Borrowing the mutable member used inside the loop - rust

The problem I want to solve is:
Given the recursively nested data structure, eg. a JSON tree, and a path pointing to (possibly non-existent) element inside it, return the mutable reference of the element, that's the closest to given path.
Example: if we have JSON document in form { a: { b: { c: "foo" } } } and a path a.b.d, we want to have a mutable pointer to value stored under key "b".
This is a code snippet, what I've got so far:
use std::collections::HashMap;
enum Json {
Object(HashMap<String, Json>)
struct Pointer<'a, 'b> {
value: &'a mut Json,
path: Vec<&'b str>,
position: usize
/// Return a mutable pointer to JSON element having shared
/// the nearest common path with provided JSON.
fn nearest_mut<'a,'b>(obj: &'a mut Json, path: Vec<&'b str>) -> Pointer<'a,'b> {
let mut i = 0;
let mut current = obj;
for &key in path.iter() {
match current {
Json::Array(array) => {
match key.parse::<usize>() {
Ok(index) => {
match array.get_mut(index) {
Some(inner) => current = inner,
None => break,
_ => break,
} ,
Json::Object(map) => {
match map.get_mut(key) {
Some(inner) => current = inner,
None => break
_ => break,
i += 1;
Pointer { path, position: i, value: current }
The problem is that this doesn't pass through Rust's borrow checker, as current is borrowed as mutable reference twice, once inside match statement and once at the end of the function, when constructing the pointer method.
I've tried a different approaches, but not figured out how to achieve the goal (maybe going the unsafe path).

I completely misread your question and I owe you an apology.
You cannot do it in one pass - you're going to need to do a read-only pass to find the nearest path (or exact path), and then a read-write pass to actually extract the reference, or pass a mutator function in the form of a closure.
I've implemented the two-pass method for you. Do note that it is still pretty performant:
fn nearest_mut<'a, 'b>(obj: &'a mut Json, path: Vec<&'b str>) -> Pointer<'a, 'b> {
let valid_path = nearest_path(obj, path);
exact_mut(obj, valid_path).unwrap()
fn exact_mut<'a, 'b>(obj: &'a mut Json, path: Vec<&'b str>) -> Option<Pointer<'a, 'b>> {
let mut i = 0;
let mut target = obj;
for token in path.iter() {
i += 1;
// borrow checker gets confused about `target` being mutably borrowed too many times because of the loop
// this once-per-loop binding makes the scope clearer and circumvents the error
let target_once = target;
let target_opt = match *target_once {
Json::Object(ref mut map) => map.get_mut(*token),
Json::Array(ref mut list) => match token.parse::<usize>() {
Ok(t) => list.get_mut(t),
Err(_) => None,
_ => None,
if let Some(t) = target_opt {
target = t;
} else {
return None;
Some(Pointer {
position: i,
value: target,
/// Return a mutable pointer to JSON element having shared
/// the nearest common path with provided JSON.
fn nearest_path<'a, 'b>(obj: &'a Json, path: Vec<&'b str>) -> Vec<&'b str> {
let mut i = 0;
let mut target = obj;
let mut valid_paths = vec![];
for token in path.iter() {
// borrow checker gets confused about `target` being mutably borrowed too many times because of the loop
// this once-per-loop binding makes the scope clearer and circumvents the error
let target_opt = match *target {
Json::Object(ref map) => map.get(*token),
Json::Array(ref list) => match token.parse::<usize>() {
Ok(t) => list.get(t),
Err(_) => None,
_ => None,
if let Some(t) = target_opt {
target = t;
} else {
return valid_paths;
return valid_paths
The principle is simple - I reused the method I wrote in my initial question in order to get the nearest valid path (or exact path).
From there, I feed that straight into the function that I had in my original answer, and since I am certain the path is valid (from the prior function call) I can safely unwrap() :-)


