vbscript Excel Match Function - excel

I have a worksheet with some 100k rows by perhaps 2 dozen columns. Presently I am coloring a specific column, say "ABC", that when the value is > x set the interior.colorindex to y. At the moment I have to sort this column descending, then using a FOR EACH statement, cycle through each of the row cells until the value < x, coloring the cell as each NEXT is reached.
What I am trying to be is make this far more efficient by using the Excel MATCH function, find the last row number, then color the cells in one block rather than individual cells but cannot get my clumsy coding to work correctly. Everything I have read appears to indicate that the MATCH function is supported in vbscript, but I need some assistance from some kind soul figure this out. I have trimed my code down to the relevant section and would appreciate and assistance provided. Please forgive my ignorance, I am very new to this coding thing, and this is my first post requesting help.
Dim objXLApp, objXLWb, objXLWs, objWorksheet, WorksheetFunction
Dim InFile, OutFile
Dim ObjRange, ObjRange2, ObjRange3, rng, rng1, rng2, trng
Dim iRows, iCols, iR, iC, lRow, fRow, col, rw, tRow
Dim ColSearch, StartTime, EndTime, TotalTime
Dim cTeal, cPurple, cCyan, cVal, opVal
Dim Counttcolor, Countpcolor, Countccolor, clr
Dim vMsg
' input parameters
InFile = Wscript.Arguments.Item(0)
OutFile = Wscript.Arguments.Item(1) 'this output file CAN be the same as the input thereby overwriting if required.
Set objXLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'application function SWITCHES - set to TRUE to enable
objXLApp.Visible = True
objXLApp.EnableEvents = True
objXLApp.DisplayAlerts = True
objXLApp.ScreenUpdating = True
objXLApp.DisplayStatusBar = False
vMsg = 1 ' set to 1 to turn on timer prompts for each processing section
Set objXLWb = objXLApp.Workbooks.Open(InFile)
'Select the appropriate Sheet in the Workbook
Set objXLWs = objXLWb.Sheets(1)
objXLWs.DisplayPageBreaks = False
'decleration must be AFTER opening the input file
objXLApp.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
objXLApp.CalculateBeforeSave = True
' Set range and count Row & Columns
Set objRange = objXLWs.UsedRange
iRows = objRange.Rows.Count
iCols = objRange.Columns.Count
'MsgBox iRows
'MsgBox iCols
StartTime = Timer()
ColSearch = "ABC" 'COLUMN AS
For iC = 1 To iCols
If InStr(objRange.Item(1, iC).Value2,ColSearch) Then
'sort the column descending to bring highest records to the top
Set objRange = objXLWs.UsedRange
Set objRange2 = objXLApp.Range(objRange.Item(2, iC).Address) 'ABC
objRange.Sort objRange2, xlDescending, , , , , , xlYes
cTeal = 15 'set the teal minimum value
'set the range for the match function to search for the min cTeal value
rng = objRange.Item(2, iC).Address &":"& objRange.Item(iRows, iC).Address
'search for the first row number containing the first value less than cTeal
tRow = objXLApp.match(cTeal, rng, -1)
MsgBox tRow 'this presently fails here with object required if commented fails at set trng with reference to tRow variable
'set the range for coloring the entire block of cells
Set trng = objRange.Item(2, iC).Address &":"& objRange.Item(tRow, iC).Address
objXLApp.Range(trng).Interior.ColorIndex = 42 'Teal
End If
EndTime = Timer()
If vMsg = 1 Then MsgBox "ABC: " & FormatNumber(EndTime - StartTime, 2)

Problem solved, it was a range issue. Needed to set the range to a single column (ie: A:A and not the cell references as existed) but I had something wrong in my existing code. Thanks anyway.
