Terraform provider for Mongodb Atlas: where is my db? - terraform

I have successfully created a project, user and cluster via the Mongodb terraform provider, however I am expecting to see a database already created under my new cluster, which is not to be found. I am not sure what it is missing or incorrect and I could not find any example/info in the documentation that diverges from what I implemented myself. Here are the relevant info from my main.tf file:
# Create a db user
resource "mongodbatlas_database_user" "mongodb_user" {
username = "${var.database_username}"
password = "${random_string.master_password.result}"
project_id = "${mongodbatlas_project.mongodb.id}"
database_name = "admin"
roles {
role_name = "readWrite"
database_name = "admin"
resource "mongodbatlas_project" "mongodb"{
org_id = "${var.mongodb_atlas_org_id}"
name = "${var.project_name}-${var.stage}"
# Create a cluster
resource "mongodbatlas_cluster" "mongodb-cluster" {
project_id = "${mongodbatlas_project.mongodb.id}"
name = "${var.cluster_name}-${var.stage}"
num_shards = 1
replication_factor = 3
backup_enabled = true
auto_scaling_disk_gb_enabled = true
mongo_db_major_version = "4.0"
//Provider Settings "block"
provider_name = "AWS"
disk_size_gb = 100
provider_disk_iops = 300
provider_encrypt_ebs_volume = false
provider_instance_size_name = "M40"
provider_region_name = "us-east-1"
Any help/advice is greatly appreciated.
Thank you

The database creation is a CRUD operation, and the MongoDB Atlas API does not supports CRUD operation.
Also, Terraform is used to deploy your infrastructure and not the data inside it. You can create your own REST API which connects to the cluster created by Terraform, uses the user created by Terraform to connect, and then perform any CRUD operation you want.
Hope this answers your question.

Database and collection creation in MongoDb Atlas is a developer jobs.
I suggest you define the User's permissions on Terraform (mongodbatlas_custom_db_role).
So you can to restrict the acces, database name and collection name. it's a good approach. 😉


Allocate AWS SSO Permission Set to Groups in Accounts

Working to fully code the aws sso set up
So far coded via Terraform I have all permission-sets and using scim to pull in groups.
Allocation of the permission sets to groups in accounts (I have over 100 accounts) is done by hand. I want to allocate permission sets to groups in selected accounts via IaC (Terraform) but I cant for the life of me find working code.
Ive tried using
These i found in some old docs but they dont work :( giving The provider hashicorp/aws does not support resource type
Does anyone have any advice they can offer of how to remedy this or how they managed to surmount this issue
Here is example of code tried
resource "aws_sso_group_permission_set_attachment" "example" {
group_id = "93sd433ee-cd43e4b-cfww-434e-re33-707a0987eb"
permission_set_id = "arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-63456a11we432d8/ps-1231ded3d42fcrr2"
account_id = "8765322052550"
resource "aws_sso_group_permission_set_attachment" "example" {
permission_set_arn = "arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-63456a11we432d8/ps-1231ded3d42fcrr2"
group_name = "93sd433ee-cd43e4b-cfww-434e-re33-707a0987eb"
account_id = "8765322052550"
ssoadmin_account_assignment resource is something which you might be looking for, please go through all the available attributes in the resource to match your needs.
resource "aws_ssoadmin_account_assignment" "example" {
instance_arn = tolist(data.aws_ssoadmin_instances.example.arns)[0]
permission_set_arn = "arn_of_the_permission_set" # replace this with actually permission set arn
principal_id = "group_id" # replace this with groupID
principal_type = "GROUP"
target_id = "012347678910" # replace with account ID
target_type = "AWS_ACCOUNT"

