Vast difference in cv2 imshow vs matplotlib imshow? - python-3.x

I am currently working on a program that requires me to read DICOM files and display them correctly. After extracting the pixel array from the DICOM file, I ran it through both the imshow function from matplotlib and cv2. To my surprise they both yield vastly different images. One has color while the other has no, and one shows more detail than the other. Im confused as to why this is happening. I found Difference between and cv2.imshow? and tried converting the pixels to BRG instead of RGB what cv2 uses but this changes nothing. I am wondering why it is that these 2 frameworks show the same pixel buffer so differently. below is my code and an image to show the outcomes
import cv2
import os
import pydicom
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
inputdir = 'datasets/dicom/98890234/20030505/CT/CT2/'
outdir = 'datasets/dicom/pngs/'
test_list = [ f for f in os.listdir(inputdir)]
for f in test_list[:1]: # remove "[:10]" to convert all images
ds = pydicom.dcmread(inputdir + f)
img = np.array(ds.pixel_array, dtype = np.uint8) # get image array
rows,cols = img.shape
cannyImg = cv2.Canny(img, cols, rows)
cv2.imshow('thing',cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BRG2RBG))
cv2.imshow('thingCanny', cannyImg)

Using the cmap parameter with imshow() might solve the issue. Try this:
plt.imshow(arr, cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=255)
Refer to the docs for more info.

Not an answer but too long for a comment. I think the root cause of your problems is in the initialization of the array already:
img = np.array(ds.pixel_array, dtype = np.uint8)
uint8 is presumably not what you have in the DICOM file. First because it looks like a CT image which is usually stored with 10+ bpp and second because the artifacts you are facing look very familiar to me. These kind of artifacts (dense bones displayed in black, gradient effects) usually occur if >8 bit pixeldata is interpreted as 8bit.
BTW: To me, both renderings look obviously incorrect.
Sorry for not being a python expert and just being able to tell what is wrong but unable to tell how to get it right.


cv2.imwrite not giving image output

I'm currently doing an internship remotely and I got to code a Visualization Tool with D3.JS but here is not the part where I got a problem.
To fix the subject I got some file called episodes, which contain data about the path of a robot, if he succeeds or failed and the different point in cartesian coordinate.
(BTW I'm French I apologize in advance if there is some grammar issues)
So I got a small Python program that interpret these data contained in these .p files here's the code :
import pickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #PyQT is require or tkinter
import numpy as np
import cv2
#This script aligns the true position to position given by orbslam.
#Load episode with id. #This loads the dictionary containing all information about an episode.
trajectory_dir = "ORBSlam/"
episode_id = 0
episode = pickle.load(open( trajectory_dir+"episodeStats"+str(episode_id)+".p", "rb" ))
#Extract useful data from the dictionary
pose_env = episode["pose_env"]
images_RGB = episode["rgb"]
images_depth = episode["depth"]
actions_orb = episode["orb_action"]
actions_best = episode["best_action"]
goal_distances = episode["goal_distance"]
success = episode["success"]
#Save observations into images.
for i in range(len(images_RGB)):
cv2.imwrite( trajectory_dir+"RGBs"+str(episode_id)+"/"+str(i)+".png", images_RGB[i] )
cv2.imwrite( trajectory_dir+"Depths"+str(episode_id)+"/"+str(i)+".png", images_depth[i]*255 )
#Display 2D trajectories.
x_env = []
y_env = []
for i in range(len(pose_env)):
#add x,y coordinates of the translation
The problem here is that during the loop where it's supposed to output png image, in fact there is no output in the folder and since it's a silent function I don't know what the error is, I created both folder in ORBSlam folder (RGBs and Depths), so do you think it's something about permissions of writing or something like that ? (I'm working on macOS)
Thanks in advance for all the responses.
EDIT : I find why I've got no output images, I simply forgot to create a folder with the name of episode_id (Basically 0,1,2,...) in Depths and RGBs folder, my bad it was a dumb mistake
Solved : a folder inside where missing to get the output

Is there a way using librosa's waveplot to store the coordinates of the graph rather than show the image of the waveplot?

