What are the main benefits and motivations for creating new algebraic modeling languages (AML) nowadays? - modeling

In the last few decades, there were multiple algebraic modeling languages (AML) created, e.g., AMPL, GAMS, AIMMS, are among the most well-known and widely used names. I've been using mainly the first two options.
However, recently, new AMLs were created and now have excellent community support, e.g., Pyomo and JuMP are two probably the most promising names. I tried a bit of both them. The obvious thing is that for people having experience in Python or Julia programming languages, these two AMLs are great tools, and the learning curve is much steeper.
What are other main benefits (maybe new features, better efficiency, extended functionality) and motivation in general for creating these new AMLs?

I guess the most prominent reasons would be unified handling and support for many different solvers, clever use of data structures, interfaces to other commonly used tools such as Excel, MATLAB,.. and convenient embedding in programs written in popular languages. Since optimization for standard problems has become more and more a black-box tool it can readily be applied in the context of e.g. web-based applications - often written in object-oriented code.


Newer programming language than Prolog for logic programming

Is there any newer language than Prolog specialized for logical programming?
Mercury is nice and modern, and resembles prolog.
Mercury is a new logic/functional programming language, which combines the clarity and expressiveness of declarative programming with advanced static analysis and error detection features. Its highly optimized execution algorithm delivers efficiency far in excess of existing logic programming systems, and close to conventional programming systems. Mercury addresses the problems of large-scale program development, allowing modularity, separate compilation, and numerous optimization/time trade-offs.
There is a quite promising functional logic programming language called Curry. In spite of its newness it should be easy to get used to Curry if you already know Haskell and Prolog as it was directly influenced by these two languages.
Curry combines in a seamless way
features from functional programming
(nested expressions, higher-order
functions, lazy evaluation), logic
programming (logical variables,
partial data structures, built-in
search), and concurrent programming
(concurrent evaluation of expressions
with synchronization on logical
Don't forget that Prolog is the host for many newer extensions which can be considered languages in their own right. In particular constraint languages like CLP(R), CLP(Q), CLP(FD). More general extensions like CHR, but also many typed approaches.
These languages usually ship as a library in an existing Prolog system. What you get in that setting is often a significantly more mature and stable implementation than from-scratch system can offer. After all, many Prolog systems are almost 30 years old.
Logtalk is an object-oriented logic programming language that extends and leverages the Prolog language with a feature set suitable for programming in the large, focusing in code encapsulation and reuse mechanisms. It's highly portable supporting as a backend compiler most actively maintained Prolog implementations. Other noteworthy features include support for both prototypes and classes, protocols (interfaces), coinduction, component-based programming, event-driven programming, and high-level multi-threading programming. The current distribution include a large set of programming examples, programming tools, libraries, and text editors and syntax highlighters support for programming and publishing source code.
Oz/Mozart is a Multi-paradigm programming language that supports Logic programming as one of it's features. I've never used it so I can't say if it's good. It certainly seems interesting though.
Disclaimer: I work on the Mercury project and would choose Mercury in a choice between Oz/Mozart and Mercury.
None of the other answers has mentioned Picat:
Picat is a simple, and yet powerful, logic-based multi-paradigm programming language aimed for general-purpose applications. Picat is a rule-based language, in which predicates, functions, and actors are defined with pattern-matching rules. Picat incorporates many declarative language features for better productivity of software development, including explicit non-determinism, explicit unification, functions, list comprehensions, constraints, and tabling. Picat also provides imperative language constructs, such as assignments and loops, for programming everyday things. The Picat implementation, which is based on a well-designed virtual machine and incorporates a memory manager that garbage-collects and expands the stacks and data areas when needed, is efficient and scalable. Picat can be used for not only symbolic computations, which is a traditional application domain of declarative languages, but also for scripting and modeling tasks.
Picat looks somewhat similar to Prolog but Picat is a multi-paradigm language:
import util.
input_data(Tri) =>
Lines = read_file_lines("triangle.txt"),
Tri = new_array(Lines.length),
I = 1,
foreach(Line in Lines)
Tri[I] = Line.split().map(to_integer).to_array(),
I := I+1

What are some pros/cons to various functional languages?

