search in divs within a DataTable - search

I'm currently on a project in which I included partialviews in every single row of a datatable.
it used to not be in a datatable at all, but I thought it could be a good idea for the use of the search function.
but of course, the partialview contains many text spans, even an external js called summernote, which includes lots of hidden text spans itself, and the search results are including every text within the global div. no need to say this isn't as accurate as I thought it would be.
I've seen that the search plugin could let us filter, for example, every div that has some class, but what I'm looking for is a functionnality that lets us filter on text contained in divs that have some class. this way I could ignore every other unrelevant text, hidden or not.
is it even remotely possible ?

There is no plain magic thing which let you filter a div containing a text combined with the question for a class which has to be also included. but you may write such a thing byself or use data attributes. Here is something which might be useful. filter multiple data attributes


Smart search results behaviour of compound index of multiple page types

Can someone confirm the behaviour of the Smart search results webpart when using a Smart search filter on a particular field, documentation here, when the index, and the expected results, are compound of multiple page types?
In my scenario I have 2 page types, one is always a child of the other, my hypothetical scenario would be a Folder and File types as an example.
I've configured the index with Pages type and Standard analyzer to include all Folder and File types under the path /MyOS/% on the tree.
The search page, includes the Smart search results webpart and a Smart search filter, a checkbox for the File's field FileIsHidden.
What I'm trying to ascertain is the possibility for the results to include all folders that have a hidden field, as well as the files?
Client has a v8.2 license and now has a requirement similar to this scenario.
Thanks so much for any help in advance.
Firstly what i would do is download the latest version of LUKE, it's a lucene inspector that allows you to run queries, inspect the data, etc.
Your search indexes are in the App_Data/Modules/SmartSearch/[SearchName], now i am not sure if LUKE can query 2 indexes as the same time, however you can run hte same query against both and see if it's filtering out results one way or another.
If you are trying to query where a field must be a value, and the other page type does not have the field, it probably is filtered out. What you need to do is use the lucene syntax to say "(classname = 'cms.file' and fileonlyproperty = '' OR classname <> 'cms.file')" so to say.
You'll have to test, but say the class name is cms.file and cms.folder, and the property is FileIsHidden, i think the syntax would be:
+((FieldIsHidden:(true) and classname:('cms.file')) OR (NOT classname:('cms.file'))
But you'll have to test that.

Can i get all components of an xsp document in xpages?

I have a simple document with 3 fields and 1 rich text field. I also have an xpage with 3 simple edit box controls and 1 rich text. The name of my NotesXSPDocument is document1.
Question 1:
Can i get a vector with all the controls of the xsp document? for example, instead of using getComponent("fld1"), getComponent("fld2") ... etc, can i use something like getAllComponents() or document1.getControls()? These methods do not exist of course so i am asking if there is a way to do it. I know i can get all items of a document (not XSP) by calling document1.getDocument().getItems(). IS there anything similar for xsp?
Lets say we can get a vector as i described above. Then if i iterate through this vector to get each control's value, is there a method to check if it is rich text or simple text field?
Technically, yes, but not readily and this is one of those situations where there's likely a better way to approach whatever underlying problem it is you want to solve.
Nonetheless, if you're looking to get a list of inputs on the page, XspQuery is your friend: . With that, you could use "locateInputs" to get a List of all the inputs on the page, and then check their value method bindings to see if the string version is referencing your variable name. Error-prone and not pretty, but it'd work. Since they're property bindings, I don't think the startsWith filter in there would do what you want.
Alternatively, you could bind the components to something in a Java class from the start. I've been doing just such a thing recently (for a different end) and initially described it here: . The upshot is that, with the right cleverness for how you do your binding="" property, you could get a list of all the components that reference a property of a given object.
As for the second part of the question, if you DO get a handle on the components one way or another, you can check to see if it's a rich text control by doing "component instanceof".
A bit complex but yes. facesContext.getViewRoot() is an UIViewRoot object so it has List<UIComponent> getChildren() method which returns its children.
However, since it's a tree-structure, some of its children will have additional children components. You have to traverse the entire tree to build a list of components you want to see.
For types, you can decide what type a component is by its class. For instance, UIInput is a text box, etc.