I am working on an audio project where I am using Librosa and have the following code from an example online. Rather than opening up an image with a graph of the amplitude versus time, I want to be able to store the coordinates that make up the graph in an array. I have tried a lot of different examples found on stackoverflow as well as other websites with no luck. I am relatively new to python and this is my first question on stackoverflow so please be kind.
import librosa.display
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display, Audio
filename = 'queen2.mp3'
samples, sampleRate = librosa.load(filename)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
librosa.display.waveplot(y, sr=None, max_points=200)
librosa is open-source (under the ISC license), so you can look at the code to see how it does this. The documentation for functions has a handy [source] link which takes you do the code. For librosa.display.waveplot you will see that it calls a function __envelope() to compute the envelope. Presumably it is these coordinates you are after.
hop_length = 1
y = __envelope(y, hop_length)
y_top = y[0]
y_bottom = -y[-1]
import numpy as np
def __envelope(x, hop):
'''Compute the max-envelope of non-overlapping frames of x at length hop
x is assumed to be multi-channel, of shape (n_channels, n_samples).
x_frame = np.abs(util.frame(x, frame_length=hop, hop_length=hop))
return x_frame.max(axis=1)

I can't generate a word cloud with some images

I just start the module worcloud in Python 3.7, and I'm using the next cxode to generate wordclouds from a dictionary and I'm trying to use differents masks, but this works for some images: in two cases works with images of 831x816 and 1000x808. This has to be with the size of the image? Or is because the images is kind a blurry? Or what is it?
I paste my code:
from PIL import Image
our_mask = np.array('twitter.png'))
twitter_cloud = WordCloud(background_color = 'white', mask = our_mask)
How can i fix this?
I had a similar problem with a black-and-white image I used. What fixed it for me was when I cropped the image more closely to the black drawing so there was no unnecessary bulk white area on the edges.
Some images should be adjusted for the process. Note only white point values for image is mask_out (other values are mask_in). The problem is that some of images are not suitable for masking. The reason is that the color's np.array somewhat mismatches. To solve this, following can be done:
1.Creating mask object: (Please try with your own image as I couldn't upload:)
import numpy as np;
import pandas as pd;
from PIL import Image;
from wordcloud import WordCloud
mask = np.array("filepath/picture.png"))
If the output values for white np.array is 255, then it is okay. But if it is 0 or probably other value, we have to change this to 255.
2.In the case of other values, the code for changing the values:
2-1. Create function for transforming (here our value = 0)
def transform_zeros(val):
if val == 0:
return 255
return val
2-2. Creating the same shaped np.array:
maskable_image = np.ndarray((mask.shape[0],mask.shape[1]), np.int32)
2-3. Transformation:
for i in range(len(mask)):
maskable_image[i] = list(map(transform_zeros, mask[i]))
Then you can use this array for your mask.
mask = maskable_image
All this is copied and interpreted from this link, so check it if you find my attempted explanation unclear, as I just provided solution but don't understand that much about color arrays of image and its transformation.

Creating a greyscale image with a Matrix in python

I'm Marius, a maths student in the first year.
We have recieved a team-assignment where we have to implement a fourier transformation and we chose to try to encode the transformation of an image to a JPEG image.
to simplify the problem for ourselves, we chose to do it only for pictures that are greyscaled.
This is my code so far:
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
img ='mario.png')
img = img.convert('L') # convert to monochrome picture #opens the picture
pixels = list(img.getdata())
print(pixels) #to see if we got the pixel numeric values correct
grootte = list(img.size)
print(len(pixels)) #to check if the amount of pixels is correct.
kolommen, rijen = img.size
print("het aantal kolommen is",kolommen,"het aantal rijen is",rijen)
#tot hier allemaal informatie
pixelMatrix = []
while pixels != []:
pixels = pixels[kolommen:]
pixelMatrix = np.array(pixelMatrix)
Now the problem forms itself in the last 3 lines. I want to try to convert the matrix of values back into an Image with the matrix 'pixelMatrix' as it's value.
I've tried many things, but this seems to be the most obvious way:
im2 ='L',(kolommen,rijen))
When I use this, it just gives me a black image of the correct dimensions.
Any ideas on how to get back the original picture, starting from the values in my matrix pixelMatrix?
Post Scriptum: We still have to implement the transformation itself, but that would be useless unless we are sure we can convert a matrix back into a greyscaled image.

The bitwise operation error for jpg and png images

I get stuck in a wired problem. A very simple example of bitwise operation. However, it will show error when treating png images.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import cv2
image = mpimg.imread('test1.png')
mask = np.zeros((image.shape[0], image.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
result = cv2.bitwise_and(image,mask)
It will show the following error about bitwise_and:
The operation is neither 'array op array' (where arrays have the same size and type), nor 'array op scalar', nor 'scalar op array' in function binary_op
The operation does not have error when treating test2.jpg
I know the first image looks like a gray image but it does have three channels!
I think .png images have four channels (one for opacity). So you try to operate on two images which has different numbers of channels (jpg - 3 and png - 4).
