macOS cannot verify the developer of "clang" - android-ndk

I updated to macos-catalina and I am trying to crosscompile c++ code for android using android-ndk-r18b
macOS cannot verify the developer of “clang". Are you sure you want to open it?
It asks me for all different executables/compilers (e.g arm-linux-androideabi-ranlib). I got around this by got around it by going to Security & Privacy and allowing all executables that show up there. Is there a more generic way to authorize everything within the android ndk?

Open `System Preferences/Security & Privacy/Developer Tools.
Allow Terminal app to run software locally that does not meet system's security policy

This was essentially answered in the comments by Dan Albert, but to add an actual answer, as per android ndk issue 1060:
For macOS, the SDK manager is the most reliable method of acquiring the NDK for most use cases and should be preferred until something else changes. That is not viable for all users, but if it is an option for you that's your best option.
In other words, if you install/reinstall an NDK using SDK manager, you should end up with a version that gatekeeper will be happy about, e.g.:
android/Sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager --install "ndk;18.1.5063045"

The best way is to update the ndk to R21. if your Macos version is catalina.
"No Mac NDK before NDK r21 was signed or notarized."

Download and install the Mac App Bundle version of the NDK available since r21 from this page.


Android studio sdk does not contain any platforms

I downloaded Android studio from their website for windows. It contained 790 Mb. But there is a message shown like
SDK is missing
I followed answers for this issue of missing android studio SDK in here. But my problem is not solved yet.
I have another problem. There is a message shown
SDK does not contain any platforms
when I chose the SDK location by going to configure > project defaults > project structure.
May be some files are not downloaded,try again with your internet connection.It will ask to download some additional files, press allow.
this problem faced by almost everyone due to network problem .
You can easily resolve this error. I suggest you ,if any of your friends already installed android studio then copy sdk from him/her and paste into your sdk path and don't forget to delete sdk.
In this process ,your internet should work so that rest of the things it can download .
this is the best and easy way to resolve sdk error.After that you can download platform tools easily by going to settings>>Android sdk>> sdk tools.
Open the SDK Manager to download the NDK bundle.When your download completed, maybe there'r two different folders you have. One is ndk-bundle the other is ndk/22.0.7026061(the version you choose to download). And just use the behind one
As the log said before. Make sure you have config the ndk.dir in or the system global path variable.Or you also can open the project structure dialog to choose the Ndk location.Still use the behind folder( ndk/22.0.7026061).
If you have config it and still have the same can use the SDK Manager to download the NDK lower version one(like 21.0.6113669).Cause it may not match to your AS version
Then repeat the step two
That's work nice for me

Graphometric Signature Android library

Are there any libraries about Graphometric Signature for Android platform? I found only Olivetti toolkit, but I would use a free library for my Android App.
you can try Namirial S.p.A. solution.
You can use the Namirial solution with Windows, Android & iOs.
They also provide an sdk for the all platform.
For more information you can send an email to:
I've got the same task last year. The one which looked best is but it's not free at all.
Some others:

Running J2me apps on Android phones

Is it possible to run J2ME apps on Android phones? If so, what is the installation procedure?
Otherwise, is it possible to convert .jad files to .apk? In this case, what is the procedure.
(I have already tested the procedure offered by netmite but it doesn't seem to work.)
Using this site you can convert your J2ME application in to Android Application. You need to just supply your .Jad & .Jar file in it and it will generate Android's executable file .apk for you.
However in it doesn't able to convert all the feature of Java ME to Android, but basics can be easily converted.
You can try phoneME, netmite j2me app runner, jblend, jbed like jeme emulators in android. For now, phoneME is the best. you can get various version of phoneME here
You also need OI file manager to select files in phoneME.
A complete guide can be found here for rest of other emulators (if you want to try).
I got it, thanks.
MicroEmu open source project hasn't been mentioned yet, and here it goes:
I searched for a good JavaME emulator for Android for a long time, and finally found one. This here is what you need:
No doubt the best there is for Android.
Added 15th January 2016:
Reply from the author of phoneME, Davy Preuveneers, in regards to the Android 5.0+ issue commented by Álvaro Gutiérrez:
I am testing on a Samsung Galaxy S4 running Android 5.0.1, and the
"phoneME Advanced - Foundation Profile + MIDP FullHD Resolution" build
seems to run just fine on this device.
Also, following this thread
Position Independent Executables and Android Lollipop,
I ran:
$ readelf -l | grep -i "file type"
and it reports:
Elf file type is DYN (Shared object file)
So according to the website this is OK.
However, for the CDC and Foundation profiles (console like
applications), there is indeed an issue where you get this error:
"Error: only position independent executables (PIE) are supported"
However, for those 2 profile I call a native executables and redirect
the native stdout/stderr streams to Android, whereas for the MIDP dual
stack I load a library and create a complicated wrapper to get things going.
I can recompile with -fPIE and -pie options but will then end up with
binaries that are no longer backwards compatible with devices running
Android 4.0 and below. That is why I added some additional builds to my
website for Android 5+ devices:
Best regards,

