Node.Js - multiple workers on 1 cpu? (Cluster) - node.js

The situation is as following:
I have a node.js server with a script which takes pretty long before it finishes.
The script is getting an ID, looks up in a database which pictures belongs to this ID, and then it cache's the images and once all images are cached, it finishes.
Now the problem is that its possible there are 2 or more people at the same time using this feature. And once there are multiple people trying to get all these images, the images are combined to eachother and person A gets the pictures of person A + B. and also person B gets the pictures of A+B.
Now i know that a worker require's 1 cpu. i edited this so i can have multiple workers on 1 CPU. But they only switch from workers when the CPU usage is really high.
I want to switch workers when someone is already busy with getting these images, and someone else is trying to also get his/her images. (which are different for every person.)
How can this be done? Because the cluster only switches workers when the CPU usage is high. Or did i understand this incorrectly?

The clustering is not made for that.
You use clusters to avoid situations where one core is 100% busy while other cores are barely doing anything - like this:
You have a problem with improperly handling concurrent requests in your code and clustering will not solve that. Even if you have a cluster of 1000 workers there can still be situation when you get 1001 requests and all bets are off.
Working with Node you always have to take into account concurrency because if you don't you will not be able to use a simple solution like add clustering to solve the problems.
You didn't show even a single line of code so it's impossible to tell you what's wrong with it, but there is clearly a problem with improper request handling. Maybe you use global variables? Maybe you store some state in the wrong scope? The situation that you describe should never happen in any Node application, and the solution you're asking about would not solve it anyway. You need to fix your code.


Managing different Python scripts with different priority to each

I need to run different Python processes, in a certain order of priority.
Specifically, I have 3 processes, and I need them to work this way:
An object detection script, used to locate a person and their position. I need this one to run continuously at a high FPS;
another process that, once some conditions are met (when the person is present in the picture in the required position) starts taking screenshots of the image for a certain amount of time;
another script that analyzes the screenshots taken by the second one.
I wrote the 3 scripts already and they work fine, but the problem is that process 3 is particularly computationally demanding, and I don't want it to prevent processes 1 and 2 from running smoothly.
My idea is that I could give highest priority to process 1, and send screenshots taken by process a queue, or something like this.
When the person is not detected in the picture, I could run process 3, and empty the queue as the screenshots are analyzed. However, script 3 should still run with limited resources, so that FPS of script 1 isn't affected too much, and it can still detect if the person enters the picture again.
I'm afraid this might all be a little vague, but could you please suggest me a way or tool I could use to manage the processes this way?
So far, I tried simply saving the screenshots to a folder, but I don't know how to limit the resources usage by process 3.
I'm familiar with the basic usage of Docker, so I was thinking that maybe I could:
run the processes in different containers, limiting resources allocated to the 3rd one (?);
use a message broker (Kafka, RabbitMQ?) to store screenshots;
but again, I'm a newbie when it comes to this stuff (speaking of which, I hope I tagged this question correctly), so I don't know if it's an efficient way to to do this (or if it can be done this way, for that matter).

Conceptual approach of threads in Delphi

Over 2 years ago, Remy Lebeau gave me invaluable tips on threads in Delphi. His answers were very useful to me and I feel like I made great progress thanks to him. This post can be found here.
Today, I now face a "conceptual problem" about threads. This is not really about code, this is about the approach one should choose for a certain problem. I know we are not supposed to ask for personal opinions, I am merely asking if, on a technical point a view, one of these approach must be avoided or if they are both viable.
My application has a list of unique product numbers (named SKU) in a database. Querying an API with theses SKUS, I get back a JSON file containing details about these products. This JSON file is processed and results are displayed on screen, and saved in database. So, at one step, a download process is involved and it is executed in a worker thread.
I see two different approaches possible for this whole procedure :
When the user clicks on the start button, a query is fired, building a list of SKUs based on the user criteria. A Tstringlist is then built and, for each element of the list, a thread is launched, downloads the JSON, sends back the result to the main thread and terminates.
This can be pictured like this :
When the user clicks on the start button, a query is fired, building a list of SKUs based on the user criteria. Instead of sending SKU numbers one after another to the worker thread, the whole list is sent, and the worker thread iterates through the list, sending back results for displaying and saving to the main thread (via a synchronize event). So we only have one worker thread working the whole list before terminating.
This can be pictured like this :
I have coded these two different approaches and they both work... with each their downsides that I have experienced.
I am not a professional developer, this is a hobby and, before working my way further down a path or another for "polishing", I would like to know if, on a technical point of view and according to your knowledge and experience, one of the approaches I depicted should be avoided and why.
Thanks for your time
Another thing to consider in this case is latency to your API that is producing the JSON. For example, if it takes 30 msec to go back and forth to the server, and 0.01 msec to create the JSON on the server, then querying a single JSON record per request, even if each request is in a different thread, does not make much sense. In that case, it would make sense to do fewer requests to the server, returning more data on each request, and partition the results up among different threads.
The other thing is that threads are not a solution to every problem. I would question why you need to break each sku into a single thread. how long is each individual thread running and how much processing is each thread doing? In general, creating lots of threads, for each thread to work for a fraction of a msec does not make sense. You want the threads to be alive for as long as possible, processing as much data as they can for the job. You don't want the computer to be using as much time creating/destroying threads as actually doing useful work.