Retrieving column values in filtered xpages view

I have a view defined on an xpage. I also have several filters (based on the columns) that the user can select and combine to filter the results in the view. I generate a query string based on this that I construct in (doing a complete refresh). What I would like to do is get the results of the search so that I can then update some counts displayed elsewhere on the page. I'm having a hard time figuring out where I can perform this logic, though. I'm trying to use view.getAllEntries() and then iterating over the collection. Sometimes it seems like it works, but other times I seem to be getting the unfiltered view. Someone suggested I explicitly call view.FTSearch inside one of the events (beforePageLoad?) and immediately after do my getAllEntries call, saving the results in viewScope, but I get an "Error while browses Notes view" runtime error when I try to do that. Any pointers? TIA!
EDIT: After studying the xpages lifecycle a bit (which is still a little confusing), I think I can fine-tune my question. This is my first stackoverflow question, so I hope this is okay to do and productive....
As I described, I have a dominoView defined on my xpage. A repeat iterates over the rows of the view, displaying certain fields from the documents. If I define a query in the search property, then the repeat correctly displays the reduced set of documents rather than the complete set. (The query is computed in the search property via SSJS from some variables defined in the viewScope in a combobox's eventHandler.) However, if I try to access the current entries in the view inside of the repeat's rendered section (with SSJS) using myView.getAllEntries (where myView is what's defined as the "value" of the repeat), I am still getting all of the documents, even if a query has been done. It seems like at that point, the view variable has already had its search applied (since the repeat works), so why the differing results? Is there another way to access the view's rows? To complicate this further, this is just a simple experiment that might clarify the problem; as I indicated earlier, I don't actually want to access the view data within the repeat, I want to access it in the rendered or value sections of some comboboxes defined before the repeat in the xpage file.
I hope that makes more sense now....
EDIT #2: I forgot to add that if I manually call FTSearch (or FTSearchSorted) before calling myView.getAllEntries, then I think I can make this work. It just seems unnecessary to have to do that in addition to the view's built-in search.
From what I get you want to iterate over the entries in a view that before has been filtered, i.e. whose resulting entry collection is smaller than the the view itself.
What I don't get (yet) is what you want to do with the result, or what you're axpecting to get from the iteration over your filtered view (you're mentioning some counts to be displayed somewhere else).
Probably a good way is to use the view's .getAllEntriesByKey method which returns a NotesViewEntryCollection object which then can be used for your iteration.
Don't forget to recycle the resulting NotesViewEntry objects; reason for this has been explained several times here at stackoverflow.

JSF displaying entities with IDs: how to translate IDs to descriptions?

In a JSF page I have to display the data from an entity.
This entity has some int fields which cannot be displayed directly but need to be translated into a descriptive string.
Between them some can have a limited number of values, others have lots of possible values (such as a wordlwide Country_ID) and deserve a table on the Db with the association (ID, description).
This latter case can easily be solved navigating via relationship from the original entity to the entity corresponding to the dictionary table (ID, description) but I don't want to introduce new entities just to solve translations form ID to description.
Besides another integer field has special needs: the hundred thousand number should be changed with a letter according to a rule such as 100015 -> A00015, 301023 -> C01023.
Initially I put the translation code inside the entity itself but I know the great limits and drawbacks of this solution.
Then I created a singletone (EntityTranslator) with all the methods to translate the different fields. For cases where the field values are a lot I put them inside a table which is loaded from the singletone and transformed in a TreeMap, otherwise the descriptions are in arrays inside the class.
In the ManagedBean I wrote a getter for EntityTranslator and inside the jsf I use quite long el statements like the following:
I think the problem is quite general and I'm looking for a standard way to solve it but, as already stated, I don't want to create new 'stupid' entities only to associate an ID to a description, I think it is overkill.
Another possibility is the use of converters Object(Integer) <-> String but I'm more comfortable in having all the translation needs for an Entity inside the same class.
Your question boils down to the following simple line:
How can I display a field different from id of my entity in my view and how can I morph an integer field into something more meaningful.
The answer is that it depends on a situation.
If you solely want to input/output data, you don't need id at all apart from the possible view parameter like ?id=12345. In this case you can input/output anything you want in your view: the id is always there.
If you want to create a new entity most possibly you have a way of generating ids via JPA, or database, or elsehow besides the direct input from the user. In this situation you don't need to mess with ids as well.
If you want to use information on other entities like show user a dropdown box with e.g. a list of countries, you always have the option to separate label (let it be name) and value (let it be id), or even have a unique not null column containing the country name in your database table that will serve as a natural identifier. If you'd like to get data from the user using an input text field you always can create a converter that will do the job of transforming user input strings to actual entity objects.
Regarding the transformation of your integers, you've actually got several choices: the first one is to attach a converter for these fields that will roughly do 301023 -> C01023 and C01023 -> 301023 transformations, the second one is to write a custom EL function and the third one is to prepare the right model beforehand / do the transformations on-the-fly.

Expression Engine - passing multiple categories as URL segments

I'm trying to create a product filter with deep-linking capability. Essentially, I want the user to be able to filter my product list on multiple categories and have the URL reflect the filtering they've done.
So it would start as:
My first level of category filtering already works. So I can use EE's regular handling of URL segments to get to my first level of filtering. For instance:
Returns a filtered subset showing only a spectacular collection of leather thongs. But now I want the user to be able to filter on another category - color for instance. This is where stuff stops working.
EE's way of handling multiple categories inside templates (with ampersands or pipes) doesn't work in the URL:
Nor does any variation that I've tried.
My next move is to create a simple raw PHP method that can capture regular querystring parameters and then inject them into the {entries} tag before rendering. Not very difficult, but quite ugly. I would love to know if there is a way to handle multiple categories in the URL natively.
Thanks for your time.
Have you considered using Low's Seg2Cat add-on? I'm not sure how complex you want to make this but it seems that you could specify something in your channel:entries loop like categories='{segment_2){if segment_3}|{segment_3_category_id}{/if}'
This exact syntax is untested but I have had success in the past with a similar solution.