I know of several functional languages - F#, Lisp and its dialects, R, and more. However, as I've never used any of them (although the three I mentioned are on my "to-learn" list), I was wondering about the pros/cons of the various functional languages out there. Are there significant pros/cons, both in learning the language and in any real-world applications of said language?
Haskell is "extreme" (lazy, pure), has active users, lots of documentation, and makes runnable applications.
SML is "less extreme" (strict, impure), has active users, formal specification, many implementations (SML/NJ, Mlton, Moscow ML, etc.). Implementations vary on how applications are deployed wrt the runtimes.
OCaml is ML with attitude. It has an object orientation, active users, documentation, add ons, and makes runnable applications.
Erlang is concurrent, strict, pure (mostly), and supports distributed apps. It needs a runtime installed separately, so deployment is different from the languages that make runnable binaries.
F# is similar to OCaml with Microsoft backing and .NET libraries.
Scala runs on the JVM and can be used as a functional language with advanced features, or as simply a souped-up Java, or both. The flexibility is cited as a drawback for learning a functional language because it's easy to slip back into imperative Java ways. Of course it is also an advantage if you want to use existing JVM libraries.
I'm not sure if your question is to functional languages in general, or differences between them. For general info on why functional:
Why Functional Programming Matters
As far as differences between functional languages:
Distinctive traits of the functional languages
The awesome thing about functional languages is that base themselves off of the lambda calculus and other math. This results in being able to use similar algorithms and thoughts across languages more easily.
As far as which one you should learn: Pick one that will have a comfortable environment for you. For example, if you're using .NET and Visual Studio, F# is an excellent fit. (Actually, the VS integration makes F# a strong contender, period.) The book "How to Design Programs" (full text, free, online) with PLT Scheme is also a good choice.
I'm biased, but F# looks to have the biggest "real-world" potential. This is mainly because of the nice IDE/.NET integration, allowing you to fully tap .NET and OO, while keeping a lot of functional power (and extending it in ways too). Scala might be possible contender, but it's more of an OO language that has some functional features; hence Scala won't be as big a productivity gain.
Edit: Just to note JavaScript and Ruby, before someone comments on that :). Ruby is something else you could take a look at if you're doing that type of web dev, as it has a lot of functional concepts in, although not as polished as other languages.
The biggest downside is that once you see the power you can have, you won't be happy using lesser languages. This becomes a problem if you're forced to deal with people who haven't yet understood.
One final note, the only "con" is that "it's so complicated". This isn't actually true -- functional languages are often simpler -- but if you have years of C or whatnot in your brain, it can be a significant hurdle to "get" the functional concept. After it clicks, it should be relatively smooth sailing.
Lisp has a gentle learning curve. You can learn the basics in an hour, though of course it takes longer to learn idioms etc. On the down side, there are many dialects of Lisp, and it's difficult to interact with mainstream environments like Java or .NET.
I would not recommend R unless you need to do statistics. It's a strange language, and not exactly functional. You can do functional programming in R, but most people don't.
If you're familiar with the Microsoft tool stack, F# might be easy to get into. And it has a huge, well-tested library behind it, i.e. the CLR.
You can use a functional programming style in any language, though some make it easier than others. As far as that goes, you might try Python.
ML family (SML/OCaml/F#):
Fairly simple
Have effective implementations (on the level with Java/C#)
Easily predictable resource consumption (compared to lazy languages)
Readable syntax
Strong module system
(For F#): large .Net library available
Has mutable variables
Sometimes too simple (no typeclasses => problems with overloading)
(Except F#): standard libraries are missing some useful things
Has mutable variables :)
Cannot have infinite data structures (not lazy language)
I haven't mentioned features common to most static-typed functional languages: type inference, parametric polymorphism, higher-order functions, algrebraic data types & pattern matching.
I have learnt Haskell at the university like a pure functional languaje and I can say that's really powerful, but also I couldn't find a practical use.
However, i found this: Haskell in practice . Check it, is amazing.
The characteristics of functional paradigms sometimes are pros, and sometimes cons, depending on the situation / context.
Some of them are:
high level
lambda functions
lazy evaluation
Higher-order functions
type inference
Cite from wikipedia:
Efficiency issues
Functional programming languages have
been perceived as less efficient in
their use of CPU and memory than
imperative languages such as C and
Pascal.[26] However, for programs that
perform intensive numerical
computations, functional languages
such as OCaml and Clean are similar in
speed to C. For
programs that handle large matrices
and multidimensional databases, array
functional languages (such as J and K)
were designed with speed optimization
in mind.
Purely functional languages have a
reputation for being slower than
imperative languages.
However, immutability of data can, in
many cases, lead to execution
efficiency in allowing the compiler to
make assumptions that are unsafe in an
imperative language, vastly increasing
opportunities for inlining.
Lazy evaluation may also speed up the
program, even asymptotically, whereas
it may slow it down at most by a
constant factor (however, it may
introduce memory leaks when used

