How to loop variable values to ignore them in a csv file unix? - linux

I have this content in file.csv
cat file.csv
QUOTA,landscape=test,region=europe,limit=N2_CPUS quota=24.0,quota_used=0.0,quota_used_percent=0
QUOTA,landscape=test,region=europe,limit=COMMITTED_N2_CPUS quota=0.0,quota_used=0.0,quota_used_percent=0
QUOTA,landscape=test,region=europe,limit=COMMITTED_C2_CPUS quota=0.0,quota_used=0.0,quota_used_percent=0
QUOTA,landscape=test,region=europe,limit=RESERVATIONS quota=100.0,quota_used=0.0,quota_used_percent=0
I need to remove values which contain strings "RESERVATIONS" and "N2_CPUS" and the variables can be random
I am able to do when i use one value as variable using
cat file.csv | grep -v $variable
When there are more values in a variable, even loops are not working as expected. Could you please suggest?

I would use egrep (or grep -E, depending on your flavor of linux)
cat file.csv | egrep -v $variable
cat file.csv | grep -Ev $variable
Note, though, in your example, the cat is not required:
grep -Ev "${variable}" file.csv
Notice the quotes around the variable, you may need those as well, depending on your shell & Linux version.
egrep (or grep -E) is an grep with Extended Regular Expression. The vertical bar, or pipe | separates the values. Effectively it is saying OR. Thus,
egrep -Ev "A|B" means look for 'A' or 'B' and remove them.

Use grep -E so you can use an extended regular expression, and then use | in the regexp to match multiple strings.
grep -v -E "$variable" file.csv


How to show all users in bash which does not end with "specific character"s

All the users in the system that dosen't have as an ending character on their names a, s, t, r, m, z must be shown in Bash.
The users names can be obtained from the /etc/passwd file, in the first column. But I can not perceive the correct approach to exclude those characters from the search.
Should I use grep? Or just a cut?
Something like
grep -o '^[^:]*[^astrmz:]:' /etc/passwd | tr -d :
cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd | grep '[^astrmz]$'
[^blah] matches any character but the ones listed, the opposite of [blah].
GNU grep using a lookahead:
grep -Po '^[^:]*[^astrmz:](?=:)' /etc/passwd
Or using awk instead:
awk -F: '$1 ~ /[^astrmz]$/ { print $1 }' /etc/passwd
Or in pure bash without external commands:
while IFS=: read -r name rest; do
if [[ $name =~ [^astrmz]$ ]]; then
echo "$name"
done < /etc/passwd
As you can see, there's lots of potential approaches.
Simple one liner when using bash:
compgen -u | grep -v '[astrmz]$'
The compgen -u command will produce a list of users (without all of the extra fields present in /etc/passwd); compgen is a builtin in bash where it's normally used for username completion.
This should do the trick:
cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd | grep -vE 's$|t$|r$|m$|z$'
The cut command strips out the username from the password file.
Then grep -v (does the UNMATCHING)
grep -E does multiple matching (OR OR OR)
the $ sign indicates the last character to match
For example , on my mac, I get:
(You see no names end with those 5 letters).
Good Luck.

Search A and replace B in A|B in shell scripting/SED/AWK

I have a text file with layout as:
I want to replace the counterVariable1 with some other variable say counterVariableNew.
How can I accomplish this?
I have tried various SED/AWK approaches, closest one is mentioned below:
cat $fileName | grep -w $tableName | sed -i 's/$tableName\|counterVariable/$tableName\|counterVariableNew'
But all the 3 commands are not merging properly, please help!
Your script is an example of [ useless use of cat ]. But the key point here is to escape the pipe delimiter which has a special meaning(it stands for OR) when used with awk FS. So below script should do
# cat 42000479
# awk -F\| '$1=="tableName2"{$2="counterVariableNew"}1' 42000479
tableName2 counterVariableNew
An alternate way of doing the same stuff is below
# awk -v FS='|' '$1=="tableName2"{$2="counterVariableNew"}1' 42000479
Stuff inside the single quote will not be expanded.
awk -F'|' -v OFS='|' '/tableName1/ {$2="counterVariableNew"}1' file
This will search for A (tableName1) and replace B (counterVariable1) to counterVariableNew.
Or by using sed :
sed -r '/tableName1/ s/(^.*\|)(.*)/\1counterVariableNew/g' file
For word bounded search: Enclose the pattern inside \< and \> .
sed -r '/\<tableName1\>/ s/(^.*\|)(.*)/\1counterVariableNew/g' file
awk -F'|' -v OFS='|' '/\<tableName1\>/ {$2="counterVariableNew"}1' file

