I'm using Spotfire Analyst v10.4. I'm writing data functions in Spotfire which require specific R packages. I've tried installing packages from TERR console and from TERR package management. I am an admin user and every time I get the same error : "Error in unzip(zipFile): Error calling zip command". Any help appreciated on how to solve this.
I was able to install the "vctrs" package, which was returning the same error (not being able to unzip the file) by copying the package from the R folder and placing it in the TERR folder, along with the other packages. As soon as I tried to install it again in Spotfire it recognized that it was there already and I could continue my analysis.
I am trying to run my Rhizovision Imager software, but when I hit the app to execute, I am prompted with the errors that says I am missing .dll files. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem? For example, an error pops up that I am missing "gcbase_md_vc120_v3_0_v5_0.dll"
I found this occurs if you have a different version of Pylon installed. Download and install the following "pylon_5_Runtime_5.0.12.11830". If you also wish to install the Pylon Viewer, download and install that first, then re-install the 5_Runtime above. Hope that helps!
I was running a python program which uses CVXPY to solve a optimization problem involving semi-definite constraints. Initially the code ran well when I was using the default solver provided by CVXPY. Then I tried to use MOSEK as the optimization solver. Since it has to be installed, I tried installing it from command prompt using a pip installer. However the installation was interrupted midway (I am unaware of the specific reasons). Now whenever I am trying to run the code, it is prompting an error-
rescode.err_missing_license_file(1008): License cannot be located. The default search path is ';C:\Users\dsouv\mosek\mosek.lic;'.
I can understand that somehow the default search path has been changed due to the failed installation of MOSEK. Even after calling the default solver of CVXPY, I am still getting the same error.
Things I have tried:
Reinstalling CVXPY.
Reinstalling MOSEK from the Anaconda Powershell Prompt.
Even after trying out these, the error still persist. Any suggestions to solve this issue is welcome. Also please me if you need any other informtion.
You should install the license file separately. I.e. do step 3 at
based on a previous posting on this website, I went to the python.org site and was able to locate and download the tag containing the periodictable-1.5.0 package, which I then saved in my ....\python\python36-32 directory and extracted on my Windows 7 computer.
Having done that, I attempted to install this package from the command line as instructed in the python documentation
...\python356-32> python .\periodictable-1.5.0\setup.py install
This appeared to execute an installation script but, when I attempted to import the module, it told me the module did not exist.
What did I do wrong?
I'm trying to install SIP on my computer so I can proceed to get PyQt. I put the install files in a folder on my desktop ('C:\Users\User\Desktop\Programming\Sip\sip-4.15.5'). So, to install it, I ran the following commands from CMD:
cd C:\Python33
python "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Programming\Sip\sip-4.15.5\configure.py"
The version of python in 'C:\Python33' IS the one used in the command 'python'. Here's the output I got:
This is SIP 4.15.5 for Python 3.3.5 on win32.
The SIP code generator will be installed in C:\Python33.
The sip module will be installed in C:\Python33\Lib\site-packages.
The sip.h header file will be installed in C:\Python33\include.
The default directory to install .sip files in is C:\Python33\sip.
The platform/compiler configuration is win32-msvc2010.
Creating siplib\sip.h...
Creating siplib\siplib.c...
Creating siplib\siplib.sbf...
Creating sipconfig.py...
Creating top level Makefile...
Creating sip code generator Makefile...
Creating sip module Makefile...
Error: Unable to open
Now, the key lines are obviously the last two, so I looked in the appropriate folder and found that there was a rather good reason for the error: there is no "siplib.sbf." The closest it gets is "siplib.sbf.in". What on earth is going on? If this is a stupid question, please feel free to tell me so.
You must change current working directory to the sip-4.15.5 first:
cd C:\Users\User\Desktop\Programming\Sip\sip-4.15.5
python configure.py
I've been trying to install python-pandas, got an error message:
install requires: 'python-dateutil < 2','numpy'
$ pip install 'python-dateutil < 2' 'numpy'
I'm new to slackware (like the steep learning curve), so I got the binaries from various websites, unpacked the files but I still keep getting this message. I do have a new directory titled 'usr' in my Downloads directory. I'm assuming that's supposed to go in the python directory but I'm not completely sure. Just lookin' for a little advice. Thanks.
My problem was not having pip installed...had to do a few tasks to get that done. But it's all working now.