For reference sake, here is the working code:
ColSearch = "ABC"
For iC = 1 To iCols
If InStr(objRange.Item(1, iC).Value2,ColSearch) then
'to get the column letter for setting the rng param for match function
col_letter = Split(objRange.Item(1, iC).Address, "$")(1)
cTeal = 14
cPurple = 5
'set the range address string
col_letter = col_letter & ":" & col_letter
'set the range to a single column letter/name for the match function
set rng = objXLApp.Range(col_letter)
tRow = objXLApp.Match(cTeal,rng,-1) 'find the last row for Teal value
pRow = objXLApp.Match(cPurple,rng,-1) 'find the row for Purple value
'Msgbox tRow
'Msgbox pRow
objXLApp.Range(objRange.Item(2, iC).Address & ":" & objRange.Item(tRow, iC).Address).Interior.ColorIndex = 42 'Teal
objXLApp.Range(objRange.Item(tRow+1, iC).Address & ":" & objRange.Item(pRow, iC).Address).Interior.ColorIndex = 34 'Cyan
objXLApp.Range(objRange.Item(pRow+1, iC).Address & ":" & objRange.Item(objRange.Item(2, iC).End(xlDown).Row, iC).Address).Interior.ColorIndex = 39 'Purple
End If


Find the maximum consecutive repeated value on the bases of two columns

I need the expert help in VBA as I am new. Actually I am looking for Vba code for Consecutive Count on the bases of two column (Serial Number and Alert Code) on button click event. The Column row are not fixed (dynamically change). The Consecutive count is maximum repeat count for Alert Code per Serial number. This should display in output worksheet as per max repeat Alert count per Serial number
Input Worksheet:
Expected Output :
The repeat count work as below pattern from Input sheet (Just for reference only).
Mine source code as below but this does not reference the 1st Column Serial Number (This only work for One column like AlertCode) :
Sub ConsecutiveCount()
Dim lr As Long, c As Range, a As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
lr = Worksheets("Count2").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For Each c In Range("B2:B" & lr)
If c.Value <> c.Offset(1).Value Then
a = Cells(c.Row, 3).End(xlUp).Row
' Range(Cells(c.Row, 4), Cells(c.Row, 4).End(xlUp).Offset(1)).Value = c.Row - a
Cells(c.Row, 3).Value = c.Row - a
End If
Next c
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Current Output (Serial number not included)
Screenshot(s) / here(♪) refers:
Named ranges/setup
First, define a couple of named ranges to assist with referencing / formulating in VBA:
Name: range_data: dynamic range that references the two columns of interest (here, col 1&2 in Sheet1):
Refers to: =Sheet1!$D$3:OFFSET(Sheet1!$E$3,COUNTA(Sheet1!$E$3:$E$99995)-1,0,1,1)
Name: range_summary_startcell: a static range that references the desired upper-left cell of the output table / summary.
Refers to: =Sheet1!$G$3
The summary table itself shall comprise a number of rows (depending upon range_data) and 3 columns (given the input/Q) - this will be produced by the macro (code below) and can be seen in screenshot above (G3:I5) - the macro functions shall determine the appropriate dimensions automatically
With these two named ranges (i.e. 'range_data' & 'range_summary_startcell') defined, the following VB code produces the desired output per your Q:
Sub Macro_Summary()
'JB_007 07/01/2022
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
ActiveCell.Formula2R1C1 = "=UNIQUE(range_data)"
x = ActiveCell.End(xlDown).Row
Set range_count = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2)
range_count.Formula2R1C1 = _
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range(range_count, range_count.Offset(x - range_count.Row))
End Sub
Caveats: assumes you have Office 365 compatible version of Excel
GIF - Running Macro
Notes (♪) saved as macro-free workbook for your own security if you wish to download underlying workbook - otherwise identical to screenshot(s) in this proposed soln.