Peek inmplementation for linked list in rust
I want peek() to remove the last element of the list, returning data. What am I missing?
type Link<T> = Option<Box<Node<T>>>;
struct Node<T> {
pub data: T,
pub next: Link<T>,
struct List<T> {
pub head: Link<T>,
impl<T> List<T> {
fn peek(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
let mut node = &self.head;
while let Some(cur_node) = &mut node {
if {
node = &;
let last = node.unwrap();
let last =;
return Some(last);
fn peek_test() {
let mut q = List::new();
assert_eq!(q.empty(), false);
assert_eq!(q.peek().unwrap(), 1);
assert_eq!(q.peek().unwrap(), 2);
assert_eq!(q.peek().unwrap(), 3);
assert_eq!(q.empty(), true);
To save the head, I need to access the elements by reference, but the puzzle does not fit in my head. I looked at "too-many-lists", but the value is simply returned by reference, and I would like to remove the tail element.
To make this work you have to switch from taking a shared reference (&) to a mutable one.
This results in borrow checker errors with your code wihch is why I had to change the while let loop into one
which checks if the next element is Some and only then borrows node's content mutably and advances it.
At last I Option::take that last element and return it's data. I use Option::map to avoid having to unwrap which would panic for empty lists anyways if you wanted to keep your variant you should replace unwrap with the try operator ?.
So in short you can implement a pop_back like this:
pub fn pop_back(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
let mut node = &mut self.head;
while node.as_ref().map(|n| {
node = &mut node.as_mut().unwrap().next;
I suggest something like below, Just because I spent time on it .-)
fn peek(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
match &self.head {
None => return None,
Some(v) =>
if {
let last = self.head.take();
let last = last.unwrap().data;
return Some(last);
let mut current = &mut self.head;
loop {
match current {
None => return None,
Some(node) if && match & { None => false, Some(v) =>} => {
let last =;
let last = last.unwrap().data;
return Some(last);
Some(node) => {
current = &mut;

Rust: Implement AVL Tree and error: thread 'main' panicked at 'already borrowed: BorrowMutError'

I have the following tree structure:
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cmp;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
type AVLTree<T> = Option<Rc<RefCell<TreeNode<T>>>>;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
struct TreeSet<T: Ord> {
root: AVLTree<T>,
impl<T: Ord> TreeSet<T> {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
root: None
fn insert(&mut self, value: T) -> bool {
let current_tree = &mut self.root;
while let Some(current_node) = current_tree {
let node_key = &current_node.borrow().key;
match node_key.cmp(&value) {
Ordering::Less => { let current_tree = &mut current_node.borrow_mut().right; },
Ordering::Equal => {
return false;
Ordering::Greater => { let current_tree = &mut current_node.borrow_mut().left; },
*current_tree = Some(Rc::new(RefCell::new(TreeNode {
key: value,
left: None,
right: None,
parent: None
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct TreeNode<T: Ord> {
pub key: T,
pub parent: AVLTree<T>,
left: AVLTree<T>,
right: AVLTree<T>,
fn main() {
let mut new_avl_tree: TreeSet<u32> = TreeSet::new();
println!("Tree: {:#?}", &new_avl_tree);
Building with cargo build is fine, but when I run cargo run, I got the below error:
thread 'main' panicked at 'already borrowed: BorrowMutError', src\libcore\
note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace. error: process didn't
exit successfully: target\debug\avl-tree.exe (exit code: 101)
If i just call insert(3), it will be fine and my tree gets printed correctly. However, if I insert(5) after insert(3), I will get that error.
How do I fix that?
Manually implementing data structures such as linked list, tree, graph are not task for novices, because of memory safety rules in language. I suggest you to read Too Many Linked Lists tutorial, which discusses how to implement safe and unsafe linked lists in Rust right way.
Also read about name shadowing.
Your error is that inside a cycle you try to borrow mutable something which is already borrowed as immutable.
let node_key = &current_node.borrow().key; // Borrow as immutable
match node_key.cmp(&value) {
Ordering::Less => { let current_tree = &mut current_node.borrow_mut().right; }, // Create a binding which will be immediately deleted and borrow as mutable.
And I recommend you to read Rust book to learn rust.
First let us correct your algorithm. The following lines are incorrect:
let current_tree = &mut current_node.borrow_mut().right;
let current_tree = &mut current_node.borrow_mut().left;
Both do not reassign a value to current_tree but create a new (unused) one (#Inline refers to it as Name shadowing). Remove the let and make current_tree mut.
Now we get a compiler error temporary value dropped while borrowed. Probably the compiler error message did mislead you. It tells you to use let to increase the lifetime, and this would be right if you used the result in the same scope, but no let can increase the lifetime beyond the scope.
The problem is that you cannot pass out a reference to a value owned by a loop (as current_node.borrow_mut.right). So it would be better to use current_tree as owned variable. Sadly this means that many clever tricks in your code will not work any more.
Another problem in the code is the multiple borrow problem (your original runtime warning is about this). You cannot call borrow() and borrow_mut() on the same RefCell without panic(that is the purpose of RefCell).
So after finding the problems in your code, I got interested in how I would write the code. And now that it is written, I thought it would be fair to share it:
fn insert(&mut self, value: T) -> bool {
if let None = self.root {
self.root = TreeSet::root(value);
return true;
let mut current_tree = self.root.clone();
while let Some(current_node) = current_tree {
let mut borrowed_node = current_node.borrow_mut();
match borrowed_node.key.cmp(&value) {
Ordering::Less => {
if let Some(next_node) = &borrowed_node.right {
current_tree = Some(next_node.clone());
} else {
borrowed_node.right = current_node.child(value);
return true;
Ordering::Equal => {
return false;
Ordering::Greater => {
if let Some(next_node) = &borrowed_node.left {
current_tree = Some(next_node.clone());
} else {
borrowed_node.left = current_node.child(value);
return true;
trait NewChild<T: Ord> {
fn child(&self, value: T) -> AVLTree<T>;
impl<T: Ord> NewChild<T> for Rc<RefCell<TreeNode<T>>> {
fn child(&self, value: T) -> AVLTree<T> {
Some(Rc::new(RefCell::new(TreeNode {
key: value,
left: None,
right: None,
parent: Some(self.clone()),
One will have to write the two methods child(value:T) and root(value:T) to make this compile.

