Azure AD B2C - User flows (policies) - azure

I had a page that shows the list of registered users. In the list, each row had delete and edit functionalities. Take the list page into action as an administrator view. He/she need to edit each registered users basic information. For collecting the information I call APIs. In an administrative role how can I update all the users information? Which User flows (policies) I need to try ?

The User Policies are intended to be used by the Consumers (users). Admins can delete or edit users in the Users blade in the Azure Portal.
If that's not acceptable in your case, you could easy create your own admin page to update the user attributes via Graph API calls.

User flows are used for the end user. Where end user can go through a user journey to accomplish something such as signup, signin, password reset etc.
For Admin experiences for user modification, there are two ways
Use Azure portal as it provides a rich experience already. You can use RBAC to provide limited access to the user management admins.
Use AAD Graph apis to build your own custom user management flows. You can find documentation here


User account does not show application assignments

Log into Azure B2C
Click Users
Select a user
Click Applications
I created users in my B2C tenant by logging into my website using various OAuth identity providers. So for any user selected using the above steps I expect to see at least one application listed - that being the one the user signed into when their user record was created in Azure.
When I perform the above steps I only see applications listed under my own user name. I created all the users I see in my tenant so I know there should be apps listed with each user name.
More formally stated my questions are:
Given an Azure AD Application, how do I get a list of users that are authorized to log into that app?
Given an Azure AD User, how do I get a list of applications that user is authorized to log into?
I would like to accomplish the above tasks using Azure portal - I don't want to write script. Also, my purpose in asking these questions is to be able to delete or disable users as needed.
Azure AD B2C does not hold a mapping of Users who signed into an App to a specific Application Registration. By default, all users are authorized to sign into your apps if you have OAuth IdPs configured against the AAD B2C policy that allows authentication to your App.
You can use the AAD B2C Sign In logs to see which users have been logging into what applications.
Assigning or not assigning Users to Apps in the Azure Portal does not enforce any authorization, this is an Azure AD only concept and doesnt apply to Azure AD B2C.
The process you followed(Users->select user->application) will only be able to see the applications listed under your tenant.
In the same manner when you choose an application and select the users/Groups you will only be able to see the users who have accessed your application.
Based on application/user->application you can remove the access from that application.
Regarding the
Given an Azure AD Application, how do I get a list of users that are
authorized to log into that app?
Given an Azure AD User, how do I get a list of applications that user
is authorized to log into?
The list of users/application authorized details are completely depend on the application consent flow.
Application developers can dictate what types of permissions are being requested and if they want to guide users through the user consent flow or the admin consent flow. If the application is provided with user consent flow based on the consent acceptance any user can access that particular application.
Admin consent flow is when an application developer directs users to the admin consent endpoint with the intent to record consent for the entire tenant. Application access grant to the requested data on behalf of the entire tenant.
For more details on the consent and permission please go through the document

Using Azure AD Roles or Groups to restrict access to certain pages?

I'm looking to create a user register web app using Azure B2C. Where a customer company would allow users to register a local account and fill in a profile (including uploading a picture to their profile. If anyone has any tips there please go ahead! But that's not the point of this question).
This profile is viewable by the user themselves and the administrator(s). Users should only be able to see and edit their own info. Admins should be able to access both the page for their personal profile and a table of every user's details (with the ability to edit).
I want this to be done through Azure status. So if my user is a global admin in azure ad then they should be an admin user in my application. Is this possible?
I afraid there is no inheritance relationship between global admin and application admin role in your application.
In your scenario, you'll create an application with User.ReadWrite.All permission and define a admin role for it. As the global admin won't have too much, you can grant the global admin admin role manually, then the admin will be able to access every user's details. Others will only be able to see and edit their own info.
Here is the difference between using groups and using application riles for authorization.

Azure Active Directory B2C with Multi Factor Authentication - queries to integrate in website

