Python gcloud api client : How to get instance price, uptime and name of user that created a particular instance - python-3.x

Am using python googleapi client library to get instance data for a project
Am getting instances like this:
from googleapiclient import discovery
from google.oauth2 import service_account
scopes = ['']
service_cred_file = 'service-credentials.json'
zone = 'us-central1-c'
project_id = 'my_project_id'
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(service_cred_file, scopes=scopes)
service ='compute', 'v1', credentials=credentials)
request = service.instances().list(project=project_id, zone=zone)
while request is not None:
response = request.execute()
for instance in response['items']:
Instance response does not contain instance price, uptime and user data (data of user that created instance)
How can i get these attributes?

The shortest answer to your question is that, currently, it is not possible to get this information from the “compute” API.
However, there are other APIs which can give you this information, even if not as easy as just retrieving a property from an instance.
For uptime and user data you could use the Monitoring Client Library.
For user data you can use this client library to look for the logs of the “insert” protoPayload.methodName for a specific instance, and get the information about the user from the protoPayload.authenticationInfo property.
To get information about the uptime, you would need to set uptime checks and calculate the uptime from the logs generated by the check you created.
For information about pricing however, it’s not possible to do the same.
I was looking through different possible solutions and I even found the page for the Cloud Billing API, which has a skus() method, however since the documentation is scarce, and there is no filter for specific instances as resources, this would probably be even harder to implement.


Is it ok to store user's secrets in PropertiesService.getUserProperties()?

I am developing a Google Workspace Addon (standalone script) which will make REST API calls to external service and for that purpose it needs to provide an API key.
I request the API key input from a user and then store it in PropertiesService in the following way:
function onSheets(e) {
const userProperties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();
const saved_api_key = userProperties.getProperty('api_key');
const api_key: string = saved_api_key ? saved_api_key : "";
const builder = CardService.newCardBuilder();
const apiKeyInput = CardService.newTextInput().setTitle('API Key')
.setHint('Enter your API Key')
const saveApiKey = CardService.newAction().setFunctionName('saveApiKeyFn');
const button = CardService.newTextButton().setText('Save').setOnClickAction(saveApiKey);
const optionsSection = CardService.newCardSection()
function saveApiKeyFn(e) {
const api_key = e.formInput.api_key;
const userProperties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();
userProperties.setProperty('api_key', api_key);
return CardService.newActionResponseBuilder()
.setText("API Key saved"))
Since userProperties are scoped to a current user it seems fine. But I have serveral problems with this solution:
Is this really safe? I mean it is stored in plain text so maybe there are ways to retrive it by other mailcious user?
The idea that by mistake I would use getScriptProperties() and thus leak one user's API key to all other users gives me nightmares. It is highly sensitive API key. It would cost a user tons of money if abused.
I read that some user's suggest but I am not sure it's fit for this particular scenario. It would require one more external API call. It is not free. And lastly from what I underestand I would be sort of an owner of all of these secrets since I will be the owner of the Google Cloud project in which this API runs.
All I want is for the users to be able to store their keys safely, so that no one else including me can never access them.
What would you suggest? Thanks!
Is this really safe? I mean it is stored in plain text so maybe there are ways to retrive it by other mailcious user?
Security is relative. There's no such thing as absolute secrecy. Here are some attack scenarios:
Google employees or support may have unrestricted access
If a particular user installed a trigger, that trigger runs as that user and other users, if they can trigger the script and have edit access to the script, will be able to access the keys. A common scenario would be a installed edit trigger in a sheet. User B can access user A, if he can make a edit as well as edit the script. As mentioned in the comments by doubleunary, this is less of a problem in a published add on, as the source code is not accessible or editable.
Encrypting keys is a possibility. But, where would you store the decrypting key? You could ask every user to have a custom password for decrypting the key. But how many times are you going to make a API call? Would they have to enter the key every time? At what point does convenience overtake the need for secrecy?
The idea that by mistake I would use getScriptProperties() and thus leak one user's API key to all other users gives me nightmares. It is highly sensitive API key. It would cost a user tons of money if abused.
That is a possibility, but one that's easily avoidable by careful code review by yourself and your peers.
Those are the scenarios I could think of.
Securely Storing API Secrets used in Google Apps Script - Published Library