Sub ConsecutiveCount()
Dim srcLastRow As Long, cntConsec As Long, i As Long
Dim rng As Range
Dim srcArr() As Variant
Dim srcSht As Worksheet
Dim destsht As Worksheet
Dim destArr() As Variant
Dim combID As String
Dim splitID As Variant
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set srcSht = Worksheets("Input")
Set destsht = Worksheets("Output")
With srcSht
srcLastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1 ' include 1 blank line
srcArr = .Range(.Cells(2, "A"), .Cells(srcLastRow, "B"))
End With
Dim dict As Object
Dim dKey As Variant
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.dictionary")
cntConsec = 0
For i = LBound(srcArr) To UBound(srcArr)
cntConsec = cntConsec + 1
If i <> UBound(srcArr) Then
If srcArr(i, 1) <> srcArr(i + 1, 1) Or srcArr(i, 2) <> srcArr(i + 1, 2) Then
combID = srcArr(i, 1) & "|" & srcArr(i, 2)
If dict.Exists(combID) Then
' check if sum is more
If dict(combID) < cntConsec Then ' If new max for combination
dict(combID) = cntConsec
End If
' add to dictionary
dict(combID) = cntConsec
End If
cntConsec = 0
End If
End If
Next i
ReDim destArr(1 To dict.Count, 1 To 3)
i = 0
For Each dKey In dict.keys
splitID = Split(dKey, "|")
i = i + 1
destArr(i, 1) = splitID(0)
destArr(i, 2) = splitID(1)
destArr(i, 3) = dict(dKey)
Next dKey
destsht.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(destArr), 3).Value = destArr
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

VBA comparing two sheets and two columns and check for discrepancies

I'm new to vba and stackoverflow so please go easy on me!
I have two worksheets, call worksheet1 = GoldCopy and worksheet2 = A-OPS. They have about 10,000+ rows of data and should have some similar data. I want to compare the two sheets. Both of them have similar headers: Column A = filename and Column D = encryption code Column B = file path and Column F = in gold (or A-OPS depending on what ws you're looking at).
I want to be able to compare ws1 and ws2 and check for any discrepancies and highlight them as FALSE and the color red in column F. I currently want to check ws1 and go through each row, see if that filename and encryption code is in ws2, doesn't have to be the same row as ws1, but I want the filename and encryption code to be the same row (does that make sense?) WS2 could have this data in row 20 but ws1 would be on row 10 but since they have the same filename and encryption, then that's fine. If ws2 has the same filename AND same encryption code, then ws1 column F is TRUE. If ws2 does not have the same filename AND encryption in any of the rows, then ws1 column F is FALSE. I also want to do this same thing, except check ws2 against ws1.
This is the code I have so far, but it is taking forever because of these nested for loops. I have tried looking into something called "arrays" but I'm just very confused and would like something fast and efficient. The for loop is taking a really long time. Please let me know if I need to be more specific or explain more! Thanks so much
Sub Check
For Each s In Sheets
If s.Name = "A OPS" Then 'check if there is an A OPS file if so then proceed'
ACOL = Worksheets("A OPS").Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Worksheets("A OPS").Cells(1, ACOL + 1).Value = "In Gold Copy?"
'GoldCopy Check with A-NAS OPS'
GROW = Worksheets("GoldCopy").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
GCOL = Worksheets("GoldCopy").Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
AROW = Worksheets("A OPS").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
ACOL = Worksheets("A OPS").Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Worksheets("GoldCopy").Cells(1, GCOL + 1) = "Deployed in A OPS?"
For i = 2 To GROW
GCOL = Worksheets("GoldCopy").Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
If InStr(Worksheets("GoldCopy").Cells(i, 3), "\sidata\") > 0 Then 'this is checking to see for a filepath from column B'
bln = False
For x = 2 To AROW
If Worksheets("GoldCopy").Cells(i, 1).Value = Worksheets("A OPS").Cells(x, 1) And Worksheets("GoldCopy").Cells(i, 4).Value = Worksheets("A OPS").Cells(x, 4).Value Then 'if the filename and encryption code in the same row in ws2 match ws1 then do next step'
bln = True
Worksheets("GoldCopy").Cells(i, GCOL) = bln
Worksheets("GoldCopy").Cells(i, GCOL).Interior.ColorIndex = 10
Exit For
Worksheets("GoldCopy").Cells(i, GCOL) = bln
Worksheets("GoldCopy").Cells(i, GCOL).Interior.ColorIndex = 22
End If
Next x
End If
Next i
'A OPS check with GoldCopy'
Worksheets("A OPS").Activate
GROW = Worksheets("GoldCopy").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
GCOL = Worksheets("GoldCopy").Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
AROW = Worksheets("A OPS").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
ACOL = Worksheets("A OPS").Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
For i = 2 To AROW
GCOL = Worksheets("GoldCopy").Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
If InStr(Worksheets("A OPS").Cells(i, 3), "\SIDATA\ops\common\") > 0 Or InStr(Worksheets("A OPS").Cells(i, 3), "\SIDATA\ops\j01\ecl\") > 0 Or InStr(Worksheets("A OPS").Cells(i, 3), "\SIDATA\ops\npp\ecl\") > 0 Then
bln = False
For x = 2 To GROW
If Worksheets("GoldCopy").Cells(x, 1).Value = Worksheets("A OPS").Cells(i, 1) And Worksheets("GoldCopy").Cells(x, 4).Value = Worksheets("A OPS").Cells(i, 4).Value Then
bln = True
Worksheets("A OPS").Cells(i, ACOL) = bln
Worksheets("A OPS").Cells(i, ACOL).Interior.ColorIndex = 10
Exit For
Worksheets("A OPS").Cells(i, ACOL) = bln
Worksheets("A OPS").Cells(i, ACOL).Interior.ColorIndex = 22
End If
End If
Try to work through the below code. I dispersed comments throughout the code to indicate what the code does and why it does it. See if you can adapt it to your actual workbook. If you run into issues, write back and we'll try to work through them.