Logical Languages - Prolog or Lisp/Smalltalk or something else?

So, I am writing some sort of a statistics program (actually I am redesigning it to something more elegant) and I thought I should use a language that was created for that kind of stuff (dealing with huge data of stats, connections between them and some sort of genetic/neural programming).
To tell you the truth, I just want an excuse to dive into lisp/smalltalk (aren't smalltalk/lisp/clojure the same? - like python and ruby? -semantics-wise) but I also want a language to be easily understood by other people that are fond of the BASIC language (that's why I didn't choose LISP - yet :D).
I also checked Prolog and it seems a pretty cool language (easy to do relations between data and easier than Lisp) but I'd like to hear what you think.
I always confuse common lisp with Smalltalk. Sorry for putting these two langs together. Also what I meant by "other people that are fond of the BASIC language" is that I don't prefer a language with semantics like lisp (for people with no CS background) and I find Prolog a little bit more intuitive (but that's my opinion after I just messed a little bit with both of them).
Is there any particular reason not to use R? It's sort of a build vs. buy (or in this case download) decision. If you're doing a statistical computation, R has many packages off the shelf. These include many libraries and interfaces for various types of data sources. There are also interface libraries for embedding R in other languages such as Python, so you can build a hybrid application with a GUI in Python (for example) and a core computation engine using R.
In this case, you could possibly reduce the effort needed for implementation and wind up with a more flexible application.
If you've got your heart set on learning another language, by all means, do it. There are several good free (some as in speech, some as in beer) implementations of Smalltalk, Prolog and LISP.
If you're putting a user interface on the system, Smalltalk might be the better option. If you want to create large rule sets as a part of your application, Prolog is designed for this sort of thing. Various people have written about the LISP ephiphany that influences the way you think about programming but I can't really vouch for this from experience - I've only really used AutoLISP for writing automation scripts on AutoCAD.
At the risk of offending some, I have a hard time reconciling "easily understood by other people that are fond of the BASIC language" with any of the languages you mentioned. That's not intended as a criticism, but as an observation that each of the languages you mention has a style and natural idiom that's quite different from that of BASIC.
Smalltalk - pure OO from the ground up, usually (e.g. Squeak) coupled with an integrated environment that is simultaneously the IDE and the runtime. IOW you enter the Smalltalk VM and work inside it rather than just writing a text that is "source code".
LISP - much closer to functional programming (although with imperative overtones); the prefix notation is the first barrier to most people who "like" other languages, but the concept and use of macros is a much more substantial one.
Clojure - The combination of LISP, OO, and JVM integration makes this one even less BASIC-like.
Python and Ruby - I lump these together (at the risk of further annoying fans of either ;-) because they are both OO language with distinct notations that will take an outsider a bit of learning curve. The use of indentation-only for control nesting in Python and the Perl-like use of special characters in Ruby are often points of the complaint by newcomers. Although both can be written in an imperative style, that would be considered non-standard by seasoned users.
Prolog - This is the most unlike BASIC of all languages mentioned. All of the other languages you mentioned can be (ab)used in a semi-procedural style, but that is essentially impossible in Prolog. It requires a thorough understanding of, and comfort with, recursion to do anything non-trivial.
Code written with a "native accent" in essentially all of these languages (but especially Prolog, IMHO) will make use of idioms and concepts that are outside the norm for conventional BASIC programming. Put another way, if you pick one of these and then write code "with a BASIC accent" you've pretty much wasted the benefits that the language can offer.
I believe that all of them are worth learning for the concepts they can teach (or at least reinforce, depending on your background). But the similarity to Language X (for a wide range of values of X) is not what you'll get.
I can answer you partially
(aren't Smalltalk/Lisp/Clojure the same? - like python and ruby? -semantics-wise)
No, it is not. Smalltalk is OO language with message pass instead method calls. Lisp is Lisp ;-) It means truly functional language with the powerful macro system, OO support which is never seen in other languages (in CL) and many more features. Closure is Lisp-like language without many Lisp features but good integration to JVM. It's not supporting tail call optimization for example. And python or ruby are classic imperative OO languages with some limited functional ability. Note word limited. For example, Guido doesn't like functional programming and removed some functional features in version 2.5 and 2.6.
If you familiar with imperative procedural programming as in Python and you want to change your paradigm you should make your decision carefully.
Prolog is a very different language. It can be very hard to grasp, mainly because it relies heavily on recursion to do very basic tasks. If you are really willing then give it a go. It can be very powerful because it allows to expess relationships and solve complicated problems simply, typical examples are Towers of Hanoi or quicksort. It will change the way you think, which can be difficult if you are used to imperative languages.
If you're interested in Prolog then there's a free version of Visual Prolog available and the commercial version is reasonably priced.
It's a strong type offshoot of Prolog so isn't your classic implementation of the language, but has a respectable history - Borland marketed the DOS ancestor of it as Turbo-Prolog back in the late '80s.
It's also Windows only, but can be used to create standard Windows DLLs so you can link your code into a 'normal' windows programming language. I've never used the package in anger myself, but I did a couple of Prolog courses at Uni so have downloaded it from time to time to play with and look for possible uses and it looks solid enough. Might be just the set of cogs you're looking for.

