From the following code from a simple server using Spock:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Web.Spock
import Web.Spock.Config
import Data.Time.Clock
import Control.Concurrent
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status
import Network.HTTP.Types.URI
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Data.Text as T
app :: MyApp ()
app =
do get root $ redirect' ""
-- Store params
get ("oauth2" <//> var) $ \path' ->
do ...
The majority of the imports don't relate to the question.
This is the (<//>) :: Path as Open -> Path bs ps -> Path (Append as bs) ps function. As the documentation says:
Combine two path components
In the source code [GitHub], we see that it is implemented as:
(<//>) :: Path as 'Open -> Path bs ps -> Path (Append as bs) ps
(<//>) = (</>)
This (</>) function originates from the (</>) :: Path as Open -> Path bs ps -> Path (Append as bs) ps in the reroute package. It is implemented as [GitHub]:
(</>) :: Path as 'Open -> Path bs ps2 -> Path (Append as bs) ps2
(</>) Empty xs = xs
(</>) (StaticCons pathPiece xs) ys = StaticCons pathPiece (xs </> ys)
(</>) (VarCons xs) ys = VarCons (xs </> ys)
It thus basically appends some path pieces together. You can here see this as some sort of linked list. A string literal (like "oauth2") can, with the OverloadedStrings be converted into a Path since it is an instance of the IsString class [GitHub]:
instance (a ~ '[], pathState ~ 'Open) => IsString (Path a pathState) where
fromString = static
It will generate a StaticCons with each time a piece of the path (well since "oauth2" does not contain any slashes, it will just have one block):
static :: String -> Path '[] 'Open
static s =
let pieces = filter (not . T.null) $ T.splitOn "/" $ T.pack s
in foldr StaticCons Empty pieces
I'd like to replace this boilerplate with code generation:
import qualified Y15.D01
import qualified Y15.D02
import qualified Y15.D03
import qualified Y15.D04
import qualified Y15.D05
import qualified Y15.D06HM
import qualified Y15.D06IO
import qualified Y15.D06ST
import qualified Y15.D07
import qualified Y15.D08
import qualified Y15.D09
import qualified Y15.D10
import qualified Y15.D11
import qualified Y15.D12
import qualified Y15.D13
days :: [(String, [String -> IO String])]
days =
[ ("Y15.D01", i2ios [Y15.D01.solve1, Y15.D01.solve2])
, ("Y15.D02", i2ios [Y15.D02.solve1, Y15.D02.solve2])
, ("Y15.D03", i2ios [Y15.D03.solve1, Y15.D03.solve2])
, ("Y15.D04", i2ios [Y15.D04.solve1, Y15.D04.solve2])
, ("Y15.D05", i2ios [Y15.D05.solve1, Y15.D05.solve2])
, ("Y15.D06HM",i2ios [Y15.D06HM.solve1, Y15.D06HM.solve2]) -- Data.Map.Strict
, ("Y15.D06IO",ioi2ios [Y15.D06IO.solve1, Y15.D06IO.solve2]) -- Data.Array.IO
, ("Y15.D06ST",i2ios [Y15.D06ST.solve1, Y15.D06ST.solve2]) -- Data.Array.ST
, ("Y15.D07", i2ios [Y15.D07.solve1, Y15.D07.solve2])
, ("Y15.D08", i2ios [Y15.D08.solve1, Y15.D08.solve2])
, ("Y15.D09", i2ios [Y15.D09.solve1, Y15.D09.solve2])
, ("Y15.D10", i2ios [Y15.D10.solve1, Y15.D10.solve2])
, ("Y15.D11", s2ios [Y15.D11.solve1, Y15.D11.solve2])
, ("Y15.D12", i2ios [Y15.D12.solve1, Y15.D12.solve2])
, ("Y15.D13", i2ios [Y15.D13.solve1, Y15.D13.solve2])
where s2ios :: [a -> b] -> [a -> IO b]
s2ios = fmap (return .)
i2ios :: [a -> Int] -> [a -> IO String]
i2ios = fmap ((return . show) .)
ioi2ios :: [a -> IO Int] -> [a -> IO String]
ioi2ios = fmap (fmap show .)
I am new to Template Haskell and I would appreciate any help/suggestions on where to start with these questions:
How to list modules in a project that match /Y\d\d.D\d\d.*/ pattern?
How to generate imports for p.1?
How to retrieve types of solve1 and solve2 fns from a given module?
How to generate days list?
With respect to question (2), Template Haskell cannot generate import statements. You can see a very old feature request for it in the bug tracker on GitLab but no one's been sufficiently inspired to implement it.
