Sumif Returning Same Value - excel

I got below table that I need to fill with data based on current month (Worksheet "PR"):
An example of the raw data looks like (Worksheet "CSV Data PR"):
I have two issues:
SumIF only works for the first region, all the others take the same data. As example, correct data shows below Feb.
For some reason it pulls the formula down all the way..., whilst it should stop at Western Europe. I am not sure why that is the case.
Based on the following piece of code:
Sub TableDataTest()
Dim rngHdrFound, rngHdrFound2, findrng, USDRng, RegionRNG, rngHeaders, RngHeadersOutPut As Range
Dim x, y As Worksheet
Dim ThisMonth As Date
Dim index As Variant
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Set Worksheets
Set x = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("CSV Data PR")
Set y = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("PR")
index = y.Range("D8")
ThisMonth = Format(Date, "MM/YYYY")
'Set HeaderRow
Const ROW_HEADERS As Integer = 1
Set rngHeaders = Intersect(Worksheets("CSV Data PR").UsedRange, Worksheets("CSV Data PR").Rows(ROW_HEADERS))
Set RngHeadersOutPut = y.Range("6:6")
Set rngHdrFound = rngHeaders.Find("In USD")
Set rngHdrFound2 = rngHeaders.Find("Region")
Set findrng = RngHeadersOutPut.Find(What:=ThisMonth, LookIn:=xlFormulas, lookat:=xlWhole)
Set USDRng = Range(rngHdrFound.Offset(1), rngHdrFound.End(xlDown))
Set RegionRNG = Range(rngHdrFound2.Offset(1), rngHdrFound2.End(xlDown))
'Find CurrentMonth + Range
With y
If findrng Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Error, unable to match " & ThisMonth & " in the specified range", vbCritical
Exit Sub
findrng.Offset(2, 0).Resize(Selection.Rows.Count + 8).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIf(RegionRNG, "=" & index, USDRng)
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

You could try this:
Option Explicit
Sub TableDataTest()
Dim ws As Worksheet, wsData As Worksheet, MonthCol As Integer, ThisMonth As Date, C As Range, _
x As Integer, y As Integer
x = 2 'Number of the column with the region
y = 3 'Number of the column with the data to sum
With ThisWorkbook
Set ws = .Sheets("PR")
Set wsData = .Sheets("CSV Data PR")
End With
ThisMonth = Format(wsData.Range("C2"), "MM/YYYY")
With ws
MonthCol = .Cells.Find(ThisMonth, LookIn:=xlFormulas, lookat:=xlWhole).Column
For Each C In .Range(.Cells(3, Col), .Cells(11, Col))
C = Application.SumIf(wsData.Columns(x), .Cells(C.Row, 1), wsData.Columns(y))
Next C
End With
End Sub
You only need to find the column where the month is on the table, and then hardcode the rows you wanna work in because as for I can see, they are always the same and unlikely to grow.
PS: I'm assuming the table starts on row 3 and column A, otherwise change the starting row 3 on the For Each C range and the criteria inside the sumif taking column 1.


