<f:ajax execute="newDate" listener="myBean.getResultByNewDate()"> return error message 'Server sent empty response' - jsf

Following is my JSF code
<h:input type="newDate">
<f:ajax execute="newDate" listener="myBean.getResultByNewDate()">
In the backing bean, the newDate field is defined as Date and method getResultByNewDate() is also defined. But on click of the command link, I get a error message: "Server sent empty response".
I need to use the newDate's value in the getResultByNewDate(). Any suggestions to fix this issue. Is the syntax correct?

Your JSF code has multiple issues:
1) input should be replaced with inputText.
2) type also has no use here.
3) listener should use proper binding.
4) execute should use the id of the xhtml component which need to be executed on ajax.
Code should be like:
<h:inputText value="#{myBean.newDate}" id="dateInput">
<f:ajax execute="dateInput" listener="#{myBean.getResultByNewDate()}">
Extra point to note, if you would have used commandButton on place of commandLink, you should declare the type="button", otherwise you will face issue with ajax. Because ajax work with type button and commandButton is of type submit by default and commadLink is of type button by default.


ActionListener method not called when in a conditional rendered block

I've got this code where some buttons show only under a certain condition, like this:
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{mayusculasBean.jefeCerca}">
<h:panelGrid columns="4">
<h:commandButton value="Listar"
The rendered attribute is working ok. The problem is that the actionListener method is not being called when the commandButton is pressed. However, if I get rid of the rendered attribute, the button is working properly.
I think it might be related to the different phases of the Jsf request, so when the commandButton is pressed the rendered attribute, I don't know why, evaluates to false, therefore avoiding the call to the actionListener method... but it's just a guess, I really have no idea.
Any help?
If your mayusculasBean is #RequestScoped, then, after response committed, your command button component will not be tracked by the server.
If this is your case, you need to change your mayusculasBean to a wider scope such as #ViewScoped.

How can I change a bean property with a button

I'm trying to create a button that once clicked will change a property in a bean.
<h:commandButton type="button" action="#{loginBean.withdraw}" id="thousand" class="buttons" style="top:180px;left:570px;">
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{loginBean.withdrawAmount}" value="1000" />
public class LoginBean {
int withdrawAmount;
This method only works when I omit the type="button" from the commandButton, but with the type="button" it doesn't work and I'm not sure why.
I need the type="button" to be there , is there any way to keep it and still make it work ?
There is an error in your facelet snippet:
There is no such attribute as class for <h:commandButton>. Possibly you meant styleClass.
As for the problem you have, you have to:
Either provide a setter method for the withdrawAmount property
public void setWithdrawAmount(int withdrawAmount) {
this.withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount;
and your facelet should look like:
<h:commandButton type="submit"
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{loginBean.withdrawAmount}"
value="1000" />
Or, you can get rid of the <f:setPropertyActionListener> and add a statement the changes the value of the withdrawAmount as a first line of the #{loginBean.withdraw} method.
In this case your facelet snippet should look like:
<h:commandButton type="submit"
style="top:180px;left:570px;" />
and your LoginBean#withdraw() method should start with the statement, that changes the withdrawAmount value:
public String withdraw() {
this.withdrawAmount = 1000;
//the remaining logic.
Personally, I would prefer the first option.
More info:
< h:commandButton > tag reference
JSF Core Tag :setPropertyActionListener vs attribute vs param
The type is the entire reason why you're having this issue. I'm posting this answer because the accepted answer doesn't explain why you're experiencing the issue.
<h:commandButton/> is designed to work in 3 modes:
submit: This is the default mode that the button is set to. This mode sends an HTTP POST request to the server that triggers the JSF request processing lifecycle. It's only this mode that enables you to trigger backing bean methods(using the action or actionListener attributes).
button: This mode triggers a GET request in the application. As GET requests go, this mode is mostly suited for navigation, i.e. requesting another view or page. In this mode, there's no easy/straightforward way to execute backing bean code, or trigger the JSF request processing lifecycle. This is your current issue
reset: This mode simply resets the value of all input components within its enclosing <h:form/>
JSF2 Command Button VDL
JSF redirect via commandButton
Difference between h:button and h:commandButton

Post value using h:inputtext and a4j:support onkeyup

I was originally posting a value in the h:inputText field with an a4j:commandButton but I had to change the commandButton to s:link because the commandButton is also triggering a pdf document to be exported, and I believe that with an ajax call, the doc is rendered on the browser instead.
So now I am trying to post the value using h:inputText and a4j:support
<h:inputText id="numberOfPatients"
<a4j:support event="onkeyup"
(sorry for the weird formatting..)
My setNumberOfPatients(x) is getting called but I don't think I am passing the value correctly. How should I pass the value of the h:inputText field?
You don't need to explicitly set the value of numberOfPatients while executing ajax support. a4j:support tag processes its parent component during its execution, meaning the value for numberOfPatients will be set for each onkeyup event, even you don't invoke an action event. You can see it better at Richfaces' site:
RichFaces uses form based approach for Ajax request sending. This means each time, when you click an Ajax button or produces an asynchronous request, the data from the closest JSF form is submitted with the XMLHTTPRequest object. The form data contains the values from the form input element and auxiliary information such as state saving data.
When "ajaxSingle" attribute value is "true" , it orders to include only a value of the current component (along with or <a4j:actionparam> values if any) to the request map. In case of <a4j:support> , it is a value of the parent component. An example is placed below:
<h:inputText value="#{person.name}">
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="test" ajaxSingle="true"/>
<h:inputText value="#{person.middleName}"/>
In other words, for your case this should work:
<h:inputText id="numberOfPatients"
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" ajaxSingle="true"/>
Specify an action method only if you want to add extra logic when the event happens.