Struct property accessable from method but not from outside

I'm trying to build a basic web crawler in Rust, which I'm trying to port to html5ever. As of right now, I have a function with a struct inside that is supposed to return a Vec<String>. It gets this Vec from the struct in the return statement. Why does it always return an empty vector? (Does it have anything to do with the lifetime parameters?)
fn find_urls_in_html<'a>(
original_url: &Url,
raw_html: String,
fetched_cache: &Vec<String>,
) -> Vec<String> {
struct Sink<'a> {
original_url: &'a Url,
returned_vec: Vec<String>,
fetched_cache: &'a Vec<String>,
impl<'a> TokenSink for Sink<'a> {
type Handle = ();
fn process_token(&mut self, token: Token, _line_number: u64) -> TokenSinkResult<()> {
trace!("token {:?}", token);
match token {
TagToken(tag) => {
if tag.kind == StartTag && tag.attrs.len() != 0 {
let _attribute_name = get_attribute_for_elem(&;
if _attribute_name == None {
return TokenSinkResult::Continue;
let attribute_name = _attribute_name.unwrap();
for attribute in &tag.attrs {
if & != attribute_name {
trace!("element {:?} found", tag);
(&, &attribute.value),
&mut self.returned_vec,
ParseError(error) => {
warn!("error parsing html for {}: {:?}", self.original_url, error);
_ => {}
return TokenSinkResult::Continue;
let html = Sink {
original_url: original_url,
returned_vec: Vec::new(),
fetched_cache: fetched_cache,
let mut byte_tendril = ByteTendril::new();
let tendril_push_result = byte_tendril.try_push_bytes(&raw_html.into_bytes());
if tendril_push_result.is_err() {
warn!("error pushing bytes to tendril: {:?}", tendril_push_result);
return Vec::new();
let mut queue = BufferQueue::new();
let mut tok = Tokenizer::new(html.clone(), std::default::Default::default()); // default default! default?
let feed = tok.feed(&mut queue);
return html.returned_vec;
The output ends with no warning (and a panic, caused by another function due to this being empty). Can anyone help me figure out what's going on?
Thanks in advance.
When I initialize the Tokenizer, I use:
let mut tok = Tokenizer::new(html.clone(), std::default::Default::default());
The problem is that I'm telling the Tokenizer to use html.clone() instead of html. As such, it is writing returned_vec to the cloned object, not html. Changing a few things, such as using a variable with mutable references, fixes this problem.

How do I return an Iterator that's generated by a function that takes &'a mut self (when self is created locally)?