How to Automate my Manual Selection Process in VBA

I have a manual selection process that I have tried but failed to automate, so I am reaching out for help. I have attached an image of my Excel sheet as a visual guide when reading my process. Excel Snapshot.
I select cell "L2" and run the code below. It finds the first instance of the value within "A2:J1501" and cuts the whole row. It pastes the row onto the sheet named Lineups. Then it highlights each of the values of the cut row in column "L:L" to let me know that value has been used. I then manually select the next non-highlighted value (in the image example it would be "L2") and run the code again, and again, and again, until every row of L:L is highlighted. This process can take some time depending on the number of rows in L:L so I was hoping I can get some help to automate.
Thank you very much.
Sub ManualSelect()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Range("A1:J1501")
Dim ac As Range
Set ac = Application.ActiveCell
Range("A" & ActiveCell.Row).Resize(1, 10).Cut
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 1
nextRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
Cells(nextRow, 1).Select
Dim wsData As Worksheet
Dim wsLineups As Worksheet
Dim rngToSearch As Range
Dim rngLineupSet As Range
Dim rngPlayerID As Range
Dim Column As Long
Dim Row As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
Set wsData = Sheets("Data")
Set wsLineups = Sheets("Lineups")
Set rngPlayerID = wsData.Range("L2:K200")
Set rngToSearch = rngPlayerID
LastRow = wsLineups.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For Row = 2 To LastRow
For Column = 1 To 10
Set rngLineupSet = rngPlayerID.Find(what:=wsLineups.Cells(Row, Column), LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not rngLineupSet Is Nothing Then rngLineupSet.Interior.Color = 65535
Next Column
Next Row
End Sub
This should be pretty close:
Sub ManualSelect()
Dim wsData As Worksheet, c As Range, dict As Object, v, rw As Range
Dim wsLineups As Worksheet, c2 As Range, f As Range
Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") 'for tracking already-seen values
Set wsLineups = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Lineups")
Set wsData = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data")
For Each c In wsData.Range("L2", wsData.Cells(Rows.Count, "L").End(xlUp))
v = c.Value
If dict.exists(CStr(v)) Then
c.Interior.Color = vbYellow 'already seen this value in L or a data row
'search for the value in
Set f = wsData.Range("A2:J1501").Find(v, lookat:=xlWhole, LookIn:=xlValues, searchorder:=xlByRows)
If Not f Is Nothing Then
Set rw = f.EntireRow.Columns("A").Resize(1, 10) 'A to J
For Each c2 In rw.Cells 'add all values from this row to the dictionary
dict(CStr(c2)) = True
Next c2
rw.Cut Destination:=wsLineups.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1)
c.Interior.Color = vbYellow
'will there always be a match?
c.Interior.Color = vbRed 'flag no matching row
End If
End If 'haven't already seen this col L value
Next c 'next Col L value
End Sub
I believe this should do it (updated):
Sub AutoSelect()
Dim wsData As Worksheet, wsLineups As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range, listIDs As Range
Set wsData = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Data")
Set wsLineups = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Lineups")
Set rng = wsData.Range("A2:J1501")
'get last row col L to define list
LastRowL = wsData.Range("L" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set listIDs = wsData.Range("L2:L" & LastRowL)
'loop through all cells in list
For i = 1 To listIDs.Rows.Count
myCell = listIDs.Cells(i)
'retrieve first mach in listID
checkFirst = Application.Match(myCell, listIDs, 0)
'only check first duplicate in list
If checkFirst = i Then
'get new row for target sheet as well (if sheet empty, starting at two)
newrow = wsLineups.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
'check if it is already processed
Set processedAlready = wsLineups.Cells(2, 1).Resize(newrow - 1, rng.Columns.Count).Find(What:=myCell, lookat:=xlWhole, LookIn:=xlValues)
'if so, color yellow, and skip
If Not processedAlready Is Nothing Then
listIDs.Cells(i).Interior.Color = vbYellow
'get fist match for value, if any (n.b. "xlWhole" ensures whole match)
Set foundMatch = rng.Find(What:=myCell, lookat:=xlWhole, LookIn:=xlValues)
'checking for a match
If Not foundMatch Is Nothing Then
'get the row
foundRow = foundMatch.Row - rng.Cells(1).Row + 1
'specify target range and set it equal to vals from correct row in rng
wsLineups.Cells(newrow, 1).Resize(1, rng.Columns.Count).Value2 = rng.Rows(foundRow).Value
'clear contents rng row
'give a color to cells that actually got a match
listIDs.Cells(i).Interior.Color = vbYellow
'no match
listIDs.Cells(i).Interior.Color = vbRed
End If
End If
'duplicate already handled, give same color as first
listIDs.Cells(i).Interior.Color = listIDs.Cells(checkFirst).Interior.Color
End If
Next i
End Sub
Also, I think, slightly faster than the other solution offered (because of the nested loop there?). Update: I got a bit confused about the nested loop in the answer by Tim Williams, but I missed that you also want to "accept" the values in the list that matched on a row that is already gone. I fixed this in the updated version by checking if a value that fails to match on the data range has already been transferred to Lineups. Provided that doing so is permissible, this method avoids the nested loop.
I checked both methods for speed (n = 50) on a list (n = 200) for the full data range, ended up with average of 1.70x faster... But maybe speed is not such a big deal, if you're coming from manual labor :)