To speed up python programming

I have multiple process excute at the same time and they have some endless for loop or while loop to monitor some data in the network.At the moment I am using thread to execute them and stop as per the certain codition.
In this scenario which one is better?
2.Multi threading
One thing I want to mention the process which are execute simultaneously, they are not dependent each other.
Please share your thought
Thank you
before going tweak your server code , do check the possibility of device-side-slow-update.
besides that, in my opinion you are in a many-short-read-few-long-write pattern
divide your reading and updating payload should be the first thing to consider
handling read and update sequentially in one thread , may suffer heavy impact when facing a burst of high number of update.
you can start by setting up two thread pool , one for read and one for update
and tweak thread pool size based on benchmark stats
if cpu usage keeps on high (> 70%) , go asyncio
btw: update your question is better than leave your information in comments

"Resequencing" messages after processing them out-of-order

I'm working on what's basically a highly-available distributed message-passing system. The system receives messages from someplace over HTTP or TCP, perform various transformations on it, and then sends it to one or more destinations (also using TCP/HTTP).
The system has a requirement that all messages sent to a given destination are in-order, because some messages build on the content of previous ones. This limits us to processing the messages sequentially, which takes about 750ms per message. So if someone sends us, for example, one message every 250ms, we're forced to queue the messages behind each other. This eventually introduces intolerable delay in message processing under high load, as each message may have to wait for hundreds of other messages to be processed before it gets its turn.
In order to solve this problem, I want to be able to parallelize our message processing without breaking the requirement that we send them in-order.
We can easily scale our processing horizontally. The missing piece is a way to ensure that, even if messages are processed out-of-order, they are "resequenced" and sent to the destinations in the order in which they were received. I'm trying to find the best way to achieve that.
Apache Camel has a thing called a Resequencer that does this, and it includes a nice diagram (which I don't have enough rep to embed directly). This is exactly what I want: something that takes out-of-order messages and puts them in-order.
But, I don't want it to be written in Java, and I need the solution to be highly available (i.e. resistant to typical system failures like crashes or system restarts) which I don't think Apache Camel offers.
Our application is written in Node.js, with Redis and Postgresql for data persistence. We use the Kue library for our message queues. Although Kue offers priority queueing, the featureset is too limited for the use-case described above, so I think we need an alternative technology to work in tandem with Kue to resequence our messages.
I was trying to research this topic online, and I can't find as much information as I expected. It seems like the type of distributed architecture pattern that would have articles and implementations galore, but I don't see that many. Searching for things like "message resequencing", "out of order processing", "parallelizing message processing", etc. turn up solutions that mostly just relax the "in-order" requirements based on partitions or topics or whatnot. Alternatively, they talk about parallelization on a single machine. I need a solution that:
Can handle processing on multiple messages simultaneously in any order.
Will always send messages in the order in which they arrived in the system, no matter what order they were processed in.
Is usable from Node.js
Can operate in a HA environment (i.e. multiple instances of it running on the same message queue at once w/o inconsistencies.)
Our current plan, which makes sense to me but which I cannot find described anywhere online, is to use Redis to maintain sets of in-progress and ready-to-send messages, sorted by their arrival time. Roughly, it works like this:
When a message is received, that message is put on the in-progress set.
When message processing is finished, that message is put on the ready-to-send set.
Whenever there's the same message at the front of both the in-progress and ready-to-send sets, that message can be sent and it will be in order.
I would write a small Node library that implements this behavior with a priority-queue-esque API using atomic Redis transactions. But this is just something I came up with myself, so I am wondering: Are there other technologies (ideally using the Node/Redis stack we're already on) that are out there for solving the problem of resequencing out-of-order messages? Or is there some other term for this problem that I can use as a keyword for research? Thanks for your help!
This is a common problem, so there are surely many solutions available. This is also quite a simple problem, and a good learning opportunity in the field of distributed systems. I would suggest writing your own.