'Below code drives the analysis. Get a dictionary of
'unique keys from each sheet, then compare each sheet
'separately. You can pull your "response" into a separate
'function if you need the flexibility to change
Sub AnalyzeSheets()
Dim oGold As Object
Dim oAops As Object
Dim shtGold As Worksheet
Dim shtOps As Worksheet
Dim rngGold As Range
Dim rngOps As Range
Dim iterator As Range
Dim theKey As String
Set shtGold = Worksheets("GoldCopy")
Set shtOps = Worksheets("A Ops")
'Establish the data range for each sheet
'Mine is simply hardcoded
Set rngGold = shtGold.Range("A2:E8")
Set rngOps = shtOps.Range("A2:E7")
'Get a dictionary for each sheet. Pass in
'the range of the data
Set oGold = GetDictionary(rngGold)
Set oAops = GetDictionary(rngOps)
'Analyze each sheet separately
'Use Intersect to only iterate over the cells in the first column
For Each iterator In Intersect(rngGold, shtGold.Columns(1))
theKey = CreateKey(iterator.Value, iterator.Offset(, 3).Value)
If Not oAops.exists(theKey) Then
Respond iterator, False
Respond iterator, True
End If
Next iterator
For Each iterator In Intersect(rngOps, shtOps.Columns(1))
theKey = CreateKey(iterator.Value, iterator.Offset(, 3).Value)
If Not oGold.exists(theKey) Then
'Call a response function. By putting the response
'into it's own function, you don't have to duplicate logic
'and it's easier to change
Respond iterator, False
Respond iterator, True
End If
Next iterator
End Sub
Sub Respond(rng As Range, isFound As Boolean)
Dim sht As Worksheet
Set sht = rng.Parent
If isFound Then
sht.Range("F" & rng.Row).Value = "TRUE"
sht.Range("F" & rng.Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 10
sht.Range("F" & rng.Row).Value = "FALSE"
sht.Range("F" & rng.Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 22
End If
End Sub
'Use this function to generate a unique key for each row
'Since 2 columns form a unique key, I'm simply taking each
'value and joining with a hypen. By pulling this logic into
'it's own function, you have more flexibility for future changes.
Function CreateKey(s1 As String, s2 As String) As String
Dim delimiter As String
delimiter = "-"
CreateKey = s1 & delimiter & s2
End Function
'Use below to create a dictionary holding unique key values
'You can update the code within to identify which cells
'are used to generate a key
Function GetDictionary(inputRange As Range) As Object
Dim oDict As Object
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim cel As Range
Dim theKey As String
Set sht = inputRange.Parent
Set oDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each cel In Intersect(inputRange, sht.Columns(1))
'(A) - Filename (D) - Encryption
theKey = CreateKey(sht.Range("A" & cel.Row).Value, _
sht.Range("D" & cel.Row).Value)
'If the key hasn't been added, add it (don't need value)
If Not oDict.exists(theKey) Then
oDict.Add theKey, ""
End If
Next cel
Set GetDictionary = oDict
End Function

Change the font color in a cell based on the value in another cell

I would like to change the color of certain text in the cells based on the values in another cells. I have tried using conditional formatting but it does not work since I only wanted to change the color of particular words in the cells. I have googled a few VBA codes as well but still could not find the right one. Is there any VBA Code to enable this?
