How to invalidate or refresh notification buttons - google-cast

Is there any way to change the notification buttons depending on the type of content being casted. Skip button makes sense only for on demand content and not for live content.
In current API, CastOptionsProvider is used only once when the cast content is initialized.

Not possible right now but could be supported in a new version.


event listener when tab is changed

I need to store some data every time I move to some other tab in the same window or some other window using chrome storage API or even when a new tab is created. So, basically when my active tab is no longer active anymore.
So, for example, If I am on tab A and then I move to tab B(or create a new tab). When this switching happens from A to B, I need to save data from the website running in tab A. (I am getting the data from the site in tab A using content script.)
A more concrete example would be, suppose I am on YOutube site and I have a timeout timer running(using a content script). So when I move to some other site I want to stop the time get the current remaining time and save that. and if the other site is youtube too(in tab B) I would start the time from the previously saved value.
Is there any event listener for this? I looked at the documentation for chrome.tabs but could not figure it out.
I saw onActivated event listener but I am not sure if that would be useful.
Or is there some other way to achieve this?
Yes, according to the documentation onActivated:
Fires when the active tab in a window changes.
As an alternative, also can use content scripts that notify your extension when a page gain or loses focus with window.onfocus and window.onblur.
This way you'll be able to track the visibility of the tabs, though you should carefully select the required permission.

Blue Prism Write to Web Client

Has anyone had any problems writing data to a web client data field?
Having spied the field to be written in, the write action correctly writes the value from the data item into the web field. We then "Save" the value in the field by clicking the Save button. This is when the value reverts back to the value that was previously in the field and does not save the new value.
Copying the value from the data item and pasting it directly into the web field and hitting save works fine, but for some reason when Blue Prism does the write action and then save, the new value is not saved.
Any suggestions?
This is probably due to the way the web application is coded - specifically, the data in the box is not acknowledged until a keydown event (or similar) is fired. When you copy/paste the data into the field, it fires a similar event where it believes the user to have interacted with the field.
The solution for this type of field is to use the Send Keys or Global Send Keys functionalities of Blue Prism to send the desired text.
It happens when the target application uses java script events to sense the changes in the element. To handle this , you have to use the send keys in following format.
1. Focus the application / Control
2. Send Global mouse click centre to the element
3. Send "Sendkeys" to the application now.
4. Focus a dummy element in the page to let the page sense your input.
If the old value is already higlighted when the spied field is selected, try getting BP to delete it first, then paste in the new value, then click on the field again, then save. If this doesn't work, then uncheck the URL attribute of the application model you are using for the spied field and try this again.

How to hide URL Selector content tab?

I am creating a custom webpart using the Url Selector from kentico. I want the user to select content just from the Media Library. I went to form controls -> Url Selector -> Properties -> Dialogs_Content_Hide -> Default Value -> Yes and it still showing it in the Web Part. If I select the Dialogs_Web_Hide, Dialogs_Libraries_Hide and select the yes option in the default values, they hide, all except the Content_Dialogs.
Is this a bug? Or its something wrong?
Here is an example of the tabs
First set the form controls properties back to the way they were. If you don't, it will cause all kinds of problems later on.
Secondly, when you create the property in the webpart in the UI, select the URL selector form control for your text fields control. The scroll down just a bit and under the Editing Control Settings you'll see an "Configure" link. Click it. In there you will be able to tell the form control what tabs you want to enable and disable.
To add to Brenden's answer; if this is something you need to do a lot for your current build, then I'd also suggest making a copy of the Url selector form control and customize the properties as you originally mentioned. This way, you leave the default control in place for the system and have a control tailored to your needs. I've done this just now to check with a new form control that I called Media URL selector. Do make sure that you select the same source file as the original control in the Cloned form control file name property - Kentico by default will try to locate a new file called <original filename>_1.ascx. The reason for this is that admin section of your site also makes use of this control, so you may cause a nasty side effect somewhere else in the system.
As for why the settings had no effect; these are the default values you are setting. If you already have the form control in use, then the default setting would have been applied as they originally were. If you find one of the fields in question, you can change the control type to Text box, click Save, and then reassign it to Media URL selector.