CommandButton action: use value of inputText as parameter in dynamic URL

I need to make a small form where user types a number into the inputField, and clicks on a button, then is sent to a page, using that number as a parameter to the page.
So far I got into this:
<p:inputText id="myText" style="width:75px;" />
<p:commandButton id="myButton" value="Ir"
title="Ir" ajax="false" proces="#this,myText" />
tried with ${param['form:myButton']} and #{param['form:myButton']}, error is the same.
Problem is, JSF thinks its a method expression...
GRAVE: Servlet.service() for servlet [Faces Servlet] in context with path [/intranet] threw exception [/myPage action="/site/page.xhtml?id=${param['form:myButton']}".xhtml #95,41 action="/site/page.xhtml?id=${param['form:myButton']}" Not a Valid Method Expression: action="/site/page.xhtml?id=${param['form:myButton']}" with root cause
javax.el.ELException: Not a Valid Method Expression: action="/site/page.xhtml?id=${param['form:myButton']}"
at org.apache.el.lang.ExpressionBuilder.createMethodExpression(ExpressionBuilder.java:236)
at org.apache.el.ExpressionFactoryImpl.createMethodExpression(ExpressionFactoryImpl.java:55)
at org.jboss.weld.util.el.ForwardingExpressionFactory.createMethodExpression(ForwardingExpressionFactory.java:43)
at org.jboss.weld.el.WeldExpressionFactory.createMethodExpression(WeldExpressionFactory.java:64)
at com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.TagAttributeImpl.getMethodExpression(TagAttributeImpl.java:222)
at com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jsf.ActionSourceRule$ActionMapper2.applyMetadata(ActionSourceRule.java:104)
at com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.MetadataImpl.applyMetadata(MetadataImpl.java:81)
at javax.faces.view.facelets.MetaTagHandler.setAttributes(MetaTagHandler.java:129)
at javax.faces.view.facelets.DelegatingMetaTagHandler.setAttributes(DelegatingMetaTagHandler.java:102)
at com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jsf.ComponentTagHandlerDelegateImpl.doNewComponentActions(ComponentTagHandlerDelegateImpl.java:402)
and this is the bottom-most exception trace.
Question: how can I pass the value typed into of the input-field into the action of the Button when the button is clicked, so the browser navigates to the desired page passing the value in the input as a parameter, without resorting to a backing bean.
I don't need to communicate with the server, just forward the page.
any solution using jQuery or plain javascript in tandem with JSF is acceptable too.
using mojarra, primefaces 3.3.1
use <f:param> It's explained in this article from BalusC http://balusc.blogspot.in/2011/09/communication-in-jsf-20.html#ProcessingGETRequestParameters
I do not need a bazooka to kill a mouse. The answer is very simple.
bind a javascript function to the onclick of the button, and in that function, retrieve the value of the input field by its id, then assemble URL with the parameters and navigate away from within the javascript function.
JSF code (assume they are inside a form with myForm as its id):
<p:inputText id="myInput" style="width:75px;" />
<p:commandButton id="myButton" value="Ir" onclick="navega();" title="Ir" ajax="false" proces="#none" />
Javascript script, declared on a separate file or later on in the xhtml document:
function navega() {
var submittedInputValue = $('#myForm\\:myInput').val();
window.location.href = "/site/mypage.xhtml?param1=whatever&id=" + submittedInputValue ;
Take note of the prepend id (myForm:myInput), of using \\ to escape the : in jQuery, and using & instead of & in the xhtml so its not treated as an entity.
Note: probably not all of those commandButton attributes are required, feel free to edit this answer and remove the useless ones.
EDIT: removed the submit and changed process to #none on the command button.

commandLink is not fired in a page with a param in its URI

When I call a method in a page with a param in its URI, the method is not invoked unless I pass the parameters of the uri again. For example if I have:
This method results in error (obviously because it renders the page again without params, but the method foo is never invoked):
<h:commandLink value="Do Action" actionListener="#{mybean.foo}"/>
So I added an ajax to only update the component, but the button is not getting fired:
<h:commandLink value="Do Action" actionListener="#{mybean.foo}">
<f:ajax render="somecomponent"/>
When I passed the param values again, the button invokes the method just fine:
<h:commandLink value="Do Action" actionListener="#{mybean.foo}">
<f:param name="mykey" value="myvalue"/>
<f:ajax render="somecomponent"/>
However, this button is included (ui:include) in many pages with different param keys and values. How can I invoke the method without passing the param values?
Im using glassfish 3.1.2, jsf 2.0
Apparently the bean is request scoped and the parameter plays a role in the way how the command link is rendered (e.g. by the rendered attribute on one of its parent components, or by a dynamic include of the template containing the command link).
All those conditions are namely re-evaluated during apply request values phase of the form submit. The developer has to make sure that all those conditions are exactly the same as when the form was presented to the enduser. So, when the bean is request scoped and the parameter is absent, then the command link appears as non-rendered in the component tree and this way its action won't be invoked.
Putting the bean in the view scope is the easiest way to fix this (unless you're using a dynamic <ui:include>, this is then more complicated, you'd need to turn off partial state saving for the particular view).
See also:
commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated - point 5
