Apple Warning ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage received - uiwebview

I received a warning from Apple that I would use UIWebView API: "Apple will stop accepting submissions of apps that use UIWebView APIs".
Problem is that I only use WKWebViews. It is a native app with a couple of dependencies. But no hybrid app.
If I search my project for UIWebView I don't find anything. How can I ensure that I do not use UIWebview?

Problem was a framework I use. Put it into an disassembler and found UIWebView references...


UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView

We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, "Kill Corona stress-relief game" 1.0 (1.0). Please correct the following issues, then upload again.
ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - New apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView for improved security and reliability. Learn more (
I have searched in the code for the UIWebView but there is no single instance of this still apple rejecting app.
I found this section "UIWebView Deprecation and App Store Rejection (ITMS-90809)" here:
"Starting in April 2020, Apple will reject apps that still use the deprecated UIWebView API"
So you should have:
"Xamarin.Forms 4.5 or higher"
"Xamarin.iOS or higher"
"Remove references to UIWebView"
Also check this out:
Here is my suggestion if you are generating build from unity.
Please update of plugins if possible. and use below versions of unity. and also check URL.
Use this unity version: 2017.4, 2018.4, 2019.1, 2019.2, 2019.3
enter image description here

Nodejs and/or PHP mobile detection

Is there a good and reliable library or method, or whatever, that can detect if the request is coming from a mobile environment?
I found a few packages, but non seems to work properly. I am looking for a basic/simple one that is able to detect just this: isMobile; isDesktop. Needs to be reliable, up to date and working.
If there is none free, even payed solutions would be acceptable. I am not looking for 100% detection, but I expect that top most popular devices to be detected without problem.
I am looking for a nodejs (express) solution, and/or a PHP one.
For PHP you can use Mobile-detect. According to its official description in Github, Mobile_Detect is a lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices.
For node.js you can use mobile-detect.js. It's a port of Mobile-detect to javascript.
DeviceAtlas has a good article:
How to detect a mobile browser by Pawel Piejko.
They have examples with PHP, Java and Python and they have API to use. It is a a paid service but with free trial.
Mobile detection is a complicated problem. Of course it's easy to detect an iPhone with some client-side JavaScript, but mobile devices are not only iPhones or Android phones. And if you want to detect it before running client-side JavaScript like you need here then you cannot rely only on client-side JavaScript.
More options
General options:
WURFL, 51Degrees, OpenDDR, MobileESP, ua-parser, Detect Mobile Browsers.
Node modules:

Show content 's website in TVOS app

I want to show content of a website: in my TVOS app, but TVOS don't support UIWebView (In the first ViewController(MainScreen), I have a view, and I want to show web content at here)
I haven't any idea.Please help me.
Edit: I try with post : Web app in tvOS but it will be rejected by apple if I use UIWebView
Accessing dynamic web content is strictly prohibited in tvOS for the foreseeable future. Even if you find a way to hack around the restriction, the likelihood of the app being accepted into the tvOS App Store is nil.
There are a number of reasons Apple is making this stance, specifically:
• Apple can better control the quality experience of apps if they know exactly what content is going to be displayed
• Limit potential web exploits (phishing, viruses, etc.)
• Force developers to support native features and layouts
Though it appears like this may change in the future (see:
Additional reading material on the subject:

MvvmCross - Sounds / Notifications

I am currently in the middle of building some functionality for my app that requires me to play a notifcation sounds and vibrate, I've seen the tutorial samples with the vibrate but was wondering what the best way to play sound.
My initial thought was to use the messenger and get the UI to suscribe to that message and use a delegate to then fire off the method to play the sound. Would this work? I intend for this to be on Windows Phone, Android and iOS.
I've done this in a few "closed source" apps. In each of these I've implemented this using a plugin or using UI project dependency injection - exactly the same as in the vibration sample/tutorial -

Video plugin in chat.

I'm developing a social networking application for browsers using PHP and I want to have a chat application feature that supports video chat features like in Gmail (Google provides a browser plugin for this). Where can I find such an application or is there something available for a starting point for me to develop one on my own?
You could try using a service like ToxBox. They provide an API;
