TYPO3 Indexed Search Pagination not showing next pages - pagination

When I search on my website and try to use the pagination it says "no entrys found" (https://www.zeva.org/werkzeuge/suche search for "test")
How can I fix that?
I tried disabling the searchbar on the top right header and already tried to use the javascript via console. Nothing works
I'm using the standard Fluid Template for indexed search


Custom search result page in shopware5

I need to create a custom search result page for my Shopware site. As I know custom pages can be designed only for detail and list pages.
However, after creating custom list page for my site with the name of “custom_listing.tpl” my search result page is still looks like the default list page of the site. How can I get rid of this default list page template on my search result page?
I tried to change the fuzzy.tpl {include file='frontend/listing/listing.tpl'} to my “custom_listing.tpl” but that did not work.
What you need to do is to create your own theme/template and activate it in the Shopware backend. Further you need to create your own frontend/search/fuzzy.tpl in your theme folder.
Now let your own fuzzy.tpl extend from the original one like so:
{extends file='parent:frontend/search/fuzzy.tpl'}
After that you will have access to all the smarty blocks that are defined in the parent fuzzy file and even in the frontend/index/index.tpl of which the parent fuzzy extends from.
Make your changes, deploy it to your localhost or webserver and after clearing the cache the search controller should autoload the overridden fuzzy.tpl with your custom search results layout.

joomla when searching in homepage show nothing

I have a search module on the home page and when I use it it stays on the homepage and shows nothing and when I use it on other parts of the website it works. When I use the search on the home page it shows this URL in the address bar:
I've tried to check the PHP file of the module in /modules/mod_search but it seems normal because it works elsewhere.
Create a menu item of type "Search - Search Results" in Joomla and then clear your Joomla cache. That should fix your problem.

How to localize orchard 404 Not Found page

Is there a way to make the 404 Not Found page appear in the language of the user? The site I am working on supports two languages but this page is always English. The page comes from Themes//Views/NotFound.cshtml but I don't know how to provide a translated version of this page. I'm using Orchard 1.4.2.
You should be able to localize strings with T() method inside NotFound.cshtml
#T("The page you are looking for does not exist.")
Inside Themes/{ThemeName}/App_Data/Localization/{TargetLocale}/orchard.theme.po
#: "~/Core/Shapes/Views/NotFound.cshtml"
msgctxt "~/Core/Shapes/Views/NotFound.cshtml"
msgid "The page you are looking for does not exist."
msgstr "{Your translation}"
Make sure to restart application when you have this. Also you might need to adjust context to target view inside Theme, I'm not sure how exactly that works with theme alternates.

How does one correctly set the target page of indexed search results in typo3?

I am working with typo3 4.7 and trying to redirect the search results of the indexed search plugin to a page in my site and managed to stumble upon the constants editor where I've managed to use it to guide me in setting up the object. Below is the current typoscript of the object in my root template (mapped into a TV template):
# --- SEARCHBOX OBJECT ----------------------------------
lib.searchbox < plugin.tx_indexedsearch
#Disable the advanced search link
show.advancedSearchLink = 0
show.rules = 0
show.alwaysShowPageLinks = 1
#pid of root page is 1 and pid of the search result page is 9
search.rootPidList = 1
search.targetPid = 1
view.defaultPid = 9
result_link_target = 9
Thus far I have been unsuccessful in my attempts and all results are displayed in the page in where the search was performed. I would also like to know if it is possible to modify the displayed search box so that only the search field is displayed.
Thanks for your time.
Edit: I have installed and I'm trying out solr, if anyone has any experience with it pls feel free to help resolve this issue. My two problems with solr so far is that whilst search does re-direct to the right page, (1) the search box is way too big so I need to be able to modify the display of this box (to remove the button and reduce the size) (2) it spouts som e messages about search rules and returns nothing so far.
Edit 2: Seems solr is the way forward. I have managed to get everything I want done except the result output. I lost a few days (5) before realising that the tomcat container was bound to an ipv6 protocol interface. Resolving that (see here for those who may stumble upon the same problem for how to resolve this) has meant I can now remotely admin the solr server for more information. The pages are being indexed (Not regularly as specified in the scheduler) but I still get no results on the result page, and devlog only returns warning about there not being typo3 search markers despite my TV templates being peppered with them. I can only guess that maybe I'm to mark the results page with some type of marker to get the results to show at this point.
plugin.tx_indexedsearch {
search {
targetPid >
targetPid = 123
Reference: http://lists.typo3.org/pipermail/typo3-team-core/2010-March/036269.html
Experience: works even in TYPO3 version 6.x.
Default setting for plugin.tx_indexedsearch.search.targetPid is:
plugin.tx_indexedsearch {
search {
# TSFE:id is always the current page
targetPid.data = TSFE:id
I have never used the indexedsearch plugin as the searchbox on all of my pages.
Normally, I do this
Create a page with the indexed_search plugin as its content, this is
where all search requests are answered
Use macina_searchbox to
display a search box as part of the template
To elaborate:
Install macina_searchbox, and use this Typoscript to configure it
plugin.tx_macinasearchbox_pi1 {
Then, include macina_searchbox like so
lib.searchbox < plugin.tx_macinasearchbox_pi1
The search result page just needs the indexed_search plugin where you want the results to be displayed.
I would just create a search box, copy the HTML-Code, adjust action-url and HTML-Code and output it. IMHO there is no need, to render it via Plugin, if you just need an search-input field and an button. But do not forget the hidden fields!

How can I create a separate search page for my blog?

I made a wordpress blog: link text
I have a separate htm page with the form and input field to search. It does not work. But when I have the search field and submit bitton in the sidebar on every page, it works fine. I left bot the sidebar search and the "search blog" page available.
Is it possible to have a separate search page and have the results appear normally?
Your search box is redirecting to the wrong URL
You send the visitor to /blog/?name=(search term)
Should be /blog/?s=(search term)
You can see this if you look at the URL for a search that works (i.e. from your sidebar).