What languages implement features from functional programming?

Lisp developed a set of interesting language features quite early on in the academic world, but most of them never caught on in production environments.
Some languages, like JavaScript, adapted basic features like garbage collection and lexical closures, but all the stuff that might actually change how you write programs on a large scale, like powerful macros, the code-as-data thing and custom control structures, only seems to propagate within other functional languages, none of which are practical to use for non-trivial projects.
The functional programming community also came up with a lot of other interesting ideas (apart from functional programming itself), like referential transparency, generalised case-expressions (ie, pattern-matching, not crippled like C/C# switches) and curried functions, which seem obviously useful in regular programming and should be easy to integrate with existing programming practice, but for some reason seem to be stuck in the academic world forever.
Why do these features have such a hard time getting adopted? Are there any modern, practical languages that actually learn from Lisp instead of half-assedly copying "first class functions", or is there an inherent conflict that makes this impossible?
Are there any modern, practical
languages that actually learn from
Lisp instead of half-assedly copying
"first class functions", or is there
an inherent conflict that makes this
Why aren't lisp, haskell, ocaml, or f# modern?
You might just need to take it on yourself and look at them and realize that they are more robust, with libraries like java, then you'd think.
A lot of features have been adopted from functional languages to other languages. But vice versa -- (some) functional languages have objects, for example.
I suggest you try Clojure. Syntactically beautiful dialect, functional (in the ML sense), and fast. You get immutability, software transactional memory, multiversion concurrency control, a REPL, SLIME support, and an inexhaustible FFI. It's the Lisp (& Haskell) for the Business Programmer. I'm having a great time using it daily in my real job.
There is no known correlation between a language "catching on" and whether or not is has powerful, well researched, well designed features.
A lot has been said on the subject. It exists all over the place in technology, and also the arts. We know artist A has more training and produces works of greater breadth and depth than artist B, yet artist B is far more successful in the marketplace. Is it because there's a zeitgeist? Is is because artist B has better marketing? Is it because most people won't take the time to understand artist A? Maybe artist B is secretly awful and we should mistrust experts who make judgements about artists? Probably all of the above, to some degree or another.
This drives people who study the arts, and people who study programming languages, crazy.
Scala is a cool functional/OO language with pattern matching, first class functions, and the like. It has the advantage of compiling to Java bytecode and inter-operates well with Java code.
Common Lisp, used in the real-world albeit not wildely so, I guess.
Python or Ruby. See Paul Graham's thoughts on this in the question "I like Lisp but my company won't let me use it. What should I do?".
Scala is the absolute king of languages which have adopted significant academic features. Higher kinds, self types, polymorphic pattern matching, etc. All of these are bleeding-edge (or near to it) academic research topics that have been incorporated into Scala as fundamental features. Arguably, this has been to the detriment of the langauge's simplicity, but it does lead to some very interesting patterns.