Kentico V9 Confirm form submission with javascript history.back

My repeater has enough data where I see my pagination. When I view the detail transformation for any items after the first page, the history.back() button gives me the form submission error.
Short of hard coding the back button, what's the easiest solution to avoid this?
I assume the "history.back()" is your javascript? The pagination is most likely occurring through postback, and any navigation back will require that same post data being sent.
One option is you can make the pagination not postback, but instead URL based. In the "Paging" area of your repeater, set the Mode to "QueryString" and set a querystring key (like "page"). Try that!
Otherwise you will need to do a window.location = "/The/Previous/Url" so it won't event attempt a postback and will simply direct them to the page, but your page you were last on will be lost.
Wrap the webpart in an update panel. In the webpart you can check the box to do this very easy and leave the rest of your configurations the way they are. If other elements on the page require a postback or rely on that webparts values then you may have to wrap all of them in an update panel.

Alerts or Popups in MvvmCross

Does MvvmCross support a cross platform solution for displaying alerts or popups?
Searching the code I found MvxDialogActivityView but it has been commented out. Will this remain the case for now?
If there is no direct support how would you suggest this is best done? (Perhaps the ViewModel would change a property and call FirePropertyChanged so that the View would be aware of it and show an alert.)
Edit 16:04 16th June 2012
What I am trying to do for this specific case is as follows:
On the page a button is clicked, which causes a method to run in the ViewModel which does an evaluation to determine which of two messages should be shown to the customer. The message would be shown as an alert or popup (either native, or preferably totally styled by me). The message would fade after (the click of the OK button, or preferably 3 seconds).
After the message has been dismissed a new page will be navigated too (depending on which of the two messages was shown).
How to handle this definitely depends on what the situation is - there's no single best rule (IMHO)
For a general error display pattern, there's one proposal at
I've used similar patterns for showing application level notifications - e.g. for when a long running operation completes or when a chat message arrives or...
One interesting post about how to display message boxes was: - I'm not sure I'd completely follow the end solution, but there are definitely some good points there about what not to do.
For your updated scenario, I would consider using a messenger (like TinyMessenger) or using normal C# events exposed by the ViewModel and consumed by its View
On the page a button is clicked, which causes a method to run in the ViewModel
I would implement this using an ICommand bound to the button Click/Tap/TouchDown
which does an evaluation to determine which of two messages should be shown to the customer.
I would definitely implement the logic within a Service
This would be called from the ViewModel - and the result/decision would probably cause some property or private field state change.
How does the View then decide to show a message? I can think of 3 options:
The View could just respond to a Property change (normal Mvvm INPC) - this would be my preference
The ViewModel could expose a normal C# event which it triggers...
The ViewModel could send a Message
This last option (Messenging) is probably the most flexible solution here - it decouples the View and ViewModel in case you later decide to change responsibilities. To implement messenging, either:
implement your own hub (like I do for errors in
or use a generic solution like TinyMessenger
The message would be shown as an alert or popup (either native, or preferably totally styled by me).
This is a View concern - so would be entirely controlled by the View project. I'd use controls like: UIAlert, Toast, ToastPrompt, etc - all of which can be styled
The message would fade after (the click of the OK button, or preferably 3 seconds). After the message has been dismissed...
I'd use some form of Code Behind (or maybe a Behaviour in WP7) in the View. This would detect the click/fade/disappear and would then invoke either an ICommand (my preference) or public method on the ViewModel
a new page will be navigated too
This navigation would be requested from the ViewModel
(depending on which of the two messages was shown).
This would be easy to track through the above flow... presumably the ViewModel already knows what to show.
So that's what I'd do...
it keeps the application flow logic inside the ViewModels (and lower)
it keeps the presentation inside the Views
...but I'm sure there are other options :)
One final note... the fade out and then navigate logic can really get "messed up" by Switching/Tombstoning on WP7 and Android - this may or may not matter for your particular scenario.