grep a particular content before a period

I am trying to read/grep a particular word or content that is before a period (.).
e.g. file1 has abinaya.ashok and I want to grep whatever is before the period (.) without hardcoding anything.
if I try
grep \.\ file1
it gives abinaya.ashok.
I've tried: grep\*\.\ file1
it doesn't give anything.Can we find it using grep commands or should we do it only using awk command? Any thoughts?
Using GNU grep for PCRE regex (for non-greedy and positive look-ahead), you can do:
echo 'abinaya.ashok' | grep -oP '.*?(?=\.)'
Using awk:
echo 'abinaya.ashok' | awk -F\. '{print $1}'
Check the following simple examples.
Including the dot:
$ echo abinaya.ashok | grep -o '.*[.]'
Without the dot:
$ echo abinaya.ashok | grep -o '^[^.]\+'
Hope I understand you correctly:
sed -n 's/\..*//p' file1 | grep whatever
sed expression will print only part before dot (lines without dot are not printed).
Now use grep to search what you need.

Script to replace tokens with values mentioned in properties file

I have a file which contain data, like:
I want to create a shell script that will take each element one by one from above file.
Say $ABC, then go to file ABC.txt & replace the value of $ABC with 10.
Similarly, then go to file XYZ.txt and replace $XYZ with 20.
I think maybe this should be in the Unix and Linux section, the solution I've hacked together is as follows:
cat | grep "=" | cut -d "$" -f2 | awk -F "=" '{print "s/$"$1"/"$2"/g "$1".txt"}' | xargs -n2 sed -i
The flow is like so:
Filter out all the value assignments via: grep "="
Remove the '$' via: cut -d "$" -f2
Use awk to split the variable name and value and construct sed replacement command
Use xargs to pull in the replacement parameter and target file via: xargs -n2
Finally pass sed to as the command to xargs: xargs -n2 sed

How to pass AWK output into variable?

I have a small bash script that greps/awk paragraph by using a keyword.
But after adding in the extra codes : set var = "(......)" it only prints a blank line and not the paragraph.
So I would like to ask if anyone knows how to properly pass the awk output into a variable for outputting?
My codes:
set var = "(awk 'BEGIN{RS=ORS="\n\n";FS=OFS="\n"}/FileHeader/' /root/Desktop
echo $var;
Use command substitution to capture the output of a process.
VAR="$(awk 'BEGIN{RS=ORS="\n\n";FS=OFS="\n"}/FileHeader/' /root/Desktop/logs/Default.log)"
echo "$VAR"
some general advice with regards to shell scripting:
(almost) always quote every variable reference.
never put spaces around the equals sign in variable assignment.
You need to use "command substitution". Place the command inside either backticks, `COMMAND` or, in a pair of parentheses preceded by a dollar sign, $(COMMAND).
To set a variable you don't use set and you can't have spaces before and after the =.
Try this:
var=$(awk 'BEGIN{RS=ORS="\n\n";FS=OFS="\n"}/FileHeader/' /root/Desktop/logs/Default.log)
echo $var
You gave me the idea of this for killing a process :). Just chromium to whatever process you wanna kill.
Try this:
VAR=$(ps -ef | grep -i chromium | awk '{print $2}'); kill -9 $VAR 2>/dev/null; unset VAR;
anytime you see grep piped to awk, you can drop the grep. for the above,
awk '/^password/ {print $2}'
awk can easily replace any text command like cut, tail, wc, tr etc. and especally multiple greps piped next to each other. i.e
grep some_co.mand | a | grep b ... to | awk '/a|b|and so on/ {some action}.
Try to create a variable coming from vault/Hashicorp, when using packer template variables, like so:
BUILD_PASSWORD=$(vault read secret/buildAccount| grep ^password | awk '{print $2}')
You can to the same with grep ^user