Need help and guidance for accessing operationId in nodejs application

We are using nodejs as my backend application and react native in front end. And azure application insights for logging. In UI side, we are redirecting to Stripe checkout page(external page) for payment and then coming back to our application's confirmation page. Here we are loosing the flow on end-to-end transaction. My requirement is to link pre-stripe and post-stripe operation into one single flow. For this my approach of solving this problem is accessing OPERATIONID and pass it to stripe and receive it back from Stripe and use it in confirmation page so that we will one single flow. I Need help in guiding me to the right documentation/ solution proposals.
I read some articles(eg: How to get Application Insights operation id in javascript?) and figured out that operationId is a uniqueID which gets created out of my application and cant access it in the application. I tried to use below code and got response of that operationID as "" but seems like this is not the right pattern(value) of operationId.
import { defaultClient } from 'applicationinsights';
const telemetryClient = defaultClient;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
The main function of operationId is to help tracking distributed systems so you can correlate requests. So as given in this documentation in nodejs client, you should set the setDistributedTracingMode to appInsights.DistributedTracingModes.AI_AND_W3C as shown below.
const appInsights = require("applicationinsights");
.setup("<your ikey>")
You should be able to get the operation id using the following code snippet.
const AppInsights = require("applicationinsights");
var context = AppInsights.getCorrelationContext();
var oid =;
If it does not solve your problem then, I would suggest you to set to be a unique id by yourself and confirm if this is tracked by the Application Insights properly.
Also note that the latest version of the JavaScript SDK (SDK v2) for Application Insights have some changes as given in this document.
Moved context.operation to context.telemetryTrace. Some fields were also changed ( --> telemetryTrace.traceID).
To keep the trace ID unique, where you previously used Util.newId(), now use Util.generateW3CId(). Both ultimately end up being the operation ID.
For more information read this log custom telemetry document.

Can't call any methods made available by's web API

I'm trying to get data from, which is a government website where they post contracts that vendors can bid in. They have a document containing ways of accessing information on the site through SOAP requests, which is what I'm trying to do. Although all of the examples in that document are in PHP, I am trying to make my requests in Python, because I've never done anything with PHP before.
To make the SOAP requests in Python, I'm using zeep.
Right now, I can successfully authenticate myself through HTTP, but no matter what method I try to call, I always get the same error: This user has an inactive agency.
Here is the code I'm using to send the request
from requests import Session
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import zeep
from zeep.transports import Transport
test = ""
prod = ""
session = Session()
session.auth = HTTPBasicAuth("sample_username", "sample_password")
client = zeep.Client(f"{test}/ws/fbo_api.php?wsdl", transport=Transport(session=session))
dictionary = {"notice_type": "PRESOL"}
I realize this is a long shot, but what could be causing this error? I can't find anything even remotely related to the error anywhere on the internet.
Per the Federal Service Desk:
The FBO API is only available for government user accounts.
Some of the FBO data is available at:
Currently, FBO is in the process of moving to SAM, and will have a public API once the move is complete. The new API is under development, with the latest specification at:
FBO.GOV has been retired as of 11/12/2019 along with the bulk download, use the following instead,

Google Analytics API service object - no management attribute

I am trying to set up an application that uses the Google Analytics API. I have all the authorization steps working correctly and can pull all the data as expected. However, at the moment, it is working because I have hardcoded my own view ID into the queries to the API. E.g:
response = analytics.reports().batchGet(
"viewId": "ga:12345678",
From what I understand, what I need to do is before I start querying the data, is use the service object to first get a view Id (or list of View Ids), then use that in the data queries. I have been attempting to do just that and have been failing miserably. Basically, I have the following (just to get the first step of a list of accounts):
credentials = client.OAuth2Credentials.from_json(session['credentials'])
http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http())
analytics = build('analytics', 'v4', http=http) #create the service object
data =
The error I am getting is 'Resource' object has no attribute 'management'. What am I missing here??
Ok, so for those who come across this question, the issue seemed to be that, as of the time of writing, version 4 of the API does not have the management features. What I/we did instead was build a second service to get the account details using version 3:
service = build('analytics', 'v3', http=http)
accounts =
That seemed to do the trick, although there was some additional fiddling required in order to get the view ID(s). However, once you have the object, it is just a matter of manipulating the object as needed.