As shown in the example below (see image), I want to highlight ONLY the dates in Column B and C that match the dates in Column G. The day should remain the same.
For information, the values in Column B and C are formatted as text and the values in G are formatted as date.
and this is basically what I wish for.
I have modified code appropriately as per your requirement in the comment.
Sub Change_Text_Color()
Dim Find_Text, Cell, Cell_in_Col_G, LastCell_inColG As Range
Dim StartChar, CharLen, LastUsedRow_inRange, LastUsedRow_inColB, _
LastUsedRow_inColC As Integer
LastUsedRow_inColB = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
LastUsedRow_inColC = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
LastUsedRow_inRange = Application.WorksheetFunction. _
Max(LastUsedRow_inColB, LastUsedRow_inColC)
Set LastCell_inColG = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.count, "G").End(xlUp)
For Each Cell In Range(Sheet1.Cells(2, 2), Cells(LastUsedRow_inRange, 3))
For Each Cell_in_Col_G In Range(Sheet1.Cells(2, 7), LastCell_inColG)
CharLen = Len(Cell_in_Col_G.Text)
Set Find_Text = Cell.Find(what:=Cell_in_Col_G.Text)
If Not Find_Text Is Nothing Then
StartChar = InStr(Cell.Value, Cell_in_Col_G.Text)
With Cell.Characters(StartChar, CharLen)
.Font.Color = RGB(0, 255, 0)
End With
End If
End Sub
Please let me know your feedback on it.
Use Characters:
With Range("a1")
.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=4).Font.Color=0
.Characters(Start:=5, Length:=10.Font.Color=255
End With
colours the first four letters black and the next ten in red.
I find filtering works well in these scenarios. Assuming that the format of your sheet is as it is in your sample sheets, try the code below:
Sub MarkDatesInCells()
Dim oWS As Worksheet: Set oWS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet3") '<- Change to the sheet name
Dim iLRToHighlight As Long, iStartChar As Long, iC As Long, iLR As Long
Dim oHighlightRng As Range, oUpdateRng As Range, oRng As Range
Dim sColName As String
' Turn off updating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
With oWS
' Clear autofilter if exists
If .AutoFilterMode Then .AutoFilterMode = False
' Loop through all values specified in column G
iLRToHighlight = .Range("G" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For Each oHighlightRng In .Range("G2:G" & iLRToHighlight)
' Loop through column B and C
For iC = 2 To 3
' Set autofilter based on the value in column G
.UsedRange.AutoFilter iC, "=*" & oHighlightRng.Value
' Loop through all visible rows
iLR = .Cells(.Rows.Count, iC).End(xlUp).Row
If iLR > 1 Then
sColName = Left(Replace(.Cells(1, iC).Address, "$", ""), 1)
Set oUpdateRng = .Range(sColName & "2:" & sColName & iLR).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
' Update each cell text
For Each oRng In oUpdateRng
iStartChar = InStr(1, oRng.Value, "- ", vbTextCompare) + 2
oRng.Characters(Start:=iStartChar, Length:=Len(oHighlightRng.Value)).Font.Color = 255
End If
.AutoFilterMode = False
End With
' Turn on updating
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Based on your requirement to have this solution for a sheet with a table connected to a database, try the below code. I don't have a database that I can test the below code on so you might have to tinker with it a bit to get it right (i.e. the text that is highlight)
Sub MarkDatesInCellsInATable()
Dim oWS As Worksheet: Set oWS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet4") '<- Change to the sheet name
Dim iLRToHighlight As Long, iStartChar As Long, iC As Long, iLR As Long
Dim oHighlightRng As Range, oUpdateRng As Range, oRng As Range
Dim sColName As String
Dim oTable As ListObject: Set oTable = oWS.ListObjects("Table_ExceptionDetails.accdb") '<- Change to the table name
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
With oWS
' Reset autofilter
' Loop through all values specified in column G
iLRToHighlight = .Range("G" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For Each oHighlightRng In .Range("G2:G" & iLRToHighlight)
' Loop through column B and C
For iC = 2 To 3
' Set autofilter based on the value in column G
oTable.Range.AutoFilter iC, "=*" & oHighlightRng.Value & "*"
' Loop through all visible rows
iLR = .Cells(.Rows.Count, iC).End(xlUp).Row
If iLR > 1 Then
sColName = Left(Replace(.Cells(1, iC).Address, "$", ""), 1)
Set oUpdateRng = .Range(sColName & "2:" & sColName & iLR).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
' Update each cell text
For Each oRng In oUpdateRng
iStartChar = InStr(1, oRng.Value, "- ", vbTextCompare) + 2
oRng.Characters(Start:=iStartChar, Length:=Len(oHighlightRng.Value)).Font.Color = 255
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Sumif Returning Same Value

I got below table that I need to fill with data based on current month (Worksheet "PR"):
An example of the raw data looks like (Worksheet "CSV Data PR"):
I have two issues:
SumIF only works for the first region, all the others take the same data. As example, correct data shows below Feb.