With respect to question (3), if modules have been imported and their names are available as strings, you can use TH to retrieve the type of a binding in each module like so. Given:
-- M001.hs
module M001 where
solve1 :: Int
solve1 = 10
-- M002.hs
module M002 where
solve1 :: IO Int
solve1 = return 20
-- THTest1.hs
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module THTest1 where
import M001
import M002
import Language.Haskell.TH
modules = ["M001", "M002"]
showType :: String -> Q ()
showType nm = do
Just n <- lookupValueName nm
VarI _ typ _ <- reify n
reportWarning $ show nm ++ " has type " ++ show typ
return ()
in do mapM_ showType (map (++ ".solve1") modules)
return []
Then compiling THTest.hs will generate two warnings:
warning: "M001.solve1" has type ConT GHC.Types.Int
warning: "M002.solve1" has type AppT (ConT GHC.Types.IO)
(ConT GHC.Types.Int)
For question (4), here's a simplified example using modules M001 and M002 as defined above. Compile this program with ghc -ddump-splices to see the definition generated for days:
-- THTest2.hs
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import M001
import M002
import Control.Monad
import GHC.Types
import Language.Haskell.TH
-- list of modules to search
modules = ["M001", "M002"]
-- assoc list of adapter function by argument type
funcs = [(ConT ''Int, 'return), (AppT (ConT ''IO) (ConT ''Int), 'id)]
getDay :: String -> Q Exp
getDay modname = do
-- look up name (e.g., M001.solve1)
Just n <- lookupValueName (modname ++ ".solve1")
-- get type of binding
VarI _ typ _ <- reify n
-- look up appropriate adapter function
let Just f = lookup typ funcs
-- ("M001", adapter_f M001.solve1)
[|($(pure $ LitE (StringL modname)),
$(pure $ AppE (VarE f) (VarE n)))|]
makeDays :: Q [Dec]
makeDays = do
[d| days :: [(String, IO Int)]
days = $(ListE <$> mapM getDay modules)
in makeDays
main = do
forM days $ \(modname, action) -> do
putStr modname
putStr ": "
print =<< action
Then running it will output:
M001: 10
M002: 20
While I can use reify to get information about most other syntactic constructs, I couldn't find anything that would give some information about a module.
Unfortunately Template Haskell currently has no such capabilities. All the solutions involve parsing of the module's source-code. However the location and loc_filename functions of TH make it easy to locate the module with the calling splice.
Here is a solution extracted from the source code of one of my projects:
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, TupleSections #-}
import Language.Haskell.TH
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as AP
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Traversable
import Prelude hiding (mapM)
reifyLocalFunctions :: Q [(Name, Type)]
reifyLocalFunctions =
listTopLevelFunctionLikeNames >>=
mapM (\name -> reifyFunction name >>= mapM (return . (name, ))) >>=
return . catMaybes
listTopLevelFunctionLikeNames = do
loc <- location
text <- runIO $ Text.readFile $ loc_filename loc
return $ map (mkName . Text.unpack) $ nub $ parse text
parse text =
either (error . ("Local function name parsing failure: " ++)) id $
AP.parseOnly parser text
parser =
AP.sepBy (optional topLevelFunctionP <* AP.skipWhile (not . AP.isEndOfLine))
AP.endOfLine >>=
return . catMaybes
topLevelFunctionP = do
head <- AP.satisfy Char.isLower
tail <- many (AP.satisfy (\c -> Char.isAlphaNum c || c `elem` ['_', '\'']))
return $ Text.pack $ head : tail
reifyFunction :: Name -> Q (Maybe Type)
reifyFunction name = do
tryToReify name >>= \case
Just (VarI _ t _ _) -> return $ Just $ t
_ -> return Nothing
tryToReify :: Name -> Q (Maybe Info)
tryToReify n = recover (return Nothing) (fmap Just $ reify n)
I have a file with strings which represent directories. Some of those strings have a tilde (~) in it.
I want to join the homedirectory (~) of a user to the rest of the string.
What I have so far:
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, getHomeDirectory)
import System.FilePath (joinPath)
getFullPath s
| "~" `isPrefixOf` s = joinPath [getHomeDirectory, tail s]
| otherwise = s
But I get the following error:
Couldn't match type `IO FilePath' with `[Char]'Expected type: FilePath Actual type: IO FilePathIn the expression: getHomeDirectoryIn the first argument of `joinPath', namely `[getHomeDirectory, tail s]'In the expression: joinPath
I don't know, and I can't find, how to convert the types so they match and can be joined together.