Find Next Method Slow on Last Instance only

I'm running this code:
Sub ISN_Flyer_Performance()
Dim FlyerSh As Worksheet
Dim QlikSh As Worksheet
Dim SKURng As Range
Dim QlikSKURng As Range
Dim SKU As Range
Dim qlr As Long
Dim QlikSKU As Range
Dim TotalSales As Double
Dim FirstQlikSku As Range
Set FlyerSh = ActiveSheet
i = 2
lr = FlyerSh.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set QlikSh = Application.InputBox("Click any cell on the Qlikview Sheet you want to lookup against", "Find Qlikview Sheet", Type:=8).Worksheet
qlr = QlikSh.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set QlikSKURng = Range(Cells(2, QlikSh.Rows(1).Find(What:="Item Number", LookAt:=xlWhole).Column), Cells(qlr, QlikSh.Rows(1).Find(What:="Item Number", LookAt:=xlWhole).Column))
Set SKURng = Range(FlyerSh.Cells(i, 1), FlyerSh.Cells(lr, 1))
Set SKU = FlyerSh.Cells(i, 1)
For Each SKU In SKURng
Set QlikSKU = QlikSKURng.Find(What:=SKU.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)
If QlikSKU Is Nothing Then
SKU.Offset(0, 2).Value = 0
GoTo NextSku
TotalSales = QlikSKU.Offset(0, 5).Value
Set FirstQlikSku = QlikSKU
Set QlikSKU = QlikSKURng.FindNext(QlikSKU)
If QlikSKU.Address = FirstQlikSku.Address Then Exit Do
TotalSales = TotalSales + QlikSKU.Offset(0, 5).Value
SKU.Offset(0, 2) = TotalSales
End If
Next SKU
End Sub
It's essentially like an XLookup, where it gets the thing to seach on one workbook, then finds it on a second, sends the value back to the first one, and moves on to the next item. I'd use an XLookup, but unfortunately, my sheet will always have duplicates, and I need to count both.
So I'm using this findnext loop to loop through a range (QlikSKURange) which has about 16k rows. The findNext is reasonably quick, like less than a second, EXCEPT the last instance when it goes back to the beginning and finds the first instance again. That instance can take over ten seconds.
Any idea why that might be?
Let me know if you need more info about the code.
I tried to just "Find" after the current iteration, instead of find next, and it has the same slow down.
VBA Lookup Using the Find Method
This is just the basic idea. There are many flaws e.g. if you cancel the input box, if you select a 'wrong' worksheet (e.g. column header not found), if there are error values, blank cells, etc.
Option Explicit
Sub ISN_Flyer_Performance()
' Flyer
Dim fws As Worksheet: Set fws = ActiveSheet ' improve!
Dim fLR As Long: fLR = fws.Range("A" & fws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Dim frg As Range
Set frg = fws.Range(fws.Cells(2, "A"), fws.Cells(fLR, "A"))
'Debug.Print fws.Name, fLR, frg.Address
' Qlikview
Dim qws As Worksheet: Set qws = Application.InputBox( _
"Click any cell on the Qlikview Sheet you want to lookup against", _
"Find Qlikview Sheet", Type:=8).Worksheet
Dim qLR As Long: qLR = qws.Range("A" & qws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Dim qC As Long
With qws.Rows(1) ' assuming that "Item Number" is surely in the first row
qC = .Find("Item Number", .Cells(.Cells.Count), _
xlFormulas, xlWhole).Column
End With
Dim qrg As Range
Set qrg = qws.Range(qws.Cells(2, qC), qws.Cells(qLR, qC))
'Debug.Print qws.Name, qLR, qC, frg.Address
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim fCell As Range
Dim qCell As Range
Dim qFirstAddress As String
Dim TotalSales As Double
' Loop.
For Each fCell In frg.Cells
Set qCell = qrg.Find(fCell.Value, qrg.Cells(qrg.Cells.Count), _
xlFormulas, xlWhole)
If qCell Is Nothing Then
fCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = 0
qFirstAddress = qCell.Address
TotalSales = TotalSales + qCell.Offset(0, 5).Value
Set qCell = qrg.FindNext(qCell)
Loop Until qCell.Address = qFirstAddress
fCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = TotalSales
TotalSales = 0
End If
Next fCell
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox "Lookup done.", vbInformation
End Sub
After doing more digging, someone suggested that the issue was that one of my sheets was a table. It had filters on the header row. I removed those (and conditional formatting on a row to find duplicates, and my code ran in a matter of seconds. After isolating those two, turns out the conditional formatting was the culprit.