For some reason it pulls the formula down all the way..., whilst it should stop at Western Europe. I am not sure why that is the case.
Based on the following piece of code:
Sub TableDataTest()
Dim rngHdrFound, rngHdrFound2, findrng, USDRng, RegionRNG, rngHeaders, RngHeadersOutPut As Range
Dim x, y As Worksheet
Dim ThisMonth As Date
Dim index As Variant
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Set Worksheets
Set x = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("CSV Data PR")
Set y = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("PR")
index = y.Range("D8")
ThisMonth = Format(Date, "MM/YYYY")
'Set HeaderRow
Const ROW_HEADERS As Integer = 1
Set rngHeaders = Intersect(Worksheets("CSV Data PR").UsedRange, Worksheets("CSV Data PR").Rows(ROW_HEADERS))
Set RngHeadersOutPut = y.Range("6:6")
Set rngHdrFound = rngHeaders.Find("In USD")
Set rngHdrFound2 = rngHeaders.Find("Region")
Set findrng = RngHeadersOutPut.Find(What:=ThisMonth, LookIn:=xlFormulas, lookat:=xlWhole)
Set USDRng = Range(rngHdrFound.Offset(1), rngHdrFound.End(xlDown))
Set RegionRNG = Range(rngHdrFound2.Offset(1), rngHdrFound2.End(xlDown))
'Find CurrentMonth + Range
With y
If findrng Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Error, unable to match " & ThisMonth & " in the specified range", vbCritical
Exit Sub
findrng.Offset(2, 0).Resize(Selection.Rows.Count + 8).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIf(RegionRNG, "=" & index, USDRng)
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
You could try this:
Option Explicit
Sub TableDataTest()
Dim ws As Worksheet, wsData As Worksheet, MonthCol As Integer, ThisMonth As Date, C As Range, _
x As Integer, y As Integer
x = 2 'Number of the column with the region
y = 3 'Number of the column with the data to sum
With ThisWorkbook
Set ws = .Sheets("PR")
Set wsData = .Sheets("CSV Data PR")
End With
ThisMonth = Format(wsData.Range("C2"), "MM/YYYY")
With ws
MonthCol = .Cells.Find(ThisMonth, LookIn:=xlFormulas, lookat:=xlWhole).Column
For Each C In .Range(.Cells(3, Col), .Cells(11, Col))
C = Application.SumIf(wsData.Columns(x), .Cells(C.Row, 1), wsData.Columns(y))
Next C
End With
End Sub
You only need to find the column where the month is on the table, and then hardcode the rows you wanna work in because as for I can see, they are always the same and unlikely to grow.
PS: I'm assuming the table starts on row 3 and column A, otherwise change the starting row 3 on the For Each C range and the criteria inside the sumif taking column 1.

Copy data from one table and Clear and update new data into another table in another sheet in excel 2010

I have a VBA macro which is currently copying data from Setup sheet and updating into the respective tables into Read_Only sheet for the first time. But when I click second time, it is adding the data into the respective tables in Read_Only sheet.