A more idiomatic solution than #user2720372 suggests is to split non-monadic code from monadic code. IO actions are monadic functions in IO monad.
If you only need getFullPath locally it makes sense to cache home directory:
fullPath homePath s
| "~" `isPrefixOf` s = joinPath [homePath, tail s]
| otherwise = s
main = do
homePath <- getHomeDirectory
let getFullPath = fullPath homePath
print $ getFullPath "~/foo"
If you still need full global getFullPath then it can be implemented like this:
getFullPath p = do
homePath <- getHomeDirectory
return $ fullPath homePath p
And it's considered a good style to keep fullPath and getFullPath separated.
Also you don't need isPrefixOf and tail in the first place for such a simple case:
fullPath homePath ('~' : t) = joinPath [homePath, t]
fullPath _ s = s
If you want just a monolithic getFullPath then #user2720372's variant can be simplified:
getFullPath s = do
homeDir <- getHomeDirectory
return $ case s of
('~' : t) -> joinPath [homeDir, t]
_ -> s
Note that the code above is just refactorings of your code preserving its wrong behavior: you should compare ~ with the first path component, not with the first path character. Use splitPath from System.FilePath:
getFullPath s = do
homeDir <- getHomeDirectory
return $ case splitPath s of
("~" : t) -> joinPath $ homeDir : t
_ -> s
Also, do-notation is only for complicated cases. If you use do-notation for simple two-liners it is almost certainly reducible to an application of fmap/<$>/>>=/>=>/liftM2 or other functions from Control.Monad and Control.Applicative.
Here is another version:
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory)
import System.FilePath (joinPath, splitPath)
getFullPath s = case splitPath s of
"~/" : t -> joinPath . (: t) <$> getHomeDirectory
_ -> return s
main = getFullPath "~/foo" >>= print
Here is yet another more modular, but less readable version:
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory)
import System.FilePath (joinPath, splitPath)
main = getFullPath "~/foo" >>= print
withPathComponents f = joinPath . f . splitPath
replaceHome p ("~/" : t) = p : t
replaceHome _ s = s
getFullPath path = withPathComponents . replaceHome <$> getHomeDirectory <*> return path
Haskell gurus are invited to rewrite it to preserve modularity but improve readability :)
getHomeDirectory :: IO FilePath
getHomeDirectory is not a function but an IO action so you have to unpack it within another IO action first.
getFullPath :: String -> IO FilePath
getFullPath s = do
homeDir <- getHomeDirectory
if "~" `isPrefixOf` s
then return (joinPath [homeDir, tail s])
else return s
Is there a way to create functions with implicit parameters or let bindings with implicit parameters using template haskell?
I.e. is it possible to generate a signature like this using template haskell:
doSomething :: (?context :: Context) => m a
Or an invocation like this:
invoc = let ?context = newContext in doSomething
I could not find suitable algebraic data types nor any functions which would help me out on this topic in the API documentation for template haskell. I'm using GHC 7.4.2.
If there is no native support for this extension in template haskell, is there some other possibility to inject code during compilation (maybe something like a general “code injection function” within template haskell?).
EDIT: I tried the suggestion from the comments, this is what happens:
runQ [d| f :: (?c :: String) => Int ; f = 7 |]
<interactive>:10:17: parse error on input `c'
whereas this works:
runQ [d| f :: Int ; f = 7|]
[SigD f_0 (ConT GHC.Types.Int),ValD (VarP f_0) (NormalB (LitE (IntegerL 7))) []]
doesn't seem to be supported.
Here's one way that's pretty fragile, but sort of works. While you can't refer
to ?x in the Exp that template haskell uses, you can refer to a definition in
another module like:
reserved_prefix_x = ?x
Below is some code that generates variables like above in one run of ghc,
and in a second run of ghc the variables actually refer to implicit parameters.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module GenMod (h) where
import Data.Generics
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Language.Haskell.Meta.Parse as P
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.QQ as Q
import System.IO.Unsafe
h = Q.hs { quoteExp = \s -> do
r <- either fail (upVars . return) (P.parseExp s)
return r
pfx = "q_"
{-# NOINLINE vars #-}
vars :: IORef (S.Set String)
vars = unsafePerformIO (newIORef S.empty)
writeMod' = runIO $ writeFile "GEN.hs" . ppMod =<< readIORef vars
writeMod = -- might be needed to avoid multiple calls to writeFile?