Update: The title of the post has been updated, and the answer has been moved out of the question. The short answer is you can't. Please see my answer to this question.
I'm following an Error Handling blog post here (github for it is here), and I tried to make some modifications to the code so that the search function returns an Iterator instead of a Vec. This has been insanely difficult, and I'm stuck.
I've gotten up to this point:
fn search<'a, P: AsRef<Path>>(file_path: &Option<P>, city: &str)
-> Result<FilterMap<csv::reader::DecodedRecords<'a, Box<Read>, Row>,
FnMut(Result<Row, csv::Error>)
-> Option<Result<PopulationCount, csv::Error>>>,
CliError> {
let mut found = vec![];
let input: Box<io::Read> = match *file_path {
None => Box::new(io::stdin()),
Some(ref file_path) => Box::new(try!(fs::File::open(file_path))),
let mut rdr = csv::Reader::from_reader(input);
let closure = |row: Result<Row, csv::Error>| -> Option<Result<PopulationCount, csv::Error>> {
let row = match row {
Ok(row) => row,
Err(err) => return Some(Err(From::from(err))),
match row.population {
None => None,
Some(count) => if == city {
Some(Ok(PopulationCount {
count: count,
} else {
let found = rdr.decode::<Row>().filter_map(closure);
if !found.all(|row| match row {
Ok(_) => true,
_ => false,
}) {
} else {
with the following error from the compiler:
src/ 133:2 error: the trait `core::marker::Sized` is not implemented for the type `core::ops::FnMut(core::result::Result<Row, csv::Error>) -> core::option::Option<core::result::Result<PopulationCount, csv::Error>>` [E0277]
src/ fn search<'a, P: AsRef<Path>>(file_path: &Option<P>, city: &str) -> Result<FilterMap<csv::reader::DecodedRecords<'a, Box<Read>, Row>, FnMut(Result<Row, csv::Error>) -> Option<Result<PopulationCount, csv::Error>>>, CliError> {
src/ let mut found = vec![];
src/ let input: Box<io::Read> = match *file_path {
src/ None => Box::new(io::stdin()),
src/ Some(ref file_path) => Box::new(try!(fs::File::open(file_path))),
src/ };
src/ 133:2 note: `core::ops::FnMut(core::result::Result<Row, csv::Error>) -> core::option::Option<core::result::Result<PopulationCount, csv::Error>>` does not have a constant size known at compile-time
src/ fn search<'a, P: AsRef<Path>>(file_path: &Option<P>, city: &str) -> Result<FilterMap<csv::reader::DecodedRecords<'a, Box<Read>, Row>, FnMut(Result<Row, csv::Error>) -> Option<Result<PopulationCount, csv::Error>>>, CliError> {
src/ let mut found = vec![];
src/ let input: Box<io::Read> = match *file_path {
src/ None => Box::new(io::stdin()),
src/ Some(ref file_path) => Box::new(try!(fs::File::open(file_path))),
src/ };
error: aborting due to previous error
I've also tried this function definition:
fn search<'a, P: AsRef<Path>, F>(file_path: &Option<P>, city: &str)
-> Result<FilterMap<csv::reader::DecodedRecords<'a, Box<Read>, Row>, F>,
where F: FnMut(Result<Row, csv::Error>)
-> Option<Result<PopulationCount, csv::Error>> {
with these errors from the compiler:
src/ 131:17 error: mismatched types:
expected `core::iter::FilterMap<csv::reader::DecodedRecords<'_, Box<std::io::Read>, Row>, F>`,
found `core::iter::FilterMap<csv::reader::DecodedRecords<'_, Box<std::io::Read>, Row>, [closure src/ 122:6]>`
(expected type parameter,
found closure) [E0308]
src/ Ok(found)
I can't Box the closure because then it won't be accepted by filter_map.
I then tried this out:
fn search<'a, P: AsRef<Path>>(file_path: &Option<P>, city: &'a str)
-> Result<(Box<Iterator<Item=Result<PopulationCount, csv::Error>> + 'a>, csv::Reader<Box<io::Read>>), CliError> {
let input: Box<io::Read> = match *file_path {
None => box io::stdin(),
Some(ref file_path) => box try!(fs::File::open(file_path)),
let mut rdr = csv::Reader::from_reader(input);
let mut found = rdr.decode::<Row>().filter_map(move |row| {
let row = match row {
Ok(row) => row,
Err(err) => return Some(Err(err)),
match row.population {
None => None,
Some(count) if == city => {
Some(Ok(PopulationCount {
count: count,
_ => None,
if found.size_hint().0 == 0 {
} else {
Ok((box found, rdr))
fn main() {
let args: Args = Docopt::new(USAGE)
.and_then(|d| d.decode())
.unwrap_or_else(|err| err.exit());
match search(&args.arg_data_path, &args.arg_city) {
Err(CliError::NotFound) if args.flag_quiet => process::exit(1),
Err(err) => fatal!("{}", err),
Ok((pops, rdr)) => for pop in pops {
match pop {
Err(err) => panic!(err),
Ok(pop) => println!("{}, {}: {} - {:?}",,, pop.count, rdr.byte_offset()),
Which gives me this error:
src/ 107:24 error: `rdr` does not live long enough
src/ let mut found = rdr.decode::<Row>().filter_map(move |row| {
src/ 130:2 note: reference must be valid for the lifetime 'a as defined on the block at 100:116...
src/ -> Result<(Box<Iterator<Item=Result<PopulationCount, csv::Error>> + 'a>, csv::Reader<Box<io::Read>>), CliError> {
src/ let input: Box<io::Read> = match *file_path {
src/ None => box io::stdin(),
src/ Some(ref file_path) => box try!(fs::File::open(file_path)),
src/ };
src/ 130:2 note: ...but borrowed value is only valid for the block suffix following statement 1 at 106:50
src/ let mut rdr = csv::Reader::from_reader(input);
src/ let mut found = rdr.decode::<Row>().filter_map(move |row| {
src/ let row = match row {
src/ Ok(row) => row,
src/ Err(err) => return Some(Err(err)),
src/ };
error: aborting due to previous error