C# is more mainstream than Scala, but it also has adopted fewer of these "out-there" functional features. LINQ is a limited implementation for Wadler's generalized list comprehensions, and everyone knows about lambdas. But for all that, C# (rightfully) remains a bit conservative in adopting research features from the academic world.
Erlang has recently gained renewed exposure not only through being used by Twitter, but also by the rise of XMPP driven messaging and implementations such as ejabberd. It sports many of the ideas coming from functional programming being a language designed with that in mind. Initially used to run Telephone switches and conceived by Ericson to run the first GSM networks. It is still around, it is fully functional (as a language) and used in many production environments.
It's used as a scripting/extension language for a number of games (like World of Worcraft), and applications (Snort, NMAP, Wireshark, etc). In fact, according to an Adobe developer, Adobe's Lightroom is over 40% Lua.
The guys behind Lua have repeatedly listed Scheme and Lisp as major influences on Lua, and Lua has even been described as Scheme without the parentheses.
Have you checked out F#
Lot's of dynamic programming languages implement ideas from functional programming. The newer .Net languages (C# and VB) have what they call lambda's but these aren't side effect free.
It's not difficult combining concepts from functional programming and object oriented programming for example but it doesn't always make a lot of sense. Object oriented languages (try to) encapsulate state inside objects while functional languages encapsulate state inside functions. If you combine objects and functions in one language it gets harder to make sense of all this.
There have been a lot of languages that have combined these paradigms by just throwing them together (F#) and this can be usefull but I think we still need a couple of decades of playing with languages like this untill we can create a new paradigm that succesfully will combine the ideas from oo and functional programming.
C# 3.0 definitely does.
C# now has
Lambda Expressions
Higher Order Functions
Map / Reduce + Filter ( Folding?) to lists and all types which implement IEnumerable.
Object + Collection Initializers.
The last two list items may not fall under proper functional programming, anyways the answer is C# has implemented many useful concepts from Lisp etc.
In addition to what was said, a lot of LISP goodness is based on guaranteed lack of side-effects and using built-in data structures. Both rarely hold in real world. ML is probably better functional base.
Lisp developed a set of interesting language features quite early on in the academic
world, but most of them never caught on in production environments.
Because the kind of people who manage software developers aren't the kinds of people who you can have an interesting chat comparing different language features with. Around 2000, I wanted to use LISP to implement XML-to-HTML transforms on our corporate website (this is around the time of Amazon implementing their backend in LISP). I didn't get to. This is mildly ironic seeing as the company I was working for made and sold a Common LISP environment.
Another "real-world" language that implements functional programming features is Javascript. Since absolutely everything has a value, then high-order functions are easily implemented. You also have other tenants of functional programming such as lambda functions, closures, and currying.
The features you refer to ("powerful" macros, the code-as-data thing and custom control structures) have not propagated within other functional languages. They died after Lisp taught us that they are a bad idea.
Modern functional languages (OCaml, Haskell, Erlang, Scala, F#, C# 3.0, JavaScript) do not have those features.
Jon Harrop.

Why do you or do you not implement using polyglot solutions?