Now what I want is, if I click second time, it should first clear the existing data from that respective table in Read_Only sheet and then update the new data into that table. (For example: In 1st table, there were 10 rows of data, now when I click 2nd time I have only 8 rows of data, then macro should clear data existing 10 rows of data and update this new 8 rows of data and then delete the 2 empty two rows. This should be Dynamic, since number of rows may vary every time while updating new data)
Here is the existing code:
Sub copyData()
Dim wsSet As Worksheet
Dim wsRead As Worksheet
Dim rngSearch As Range
Dim lastRow As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim wRow As Integer
Dim strCat As String
Dim catRow As Integer
Set wsSet = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Budget_Setup")
Set wsRead = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("WBS_Overview_Read_only")
Set rngSearch = wsRead.Range("A12:A1000") 'range in READ to search for category
lastRow = wsSet.Range("B16").End(xlDown).Row 'last row of data in SET
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For i = 17 To lastRow
strCat = Left(wsSet.Range("b" & i).Value, 3) 'current category in SET
catRow = rngSearch.Find(strCat).Row 'row of match in READ
If wsRead.Range("a" & catRow + 1).Value = "" Then 'find the correct row to copy into
wRow = catRow + 1
wRow = wsRead.Range("a" & catRow).End(xlDown).Row + 1
If wsRead.Range("e" & wRow).Value <> "" Then
wsRead.Range("a" & wRow).EntireRow.Insert
End If
End If
wsSet.Range("b" & i & ":f" & i).Copy
wsRead.Range("a" & wRow).PasteSpecial
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Set wsRead = Nothing
Set wsSet = Nothing
End Sub
This code will first delete all the existing data in each of the sections on the Read_Only sheet; then, with one modification, your code can be run as is.
Add this line of code immediately after Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Erase all data in the Read Only Sheet
Set currentData = wsRead.Columns(4).Find("Subject")
wsRead.Range(currentData.Offset(2, 0), _
currentData.Offset(2, 0).End(xlDown).Offset(-1, 0)).EntireRow.Delete
Set currentData = wsRead.Columns(4).FindNext(currentData)
Loop Until Not currentData Is Nothing And currentData.Row = 12
This code uses the "Subject" and the "Budgeted Cost" cells to delete the existing data between it.
Next, add the following line of code immediately after wRow = catRow + 1
this will add the first blank row of data to a given section. Your existing code will then insert the new data into the blank row
See if this works for you. I added one line to your code:
For i = 17 To lastRow
strCat = Left(wsSet.Range("b" & i).Value, 3) 'current category in SET
catRow = rngSearch.Find(strCat).Row 'row of match in READ
If wsRead.Range("a" & catRow + 1).Value = "" Then 'find the correct row to copy into
wRow = catRow + 1
wsRead.Rows(wRow).EntireRow.Insert 'I added this line
wRow = wsRead.Range("a" & catRow).End(xlDown).Row + 1 'end of data
If wsRead.Range("e" & wRow).Value <> "" Then
Now, run this code before running yours.
Sub deletePhases()
' delete phases in Setup from ReadOnly
Dim r As Range, Col As Collection
Dim x As Long, l As Long
With Budget_Setup
Set r = .Range("b17", .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp))
End With
If r.Row < 17 Then Exit Sub 'no data
Set Col = New Collection 'build unique list
On Error Resume Next
For x = 1 To r.Rows.Count
Col.Add Left(r(x).Value, 3), Left(r(x).Value, 3)
Next x
With ReadOnly
For x = 1 To Col.Count
l = .Columns(1).Find(Col(x)).Offset(1).Row '1 below heading
Do Until .Cells(l, 1) = "" 'end of phase data
Next x
End With
End Sub
I'm not sure how you're defining your Phase.71, Phase.72, etc, ranges, but with the information we have, this might work for you.
Sub clearAll()
Dim r As Range, vArr, v
vArr = Array("Phase.71", "Phase.72", "Phase.73", "Phase.74", "Phase.75")
For Each v In vArr
Set r = ReadOnly.Range(v)
Set r = r.Offset(2).Resize(r.Rows.Count - 4)
Next v
End Sub