Automating Permissions for Databricks SQL Tables or Views

Trying to automate the setup of Databricks SQL.
I have done it from the UI and it works, so this is a natural next step.
The one thing I am unsure about is how to automate granting of the access to SQL tables and/or views using REST. I am trying to avoid a Notebooks job.
I have seen this microsoft documentation and downloaded the specification but when I opened it with Postman, I see permissions/objectType/Object id, but the only sample I have seen there is for "queries". It just seems to be applicable for Queries and Dashboards. Can't this be done for Tables and views? There is no further documentation that I could see.
So, basically how to do something like
grant select on tablename to group using REST api without using a Notebook job. I am interested to see if I can just call a REST endpoint from our release pipeline (Azure DevOps)
As of right now, there is no REST API for setting Table ACLs. But it's available as part of the Unity Catalog that is right now in the public preview.
If you can't use Unity Catalog yet, then you still have a possibility to automate assignment of Table ACLs by using databricks_sql_permissions resource of Databricks Terraform Provider - it sets permissions by executing SQL commands on a cluster, but this is hidden from administrator.
This is an extension to Alex Ott `s answer giving some details on what I tried to make the databricks_sql_permissions Resource work for Databricks SQL as was the OP's original question. All this assumes that one does not want/can use Unity Catalog which follows a different permission model and has a different Terraform resource, namely databricks_grants Resource.
Alex`s answer refers to table ACLs which had me surprised as the OP (and myself) were looking for Databricks SQL object security and not table ACLs in the classic workspace. But from what I understand so far, it seems the two are closely interlinked and the Terraform provider addresses table ACLs in the classic workspace (i.e. non-SQL) which are mirrored to SQL objects in the SQL workspace. It follows that if you like to steer SQL permissions in Databricks SQL via Terraform, you need to enable table ACLs in classic workspace (in admin console). If you (for whatever reason) cannot enable table ACLs, it seems to me the only other option is via sql scripts in the SQL workspace with the disadvantage of having to explicitly write out grants and revokes. Potentially an alternative is to throw away all permissions before one only runs grant statements but this has other negative implications.
So here is my approach:
Enable table ACL in classic workspace (this has no implications in classic workspace if you don`t use table ACL-enabled clusters afaik)
Use azurerm_databricks_workspace resource to register Databricks Azure infrastructure
Use databricks_sql_permissions Resource to manage table ACLs and thus SQL object security
Below is a minimal example that worked for me and may inspire others. It certainly does not follow Terraform config guidance but is merely used for minimal illustration.
NOTE: Due to a Terraform issue I had to ignore changes from attribute public_network_access_enabled, see GitHub issues: "azurerm_databricks_workspace" forces replacement on public_network_access_enabled while it never existed #15222
terraform {
required_providers {
azurerm = {
source = "hashicorp/azurerm"
version = "=3.0.0"
databricks = {
source = "databricks/databricks"
version = "=1.4.0"
backend "azurerm" {
resource_group_name = "tfstate"
storage_account_name = "tfsa"
container_name = "tfstate"
key = "terraform.tfstate"
provider "azurerm" {
features {}
provider "databricks" {
azure_workspace_resource_id = "/subscriptions/mysubscriptionid/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/mydatabricksworkspace"
resource "azurerm_databricks_workspace" "adbtf" {
customer_managed_key_enabled = false
infrastructure_encryption_enabled = false
load_balancer_backend_address_pool_id = null
location = "westeurope"
managed_resource_group_name = "databricks-rg-myresourcegroup-abcdefg12345"
managed_services_cmk_key_vault_key_id = null
name = "mydatabricksworkspace"
network_security_group_rules_required = null
public_network_access_enabled = null
resource_group_name = "myresourcegroup"
sku = "premium"
custom_parameters {
machine_learning_workspace_id = null
nat_gateway_name = "nat-gateway"
no_public_ip = false
private_subnet_name = null
private_subnet_network_security_group_association_id = null
public_ip_name = "nat-gw-public-ip"
public_subnet_name = null
public_subnet_network_security_group_association_id = null
storage_account_name = "dbstorageabcde1234"
storage_account_sku_name = "Standard_GRS"
virtual_network_id = null
vnet_address_prefix = "10.139"
tags = {
creator = "me"
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [
data "databricks_current_user" "me" {}
resource "databricks_sql_permissions" "database_test" {
database = "test"
privilege_assignments {
principal = "myuser#mydomain.com"
privileges = ["USAGE"]
resource "databricks_sql_permissions" "table_test_student" {
database = "test"
table = "student"
privilege_assignments {
principal = "myuser#mydomain.com"
privileges = ["SELECT", "MODIFY"]
output "adb_id" {
value = azurerm_databricks_workspace.adbtf.id
NOTE: Serge Smertin (Terraform Databricks maintainer) mentioned in GitHub issues: [DOC] databricks_sql_permissions Resource to be deprecated ? #1215 that the databricks_sql_permissions resource is deprecated but I could not find any indication about that in the docs, only a recommendation to use another resource when leveraging Unity Catalog which I'm not doing.