Have I designed something wrong, or am I taking the wrong approach? Am I missing something really simple and stupid? I'm not sure where to go from here.
Returning iterators is possible, but it comes with some restrictions.
To demonstrate it's possible, two examples, (A) with explicit iterator type and (B) using boxing (playpen link).
use std::iter::FilterMap;
fn is_even(elt: i32) -> Option<i32> {
if elt % 2 == 0 {
} else { None }
/// (A)
pub fn evens<I: IntoIterator<Item=i32>>(iter: I)
-> FilterMap<I::IntoIter, fn(I::Item) -> Option<I::Item>>
/// (B)
pub fn cumulative_sums<'a, I>(iter: I) -> Box<Iterator<Item=i32> + 'a>
where I: IntoIterator<Item=i32>,
I::IntoIter: 'a,
Box::new(iter.into_iter().scan(0, |acc, x| {
*acc += x;
fn main() {
// The output is:
// 0 is even, 10 is even,
// 1, 3, 6, 10,
for even in evens(vec![0, 3, 7, 10]) {
print!("{} is even, ", even);
for cs in cumulative_sums(1..5) {
print!("{}, ", cs);
You experienced a problem with (A) -- explicit type! Unboxed closures, that we get from regular lambda expressions with |a, b, c| .. syntax, have unique anonymous types. Functions require explicit return types, so that doesn't work here.
Some solutions for returning closures:
Use a function pointer fn() as in example (A). Often you don't need a closure environment anyway.
Box the closure. This is reasonable, even if the iterators don't support calling it at the moment. Not your fault.
Box the iterator
Return a custom iterator struct. Requires some boilerplate.
You can see that in example (B) we have to be quite careful with lifetimes. It says that the return value is Box<Iterator<Item=i32> + 'a>, what is this 'a? This is the least lifetime required of anything inside the box! We also put the 'a bound on I::IntoIter -- this ensures we can put that inside the box.
If you just say Box<Iterator<Item=i32>> it will assume 'static.
We have to explicitly declare the lifetimes of the contents of our box. Just to be safe.
This is actually the fundamental problem with your function. You have this: DecodedRecords<'a, Box<Read>, Row>, F>
See that, an 'a! This type borrows something. The problem is it doesn't borrow it from the inputs. There are no 'a on the inputs.
You'll realize that it borrows from a value you create during the function, and that value's lifespan ends when the function returns. We cannot return DecodedRecords<'a> from the function, because it wants to borrow a local variable.
Where to go from here? My easiest answer would be to perform the same split that csv does. One part (Struct or value) that owns the reader, and one part (struct or value) that is the iterator and borrows from the reader.
Maybe the csv crate has an owning decoder that takes ownership of the reader it is processing. In that case you can use that to dispel the borrowing trouble.
This answer is based on #bluss's answer + help from #rust on
One issue that's not obvious from the code, and which was causing the final error displayed just above, has to do with the definition of csv::Reader::decode (see its source). It takes &'a mut self, the explanation of this problem is covered in this answer. This essentially causes the lifetime of the reader to be bounded to the block it's called in. The way to fix this is to split the function in half (since I can't control the function definition, as recommended in the previous answer link). I needed a lifetime on the reader that was valid within the main function, so the reader could then be passed down into the search function. See the code below (It could definitely be cleaned up more):
fn population_count<'a, I>(iter: I, city: &'a str)
-> Box<Iterator<Item=Result<PopulationCount,csv::Error>> + 'a>
where I: IntoIterator<Item=Result<Row,csv::Error>>,
I::IntoIter: 'a,
Box::new(iter.into_iter().filter_map(move |row| {
let row = match row {
Ok(row) => row,
Err(err) => return Some(Err(err)),
match row.population {
None => None,
Some(count) if == city => {
Some(Ok(PopulationCount {
count: count,
_ => None,
fn get_reader<P: AsRef<Path>>(file_path: &Option<P>)
-> Result<csv::Reader<Box<io::Read>>, CliError>
let input: Box<io::Read> = match *file_path {
None => Box::new(io::stdin()),
Some(ref file_path) => Box::new(try!(fs::File::open(file_path))),
fn search<'a>(reader: &'a mut csv::Reader<Box<io::Read>>, city: &'a str)
-> Box<Iterator<Item=Result<PopulationCount, csv::Error>> + 'a>
population_count(reader.decode::<Row>(), city)
fn main() {
let args: Args = Docopt::new(USAGE)
.and_then(|d| d.decode())
.unwrap_or_else(|err| err.exit());
let reader = get_reader(&args.arg_data_path);
let mut reader = match reader {
Err(err) => fatal!("{}", err),
Ok(reader) => reader,
let populations = search(&mut reader, &args.arg_city);
let mut found = false;
for pop in populations {
found = true;
match pop {
Err(err) => fatal!("fatal !! {}", err),
Ok(pop) => println!("{}, {}: {}",,, pop.count),
if !(found || args.flag_quiet) {
fatal!("{}", CliError::NotFound);
I've learned a lot trying to get this to work, and have much more appreciation for the compiler errors. It's now clear that had this been C, the last error above could actually have caused segfaults, which would have been much harder to debug. I've also realized that converting from a pre-computed vec to an iterator requires more involved thinking about when the memory comes in and out of scope; I can't just change a few function calls and return types and call it a day.