-- in this example this is called for every use of `h'
QuasiQuoter { quoteDec = \ _ -> do
[d| _ = () |] }
ppMod xs = "{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, ImplicitParams #-}\n\
\module GEN where\n" ++
unlines (map (\x -> pfx ++ x ++ " = ?" ++ x) (S.toList xs))
upVars x = do
x' <- x
runIO $ modifyIORef vars (S.union (getMatchingVars x'))
runIO $ print =<< readIORef vars
return x'
getMatchingVars =
(mkQ S.empty
(\ (OccName x) -> maybe S.empty S.singleton (stripPrefix pfx x)))
A Main.hs file that uses the quasiquoter GenMod.hs:
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, ImplicitParams, QuasiQuotes, TemplateHaskell, CPP #-}
import GenMod
#ifndef stage1
import GEN
f_ = [h| q_hithere |]
You have to call ghc twice, like:
ghci -Dstage1 Main.hs
GHCi, version 7.6.1: :? for help
[1 of 2] Compiling GenMod ( GenMod.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 2] Compiling Main ( Ex.hs, interpreted )
fromList ["hithere"]
Ex.hs:8:6: Not in scope: `q_hithere'
Failed, modules loaded: GenMod.
Though ghc fails, it still generates the GEN.hs which contains:
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, ImplicitParams #-}
module GEN where
q_hithere = ?hithere
Which will be there when you load Main (leaving out the -D flag)
*Main> :t f_
f_ :: (?hithere::t) => t
This kind of trouble probably isn't worth it. Maybe other situations of calling out to other programs from TH are more motivating such as inline calls to other languages (gfortran example)
Since I used haskell-src-meta's default parser, the quasiquote gets to use variables "reserved_prefix_x" not "?x". It should be possible to accept the "?x" without too much difficulty.
I've written a program in Haskell which had to load and parse big text file in UTF8. The file represents a dictionary with key:value pairs on each line. In my program I want to have a Data.Map container for fast dictionary search. My file is about 40MB, but after loading it to my program 1.5 GB of RAM is used, and never freed. What did I do wrong? Is the memory usage expected?
Here is a code sample from my program:
module Main where
import Engine
import Codec.Archive.Zip
import Data.IORef
import System.IO
import System.Directory
import qualified System.IO.UTF8 as UTF8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BsUtf
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Glade
maybeRead :: Read a => BsUtf.ByteString -> Maybe a
maybeRead s = case reads $ BsUtf.toString s of
[(x, "")] -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
parseToEntries :: [BsUtf.ByteString] -> [(BsUtf.ByteString, Int)]
parseToEntries [] = []
parseToEntries (x:xs) = let (key, svalue) = BsUtf.break (==':') x
value = maybeRead svalue
in case value of
Just x -> [(key, x)] ++ parseToEntries xs
Nothing -> parseToEntries xs
createDict :: BsUtf.ByteString -> IO (Map.Map BsUtf.ByteString Int)
createDict str = do
let entries = parseToEntries $ BsUtf.lines str
dict = Map.fromList entries
return (dict)
main :: IO ()
main = do
currFileName <- newIORef ""
dictZipFile <- B.readFile "data.db"
extractFilesFromArchive [] $ toArchive dictZipFile
dictFile <- UTF8.readFile "dict.txt"
dict <- createDict $ BsUtf.fromString dictFile
searchAccent :: Map.Map BsUtf.ByteString Int -> String -> Int
searchAccent dict word = let sword = BsUtf.fromString $ map toLower word
entry = Map.lookup sword dict
in case entry of
Nothing -> -1
Just match -> 0
Quick answer.
Main problem is that System.IO.UTF8.readFile reads file into String.
Supposed bottleneck is here:
dictFile <- UTF8.readFile "dict.txt"
dict <- createDict $ BsUtf.fromString dictFile
When dealing with UTF-8 text it is better to use Data.Text instead of ByteString.
Try something like this:
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as LT
dictFile <- B.readFile "dict.txt"
dict <- createDict $ LT.decodeUtf8 dictFile
Another bottleneck is parsing numbers: you are converting ByteString to String and then read it.
It's better to use Data.Text.Lazy.Read:
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Read as LT
maybeRead :: LT.Text -> Maybe Int
maybeRead s = case LT.decimal s of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right i -> Just i
The Haskell String type is an indirect (because of laziness) linked list of characters; it is extremely wasteful space-wise. You may wish to try Data.Text (from instead, for large amounts of text.
(edit now that source is up I see the strings are lazy ByteString instead of String, so this is not relevant. Profiling is the next step.)