how to use customized website name instead of IP Address on IIS - iis

I developed an Application locally with Angular-7. Eventually, I deployed it to the IIS of a VPS server with IP address (not the real IP). When I run the application as, it works perfectly.
Now I want to access the Application with customized name (ePortal). So on the IIS of the VPS server, I made the Host Name to be ePortal. When I typed http://jPortal on the browser url, I got an error that the page cannot be displayed and the url does not exist.
How do I resolve this?

If you want to see your desired name on your local computer only please go to
And open hosts file using note pad having admin privilege.
and add your IP And your desired name to file and save it.
Now you can browse your server by the name you defined.


IIS: front end server not connecting to website

I am newer to IIS so please forgive my ignorance. Here is my situation. I have a backend server that resides on ip xx.xx.xx.175 from here I have all my code and IIS installed here. I created a website and can access it just fine using localhost:3000. When I go to the frontend server which resides at xx.xx.xx.174 I cannot connect to the site using the URL.
I have updated the bindings, I have updated the firewall rules, I have also used netsh http add iplisten and I still cannot connect to the site. I am not sure where else to go from here as all of my Google searching lead me to the same things.
Please make sure you have added the ip address in the host file:
Open your text editor in Administrator mode.
In the text editor, open C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.
Add the IP Address and hostname. Example:
Save the changes.

Temporary URL working fine, But the domain when pointed to the site shows CWP HTTP test page

I installed CentOS7 on Amazon EC2 instance, I also installed latest version of CWP(CentOS Web Panel). I created a new user 'myuser'. I associated a domain '' with the user. I uploaded the website files into '/home/myuser/public_html/' and I deleted the default HTTP test index.html present in the same directory. Now I can access my website at http://IP_ADDRESS/~myuser
But when I point '' with my server IP - IP_ADDRESS, it shows CWP HTTP test page. I even modified my host file to make '' point to IP_ADDRESS.
It just shows CWP HTTP test page.
Please someone help me in solving this issue.
Thanks in advance.
I got that just googling for "default page cwp"
Take a look here ->
For Google compute engine (Maybe same scenario in Amazon) in CWP Setting don't use the same IP that is being used for cwp admin panel. Use the default IP that will be suggesting just below the field of Shared IP in cwp setting.
In google compute VM Instance you'll find two IP's internal and external
For domain name server setting use external IP while in cwp setting change Shared Ip to your internal IP.
After 10-15 minutes use Kproxy to browse your site again should work then.
Its just temporary issue. Clear browsing data. This mainly happens in Google Chrome. As you didnt open http://IP_ADDRESS/~myuser before creating newuser, you could view uploaded files, as you might have opened before uploading and after pointing to server IP, you are still seeing default cwp template.

Hosts file not working properly

I have a site on my test machine I want to bind into IIS with hosts file.
It's not that I haven't done it before, but this time the page is blank when I load it and chrome says the web page is not available.
In the dev tools Network tab I get ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED and the weird part is that I've entered a domain name in hosts file associated with address. The same site loads when I add virtual directory and access it via localhost.
Screenshoot of the web site, bindings and dev tools network tab.
I have also tried loading with Firefox and IE, but same results.
Have no idea what might be the problem.
Here's 3 options I can think of:
Check that your binding in iis is set to "All Unassigned" for the IP address (displays in IIS as "*")
Alternatively bind to a specific ip address and use that ip address in the hosts file
Check that your hosts file encode in ANSI
hope this helps

Why is IIS going to the wwwroot folder instead of the one I want it to?

For the default Web Site in IIS I have the following binding on the default website:
I have the following binding on the site I want to access:
When I access the site in the browser with localhost/hostname, I'm pointed to C:\inetpub\wwwroot*hostname*. I have another site set up with a hostname binding that uses the same values for Port and IP Address and it points to the right place (a different folder on my C: drive). I'm running my site locally and I have the correct hostname entry in my hosts file. I don't want to create two separate virtual directories under a single website, I want the sites to be available as separate websites. What am I missing?
When you use the hostname feature in iis, you cant use localhost to access the site any more.
Instead use http://myhostname and setup myhostname to point to in your hosts file.
If you want to access the site via localhost, that implies you need to make a virtual directory, or "application" in iis.

Access sites on IIS

I have inherited a system with a number of servers, but I have never worked with IIS before.
Currently there is a web server set up using IIS, it holds a number of 'test' sites and the server is called Staging. I have network access to the files on the server and I can login to the server via VNC. What I cannot do is view any of the sites in the 'webs' folder. I know they are all switched on and working as they have been used by my predecessor.
I have tried putting into the url bar the IP address, the IP address with the folder appended, the name of the server and still I cant access the sites.
I am behind a firewall so these sites should be accessible to anyone in the network, but obviously I am mising something.
Any tips, anything I can look at to try and find the site. Annoying thing I only need to look at one of the sites in the D:\webs\test site folder for about 5 seconds :(
Look in the IIS properties of the site and look at what IP address and host header values have been assigned to the site.