How to implement an addition method of linked list?

I want to create a simple linked list and add a value into it. How should the add method be implemented to make this code output 100 50 10 5 at line 42, the second root.print() call?
use std::rc::Rc;
struct Node {
value: i32,
next: Option<Box<Node>>,
impl Node {
fn print(&self) {
let mut current = self;
loop {
println!("{}", current.value);
match {
Some(ref next) => {
current = &**next;
None => break,
fn add(&mut self, node: Node) {
let item = Some(Box::new(node));
let mut current = self;
loop {
match {
None => = item,
_ => {}
//Some(next) => { current = next; }
fn main() {
let leaf = Node {
value: 10,
next: None,
let branch = Node {
value: 50,
next: Some(Box::new(leaf)),
let mut root = Node {
value: 100,
next: Some(Box::new(branch)),
let new_leaf = Node {
value: 5,
next: None,
I rewrote the function like this:
fn add(&mut self, node: Node) {
let item = Some(Box::new(node));
let mut current = self;
loop {
match current {
&mut Node {
value: _,
next: None,
} => = item,
_ => {}
//Some(next) => { current = next; }
but the compiler says
error[E0382]: use of moved value: `item`
--> <anon>:28:40
28 | None => = item,
| ^^^^ value moved here in previous iteration of loop
= note: move occurs because `item` has type `std::option::Option<std::boxed::Box<Node>>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
I don't understand why it says that item was previously moved if it's used only once, and how the Some(_) branch should be implemented to iterate through the list?
This is how you need to write it (playground link)
fn add(&mut self, node: Node) {
let item = Some(Box::new(node));
let mut current = self;
loop {
match moving(current).next {
ref mut slot # None => {
*slot = item;
Some(ref mut next) => current = next,
Ok, so what is this?
Step 1, we need to return immediately after using the value item. Then the compiler correctly sees that it is only moved from once.
ref mut slot # None => {
*slot = item;
Step 2, to loop with a &mut pointer that we update along the way is tricky.
By default, Rust will reborrow a &mut that is dereferenced. It doesn't consume the reference, it just considers it borrowed, as long as the product of the borrow is still alive.
Obviously, this doesn't work very well here. We want a “hand off” from the old current to the new current. We can force the &mut pointer to obey
move semantics instead.
We need this (the identity function forces move!):
match moving(current).next
we can also write it like this:
let tmp = current;
or this:
match {current}.next
Step 3, we have no current pointer after we looked up inside it, so adapt the code to that.
Use ref mut slot to get a hold on the location of the next value.