Can A Mobile Application use TrueVault to store JSON data without a "middleman" server?

I have been reading the documentation at but I am a little confused. I read this on the true vault site:
If you plan on using any of the server-side libraries, please ensure
any hosting environment you use is HIPAA compliant.
I took this to mean that TrueValut could support a standalone (client side only) mobile application architecture. Where the TrueVault API was the only server side interaction.
However my understanding of the documentation is that:
An API_KEY is required to register a new user.
Any API_KEY provides full access to all data vaults and JSON documents stored in TrueVault.
If both of these assumptions are correct that would mean it would be impossible to register new users directly from the client side app, forcing me to use a costly and resource intensive HIPPA compliment web server. The only way to get around this would be top hard code the API_KEY into the app, an obvious no go if that API_KEY can access all of my TrueVault data.
For my use case I have the following requirements for TrueVault for me to be able to consider using it (I would imagine these requirements are the same for anyone looking to develop a client side only healthcare application):
A user can sign up via the API directly from my client side app without requiring any sensitive keys or root auth data.
A user can authenticate using only the data they provided to sign up (username/email/password). My app is multi platform I cant ask them to remember their API keys to log in.
A user can Read/Write/Update/Delete data linked to their profile. They can not access any data from another user using their credentials.
Is TrueVault able to deliver these three basic requirements?
If the answer to this is "No" I would recommend you update this text on your website as there are not going to me any viable HIPPA compliment applications that can be supported by TrueVault without an independent server side interface.
I'm currently using AWS Lambda as a solution. Lambda is HIPPA compliant, more info here. Lambda is also a low cost solution.
Here is an example of the code I'm running on Lambda using Node.js.
var request = require('request-promise');
var _ = require('lodash');
function encodeBase64(str) {
return (new Buffer(str)).toString('base64');
var baseUrl = '';
var headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8'
var req = request.defaults({
baseUrl: baseUrl,
headers: _.extend({
Authorization: 'Basic ' + encodeBase64('your api key:')
}, headers),
transform: function(body) {
return JSON.parse(body);
exports.handler = function(event, context) {'users', {
form: {
password: event.password,
attributes: encodeBase64(JSON.stringify({
}).then(function() {
context.succeed({user: user});
In general, you are correct - if you include zero server-side processing between user and TrueVault, then the API keys will be public. At least, I don't know of any way to avoid this.
That being said, it is incorrect to jump to "any API_KEY provides full access to all data vaults and JSON documents stored in TrueVault." - that's not the case if setup properly.
TrueVault API keys are able to be narrowed in scope quite a lot. Limiting a key to only Write permission on {Vault#1}, a second key to only Read permission on {Vault#2}, a third key to allow uploading Blogs in {Vault#1&#3}, quite a few variations, a forth for deleting information from {Vault#2}, and on as needed. You can also limit permissions specifically to content "owned" by the API key (e.g. user-specific keys) Full documentation here.
There are also limited scope keys (set expiry time, usage count, limit to any of the prior permission scopes). Docs here.
TrueVault also offers user logins separate from API keys which may be better suited if your user are using login credentials. Docs here.
I'm still rather figuring out TrueVault myself (at time of writing at least) so be sure to research and review more for your needs. I'm still torn if the limited scoping is "good enough" for my needs - I'm leaning towards using AWS Lambda (or similar) to be a HIPAA compliant middle man, if only to better hide my access token generation and hide that my data is going to TrueVault and add some "serverless-server-side" data validation of sorts.
