To speed up python programming - python-3.x

I have multiple process excute at the same time and they have some endless for loop or while loop to monitor some data in the network.At the moment I am using thread to execute them and stop as per the certain codition.
In this scenario which one is better?
2.Multi threading
One thing I want to mention the process which are execute simultaneously, they are not dependent each other.
Please share your thought
Thank you

before going tweak your server code , do check the possibility of device-side-slow-update.
besides that, in my opinion you are in a many-short-read-few-long-write pattern
divide your reading and updating payload should be the first thing to consider
handling read and update sequentially in one thread , may suffer heavy impact when facing a burst of high number of update.
you can start by setting up two thread pool , one for read and one for update
and tweak thread pool size based on benchmark stats
if cpu usage keeps on high (> 70%) , go asyncio
btw: update your question is better than leave your information in comments


python: ProcessPoolExecutor processing in chunks

I am trying to work out how to process bulk records into elastic search using the bulk function and need to use threads to get some performance out of it. But I am stuck trying to work out how to limit the threads to 5 concurrent so its not to heavy on elastic.
I was thinking of just looping the db and filling a list, then when it hits eg (50), push to a thread for processing and continue. But this method will spawn to many threads and I cannot see an obvious way to limit the treads without waiting for all of them to finish, before adding another thread.
I have done this in golang before, where you can just add threads and when it hits the limit it will just wait before adding more to the queue, but seeming a little more elusive in python so far.
I am open to alternatives but this seems like the cleanest way to go so far, but there might be better methods like db -> queue with limit, then just threads to consume from the queue.. ?
look forward to some responses.

Comparison of Nodejs EventLoop (with cluster module) and Golang Scheduler

In nodejs the main critics are based on its single threaded event loop model.
The biggest disadvantage of nodejs is that one can not perform CPU intensive tasks in the application. For demonstration purpose, lets take the example of a while loop (which is perhaps analogous to a db function returning hundred thousand of records and then processing those records in nodejs.)
Such sort of the code will block the main stack and consequently all other tasks waiting in the Event Queue will never get the chance to be executed. (and in a web Applications, new users will not be able to connect to the App).
However, one could possibly use module like cluster to leverage the multi core system and partially solve the above issue. The Cluster module allows one to create a small network of separate processes which can share server ports, which gives the Node.js application access to the full power of the server. (However, one of the biggest disadvantage of using Cluster is that the state cannot be maintained in the application code).
But again there is a high possibility that we would end up in the same situation (as described above) again if there is too much server load.
When I started learning the Go language and had a look at its architecture and goroutines, I thought it would possibly solve the problem that arises due to the single threaded event loop model of nodejs. And that it would probably avoid the above scenario of CPU intensive tasks, until I came across this interesting code, which blocks all of the GO application and nothing happens, much like a while loop in nodejs.
func main() {
var x int
threads := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
for i := 0; i < threads; i++ {
go func() {
for { x++ }
fmt.Println("x =", x)
//or perhaps even if we use some number that is just greater than the threads.
So, the question is, if I have an application which is load intensive and there would be lot of CPU intensive tasks as well, I could probably get stuck in the above sort of scenario. (where db returns numerous amount of rows and then the application need to process and modify some thing in those rows). Would not the incoming users would be blocked and so would all other tasks as well?
So, how could the above problem be solved?
Or perhaps, the use cases I have mentioned does not make much of the sense? :)
Currently (Go 1.11 and earlier versions) your so-called
tight loop will indeed clog the code.
This would happen simply because currently the Go compiler
inserts code which does "preemption checks" («should I yield
to the scheduler so it runs another goroutine?») only in
prologues of the functions it compiles (almost, but let's not digress).
If your loop does not call any function, no preemption checks
will be made.
The Go developers are well aware of this
and are working on eventually alleviating this issue.
Still, note that your alleged problem is a non-issue in
most real-world scenarious: the code which performs long
runs of CPU-intensive work without calling any function
is rare and far in between.
In the cases, where you really have such code and you have
detected it really makes other goroutines starve
(let me underline: you have detected that through profiling—as
opposed to just conjuring up "it must be slow"), you may
apply several techniques to deal with this:
Insert calls to runtime.Gosched() in certain key points
of your long-running CPU-intensive code.
This will forcibly relinquish control to another goroutine
while not actually suspending the caller goroutine (so it will
run as soon as it will have been scheduled again).
Dedicate OS threads for the goroutines running
those CPU hogs:
Bound the set of such CPU hogs to, say, N "worker goroutines";
Put a dispatcher in front of them (this is called "fan-out");
Make sure that N is sensibly smaller than runtime.GOMAXPROCS
or raise the latter so that you have those N extra threads.
Shovel units of work to those dedicated goroutines via the dispatcher.

Node.Js - multiple workers on 1 cpu? (Cluster)

The situation is as following:
I have a node.js server with a script which takes pretty long before it finishes.
The script is getting an ID, looks up in a database which pictures belongs to this ID, and then it cache's the images and once all images are cached, it finishes.
Now the problem is that its possible there are 2 or more people at the same time using this feature. And once there are multiple people trying to get all these images, the images are combined to eachother and person A gets the pictures of person A + B. and also person B gets the pictures of A+B.
Now i know that a worker require's 1 cpu. i edited this so i can have multiple workers on 1 CPU. But they only switch from workers when the CPU usage is really high.
I want to switch workers when someone is already busy with getting these images, and someone else is trying to also get his/her images. (which are different for every person.)
How can this be done? Because the cluster only switches workers when the CPU usage is high. Or did i understand this incorrectly?
The clustering is not made for that.
You use clusters to avoid situations where one core is 100% busy while other cores are barely doing anything - like this:
You have a problem with improperly handling concurrent requests in your code and clustering will not solve that. Even if you have a cluster of 1000 workers there can still be situation when you get 1001 requests and all bets are off.
Working with Node you always have to take into account concurrency because if you don't you will not be able to use a simple solution like add clustering to solve the problems.
You didn't show even a single line of code so it's impossible to tell you what's wrong with it, but there is clearly a problem with improper request handling. Maybe you use global variables? Maybe you store some state in the wrong scope? The situation that you describe should never happen in any Node application, and the solution you're asking about would not solve it anyway. You need to fix your code.