Highlighting Values In Column to Column Comparison using VBA

I am attempting to compare two columns in two separate sheets, each column contains data that is a string. My issue is that there is data in one column that is identical to the other in separate rows; therefore I have to check the entire column for the data before moving to the next. I am very inexperienced with VBA and am trying to make one portion of my job easier rather than comparing the columns by hand. I have piece wised the following code from research and trial and error. I am able to get the entire Column searched in my first Sheet, but only one value is being highlighted on the second sheet and then it is returning a value of "True" in the first column. I am unsure where I have gone wrong, any help is greatly appreciated!
Sub Better_Work_This_Time()
Dim FindString As String
Dim Rng As Range
ActiveCell = Sheets("Last Week").Range("A2").Activate
FindString = ActiveCell
Dim County As Integer
Count = Cells.CurrentRegion.rows.Count
For i = 2 To County
If Trim(FindString) <> "" Then
With Sheets("Current Week").Range("A:A")
Set Rng = .Find(What:=FindString, After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=True)
If Not Rng Is Nothing Then
ActiveCell.Font.Color = vbBlue
End If
End With
End If
If IsEmpty(FindString) Then
FindString = False
End If
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
i = i + 1
End Sub
Without using ActiveCell and using Match instead of Find.
Option Explicit
Sub Does_Work_This_Time()
Dim wb As Workbook, wsLast As Worksheet, wsCurrent As Worksheet
Dim FindString As String, ar, v
Dim LastRow As Long, i As Long, n As Long
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
' put current week values into array
Set wsCurrent = wb.Sheets("Current Week")
With wsCurrent
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
ar = .Range("A2:A" & LastRow).Value2
End With
' scan last week matching current week
Set wsLast = wb.Sheets("Last Week")
With wsLast
.Columns(1).Interior.Color = xlNone
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To LastRow
FindString = Trim(.Cells(i, "A"))
If Len(FindString) > 0 Then
v = Application.Match(FindString, ar, 0)
If IsError(v) Then
'no match
ElseIf ar(v, 1) = FindString Then ' case match
.Cells(i, "A").Interior.Color = RGB(128, 255, 128) ' light green
n = n + 1
End If
End If
End With
MsgBox n & " rows matched"
End Sub

