Are there any examples of using gwt for nodejs? [closed] - node.js

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have a java library which I wish to use in nodejs. Please send me an example gwt application which compiles to the single js file and it is compatible with nodejs.

GWT resulting code can be executed in any JS engine, it is just a java to js transpiler. But it is probably useless (or unnecessary complicated) to use GWT to run the transpiled code in the server-side.
If you are going to develop in JS, then you can create both the client and server sides in JS. Otherwise, if you have a Java server, you can use GWT to program the client-side in Java too. In both cases, the main goal is to share code in the same language but executed in different platforms, the browser (client-side) and the JVM (server-side).
If you still want to execute GWT code in node, you can get inspired by this library (outdated):
A modern solution will be to access node.js API using JsInterop and using SSO (Single Script).


nightwatch.js - how to prevent browser to open for api tests [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am looking for best javascript framework that can be used for both UI and api tests. I am wondering if nightwatch.js can be good for it.
Works great with browser, but can't prevent browser to open for api tests
You could avoid calling any browser commands of nightwatch and just use the test structure of nightwatchjs to trigger api calls and assert them with good old node assert but personally I would keep them separate.
UI tests take time and are brittle where API tests take a fraction of the time and require less maintenance.
Nightwatchjs is designed as UI test framework and although you could possibly hack it to do what you want, you will end up spending more resources to do so.

Electron Application with plugin modules [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am looking to build an application that has cross platform with a plugin architecture. I see that Electron is a good fit for kind of requirement, however I am unable to understand how the plugin architecture can be implemented in electron.
Think of this as a tool that will evolve over time with team adding new functionalities over time. I am looking at making this as a plugin and delivered to the app to enable new features (UI + Logic) once the application is deployed.
I am really new to both NodeJs and electron so this may sound very basic ask, however I have been looking around the net but can't see any explanation on how to address my requirement. Can someone please help me point to the right resources on the net.
I am using Vue and Vuetify at work. I tried to implement them on electron and I can suggest you to do same thing. There are some plugins that automatically add vue support to your current electron project without any effort. Once you add vue support its like developing a web client but only difference is you have node.js functionalities. After you do that you can make a project structure that you split your modules how ever you want. I may share the project structure that I use in my projects if you want. I can edit my post depending on your questions if you want to go on this way. Cheers!!

Is node js is middleware? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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When I have started learning nodeJs , I was consider this as a server side back end language . But then I came to know from a senior developer that NodeJs is not back end , it is middle ware .
I don't find any specific article for this point .. can anyone clear this . Is it only middle ware , or can be use as middle ware language with a server side language ?
please read this
indeed node.js behave like back-end and can replace php,
there are a lot of supported framework to do mvc application on node.js, e.g., express, koa
It supported by the google V8 engine, compile to c++, making js more efficiency and faster. So it can do lots things not only server side or middleware.
Because the rapid development, lots company use it as middleware, then the front-end can write both side code.

How to make load testing for web application that based on Webrtc [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Im trying to make load testing for web application that based on Webrtc,
does someone knows with whitch tool can I test that application.
also I`d like to know if i can use Jmeter and if so , how can i use it ?
thanks a head
When it comes to load testing, WebRTC is different. And that's because WebRTC is peer-to-peer and not client server.
What you can test is the client server part, more specifically the signaling server and the STUN/TURN server. For these, you can easily use JMeter as for any web server. For STUN/TURN just follow the specs (though if you're using an existing server, I would leave this into the authors hands, unless you want to involve in that project too). For the signaling server, it depends on how you build it.
What you can also do with WebRTC is try to test with a controlled limited bandwidth and delay/jitter. This will be more like a smoke test, than a load one. To do this automatically is a little bit more complicated. especially if you want to do it with audio/video, not data.

pure javascript client for mongo on node? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there a javascript only mongo client?
the node mongo driver is native, right? I can see kerberos being compiled on install. plus some places it is called "native mongo node.js client".
this page says the following
It is written in pure JavaScript and provides a native asynchronous Node.js interface to MongoDB
but that just means it has compiled dependencies, right?
it is all very confusing.
I am looking for a mongo client that does not require any kind of compilation for nodejs. does one exist?
The top end of the driver is javascript, the speed critical parts are native, or it was easier to include an established/proven package like kerberos. Note that easier does not imply lazy - it implies that no implementor has yet thought the effort justified the benefit.
Drivers are listed here and it is interesting to note that there are not even minor projects that attempt to write a javascript only solution - as one might see in, say, Java.
Many more complex/mature node packages require compiled dependencies; building node products for the target platform is standard and services like Travis make this easy.
I suggested you using mongoose. this very popular.
