Hyperlink Text Clickable in Envelope - docusignapi

I currently have a Proposal template in Salesforce where I'm sending via Docusign through the SF to Docusign API.
Within the Salesforce Proposal, we have a Terms & Conditions statement that links out to the full T&C webpage.
The issue I'm finding is that when a recipient is reviewing the envelope, the T&C link is not clickable. The link only works if they were to download/print the PDF file.
I've tried using custom anchor text tags but that does not seem to work either
Any ideas? Or anyone have a workaround to this?
I've tried using Custom Anchor tags from this documentation but cannot get it to auto-populate on the template or be a hyperlink - https://support.docusign.com/en/articles/How-to-create-a-hyperlink-in-DocuSign

You would have to use responsive signing, such that the signer signs HTML and not PDF
You may need to use the demo env for now to test and work on this.
Here is some documentation of this feature - https://developers.docusign.com/esign-rest-api/guides/responsive-signing/api-overview


Can I add sign here filed to custom pdf and use it for embedded sign later

I have a PDF document. Can I modify it to include SignHere/InitialHere anchor text fields using DocuSign Account through UI and download the PDF in my server and use it later for embedded singing.
Well, I think there are two options here:
You are asking about modifying your PDF. You can do that, but you would have to use some other software/API for this. This would allow you to use AnchorTags with the modified text that you chose.
You could add the SignHere/InitialHere tags via the API when you create the envelope. Here is some code example that can get you started:

Get signer email from a Template Docusign

A little bit of background as to what my goal is and why I need to get the email from the Template (just in case there is a better way):
I added three signers to a docusign template I created, one who is supposed to get the information from my code and two who I have entered their info directly into the email fields. My issue is that when I look at the SDK/API I don't see a way to add the missing email\name and use the default information I added in the Docusign dashboard for the Template.
The solution I came up with was to get a list of the signers from the Template (to add them to the Envelope), but I am not seeing a way to do that in their documentation. Any help provided would be greatly appreciated!
You can get the list of signers from the template using below call
GET /v2/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/recipients
Details are available at, TemplateRecipients: list.

Is there any way to move the 'signature tag' over the page to sign using Docusign?

I have been trying merge DocuSign in my application to make the user sign the documents I upload. Currently DocuSign allows us to add the signature tag at a static location, where we can provide the co-ordinates programmatically.
I would like to have a functionality where the signer can move the Signature tag anywhere over the page and insert the signature at the selected location.
Is there any good way to do this using DocuSign API's. Are there any DocuSign API's currently which do this?
Can anyone help me with this?
You want the signer to have the ability to dynamically position where the signature will go? Just send the document with no tabs at all and the signer will be asked to select the type of signing field (signature, initials, date, etc) and then choose its placement.
However, this is typically not a good UI. Instead, it is better for the sender to pick where the signer should sign. This can also be done dynamically using the "Sender View."
Not entirely sure about the part where the signer can move the tabs. But Anchor-Tabs sound like something that might help. I have asked a question on it a few minutes ago with sample code.
DocusignApi - Attachment with SignHere tab on the third page
The following link might also help.
DocusignAPI - Sign here tabs

Download Docusign Envelope with populated data

I'm trying to download an unsigned envelope form a template.
The URL I'm hitting is https://demo.docusign.net/restapi/v2/accounts/{our account id}/envelopes/{envolopID}/documents/{documentId}. But this returns the empty template instead of the populated template. This seems to be the desired behavior but it looks like it is solvable. There isn't a clear explanation to how it was solved so I figured I'd ask again.
Are you using REST GET Documents to download docs from a DocuSign Envelope or Template? If from an envelope, you can enable the account setting in Features > Display SecureField initial value to all recipients. This will show the burned in initial values on the resulting PDF after the envelope is Sent. Downloading a Template's documents or a Draft (Created) Envelope's documents will not show these values. So if that is what you are trying to do, you'll want to get the tab values using the Get Tab Information for a Recipient call mentioned in the linked solution.

Attachments on iPad in iFrame docusign

I am using iframe to get document signed by clients on ipad. There are attachments as well for each signer, but before attaching the captured image, I want to resize it. Is there a way to resize an image before attaching it with document.
Currently there is no functionality built in to the DocuSign platform that would allow the re-sizing of an attached image, DocuSign is an eSignature company and when they allow attachments on top of the documents that are about to be signed they should not be modified in any way as it could alter important aspects about the legally binding agreement that is being signed.
However I think you might still have a few options here to solve your issue. The two obvious ones that come to mind are:
Get the captured image from your recipients BEFORE they start the signing process.
Use a conditional tab to not allow the recipient to add an attachment unless it's within a certain size.
For the first solution you could use the Embedding feature to design whatever UI around the signing experience you'd like and in that case you can control the order of operations (i.e. have them upload the image first before clicking a button to sign) and you can then resize the image and add it to the envelope.
For the second solution, you could use the radioGroupTabs to add 2 grouped radio buttons to the envelope (so that only one can be checked) and say something like "Check this box if your image is within NxM size" and then the signer attachment tab only shows if they check that box. To do this you can make use of the ConditionalTabs feature.
For more information on Embedding DocuSign please see this page from the DocuSign Developer Center:
Embedding Feature
For more information on Conditional Fields refer to the User Guide (non-api use) and the documentation:
Conditional Fields User Guide
REST API Guide (search for term "conditional")