android ndk: cannot find android_runtime

I have a problem when compiling JNI. It returns the error message like
that "arm-eabi/bin/ld: cannot find -landroid_runtime".
I think is the android's own lib. Why ld can't find the
lib. Can somebody help me.
My develop environment as follow:
OS: Ubuntu 9.10
SDK: Android2.2
NDK: r4b is in fact one of the Android system libraries, and as such is not available for NDK apps.
Check the file docs/STABLE-APIS.txt for a list of supported libraries, or even better, check the folder build/platforms/android-#/arch-arm/usr/lib where # is the Android platform level, for the definitive list of libraries you can link against.
As they say on the NDK lists, even if you manage to link against one of the other Android libraries, it likely won't work on some (or possibly even most) phones, even if it works on the one you're testing.
To solve your problem build a emulation of every android possible and recompile a version for each android and put it on the market with specific compatibility.
EDIT: Try using: adb pull /system/lib
EDIT 2: There also should be a egl folder in /lib so you know to look for it.

Java Micro Edition (JME) SDK for Mac OS X or Linux

The question is clear from the title.
Is there an SDK for the Java Micro Edition available for Mac OS X or Linux? Or does one need Windows XP to develop JME applications?
No, with a 'but'
There is no WTK (Wireless Toolkit) from the main vendors available for Mac (NetBeans Wiki reference) so basically you can't debug nor test the code. But, you can use an emulator from a third co: MPowerPlayer
If you are using netbeans in any other OS but windows, you still can download and add the J2ME packages using the tools/plugins menu.
Then you can add the MPowerPlayer to the IDE as a J2ME platform. Netbeans (and i guess any other IDE with J2ME WTK support) will recognize it as a valid WTK,
I've posted an specific entry about this in my blog, but it's in spanish, although maybe you can follow the images. Give it a try, and don't hesitate to ask anything:
J2ME in Mac Os with NetBeans
Offically Sun's WTK is available only on Linux and Windows, however both SDKs can be used on Mac to compile J2ME applications.
Unfortunately the emulator and the preverifier will not work (since they are not Java based) so you will not be able to test your application.
To solve this problem you can use MicroEmulator or MPowerPlayer for both emulation and preverification (you can also use PhoneME for preverification).
This is a good guide to setup you development environment using Eclipse and this one is good for Netbeans.
But, if I can give an advice (I'm working since two years on J2ME development and I'm a Mac user), it is better if you develop on Windows or Linux through a virtual machine, because the two emulators do not have a very good compliance to the JSR's standard and do not include all of them.
Moreover on OSX it will be very difficult for you to test features like Bluetooth or LocationAPIs.
Netbeans has a JME SDK
May be this is helpful, I've found a Java ME Developer Studio for Mac OS X, developed by Motorola, I haven't tested yet, it's only and EA Release, I'll try this one, and I'll let u know in a subsequent post,
Oddly enough ... I just set this up 5 minutes ago on Linux.
You will need: <-- WTK
The WTK installer will ask where your JDK is. Do
find . -name "jar" -type f
and then where you have
Knock of the 'jar' and give that path to the installer. This will install ktoolbar which includes a phone emulator.
The download netbeans and install the mobile addons
This is not pure J2ME, but includes most of the API
I am using it to develop an application for my SE-C902
Yes, the official SDK for OSX can be downloaded here: Microemulator,, also works well, and I've heard people use MPowerPlayer with success.
