Azure Management Libraries Resource Re-Creation - azure

What actually happens within Azure when I create a resource with Azure Management Libraries, and then recreate the same exact resource? Does it "see" that the same exact resource is there and doesn't do anything? Or does it wipe out the existing resource and create a new, exact same one?

If there is a resource within azure, then you try to use Management Libraries to create the same exact resource. The library will first check it's name availability, if the name is in used(which means it's not available), then it will return false(an error will throw in your code) to indicate you cannot create this resource.
Hope it helps.


How to import a remote resource while performing an apply in Terraform?

I'm using Terraform to create some resources. One of the side effects of creating the resource is the creation of another resource (let's call this B). The issue is that I can't access B to edit it in terraform because terraform considers it as "out of the state". I can't also import B in the state before the terraform apply is started because B does not exist.
Is there any solution to add (import) a remote resource to the state while running the apply command?
I'm thinking about this as a general question, if there was no solution I can also share the details of the resources I'm creating.
More details:
When I create a "Storage Account" on Azure using Terraform and enable static_website, Azure automatically creates a storage_container named $web. I need to edit one of the attributes of the $web container but Terraform tells me it is not in the current state and needs to be imported. Storage Account is A, Container is B
Unfortunately I do not have an answer to your specific question of importing a resource during an apply. The fundamental premise of Terraform is that it manages resources from creation. Therefore, you need to have a (in this case, azurerm_storage_container) resource declared, before you can import the current state of that resource into your state.
In an ideal world you would be able to explicitly create the container first and specify that the storage account uses that, but a quick look in the docs does not suggest that is an option (and I think is something you have already tried). If it is not exposed in Terraform, that is likely because it is not exposed by the Azure API (Disclaimer: not an Azure user)
The only (bad) answer I can think to suggest, is that you define an azurerm_storage_container data resource in your code, dependent on the the azurerm_storage_account resource, that will be able to pull back the details of the created container. You could then potentially have a null_resource that calls a local-exec provisioner that can fire a CLI command, using the params taken from the data resource to allow you to use the Azure CLI tools to edit the container.
I really hope someone else can come along with a better answer tho :|

Azure resource groups and resources deployed to same locations

This is probably an elemental question, but why would you want to ensure that resources are deployed to the same locations as their resource groups? I'm getting out of compliance issues with HIPPA and from CloudSploit about this and I'd like to get some more details around it as I know it deals with meta data but I'm not crystal clear.
Thanks in advance
Resources within a resource group need not always be deployed in the same location as the resource group. But there is a built-in Azure Policy available to audit this condition that one may choose to enable.
The resource group location serves two purposes:
First: The resource group stores metadata about the resources. When you specify a location for the resource group, you're specifying where that metadata is stored. Now, for compliance reasons, you may need to ensure that your data is stored within a particular region.
Second: If the resource group's region is temporarily unavailable, you can't update resources in the resource group because the metadata is unavailable. The resources in other regions will still function as expected, but you can't update them.
For knowing more about the factors to consider while defining your resrouce groups, check the Azure Resource Manager documentation.

AKS template creates new resource groups

When I create an AKS cluster using Azure portal I can see that new resource groups are created. It seems that I have no control over how they are named, especially the one with with "MC_" prefix. I also don't see an option to change its name when using ARM template.
In addition, if I create a cluster in customer's subscription, where I only have access to 1 resource group, I don't even see the newly created RG and can't manage it.
Is there a way to force deployment of all AKS components into a single resource group?
No, there is no way to force it at this point in time. As for the access, you should request access to that RG. No real workarounds.
Secondary resource group name can be inferred, I think, its something like:
it also creates OMS resource group (if you enable OMS) and Network Watcher (this can be disabled, btw, but its a provider setting). you have no control over that as well.
there is a not implemented yet nodeResourceGroup property:
EDIT: this is actually working right now, so the nodeResourceGroup property can be used. But it would still be a new resource group, so you would still need to request access to that group and using this property is not possible with the portal (so ARM Templates\pulumi\terraform)

Update WadCfg "only" of existing Azure Service Fabric cluster?

I want to monitor Perfomance metrics of a existing Service Fabric Cluster.
Here is the link of Performance metrics -
I went through this Microsoft documentation -
My problem is, The ARM template I downloaded during Service Fabric creation time is quite big and contains lot of params and I don't have the template-params file. I think it is possible to build the params file but it will be time consuming.
Is it possible to download template and template-params file of
existing service fabric cluster ?
If no, Is it possible to just update the "WadCfg" section to add new
performance counters ?
Your can export your entire resource group with all definitions and parameters, there you can find all parameters(as default parameters) for the resources deployed in the resource group. I've never done for SF cluster, but a quick look to an existing resource group I have I could see the cluster definition included.
This link explain how:
In Summary:
Find the resource group where your cluster is deployed
Open the resource group and navigate to 'Automation Scripts'
Click 'Download' on top bar
Open the ARM template with all definitions
Make the modifications and save
Publish the updates
You could also add it to a library and deploy from there, as guided in the link above.
From the docs: Not all resource types support the export template function. To resolve this issue, manually add the missing resources back into your template.
To be honest, I've never deployed this way other than test environments, so I am not sure if it is safe for production.

Azure manage compute API is failing with InvalidAPIVersion error

I am trying to use Azure resource manager and Azure Compute Management APIs to get list of virtual machines in a resource group and all of virtual machine properties. It's failing with InvalidAPIVersion error even though I have updated to latest version. As per the error it expects older version no but i don't see any old library with such a version. Can someone please suggest what am I missing?
VirtualMachineGetResponse vm = m_computeClient.VirtualMachines.Get("/subscriptions/1f94c869-####-####-####-055e8ae15be3/resourceGroups/TestGroup", "TestMachine");
m_computeClint is an object of ComputeManagementClient class in name space Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute
Is this because resource provider is Microsoft.ClassicCompute?
Error message:
InvalidApiVersionParameter: The api-version '2015-05-01-preview' is invalid. The supported versions are '2015-01-01,2014-04-01-preview,2014-04-01,2014-01-01,2013-03-01,2014-02-26,2014-04'.
If you're using the resource group management api, you're definitely going to get an invalidapiversionparameter using ClassicCompute. The resource management compute provider is "Microsoft.Compute"; ClassicCompute exists only to view VMs that were already created using the service management API.
Right now, you should keep the two APIs and resources separate. Did you create the VM using the preview portal ( or using PowerShell? If the former, it has almost (but not quite) converted over to using the resource management api. Try following these steps:
Hope that helps.
