Launching custom desktop from command line with Ubuntu 13.04 - linux

I am trying to learn Linux, especially the cli and I have customized my grub file and replaced "quiet splash" with "text".
This has given me the ability to launch Ubuntu into cli only mode. When I run the startx command it launches a blank/default desktop. Is it possible to launch the same desktop I would see if left the "quiet splash" value in place.
In other words can I launch the desktop complete with the sidebar, time, short cuts and other stuff?

Try this command instead of startx in the command line.
# unity


NodeJs terminal configuration in VScode

How do I configure details of nodeJS terminal? ( using- windows 10 & VScode )
Its bothers me that when I type commands in split screen mode, the line gets split up because it ran out of space. If possible, id like the terminal to display:
when awaiting commands.
please use the remote wsl extension for windows subsystem for linux
for ubuntu terminal in vs code use extension Ubuntu pastebin for vs code

Blank screen appears when i try to open Jmeter in GUI mode in Cent OS

I am setting up a new Jmeter 5.0 on Cent OS. I tried to open it in GUI mode using terminal.
I also tried to replace all lib jars and open Jmeter using terminal.
Jmeter must open in GUI mode so i can debug my scripts.
Navigate to Jmeter/bin/
execute the below command in the terminal
Hopefully you can see the GUI.

How to start windows program from WSL Ubuntu Xterm in foreground (on top of all other programs)?

I use git and invoke git difftool command from Xterm (that Xterm "runs" WSL shell). My difftool command is set up to start p4merge Windows application.
Everything works alright, but p4merge's window is displayed under all currently visible windows. Specifically, under the Xterm window that started it.
This drives me a bit nuts because if I need to diff 20 files, then I need to Alt+Tab 20 times manually.
I've just migrated from Cygwin to WSL and this exact setup started p4merge on top of all other windows in Cygwin.
So, how do I make WSL start a program and make sure that its window is topmost?

Linux - Avoinding x server message when running .exe with wine

I'm trying to run a .exe file (that uses some other .dll files) with wine, in Ubuntu 11.04, command line, but i get an error regarding the x server not being started and that a window is being created (i attached a screenshot).
When I run it normally (normal ubuntu boot, x server running) everything is ok, but actually, no window is displayed, which is normal because no window is needed for the program to run. So I just want to know if there is a way to avoid that: somehow simulating that the x server is open or to set $DISPLAY in some way to "fool" the program.
Just use Xvfb.
Xvfb :1 &
DISPLAY=:1 wine ...

Bootable Qt-Linux Application

How to boot a linux kernel + dependencies and auto run a Qt application so the linux environment doesn't show up (only the Qt GUI is visible)?
on x86 PCs
should be able to run from RAM (of course)
Perhaps you could look at how this guy did it:
You could start with a minimal linux distribution such as Ubuntu Server and install only X-Windows (without any Window Manager) on top of it:
Then, start your Qt application by adding a call to it in the .xinitrc initialization script.
Might be helpfull Linux Journal KDE Kiosk Mode
Why not run x server without window manager and the running the application in full screen mode on that x server.
to start x server type startx
and then you must run your application in fullscreen mode
(your app must support this mode by argument switch like this)
./myapp --fullscreen
I have never tried this, but try google for 'framebuffer'. It should allow you to run a single application with no need for X server.