vbscript Excel Match Function

I have a worksheet with some 100k rows by perhaps 2 dozen columns. Presently I am coloring a specific column, say "ABC", that when the value is > x set the interior.colorindex to y. At the moment I have to sort this column descending, then using a FOR EACH statement, cycle through each of the row cells until the value < x, coloring the cell as each NEXT is reached.
What I am trying to be is make this far more efficient by using the Excel MATCH function, find the last row number, then color the cells in one block rather than individual cells but cannot get my clumsy coding to work correctly. Everything I have read appears to indicate that the MATCH function is supported in vbscript, but I need some assistance from some kind soul figure this out. I have trimed my code down to the relevant section and would appreciate and assistance provided. Please forgive my ignorance, I am very new to this coding thing, and this is my first post requesting help.
Dim objXLApp, objXLWb, objXLWs, objWorksheet, WorksheetFunction
Dim InFile, OutFile
Dim ObjRange, ObjRange2, ObjRange3, rng, rng1, rng2, trng
Dim iRows, iCols, iR, iC, lRow, fRow, col, rw, tRow
Dim ColSearch, StartTime, EndTime, TotalTime
Dim cTeal, cPurple, cCyan, cVal, opVal
Dim Counttcolor, Countpcolor, Countccolor, clr
Dim vMsg
' input parameters
InFile = Wscript.Arguments.Item(0)
OutFile = Wscript.Arguments.Item(1) 'this output file CAN be the same as the input thereby overwriting if required.
Set objXLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'application function SWITCHES - set to TRUE to enable
objXLApp.Visible = True
objXLApp.EnableEvents = True
objXLApp.DisplayAlerts = True
objXLApp.ScreenUpdating = True
objXLApp.DisplayStatusBar = False
vMsg = 1 ' set to 1 to turn on timer prompts for each processing section
Set objXLWb = objXLApp.Workbooks.Open(InFile)
'Select the appropriate Sheet in the Workbook
Set objXLWs = objXLWb.Sheets(1)
objXLWs.DisplayPageBreaks = False
'decleration must be AFTER opening the input file
objXLApp.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
objXLApp.CalculateBeforeSave = True
' Set range and count Row & Columns
Set objRange = objXLWs.UsedRange
iRows = objRange.Rows.Count
iCols = objRange.Columns.Count
'MsgBox iRows
'MsgBox iCols
StartTime = Timer()
ColSearch = "ABC" 'COLUMN AS
For iC = 1 To iCols
If InStr(objRange.Item(1, iC).Value2,ColSearch) Then
'sort the column descending to bring highest records to the top
Set objRange = objXLWs.UsedRange
Set objRange2 = objXLApp.Range(objRange.Item(2, iC).Address) 'ABC
objRange.Sort objRange2, xlDescending, , , , , , xlYes
cTeal = 15 'set the teal minimum value
'set the range for the match function to search for the min cTeal value
rng = objRange.Item(2, iC).Address &":"& objRange.Item(iRows, iC).Address
'search for the first row number containing the first value less than cTeal
tRow = objXLApp.match(cTeal, rng, -1)
MsgBox tRow 'this presently fails here with object required if commented fails at set trng with reference to tRow variable
'set the range for coloring the entire block of cells
Set trng = objRange.Item(2, iC).Address &":"& objRange.Item(tRow, iC).Address
objXLApp.Range(trng).Interior.ColorIndex = 42 'Teal
End If
EndTime = Timer()
If vMsg = 1 Then MsgBox "ABC: " & FormatNumber(EndTime - StartTime, 2)
Problem solved, it was a range issue. Needed to set the range to a single column (ie: A:A and not the cell references as existed) but I had something wrong in my existing code. Thanks anyway.
For reference sake, here is the working code:
ColSearch = "ABC"
For iC = 1 To iCols
If InStr(objRange.Item(1, iC).Value2,ColSearch) then
'to get the column letter for setting the rng param for match function
col_letter = Split(objRange.Item(1, iC).Address, "$")(1)
cTeal = 14
cPurple = 5
'set the range address string
col_letter = col_letter & ":" & col_letter
'set the range to a single column letter/name for the match function
set rng = objXLApp.Range(col_letter)
tRow = objXLApp.Match(cTeal,rng,-1) 'find the last row for Teal value
pRow = objXLApp.Match(cPurple,rng,-1) 'find the row for Purple value
'Msgbox tRow
'Msgbox pRow
objXLApp.Range(objRange.Item(2, iC).Address & ":" & objRange.Item(tRow, iC).Address).Interior.ColorIndex = 42 'Teal
objXLApp.Range(objRange.Item(tRow+1, iC).Address & ":" & objRange.Item(pRow, iC).Address).Interior.ColorIndex = 34 'Cyan
objXLApp.Range(objRange.Item(pRow+1, iC).Address & ":" & objRange.Item(objRange.Item(2, iC).End(xlDown).Row, iC).Address).Interior.ColorIndex = 39 'Purple
End If

How to select a range of cells in Excel based on a condition?

I need to select the demand range in sheet 1 corresponding to the part number selected in Sheet 2 of my workbook. So far, I have written the macro to automatically select the part number in sheet 1 when the same part number is selected in sheet no 2. But, I'm having trouble selecting the range corresponding to the part number, which I want to base my calculations on. Can anyone please tell me how to select the range?
Public Sub calculation()
Dim x As Variant
Dim rng As Range
Dim i As Variant
Dim j As Integer
Dim findcell As Range
Dim a_1 As Range
Dim b_1 As Range
Dim rnge As Range
x = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("C3").Value
Set rng = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2:A26")
For Each i In rng
If x = i Then
Set findcell = i
End If
Next i
j = findcell.Select
Set a_1 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1)
Set b_1 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 66)
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("C9").Value "=AVERAGE(Sheet1!"a_1.Address":"b_1.Address")"
End Sub
Should be able to do something like this:
Public Sub calculation()
Dim f As Range
Set f = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2:A26").Find( _
what:=Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("C3").Value, _
With Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("C9")
If Not f Is Nothing Then
.Formula = "=AVERAGE(Sheet1!" & f.Offset(0, 1).Resize(1, 66).Address & ")"
.Value = "???"
End If
End With
End Sub