You're going to have a few problems building this, namely
2: Exactly-once delivery
1: Guaranteed order of messages
2: Exactly-once delivery
You've found number 1, and you're solving this by resequencing them in redis, which is an ok solution. The other one, however, is not solved.
It looks like your architecture is not geared towards fault tolerance, so currently, if a server craches, you restart it and continue with your life. This works fine when processing all requests sequentially, because then you know exactly when you crashed, based on what the last successfully completed request was.
What you need is either a strategy for finding out what requests you actually completed, and which ones failed, or a well-written apology letter to send to your customers when something crashes.
If Redis is not sharded, it is strongly consistent. It will fail and possibly lose all data if that single node crashes, but you will not have any problems with out-of-order data, or data popping in and out of existance. A single Redis node can thus hold the guarantee that if a message is inserted into the to-process-set, and then into the done-set, no node will see the message in the done-set without it also being in the to-process-set.
How I would do it
Using redis seems like too much fuzz, assuming that the messages are not huge, and that losing them is ok if a process crashes, and that running them more than once, or even multiple copies of a single request at the same time is not a problem.
I would recommend setting up a supervisor server that takes incoming requests, dispatches each to a randomly chosen slave, stores the responses and puts them back in order again before sending them on. You said you expected the processing to take 750ms. If a slave hasn't responded within say 2 seconds, dispatch it again to another node randomly within 0-1 seconds. The first one responding is the one we're going to use. Beware of duplicate responses.
If the retry request also fails, double the maximum wait time. After 5 failures or so, each waiting up to twice (or any multiple greater than one) as long as the previous one, we probably have a permanent error, so we should probably ask for human intervention. This algorithm is called exponential backoff, and prevents a sudden spike in requests from taking down the entire cluster. Not using a random interval, and retrying after n seconds would probably cause a DOS-attack every n seconds until the cluster dies, if it ever gets a big enough load spike.
There are many ways this could fail, so make sure this system is not the only place data is stored. However, this will probably work 99+% of the time, it's probably at least as good as your current system, and you can implement it in a few hundred lines of code. Just make sure your supervisor is using asynchronous requests so that you can handle retries and timeouts. Javascript is by nature single-threaded, so this is slightly trickier than normal, but I'm confident you can do it.

Returning LOTS of items from a MongoDB via Node.js

I'm returning A LOT (500k+) documents from a MongoDB collection in Node.js. It's not for display on a website, but rather for data some number crunching. If I grab ALL of those documents, the system freezes. Is there a better way to grab it all?
I'm thinking pagination might work?
Edit: This is already outside the main node.js server event loop, so "the system freezes" does not mean "incoming requests are not being processed"
After learning more about your situation, I have some ideas:
Do as much as you can in a Map/Reduce function in Mongo - perhaps if you throw less data at Node that might be the solution.
Perhaps this much data is eating all your memory on your system. Your "freeze" could be V8 stopping the system to do a garbage collection (see this SO question). You could Use V8 flag --trace-gc to log GCs & prove this hypothesis. (thanks to another SO answer about V8 and Garbage collection
Pagination, like you suggested may help. Perhaps even splitting up your data even further into worker queues (create one worker task with references to records 1-10, another with references to records 11-20, etc). Depending on your calculation
Perhaps pre-processing your data - ie: somehow returning much smaller data for each record. Or not using an ORM for this particular calculation, if you're using one now. Making sure each record has only the data you need in it means less data to transfer and less memory your app needs.
I would put your big fetch+process task on a worker queue, background process, or forking mechanism (there are a lot of different options here).
That way you do your calculations outside of your main event loop and keep that free to process other requests. While you should be doing your Mongo lookup in a callback, the calculations themselves may take up time, thus "freezing" node - you're not giving it a break to process other requests.
Since you don't need them all at the same time (that's what I've deduced from you asking about pagination), perhaps it's better to separate those 500k stuff into smaller chunks to be processed at the nextTick?
You could also use something like Kue to queue the chunks and process them later (thus not everything in the same time).