Polyglot, or multiple language, solutions allow you to apply languages to problems which they are best suited for. Yet, at least in my experience, software shops tend to want to apply a "super" language to all aspects of the problem they are trying to solve. Sticking with that language come "hell or high water" even if another language is available which solves the problem simply and naturally. Why do you or do you not implement using polyglot solutions?
I almost always advocate more than 1 language in a solution space (actually, more than 2 since SQL is part of so many projects). Even if the client likes a language with explicit typing and a large pool of talent, I advocate the use of scripting languages for administrative, testing, data scrubbing, etc.
The advantages of many-language boil down to "right tool for the job."
There are legitimate disadvantages, though:
Harder to have collective code ownership (not everyone is versed in all languages)
Integration problems (diminished in managed platforms)
Increased runtime overhead from infrastructure libraries (this is often significant)
Increased tooling costs (IDEs, analysis tools, etc.)
Cognitive "bumps" when switching from one to another. This is a double-edged sword: for those well-versed, different paradigms are complementary and when a problem arises in one there is often a "but in X I would solve this with Z!" and problems are solved rapidly. However, for those who don't quite grok the paradigms, there can be a real slow-down when trying to comprehend "What is this?"
I also think it should be said that if you're going to go with many languages, in my opinion you should go for languages with significantly different approaches. I don't think you gain much in terms of problem-solving by having, say, both C# and VB on a project. I think in addition to your mainstream language, you want to have a scripting language (high productivity for smaller and one-off tasks) and a language with a seriously different cognitive style (Haskell, Prolog, Lisp, etc.).
I've been lucky to work in small projects with the possibility to suggest a suitable language for my task. For example C as a low-level language, extending Lua for the high-level/prototyping has served very well, getting up to speed quickly on a new embedded platform. I'd always prefer two languages for any bigger project, one domain-specific fit to that particular project. It adds a lot of expressiveness for quickly trying out new features.
However probably this serves you best for agile development methods, whereas for a more traditional project the first hurdle to overcome would be choosing which language to use, when scripting languages tend to immediately seem "newcomers" with less marketing push or "seriousness" in their image.
The biggest issue with polyglot solutions is that the more languages involved, the harder it is to find programmers with the proper skill set. Particularly if any of the languages are even slightly esoteric, or hail from entirely different schools of design (e.g. - functional vs procedural vs object oriented). Yes, any good programmer should be able to learn what they need, but management often wants someone who can "hit the ground running", no matter how unrealistic that is.
Other reasons include code reuse, increased complexity interfacing between the different languages, and the inevitable turf wars over which language a particular bit of code should belong in.
All of that said, realize that many systems are polyglot by design -- anything using databases will have SQL in addition to some other language. And there's often scripting involved as well, either for actual code or for the build system.
Pretty much all of my professional programming experience has been in the above category. Generally there's a core language (C or C++), SQL of varying degrees, shell scripting, and possibly some perl or python code on the periphery.
My employer's attitude has always been to use what works.
This has meant that when we found some useful Perl modules (like the one that implements "Benford's Law", Statistics::Benford), I had to learn how to use ActiveState's PDK.
When we decided to add interval maths to our project, I had to learn Ada and how to use both GNAT and ObjectAda.
When a high-speed string library was requested, I had to relearn assembler and get used to MASM32 and WinAsm.
When we wanted to have a COM DLL of libiconv (based on Delphi Inspiration's code), I got reacquainted with Delphi.
When we wanted to use Dr. Bill Poser's libuninum, I had to relearn C, and how to use Visual C++ 6's IDE.
We still prototype things in VB6 and VBScript, because they're good at it.
Maybe sometime down the line I'll end up doing stuff in Forth, or Eiffel, or D, or, heaven help me, Haskell (I don't have anything against the language per se, it's just a very different paradigm.)
One issue that I've run into is that Visual Studio doesn't allow multiple languages to be mixed in a single project, forcing you to abstract things out into separate DLLs for each language, which isn't necessarily ideal.
I suspect the main reason, however, is the perception that switching back and forth between many different languages leads to programmer inefficiency. There is some truth to this, I switch constantly between JavaScript, C#, VBScript, and VB.NET and there is a bit of lost time as I switch from one language to another, as I mix my syntax a bit.
Still, there is definitely room for more "polyglot" solutions particularly that extend beyond using JavaScript and whatever back-end programming language.
Well, all the web is polyglot now with Java/PHP/Ruby in the back and JavaScript in the front...
Other examples that come to mind -- a flexible complex system written in a low level language (C or C++) with an embedded high level language (Python, Lua, Scheme) to provide customization and scripting interface. Microsoft Office and VBA, Blender and Python.
A project which can be done in a scripting language such as Python with performance critical or OS-dependent pieces done in C.
Both JVM and CLR are getting lots of new interesting scripting languages compatible. Java + Groovy, C# + IRonPython etc.
