How to localize orchard 404 Not Found page - orchardcms

Is there a way to make the 404 Not Found page appear in the language of the user? The site I am working on supports two languages but this page is always English. The page comes from Themes//Views/NotFound.cshtml but I don't know how to provide a translated version of this page. I'm using Orchard 1.4.2.

You should be able to localize strings with T() method inside NotFound.cshtml
#T("The page you are looking for does not exist.")
Inside Themes/{ThemeName}/App_Data/Localization/{TargetLocale}/orchard.theme.po
#: "~/Core/Shapes/Views/NotFound.cshtml"
msgctxt "~/Core/Shapes/Views/NotFound.cshtml"
msgid "The page you are looking for does not exist."
msgstr "{Your translation}"
Make sure to restart application when you have this. Also you might need to adjust context to target view inside Theme, I'm not sure how exactly that works with theme alternates.


Kentico custom page url with URL "Path or Pattern" feature

Updated: As I put in the comment under Brenden's response. I think the issue is not related to multilingual site, but it's with using Properties/ URLs / Path or Pattern feature. After adding value to the field Path of Pattern, the whole navigation stops working properly.
I have a multilingual site (English, French). Currently the URLs are like below:
What I want for French is a custom (translated) url
I followed this Kentico instruction - the bottom part of the page with using Path or Pattern by adding /contactez-nous in the box. Things seem ok, but upon clicking on the page with the new URL on the French site, the whole main navigation (done with Hierarchical Viewer) seems to stuck with that URL; clicking anywhere on the nav doesn't do anything.
Links outside the nav works fine. How to make the nav work again. Thanks for your help!
I think I got it. The GetDocumentURL() is using NodeAliasPath to determine the URL. However, if you have not specified the NodeAliasPath column in the Columns property of the hierarchical viewer, then the current page's NodeAliasPath is used - and thus all items have the same URL. Adding the NodeAliasPath to the Columns property should fix the issue, so the hierarchical viewer has access to the data of each individual item.
EDIT: it looks like that in some cases the DocumentURLPath column must be specified too.
Make sure you're testing this in another browser or even another browser in a private window. If you are testing in a new tab in the same window, the CMS caches the selected language in the Kentico UI and shows that in the browser window.
For instance, if you have selected "French" on the pages app in the bottom left under the content tree, then navigate to your site in a new tab, it will display French no matter how many times you change the language selector on your public site to a new language.
Secondly, check the URL aliases for the given pages in each language. Make sure you don't have an alias that is the same in each language. For instance /contact-us with French and /contact-us in English.

ModX - How to edit logo being displayed?

I've got a multilanguage ModX site. And noticed that when changing languages, it displays a different logo. WHat I need to do is to setup same logo for both languages. Basically:
English side showing: logo.png
Other language side showing: logo-new.png
I don't want to replace logo-new.png file with the correct image file on server in case another part of the site uses that file. So I'm left with actually editing the site header to show the correct logo.
When I go to ModX's site template, I see this code for the header:
<img src="[[++site_logo_img]]" itemprop="logo" class="site-logo">
So my question would be, where do I go to edit the ++site_logo_img value?
For web context try to look in system settings, for other contexts in context settings -
This is a MODX setting, these can be found in settings or in context settings.
Lets say you need a different logo for 2 MODX contexts, you can set a site_logo_img different setting in each context.

AEM6.1, the component that bake in the html directly won't work correctly in touch UI

I use sly data-sly-resource="${# path='column-1-title', resourceType='wcm/foundation/components/text'}" to bake in the text-sightly component directly(cq:include tag also have the same problem). But after I authored the content of the text, a 404 error arises in the console. And the page can't be authored anymore until I reload the page.
Try using:
We have also observed that using "'wcm/foundation/components/text'" has issues in TouchUI.
We need to specify a proper sling:resourceSuperType for the component that be baked in.

Opencart Header Problems

So, I have modified the header.tpl file in OpenCart by removing the wishlist, linking the telephone# as a click to call and added a custom class called "great-barbecue". It worked in one version that I earlier installed. When that whole thing went sideways, I started from scratch and now the wishlist still shows up, the phone# and icon are not "click to call" and my custom class is not appearing at all? Here is a link to the code I have for header.tpl in catalog/view/theme/default/template/common header template
My site
When I copy and paste the code I get an error telling me to indent all code with 4 spaces and I really don't have time for that, hence the link. I have tried it in all browsers and when I look at the source code for the page the wishlist is still there, the phone still links to contact and my custom html is not there. I don't know how to fix this.
nice site, I have found this in the open cart forums, it looks like you have to remove all instances of the wish list. Try this and let me know how it goes.

How wappalyzer(Mozila addon),GTmetrix finds the cms platform

I am currently developing a site which is not supposed to expose its developer magento platform(Sorry about that ).
I thought the wappalyzer(Mozila addon),GTmetrix site is finding the cms names by its html format but when i saw a empty white page with that tools it still shows me like am using Magento(there is nothing in the source view - its white page), so now how they are finding that am using magento. Any idea about hw they are working? I checked headers but there nothing specially mentioned as magento. Same goes with wordpress/joomla - simply wappalyzer(Mozila addon),GTmetrix finds the site platform even there is no html source.
So I guess something with in header(i might missing something) or what it can be? please advice. Attached screenshot of it.
Thanks in advance
You can view Wappalyzer's source code: (Ctrl+F Magento):
Most likely Wappalyzer picked up on the "Mage" JavaScript variable. You can see this by clicking the DOM tab in Firebug.
They are finding it using the words like mage,varien,magento. If it finds any of these words inside css/js file class,#id,inside comment then it found it as magento.
Also gtmetrix does one more step , like it is checking the css/js url path - if it fins the url like skin/frontend then it says it as magento.
Dont forget cookies...
I use FireBugs. Go to main menu -> Cookies
There is frontend in cookies.