terraform: database does not exist

I am fairly new to Terraform and trying to create database and schema using terraform in Snowflake.
To start with I have written a script to create a Database and Schema.
However when I run the below code. On the first run It creates the Database and then throw error on schema -- Database SNOWACC does not exist.
and when I run again it creates the schema successfully.
Seems like terraform is not getting the latest DB status in same script.
terraform {
required_providers {
snowflake = {
source = "chanzuckerberg/snowflake"
version = "0.25.36"
provider "snowflake" {
alias = "sys_admin"
role = "DBA"
resource "snowflake_database" "db" {
provider = snowflake.sys_admin
name = "SNOWACC"
comment = "Database created for snowflake monitoring through terraform"
resource "snowflake_schema" "schema" {
provider = snowflake.sys_admin
database = "SNOWACC"
name = "MONITOR"
comment = "Schema for snowflake monitoring created by TF"
I have a feeling, I will have to run DB and Schema script separately and then all object (table, view, task etc) seperately.
I am hoping If there is better way.

Creating user(s) in AWS Workspaces SimpleAD via Terraform

Is it possible to use Terraform to create new users and add them to the AWS Workspaces directory? I have looked all over Hashi as well as different forums and I can't seem to find out how to do this or if it is even possible. Thanks in advance!
Pic of the GUI where I am try to add user(s)
I am able to create an AWS workspace with the username "Administrator" using the below code.
resource "aws_workspaces_workspace" "workspace" {
directory_id = aws_workspaces_directory.directory.id
bundle_id = data.aws_workspaces_bundle.standard_amazon_linux2.id
user_name = "Administrator"
root_volume_encryption_enabled = true
user_volume_encryption_enabled = true
volume_encryption_key = "alias/aws/workspaces"
workspace_properties {
compute_type_name = "VALUE"
user_volume_size_gib = 10
root_volume_size_gib = 80
running_mode = "AUTO_STOP"
running_mode_auto_stop_timeout_in_minutes = 60
I am trying to find a way to add users to SimpleAD in AWS using Terraform. So that I can create a workspace for users.

Create new resources on muti-accounts on AWS?

I am building a small tool using Terraform to generate sandbox on AWS. I will be the owner of every new sandbox and each user will be added as an IAM user with appropriate rights.
The input file looks like this: users.auto.tfvars
sandboxs_manager = "pierre-alexandre.mousset"
dev_team_members = [
{ name = "brian.davids", is_enabled = true }, { name = "tom.hanks", is_enabled = true }]
Which is going to create 2 different AWS accounts:
What I am now trying to achieve, is to create a simple S3 bucket on every new aws_organizations_account generated by Terraform.
This is how I am generating AWS accounts on my Terraform:
resource "aws_organizations_account" "this" {
for_each = local.all_user_names
name = "Dev Sandbox ${each.value}"
email = "${var.manager}+sbx_${each.value}#company.com"
role_name = "Administrator"
parent_id = var.sandbox_organizational_unit_id
Is there a way to loop over every id generated by aws_organizations_account to create a S3 bucket on each of those newly created account?
Based on this Github issue, I would need to use muti-provider which is not yet supported by Terraform and would probably look like this before to generate my s3 buckets:
provider "aws" {
for_each = local.aws_accounts
alias = each.value.aws_account_id
assume_role {
role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${aws_organizations_account.this.id}:role/TerraformAccessRole"
Is there any way to deal with this?
