Getting Widget properties - kentico

How can I get widget properties given that I know the URL, language and version I want of a page. I am trying to get a property of a widget instance from a completely different project in the same solution. Is this possible?

Incase some one needs it in future. I think I have figured it out now. Remember to resolve the url before use.
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider();
TreeNode staticNode = tree.SelectSingleNode(siteName, url, culture);
PageInfo pi = CMSWebPartPropertiesPage.GetPageInfo(staticNode.NodeAliasPath, staticNode.DocumentPageTemplateID, culture);
PageTemplateInstance templateInstance = pi.DocumentTemplateInstance;
WebPartInstance widgetInstance = templateInstance.GetWebPart(widgetName);


Kentico Document Get Page Meta Data Custom Page Type

When trying to retrieve DocumentPageTitle and DocumentPageDescription using GetStringValue() on a custom page type TreeNode, the result is always coming back as the default value (in this case an empty string) passed into the method.
I'm able to successfully retrieve other column values as well as standard document properties such as DocumentName, DocumentID and AbsoluteURL, but not the document meta properties.
The respective fields in the Meta tab of document/page do have values and are being successfully rendered in the by default such as <meta name="description" content=".." />
// returns empty string
string documentPageDescription = DocumentContext.CurrentDocument.GetString("DocumentPageDescription", string.Empty);
// returns empty string
TreeNode document = parameters[0] as TreeNode;
string documentPageDescription = document.GetStringValue("DocumentPageDescription", string.Empty);
I've tried setting option Inherits fields from page type to "Page (menu item)", but that did not help.
Does the custom page type need to inherit from something specifically or have a specific setting activated to access these values? Or if what I think is a TreeNode in fact isn't, how could I get the TreeNode from this object that has the properties listed before available?
Thank you for any help you can provide.
ValidationHelper.GetString(CMS.DocumentEngine.DocumentContext.CurrentDocument.GetValue("DocumentPageDescription"), string.Empty)
Two things to check, one, are you sure the meta data is available on the page you are pulling? Two, is your API actually pulling all the data for that page?
I've used these in my test and both returned the metadata.
var page = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments().Path("/Articles/Coffee-Beverages-Explained").FirstObject;
Response.Write(page.GetStringValue("DocumentPageDescription", string.Empty));
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);
TreeNode tn = tree.SelectNodes().OnCurrentSite().Path("/Articles/Coffee-Beverages-Explained").FirstObject;
Response.Write(tn.GetStringValue("DocumentPageDescription", string.Empty));
The DocumentPageTitle and DocumentPageDescription were coming back as null when the custom page type document/page was inheriting from parent/global values.
I was able to use the following to get the properties when not inheriting, while falling back to the parent value when inheriting was taking place:
string documentPageTitle = document.GetStringValue("DocumentPageTitle", DocumentContext.CurrentTitle);
This approach came from the following issue on Kentico DevNet.
Thank you for your help and suggestions, it's appreciated.

Create object in velocity template

I am writing velocity templates for my liferay theme and I am wondering, whether it is possible to create a new object inside the velocity template.
The reason is that in liferay there is no contextTool registered in the context and I really want to be able to inspect the variables that are present in the template at a given time.
There is a cool macro for this, but unfortunately it uses the contexttool.
I'd like to do something like:
#set($contextTool = new ContextTool())
Another solution would be java code that is provided with the liferay theme that is able to add stuff in the template context. But I don't know how this would work either... ;-)
try with
#set($contextTool = $portal.getClass().forName("full.package.ContextTool").newInstance())
IF I understood you than this should give you what you want
#set($ve = $serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.velocity.VelocityEngine"))
#set($wvc = $ve.getWrappedStandardToolsContext().getWrappedVelocityContext())
#set($cVE = $portal.getClass().forName(""))
#set($cHSREQ = $portal.getClass().forName("javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest"))
#set($cHSRES = $portal.getClass().forName("javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse"))
#set($cSC = $portal.getClass().forName("javax.servlet.ServletContext"))
#set($cCC = $portal.getClass().forName(""))
#set($cVEI = $portal.getClass().forName("com.liferay.portal.velocity.VelocityEngineImpl"))
#set($cC = $portal.getClass().forName("org.apache.velocity.context.Context"))
#set($cVEU = $portal.getClass().forName("com.liferay.portal.kernel.velocity.VelocityEngineUtil"))
#set($ve = $cVEU.getMethod("getVelocityEngine").invoke(null))
#set($fVE = $cVEI.getDeclaredField("_velocityEngine"))
#set($cc = $cCC.getConstructor($cC, $cVE, $cHSREQ, $cHSRES, $cSC).newInstance($wvc, $fVE.get($ve), $request, $response, $request.getSession().getServletContext()))
#set($contextTool = $portal.getClass().forName("").newInstance())
After that you can use, for example
If this is not what you need, let me know ...

How to add a Calculated field to AllContentType?

