Not getting access to Windows SpatialPerception for Immersive VR - azure

I am developing in Unity for the new HP Reverb building on UWP. I would like to use Azure Spatial Anchors to share those anchors between computers.
Since the HP Reverb is an InsideOut tracked Headset, the Spatial Anchors are working fine, but I am not getting access to the SpatialAnchorExporter. Using the Azure Example Project for connecting to the cloud from Unity gives me an Access denied to spatial anchor exporter. error.
In "Capabilities" I have SpatialPerception ENABLED, I checked it in Unity AND in VS2019.
Specifically the following lines which tell me that I have no access:
Windows.Perception.Spatial.SpatialPerceptionAccessStatus accessStatus =
await Windows.Perception.Spatial.SpatialAnchorExporter.RequestAccessAsync();
Trying to do the same thing without Azure gives me more or less the same error, UnityEngine.XR.WSA.Sharing.WorldAnchorTransferBatch.ExportAsync() returns:
SpatialAnchorTransferManager denied access to WorldAnchor serialization
SerializationDataAvailableDelegate, SerializationCompleteDelegate)
SerializationDataAvailableDelegate, SerializationCompleteDelegate)

For the HP Reverb usage scenario raised on saving spatial anchors, this is not available. This WorldAnchorTransferBatch API is exposed for HoloLens at this point solely.
That said, Microsoft has provided specific support and guidance for LBE(Location based entertainment) usage. Specifically, we have documented the ability to importing and exporting of the map. Microsoft has also provided tools to export the configurations to multiple immersive headset devices. See LBE-MULTI-PLAYER SETUP


Azure spatial anchors - Hololens - Not working

I am using azure spatial anchors samples in my unity project for Hololens 2. I have successfully able to deploy the sample project build to my hololens but when i try to create the anchors it does not do anything, i also have entered the keys.
I dont see any details of anchors created in the admin panel of azure spatial anchors.
Any help would be appreciated.
We have recently polished the documentation page on how to run the sample.
We have also completely revamped the tutorial on implementing your own ASA sample.
Please let us know if you still have any issues running the sample by going to the appropriate link on the support page

Hololens Device Portal Kiosk Mode web api

I am building a tool in which I am using windows device portal wrapper in order to connect and access hololen's device portal.
I would like to be able to get/set kiosk mode from my tool so I dont need to go to device portal and do it manually.
Windows device portal wrapper doesnt give any functionality to access kiosk mode though.
Does anyone know the web api path for this?
Thanks in advance
So since it looks like you're building a tool for converting HoloLens into Kiosks, you need to do this at scale. If you are looking to create a different method of converting your HoloLens into Kiosks, I think you should go provisiong packages.
Provisioning packages will let you make a package you can keep applying to multiple HoloLens. Also some companies don't like enabling developer mode, and this is a method that doesn't have a security risk. Also device portal only allows a single app Kiosk, where as you could create a Multi app Kiosk if you wanted using other methods.
Do this help things? I know it's not actually what you were looking for, but hopefully it helps. It it doesn't let me know, I might have a different potential solution.
Kiosk Mode can be set via Device Portal’s REST API by doing a POST to /api/holographic/kioskmode/settings with one required query string parameter (“kioskModeEnabled” with a value of “true” or “false”) and one optional parameter (“startupApp” with a value of a package name). Please keep in mind that Device Portal is intended for developers only and should not be enabled on non-developer devices. The REST API is subject to change in future updates/releases.

How do I setup a single application for cross platform deployment using MRTK?

I am trying to build an application (converting rather), that builds into a server (UNET/ Mirror wise), a windows client, Oculus Go client and UWP client. More platforms will be implemented in the future.
Unless I did not tackle this the right way, the Toolkit does not seem to be capable of doing this with just one profile, or maybe not at all.
E.g.: I need the mouse for Windows and motion controllers for UWP. Having both in the MixedRealityInputSystemProfile spawns both on UWP. If I don't add the mouse I have nothing on Windows Standalone. This leads me to the conclusion that I have to create multiple profiles. But the MixedRealityToolkit only references a single one. Does that mean I have to additively load a different Toolkit with it's configuration for any platform configuration I want?
The DefaultMixedRealityInputSystemProfile already contains a lot of inputs, which makes me think it should be capable of doing that, but it looks like it does so to a certain degree and then fails.
Thinking further about this:
What if I want an UWP app, but for MR Portal only, or for UWP Standalone only. What about Oculus Go (Android) and Android mobile? The differentiation would be using the Oculus SDK under Android. Using it under windows would result in the Rift being used I guess.
Where do I branch off what?
I believe you can specify which input providers you want on different platforms. For example, if you want a MouseProvider in Windows only, the you can specify the Mouse Input Data Provider to run only on Windows via the “supported platforms” field of the mouse data provider.
Similarly you can enable the motion controllers using same technique.
While there are not yet ways to specify completely different configurations for different platforms, it is possible to solve your specific case of input by configuring the input data providers.

Windows WinJS App System access

I would like to create my own tool to sort photos and videos from anywhere in the file system, sorting and changing names, and stuff like that (basically a sorting tool with custom sort parameters).
Since windows store apps are easy to distribute I think it could be a nice place to develop it.
while I have nothing against C# or VB that i guess it could be easily done with it, I would like to try the HTML/CSS/JS apps of the windows store.
I'm not looking for profit on this, since is aimed for my family.
And I don't really know what kind of access to the file system do these apps have.
I consider a store app because of the universal model, if necessary I could port it to the phones too, the other option I'm considering is just to use ironpython and make it full Desktop.
With UWP apps you don't have the full access to the system files. Of course you get one to the working folder of your app - LocalFolder. By using suitable Capabilities you can be granted an access to specified libraries like: Music, Photos, Videos and more, known as KnownFolders. Additionally you can widely access removable devices. To prevent access violation to work on files in KnownFolders you have to use a special broker, which will grant privileges to your app.
The full list of access permitions you will find at MSDN.

Can I use Yandex Maps in a Nokiax app?

I need to use Yandex Maps in an app instead of Here Maps. Could this be possible? Any hints or tricks to help me?
Basically the rules of using APIs is very simple. If the API is not requiring any parts that are not available in the platform, then it works.
Thus if the API is using parts that are supported in AOSP 4.1.2 API level 16, and using any Google services, then it is likely to work just fine.
And you can always check the compatibility with free online tools very easily. First go to Online Analyser drag and drop the APK there, and let the tool check the compatibility issues.
Then you can also use a real device for testing, just visit Remote Device Access, and reserve a device for testing your app.
Both steps should onlky take you couple of minutes to complete.
For Yandex maps, you would need to visit their developer site to see how the maps API can be used, and what restrictions they would pose on utilizing the API.
