastructure where the basic information that needs to be distributed is the public key of the root certificate of the certificate issuer. The public keys for all ssl certificate issuers are distributed with the browser installation.
Any protocol will depend on some information that is communicated between the server and client in a different channel from the channel where the communication is established. If you don't trust the SSL infrastructure, you will have to send this information by email, postal mail, sms, or by some other means.
However, your problem does not start with the keys neccesary for the encryption libraries you are using in you web application. Your very web application (the javascript files) are also sent from the server to the web browser over SSL. If your SSL communication is compromised by a man-in-the-middle, this man-in-the-middle is also probably able to change the web pages and javascript code that you send to the browser. He could just rewrite your application and remove all encryption code, add new fields and messages for the user, send the user to a different site and so on.
The SSL infrastructure is really a cornerstone in web security, and a neccessity for web applications. Without it, you would have to build a custom protocol for sending encrypted web pages and write a custom browser that would understand this protocol.
With all that said, it is of course possible to add a tiny layer of extra security on top of SSL. You may i.e. create a private/public keypair for each user, send a public key to the user and encrypt all messages from your server to the user with the private key. This could protect against a scenario where a main-in-the-middle is able to listen to the communication but not able to change your messages.

Secure client server channel

I'm building an application that needs to establish a secure connection between a client and a server, providing web services.
I need to guarantee authenticity for both (client and server), the server will also be handling the client authorization to access the data and files.
If thought to do it using an EKE-like algorithm to authenticate both, but these relies on a previously shared secret.
I could use the client password as the shared secret, but I would need to securely establish that password upon the client sign up, in this case I would need a secure channel, and authenticate the server (the client needs to know which server he is registering into).
I would rather avoid using a CA to provide certificates with the server public keys, because its a lot of extra code for just one small job, and it wouldn't be the best solution, because I would just have to trust the CA.
Ultimately this is to let the client send (client-)encrypted files to the server and share them.
Any alternatives that I'm missing out?
Tl;Dr How to stablish a secure client/server channel, authenticating the server, without CA, know public keys, or previous
SSL/TLS offers wide choice of authentication mechanisms, including pre-shared secrets, OpenPGP keys etc. So you can go for SSL and avoid reinventing the wheel.
Also you can sign and encrypt individual data messages (again using OpenPGP as a variant).

server-to-server REST API security

We're building a REST API that will only be accessed from a known set of servers. My question is, if there is no access directly from any browser based clients, what security mechanisms are required.
Currently Have:
Obviously over HTTPS
Have HTTP auth enabled, API consumers have a Key & password
Is it neccessary to:
Create some changing key, e.g. md5(timestamp + token) that is formed for the request and validated at the endpoint?
Use OAuth (2-legged authentication)?
Doesn't matter - from browser or not.
Is it neccessary to:
Create some changing key, e.g. md5(timestamp + token) that is formed
for the request and validated at the endpoint?
Use oauth (2-legged authorization)?
Use OAuth, it solves both these questions. And OAuth usage is good because:
You aren't reinventing wheel
There are already a lot of libraries and approaches depending on technology stack
You can also use JWT token to pass some security context with custom claims from service to service.
Also as reference you can look how different providers solve the problem. For example Azure Active Directory has on behalf flow for this purpose
Use of OAuth2/OpenID Connect is not mandatory between your services, there are other protocols and alternatives and even custom. All depends in which relationships are services and either they both are in full trust environment.
You can use anything you like but main idea not to share sensitive information between services like service account credentials or user credentials.
If REST API security is main requirement - OAuth2/OpenID Connect is maybe the best choice, if you need just secure (in a sense of authentication) calls in full trust environment in a simplest way - Kerberos, if you need encrypted custom tunnel between them for data in transit encryption - other options like VPN. It does not make sense to implement somthing custom because if you have Service A and Service B, and would like to make sure call between them is authenticated, then to avoid coupling and sharing senstive information you will always need some central service C as Identity provider. So if you think from tis pov, OAuth2/OIDC is not overkill
Whether the consumers of your API are web browsers or servers you don't control doesn't change the security picture.
If you are using HTTPs and clients already have a key/password then it isn't clear what kind of attack any other mechanism would protect against.
Any compromise on the client side will expose everything anyway.
Firstly - it matters whether a user agent (such as a browser) is involved in call.
If there are only S2S calls then 1 way SSL HTTPS (for network encryption) and some kind of signature mechanism (SHA-256) should be enough for your security.
However if you return sensitive information in your api response, its always better to accept 2 way ssl HTTPS connections (in order to validate the client).
OAuth2 doesn't add any value in a server to server call (that takes place without user consent and without any user agent present).
For authentication between servers:
Known servers:
use TLS with X.509 client certificates (TLS with mutual authentication).
issue the client certificates with a common CA (certificate authority). That way, the servers need only have the CA certificate or public key in the truststore, and new client certificates for additional clients/servers can be issued without having to update the truststores.
Open set of servers:
use API keys, issued by a central authority. The servers need to validate these keys on each request (and may cache the hashes of the keys along with the validation result for some short time).
Identity propagation
if the requests are executed in the context of a non-technical user, use JWT (or SAML) for identity propagation of the user principal and claims (authorize at security proxy/WAF/IAM, and issue JWT signed by authentication server).
otherwise the user principal refers to the technical user and can can be extracted from the client certificate (X.509 DName) or be returned with a successful authentication response (API key case).