Today, I'm having a problem is after I had created a Calculated field. It seems there is no way to add AllContentTypes. And the DefaultView, maybe I can handle this. And I also saw this method:
spList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(spFieldUser.SchemaXml, True, SPAddFieldOptions.AddToAllContentTypes);
But in this case, I'm not sure I can use it or not. Because my code is:
//SPField tempSPField = spList.Fields.CreateNewField(createSPColumnObject.ColumnType, createSPColumnObject.ColumnName);//We can not use this code line for creating Calculated (there is no constructor for this)
SPFieldCollection collFields = spList.Fields;
string strSPFieldCalculatedName = collFields.Add(createSPColumnObject.ColumnName, SPFieldType.Calculated, false);
if (createSPColumnObject.IsAddedToDefaultView)
SPView spView = spList.DefaultView;
SPFieldCalculated spFieldCalculated = null;
spFieldCalculated = (SPFieldCalculated)collFields[createSPColumnObject.ColumnName];
spFieldCalculated.ShowInDisplayForm = true;
//spFieldCalculated.ShowInEditForm = true;
spFieldCalculated.ShowInListSettings = true;
//spFieldCalculated.ShowInNewForm = true;
spFieldCalculated.ShowInViewForms = true;
spFieldCalculated.Description = createSPColumnObject.ColumnDescription;
spFieldCalculated.Formula = string.Format(#"={0}",createSPColumnObject.CalcFormula);
//spList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(spFieldCalculated.SchemaXml, createSPColumnObject.IsAddedToDefaultView, SPAddFieldOptions.AddToAllContentTypes);// also use this code line because we will get an exception with a duplicate column ID.
spFieldCalculated.OutputType = SPFieldType.Text;
I totally created a Calculated column but how can I add it to allcontent types ? everybody could help me out this ? BTW, to the DefaultView, I did like the above is right ? Could eveybody let me know this ?
I just worry about everybody get misunderstanding ? Or review with missing code. So could everybody please to take a look on my code clearly ? Thanks all.
Many thanks, :)
Standley Nguyen
I'm not sure if i fully understand what you are trying to do however i may be able to shed some light on some parts of what you are trying to do.
When you create your field does it then appear in your site actions -> site settings -> Site columns. If so you have created this correctly. If it doesn't there are hundreds of examples of how to do this if you search google.
Once you have your field create you then need to consider which content types you want to add it to. Once you have these content types you then have to add something called a field link to the Content type.
This isn't my code i have picked it off the web but this should do what you require.
SPContentType ct = web.ContentTypes[contentType];
ct.FieldLinks.Add(new SPFieldLink(field));

CATextlayer with AttributedString in MonoTouch

I am trying to create a "label" with different styles on different words, kind of like described here.
The problem is - as far as I can see - the MonoTouch implementation of UATextLayer does not accept assigning an NSAttributedString to the String property since the String property has the type string.
Is this an error in the implementation or is there another way of doing this?
(Yes, I am aware I can add separate labels - but I would rather not when there is a better solution).
EDIT (in response to the answer from Miguel):
After changing to GetHandler and correcting to "void_objc_msgSend_IntPtr" instead of "void_objc_msgSend_IntPrt" the code in the answer compiles and runs, but it doesn't quite work anyway (I was a bit fast in marking it as the answer).
No errors are thrown, but the text doesn't show.
string _text="Example string";
if(_textLayer==null) {
_textLayer = new CATextLayer();
_textLayer.Frame = new RectangleF(50,698,774,50);
CTFont _font=new CTFont("MarkerFelt-Thin",48);
CTStringAttributes _attrs=new CTStringAttributes();
_attrs.ForegroundColor = UIColor.White.CGColor;
var nsa = new NSAttributedString(_text);
If I uncomment the _textLayer.String=_text I see the text (but without attributes of course), so the problem is not with the layer.
For now, you can try:
using MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime;
var caTextLayer = new CATextLayer ();
var nsa = new NSAttributedString ();
Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_IntPrt (
Selector.sel_registerName ("string"),
Alternatively, can you download this preview of the upcoming version:
It implements a property AttributedString in CATextLayer that you can set.

How do I get the results of a view and store them in a php var?

I have a custom view that I set up in drupal. What I would like to do is make a function call of some kind, and then assign the results to a php variable. I would like the contents of the view (as opposed to the results of a view export) in this new variable. Is this feasible? If it is a function call, I would appreciate a small example too. Thanks!
I haven't done too much hacking around in views, but it looks like maybe views_embed_view() might be what you are looking for. I found a good overview of the views API here:
You can get the view object with function views_get_view($view_name).
If what you mean by contents of the view is the view object itself you'll need simply:
$view = views_get_view('name_of_the_view');
However, if you mean the data returned by your view you'll need a little bit more.
$results = views_get_view_result('name_of_the_view', 'display_id');
At last, if you wish to have more control you can try another approach, creating the view object and working on it afterwards.
//variables for your view, display and resulting array
$my_view_name = 'yourview';
$my_display_name = 'yourdisplay';
$my_arguments = array();
//Creating the view object and configuring it
$view = views_get_view($my_view_name);
if ($my_arguments){
$view->get_total_rows = True;
//now you have your data array
$view_results_array = $view->result;
