Problem integrating Terminality with sublime text 3 - sublimetext3

I installed Terminality ( using package control in sublime text 3 on macOS. In it's github page, it's showing that Terminality can work interactively like terminal. But, when I run a c program, it's taking all the input once and printing all the output once (like it works in competitive programming environments like Hackerrank or Codechef). It's working perfectly fine for python. Can anyone help me tweaking it so that it works interactively for C also? Thanks in advance!


How to get terminal size in Spyder?

I am trying to get the terminal size using the function shutil.get_terminal_size().
This works well in a Python console or an Ipython console, but not in the Ipython console inside the Spyder editor, and I don't understand why.
Any ideas ?
Thanks in advance!
(Spyder maintainer here) Spyder consoles are not "real" consoles, i.e. they are not based on the same technologies as those used in terminal-based consoles (such as cmd.exe or Therefore, shutil.get_terminal_size() doesn't work as expected.
Actually, our console's width is fixed at 80 characters and right now (October 2020) that limit can't be changed.

configuring atom IDE with atom runner

I was trying to find a decent ide for python3, and atom sounded a good choice, but the atom runner is not very interactive. For example this simple code produces an error, I'm pasting a screenshot, to show the problem as it is:
Can I configure atom to execute code interactively. The way I noticed the problem was that atom runner first executes all of the code and then ONLY displays the output. Is there a fix or any packages for this?
If not, please suggest a descent and simple to use IDE for python. If there was something like the online but for offline use, it would really fit my taste.
For atom there is a package called The Terminal Plus Package:, this will open a virtual terminal that will have a the capabilities of a normal terminal. Hope I helped!

Watir-Webdriver Windows Firefox slow text entry

I have prepared web testing script on Mac OSX with watir-webdriver. It was running fine with Firefox. However, then I ran the script on Windows with Firefox and the text entry is slow, like typing each word individually. I have read couple of threads in regards to this problem, but never came to the solution. Maybe someone could shed some light on this.
Please also kindly note that I use browser.element(:xpath).set "text" to locate the elements to set the text.
Thank you very much in advance.
The issue has been resolved using Clipboard gem. Instead of using .set or .value methods, I started using Clipboard copy / paste, which worked perfectly. I still do not consider this as best solution, but it can get the job done.

qt creator editing missing some characters (blank) Linux

Im running a fedora 18 box and just installed Qt Creator 3.0,
as well as trying 2.8.1. Both versions, when I pull up my source
code, there are many characters missing in patterns. It looks like
15-25% of the code has sections "missing"
I think its a graphics problem maybe, but I can find no articles online
about this issue so far. Anyone know what this is or how to fix it?
EDIT: Here's the image. Also using vim they look fine. Im compiling and running
from an xterm window due to qcreator's issue (unfortunately). if I 'file' the source
files, they are: C source, ASCII text

No keyboard input in Unity3D game builds

I'm using Unity3D and I'm having issues with the keyboard when I 'build' the project.
When I run the game within the Unity Editor, the input works fine. However, when I build the project and test it, I have no directional input whatsoever. The mouse works fine, the game registers keystrokes (the Esc key works), but the player won't move.
I'm using Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical") and Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal")
I researched the issue on the web, but I'm still stucked. The only solution I found (in various links) mentions a problem with DirectInput and states that you should remove the key "Input" from [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Unity\Player], in the Windows registry, but that doesn't seem to work for me.
Has anybody else fought this problem? Any working solutions? Am I doing the registry trick wrong?
You should check out Input Manager in Edit->Project Settings-> Input. Have you tried using GetAxis instead of GetAxisRaw? I also suggest using, eg: Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A) and etc.
I've figured out what was troubling me.
Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical") and Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") were fine the whole time. Somehow, there was some code in the script that in the Editor worked just fine, but when running as standalone gave me a calculation equal to 0 (it depends on the Delta Time, so I assume that the Delta Time when running compiled is much smaller than when running in the Unity Editor) and thus the character didn't move at all.
