Without using an extension how can I provide a URL and get its host and suffix in Twig? It looks like I need an extension to use parse_url but I'm hoping Twig has an inbuilt function to handle this.
Something similar to https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.parse-url.php would be great.
I'm trying to fetch a specific part from the youtube URL. For example:- if the user has put the following URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOjE7cQ0FkA
I would fetch the following part KOjE7cQ0FkA using the below method
String url = urlController.text; // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOjE7cQ0FkA
List urlList = url.split("=");
String urlCode = await urlList[1];
but sometimes people copy the video link from mobile and this is how it would appear
https://youtu.be/KOjE7cQ0FkA In such case, above code wouldn't work
So how can I detect which URL is put by the user and perform a split operation accordingly
Sorry, if my question sounds stupid but I hope you got an idea that what I'm trying to achieve here
There are many ways to approach this. One way would be to parse the URL (have a look at this SO question).
With this approach you could check if the query parameter watch is present -- if not the URL is probably in the mobile format.
Another approach would be to define a regex expression for the Video-ID (KOjE7cQ0FkA) part of the URL. That way you can extract the Video-ID regardless of the format of the URL. I would probably go with that approach.
Your regex could look like this: ([a-zA-Z]+(\d[a-zA-Z]+)+)
I used this site to create the regex. You probably need to modify it a little bit. Also if the ID has a fixed length that is a great criteria to filter by.
I'm currently using a CrawlSpider to look for any links and therefore follow them.
In order to crawl urls without HREF tags (plain text) i'm extracting them and then using the following snippet to add them back into the parse method.
return scrapy.Request(f'http://{url}')
The problem with this method is that the base URL doesn't get called into my other parser method. e.g. example.com doesn't but example.com/example does. I've tried adding a callback into the code (callback=self.url_parser) but then the default parse method isn't called and therefore doesn't crawl and follow links.
Is there a way to pass these href-less links into the default parse method (in order to follow links) but also have them parsed by my parser method?
I ended up changing my callback on the rules to parse_start_url and everything worked perfectly
I have been googling this but think I am missing the correct terminology. Is there a way using Flask and Python to hash URL parameters?
For example, let's say I have a URL like
https://www.myhost.com/company/1/2 where the /1 and /2 are parameters to pull database parameters. However, I don't want to have them exposed to the public.
Is there a way to hash or encode these?
Thank you so much.
Need a way to pass a value between to pages using URL query strings if possible. However everytime I add "?customquery=customvalue" at the end it ends up to the 404 page of the website.
I want to basically make it look like this.
hello+world is a document that is equivalent to a webpage.
I tried this plus a javascript that collects the strings after the number sign and it works.
However, I couldn't use the hash sign because they told me not to use it and use another unique symbol instead. I am not aware of any symbols that could work the same with hash sign. If there is, please enlighten me.
Apparently, I was able to find an answer.
Now I could pass values by means of this format. Basically it has to be preceded by "OpenDocument" parameter before putting custom ones.
This documentation also helps: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/library/ls-Domino_URL_cheat_sheet/
I have an url like this :
example :
and want it to turn into :
example :
The two ID parameters have to be passed to the application and parsed with PHP as I need it to get the correct category and product.
I have tried several ways using .htaccess and route.php config but no success !!
Can someone explain in simple manner how to pass these parameters to the web server while making these hidden in the url ?
I was just wondering if it is possible to pass hidden parameters in the url and make them available in the backend application (i.e. java or php).
Well! i wrote a function in the file system/core/uri.php
function assing_segment($num,$value)
$this->segments[$num] = $value;
return $this->segments[$n];
And call to this function either in the view or controller
This will reassign segment 5 with my value
Can someone explain in simple manner how to pass these parameters to the web server while making these hidden in the url ?
There is no way to "hide" parts of the request. You can remove them, but then your application won't see them at all. For example, you can make all your URLs appear to be like www.domain.com/catalog/category_name/product_name/, but your php script isn't going to see anything about any IDs, since they're gone.