Blank screen appears when i try to open Jmeter in GUI mode in Cent OS - linux

I am setting up a new Jmeter 5.0 on Cent OS. I tried to open it in GUI mode using terminal.
I also tried to replace all lib jars and open Jmeter using terminal.
Jmeter must open in GUI mode so i can debug my scripts.

Navigate to Jmeter/bin/
execute the below command in the terminal
Hopefully you can see the GUI.


Cannot change node version in VS Code terminal

I'm working on Mac and I cannot change node version from terminal window in VS Code
What's interesting, when I open iTerm I have no problems with switching versions. So the problem only seems to appear on VS Code.
Any idea why and how to solve it?
vscode has a shell integration, which you can configure. e.g. placing the following configuration in your vscode settings
"": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe"
or you can use the shell launcher plugin, which supports launch multiple shell configurations in the terminal.

NodeJs terminal configuration in VScode

How do I configure details of nodeJS terminal? ( using- windows 10 & VScode )
Its bothers me that when I type commands in split screen mode, the line gets split up because it ran out of space. If possible, id like the terminal to display:
when awaiting commands.
please use the remote wsl extension for windows subsystem for linux
for ubuntu terminal in vs code use extension Ubuntu pastebin for vs code

Executing Java Mission Control from command line

I have copied the JMC 7.0 binaries in linux. Any idea on how to start the application from commandline or do we need GUI to be enabled in linux ?
There is no headless mode of JMC, but you can start a recording and open it from the shell.
java -XX:StartFlightRecording:filename=dump.jfr -version
./jmc -openFile dump.jfr

Start the selenium server when Linux boots

I am having a linux machine dedicated to run the selenium tests. Now if i restart the linux, i want selenium to start automatically. That is, there is should not be a need to start the selenium manually.
So on linux bootup, "I need to open a terminal, and run the command, java -jar selenium-standaloe-xxx.jar"
How can i do so?
My browser will open in the same box. and i am calling my script remotely from putty terminal.
Put your command into
and reboot, it could be done.

Launching custom desktop from command line with Ubuntu 13.04

I am trying to learn Linux, especially the cli and I have customized my grub file and replaced "quiet splash" with "text".
This has given me the ability to launch Ubuntu into cli only mode. When I run the startx command it launches a blank/default desktop. Is it possible to launch the same desktop I would see if left the "quiet splash" value in place.
In other words can I launch the desktop complete with the sidebar, time, short cuts and other stuff?
Try this command instead of startx in the command line.
# unity
