pure javascript client for mongo on node? [closed] - node.js

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there a javascript only mongo client?
the node mongo driver is native, right? I can see kerberos being compiled on install. plus some places it is called "native mongo node.js client".
this page says the following
It is written in pure JavaScript and provides a native asynchronous Node.js interface to MongoDB
but that just means it has compiled dependencies, right?
it is all very confusing.
I am looking for a mongo client that does not require any kind of compilation for nodejs. does one exist?

The top end of the driver is javascript, the speed critical parts are native, or it was easier to include an established/proven package like kerberos. Note that easier does not imply lazy - it implies that no implementor has yet thought the effort justified the benefit.
Drivers are listed here and it is interesting to note that there are not even minor projects that attempt to write a javascript only solution - as one might see in, say, Java.
Many more complex/mature node packages require compiled dependencies; building node products for the target platform is standard and services like Travis make this easy.

I suggested you using mongoose. this very popular.


When should I use nodejs and when should I use mongoDB [closed]

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Closed 9 months ago.
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I read many documents about node js and MongoDB. But the regret is that I can't understand when I should use nodejs and when I should use MongoDB. If anyone here who can tell me the details, it will be very helpful for me.
MongoDB and NodeJS are two different technologies. MonogDB is a database system which gives you a chance to efficiently store documents in a database and to perform operations like data updates, or to search documents by some criterias.
NodeJS's responsibilty is especially to execute your application.
Node.js is a javaScript runtime environment where you can run/execute your javaScript codes meaning it's like the grill to barbeque the turkey and MongoDB on the other hand is totally different technology where you will store your data's in mostly .json format meaning it's like the chilli sauce you can use it to your barbeque or if it's not your likeness you can choose tomato sauce instead. But if you are going to learn MERN stack then you need to learn both with react.js and express.js. Home it helps.
You are comparing two totally different things. MongoDB is a Database while Node JS is a coding environment. They are related in the sense that you can configure MongoDB in Node JS.
The thing is pretty straightforward.
NodeJs is better for high I/O intensive applications and bad for CPU intensive applications.
Use MongoDB if you have no/fewer relationships among the data you are storing. But if you have a specific structure of data that you are storing or there are some relations between the data you are storing then go for a relational database.

Are there any examples of using gwt for nodejs? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have a java library which I wish to use in nodejs. Please send me an example gwt application which compiles to the single js file and it is compatible with nodejs.
GWT resulting code can be executed in any JS engine, it is just a java to js transpiler. But it is probably useless (or unnecessary complicated) to use GWT to run the transpiled code in the server-side.
If you are going to develop in JS, then you can create both the client and server sides in JS. Otherwise, if you have a Java server, you can use GWT to program the client-side in Java too. In both cases, the main goal is to share code in the same language but executed in different platforms, the browser (client-side) and the JVM (server-side).
If you still want to execute GWT code in node, you can get inspired by this library (outdated):
A modern solution will be to access node.js API using JsInterop and using SSO (Single Script).

Electron Application with plugin modules [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am looking to build an application that has cross platform with a plugin architecture. I see that Electron is a good fit for kind of requirement, however I am unable to understand how the plugin architecture can be implemented in electron.
Think of this as a tool that will evolve over time with team adding new functionalities over time. I am looking at making this as a plugin and delivered to the app to enable new features (UI + Logic) once the application is deployed.
I am really new to both NodeJs and electron so this may sound very basic ask, however I have been looking around the net but can't see any explanation on how to address my requirement. Can someone please help me point to the right resources on the net.
I am using Vue and Vuetify at work. I tried to implement them on electron and I can suggest you to do same thing. There are some plugins that automatically add vue support to your current electron project without any effort. Once you add vue support its like developing a web client but only difference is you have node.js functionalities. After you do that you can make a project structure that you split your modules how ever you want. I may share the project structure that I use in my projects if you want. I can edit my post depending on your questions if you want to go on this way. Cheers!!

Is there a batteries-included server framework for graphQL api? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I enjoy using loopback to quickly build a REST api, with a fair amount of scaffolding. All I need to do is define my data, write any custom validations, and add any other server-side logic. For simple requirements, you can have a RESTful API in minutes. What about GraphQL?
Loopback doesn't support GraphQL. A quick websearch shows a few grapql servers like express-graphql. Is there a more batteries-included option? I don't want to write a web-server. I want a framework, but I can't find such.
I just want a functioning and stable data-abstraction layer, access control, a graphQL interface, and a solid way to connect all of these reliably. Is there a solution available already?
I would prefer a solution using either nodejs or python
It may help you to know that I have just discovered GraphQL. So maybe my question shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the topic, maybe I'm ignoring something obvious. If so, enlighten me.
Does Apollo server come closer to what you're looking for? https://github.com/apollostack/apollo-server/blob/master/README.md
express-graphql's main goal is to be a minimal reference implementation, whereas Apollo Server's goal is to be a complete production-ready GraphQL server.

Whether to use MEAN.js or not? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What advantages we will get if we use MEAN.js framework over our homegrown MEAN packaging? we are not going to use angular.js (A part of MEAN.js)
Will we face any API versioning issues? Will there be any issues related versioning of packages in MEAN?
Is it really complex to use MEAN.js as compared to creating own structure to use manage APIs, etc.
I was trying to create custom MEAN stack myself, but it was only a matter of time when i realized, that MEAN is not only MongoDB, Express, Angular and Node. Just look at node modules to see how many additional things there are. Authorization(passport.js), connectors, parsers, test libraries, mailer, promieses, etc. When i was starting I didn't find these tools useful, but now I would add most of them to my custom MEAN. Thats why I use MEAN.js stack
We can't possibly know whether your configuration will work better than MEAN.js because we know neither your needs, nor your configuration. MEAN.js provides an API out-of-the-box and supports scaffolding (via yeoman) which generates files and code with a single command. I am not a huge framework enthusiast in general, but I have to admit that development became much more easier and enjoyable since we switched to MEAN.js (ditching our own custom MEAN stack).