Performance issue while using Parallel.foreach() with MaximumDegreeOfParallelism set as ProcessorCount

I wanted to process records from a database concurrently and within minimum time. So I thought of using parallel.foreach() loop to process the records with the value of MaximumDegreeOfParallelism set as ProcessorCount.
ParallelOptions po = new ParallelOptions
po.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount;
Parallel.ForEach(listUsers, po, (user) =>
//Parallel processing
But to my surprise, the CPU utilization was not even close to 20%. When I dig into the issue and read the MSDN article on this(, I tried using a specific value of MaximumDegreeOfParallelism as -1. As said in the article thet this value removes the limit on the number of concurrently running processes, the performance of my program improved to a high extent.
But that also doesn't met my requirement for the maximum time taken to process all the records in the database. So I further analyzed it more and found that there are two terms as MinThreads and MaxThreads in the threadpool. By default the values of Min Thread and MaxThread are 10 and 1000 respectively. And on start only 10 threads are created and this number keeps on increasing to a max of 1000 with every new user unless a previous thread has finished its execution.
So I set the initial value of MinThread to 900 in place of 10 using
System.Threading.ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(100, 100);
so that just from the start only minimum of 900 threads are created and thought that it will improve the performance significantly. This did create 900 threads, but it also increased the number of failure on processing each user very much. So I did not achieve much using this logic. So I changed the value of MinThreads to 100 only and found that the performance was much better now.
But I wanted to improve more as my requirement of time boundation was still not met as it was still exceeding the time limit to process all the records. As you may think I was using all the best possible things to get the maximum performance in parallel processing, I was also thinking the same.
But to meet the time limit I thought of giving a shot in the dark. Now I created two different executable files(Slaves) in place of only one and assigned them each half of the users from DB. Both the executable were doing the same thing and were executing concurrently. I created another Master program to start these two Slaves at the same time.
To my surprise, it reduced the time taken to process all the records nearly to the half.
Now my question is as simple as that I do not understand the logic behind Master Slave thing giving better performance compared to a single EXE with all the logic same in both the Slaves and the previous EXE. So I would highly appreciate if someone will explain his in detail.
But to my surprise, the CPU utilization was not even close to 20%.
It uses the Http Requests to some Web API's hosted in other networks.
This means that CPU utilization is entirely the wrong thing to look at. When using the network, it's your network connection that's going to be the limiting factor, or possibly some network-related limit, certainly not CPU.
Now I created two different executable files … To my surprise, it reduced the time taken to process all the records nearly to the half.
This points to an artificial, per process limit, most likely ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit. Try setting it to a larger value than the default at the start of your program and see if it helps.

Waiting on many parallel shell commands with Perl

Concise-ish problem explanation:
I'd like to be able to run multiple (we'll say a few hundred) shell commands, each of which starts a long running process and blocks for hours or days with at most a line or two of output (this command is simply a job submission to a cluster). This blocking is helpful so I can know exactly when each finishes, because I'd like to investigate each result and possibly re-run each multiple times in case they fail. My program will act as a sort of controller for these programs.
for all commands in parallel {
tries = 1
while ! job_was_successful and tries < 3{
What I've tried/investigated:
I was so far thinking it would be best to create a thread for each submission which just blocks waiting for input. There is enough memory for quite a few waiting threads. But from what I've read, perl threads are closer to duplicate processes than in other languages, so creating hundreds of them is not feasible (nor does it feel right).
There also seem to be a variety of event-loop-ish cooperative systems like AnyEvent and Coro, but these seem to require you to rely on asynchronous libraries, otherwise you can't really do anything concurrently. I can't figure out how to make multiple shell commands with it. I've tried using AnyEvent::Util::run_cmd, but after I submit multiple commands, I have to specify the order in which I want to wait for them. I don't know in advance how long each submission will take, so I can't recv without sometimes getting very unlucky. This isn't really parallel.
my $cv1 = run_cmd("qsub -sync y 'sleep $RANDOM'");
my $cv2 = run_cmd("qsub -sync y 'sleep $RANDOM'");
# Now should I $cv1->recv first or $cv2->recv? Who knows!
# Out of 100 submissions, I may have to wait on the longest one before processing any.
My understanding of AnyEvent and friends may be wrong, so please correct me if so. :)
The other option is to run the job submission in its non-blocking form and have it communicate its completion back to my process, but the inter-process communication required to accomplish and coordinate this across different machines daunts me a little. I'm hoping to find a local solution before resorting to that.
Is there a solution I've overlooked?
You could rather use Scientific Workflow software such as fireworks or pegasus which are designed to help scientists submit large numbers of computing jobs to shared or dedicated resources. But they can also do much more so it might be overkill for your problem, but they are still worth having a look at.
If your goal is to try and find the tightest memory requirements for you job, you could also simply submit your job with a large amount or requested memory, and then extract actual memory usage from accounting (qacct), or , cluster policy permitting, logging on the compute node(s) where your job is running and view the memory usage with top or ps.