I want to integrate Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) through Azure Active Directory (AD), I checked its documentation and some code samples, then I knew that Azure AD B2C have some of features which suits my requirement,
NOTE - I only need MFA feature from Azure AD B2C,
I tried this sample code provided in official docs,
But I have some of queries:
1) Is there any service in Azure B2C, which can directly provide MFA facility to integrate, without need to register users in Azure AD?
2) In Azure B2C, can I control user flow with information of my website? So that email and phone number will be of my website during user flow. (I am asking about this because according to my plan I am going to integrate it after login process in my website)
3) There are 3 types of account in Azure B2C, (Work account, Guest user, Consumer user), Which user type is most suitable? (I only need MFA for the user, and will require to manage users via Graph or any official API)
4) From where can I decide, which type of user will be registered? because the code which I have tried, doesn't mention about user type, (Actually I want to know that is there any param or option in user-flow, which can decide type of user, which will be registered through this flow)
Any help or suggestions will helpful for me,
Thanks in advance,
1. Is there any service in Azure B2C, which can directly provide MFA
facility to integrate, without need to register users in Azure AD?
Yes you can restrict new user to sign and sign up using MFA. For that need to enable MFA. Its global MFA for all.
See the screen shot below.
Note: You can also implement MFA for each individual user.
See the screen shot below for Individual MFA
Once you implement MFA you would be prompted to verify your phone
number like below
For Testing MFA Userflow need native application on application
drop down
See the screen shot below
2. In Azure B2C, can I control user flow with information of my
website? So that email and phone number will be of my website during
user flow. (I am asking about this because according to my plan I am
going to integrate it after login process in my website)
Yes you can customize your user flow. You can add new user flow according to yours.
To do that, Choose All services in the top-left corner of the Azure portal, and then search for and select Azure AD B2C
Then In the left menu, select User flows, and then select New user flow
See the screen shot below:
3. There are 3 types of account in Azure B2C, (Work account, Guest user, Consumer user), Which user type is most suitable? (I only need MFA for the user, and will require to manage users via Graph or any official API)
In short Work account has the more privileged in B2C tenant as the official document says. As consumer account cannot access some resource on portal. For accessing Microsoft Graph API Guest user has some restriction even on azure portal.
Note: As per your requirement I would suggest you to go with Work account which has some benefits while you would access Microsoft API
Though the account type mostly depend on your business needs but Work Account more useful comparing all aspect.
Let's say, If you want to add some user those who already registered some other organization but you need to add them in your particular application privilege. So need to add user as Guest privilege.
4. From where can I decide, which type of user will be registered?
Tough the question is bit confusing as I said earlier it would depend on your business needs. Work account usually best for tenant user. So when you feel within on your tenant if new user need to add so go with Work account. Once you specify your need it would definitely easier for you which kind of user you need to add. There is no such reference which can explain well upto to now.
Note: You could try adding all the user type to check how the user account behave using portal and accessing resources.

Mutli-Factor Authentication Sign-Up Redirection

I'm using Azure AD B2C for my ASP.NET project. I want to use Multi-Factor authentication. Normally, after the sign-up, the user is redirected to the page to verify his phone number. I want to change this flow, I want to enable multi-factor if the user choose in a custom dropdown attribute 'Notifications' SMS, the other options are Email/No.
How can I redirect to this Multi-Factor page/Enable Multi-Factor depending on a value of a custom attribute.
Well, fortunately, the Azure B2C is quite a flexible tool and does exactly what you're asking for. You're free to define custom policies, attributes and user flows (this one is in preview state though). For your case, if you're the one who manages the tenant, go to B2C instance and select 'User flows (preview)' blade. Create a User attribute beforehand. Configure the flow as necessary. Complete configuration by running the user flow. More on the issue can be found in quite exhausting MS article here.

Pre-register users with Azure AD B2C

I would like to pre-register a limited number of users which can use my application.
This are the requirements:
Users should be able to reset their password on their own
No other users than the preregistered users can sign up
Ideally, the user can choose the login email address by himself (no login).
Now I'm having trouble to have all requirements fullfilled together.
I was able to preregister users in the Azure Portal. But since the user can't get emails on, a password-reset-policy would not make sense. I tried to specify alternate-email and a phonenumber in the user-profile, but unfortunately the password-reset-policy is not using it for verification.
Let's say I create a sign-up policy: This is nice - the user choose his own email. Password resetting would also work. However, I can't control who's signing up and getting valid access tokens. In the portal, under Enterprise Applications, I found my registered application (All Applications) where I can set an option "User assignment required?" to true. But this does not seem to work in the B2C context, right? I expected, that until I assign a user to this application, the user is not getting a token on sign-in, but this wasn't the case. Here I found a similar question about creating users. Any advice on creating users including passwords etc. using Microsoft Graph (since it's recommended to use it over Graph API)?
I also tried to invite users as guests. They have to create a microsoft account, resetting passwords would be solved through microsoft, but unfortunately, no redirect to microsoft login happens after entering the microsoft account email address.
Deleting the signup policy after initial registration is a bad option if more users have to be onboarded.
Ideally, I would like to preregister users as if they signed up by their own - but with no signup policy.
Any advice? What do I miss?
You can implement the activation/invitation scenario that is described here and implemented here.
This scenario activates/invites a new user by creating/pre-registering a local account in the Azure AD B2C directory through the Azure AD Graph and then sending a signed redemption link to the email address for this local account.
This redemption link directs the new user to the Password Reset policy.
Currently creating users in a B2C tenant with a "local account" is not supported in Microsoft Graph. For this you'll need to use Azure AD Graph for now (see creating a user with a local account). Please see this blog post for details and line item 12 in the table.
We hope to add this capability as soon as we can to Microsoft Graph.
Hope this helps,
